After working through the morning (lots of research for a freelance piece!), I was more than ready for a break.
My break came at 1 p.m., as I headed out the door to College Park Orthodontics to check in with my orthodontist to make sure everything was looking okay with my teeth following my treatment with Invisalign.
I wanted to have new retainers made before we move to Ocala, so I booked an appointment and was really looking forward to seeing my orthodontist again. I love her!
My orthodontist got married about a year before me, so I loved visiting her and chatting about everything wedding related during my Invisalign treatment. Then, a couple of months ago, she had a beautiful baby boy. She emailed me pictures and showed me more today and he is the cutest little guy!
My appointment went really well and I will have brand spankin’ new retainers in less than two weeks… in “passion pink.” Yes, I got to pick the color. And yes, I’m 26-years-old and picking the colors of my retainers and the flavors of the gooey stuff they put in your mouth to take the impressions for retainers still excites me.
If you happen to live in Orlando and are in need of a fantastic orthodontist, I highly recommend Dr. Williams. She has degrees from Boston College, Harvard and the University of Florida and is all-around awesome. She’s also offering a promo right now: If you sign up for Invisalign treatment with her before August 1, you get a $50 gift card to Whole Foods or Sports Authority. Sweet deal, huh?
She also offered to do a little giveaway on the blog!
Two readers will receive their choice of one $50 gift card to Whole Foods or Sports Authority, courtesy of College Park Orthodontics.
To enter this giveaway, simply comment on this post in one of two ways:
- Tell me about your experience with braces. How amazing it felt when you got your braces off, how you looked like a total toolbag in junior high because you picked neon rubber bands… Share!
- Tell me which celebrity you think has the best teeth. My vote is for Carrie Underwood.
I will randomly select two winners tomorrow afternoon.
Lunch today was enjoyed en route to the orthodontist. I ate a quesadilla with apple slices and Canadian bacon in the car, so no photo was snapped.
I did snap a photo of dessert though!
After my orthodontist appointment, I stopped by a fro yo place and enjoyed a cup of white chocolate mousse, espresso, triple chocolate and Butterbeer frozen yogurt (can’t WAIT for Harry Potter tomorrow!!!) topped with peanut M&Ms, Golden Grahams, Butterfinger crumbles, yogurt pretzels, cookie dough, cheesecake and brownie bits.
The whole thing was resting in my belly within two minutes of me digging in.
And now I’m blogging away in Starbucks where I plan to spend the remainder of my afternoon.
A realtor has been showing our apartment to prospective tenants this whole week and I had to get out of there. The realtor doesn’t have a key, so I’ve had to be there for every showing and today I finally told her I’d hide her a key because I feel like I’m lying by omission as potential tenants come in and I don’t say anything about the mice. She understands how bad the situation is and I can’t believe they’re trying to rent it out when the problem is so immense.
You better believe I am asking EVERY homeowner about a history of mice before we move in somewhere in Ocala!
And I’m off!
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
I had a mouth full of silly braces in junior high but luckily after those awkward years the big, metal braces came off and I was left with pretty, straight teeth 😀 And if i were to pick, i would say that Julia Roberts has the most beautiful smile!
I had braces twice! From 7th to 9th and 10th to 11th- oh ya- braces till senior year! I had jaw surgery at 15 so I’ve been through my fair share of orthodontist appointments! 🙂
I always liked Rachel McAdams teeth because they’re beautiful, but not perfect. I think the imperfections make us all more beautiful!
I think Scarlett Johansson has the best teeth!
I had braces for 8 years through middle school and high school and am so happy to be done with them!
My funny story is that I wanted braces so bad as a kid that I made my own pretend set. I didn’t want them because of my teeth but because I thought they were cool. My parents couldn’t afford them and I didn’t really need them, so I never got them. My friends with braces always told me how much they hurt and how they didn’t like them, but I still felt very jealous of them! I was just a weird kid I guess.
I like Julia Roberts’ whole smile!
I got lucky because I was about to get my braces in 6th grade before everyone else, so they were still kind of new and cool. By the time everyone else was getting theirs later in middle school, mine were gone! It was awful that nobody at the time could feel my pain!
Thanks Julie! Definitely Tom Cruise…or flava flave 😉
I had braces twice, not getting them off the second time until after I had major jaw surgery (on a liquid diet for about a month – my mom used to blend soups for me so that I could drink them – vegetable beef looked the worst) before starting my sophomore year of college! After having braces for senior prom, graduation, sorority recruitment, my first college formal, etc., I’ve never smiled bigger than when I got them off the summer before sophomore year!
I had to go back to the orthodontist this year for an invisalign consultation and I’ve decided that I like orthodontia a lot more when my parents insurance was covering my treatment!
I can’t wait for Harry Potter either! My braces experience was a nightmare. I had braces for six years and it wasn’t even necessary. I think they just forgot about me…
I had the WORST buck teeth growing up! I was actually excited for braces to fix the Bugs Bunny-ers! However, I was even MORE excited to get them off and get a retainer! I’m a weirdo, I know! I used to make pretend retainers out of the most random stuff! WEIRD-O! I can now proudly say I have grown out of that stage and still have super straight pearly whites! 🙂 🙂
Oh man, I had my braces taken off in middle school and my teeth felt SO slimy! It was such a weird feeling.. BUT! I loved that I was able to eat apples again without making any braces bite marks 😀
I remember changing the colors of the little bands around the brackets to fit whatever holiday was coming up: red/green (alternating by tooth) for Christmas, lime/hot pink/black for watermelon (creative, right?), silver/purple for school.
I never picked yellow because it made your teeth look yellowish, eww.
I’m pretty sure I thought I was so cool, haha.
lets give it up for Boston College! 🙂
*spoken by an upcoming freshman :))
i always chose such obnoxious colors for my braces. looking back, i probably looked like such a fool!! getting them off felt amazing and i thought i was so cool.
I had braces when I was in grade 8 to 10. Terribly painful when I had them on and hurt a bunch I got them tightened! But I got them off eventually and it was great! My teeth were straighter and they polished them up! I didn’t get pick in the color of bands though but I would have picked something really bright and glows in the dark! 😀
I remember having glow in the dark rubber bands. I can’t believe I thought it would be so cool to have my teeth glowing in the dark!
It’s my second time around with braces and I’m 27! Both times clear on top, silver on the bottom. I first had braces the last two years of highschool, they came off right before my senior formal. A couple of years later I got lazy with the retainers and had all my wisdom teeth out so a few top teeth shifted again. Now it is my wedding in 10 weeks and the braces thank heavens will be gone in 6 weeks- right in time to have a perfect smile for my big day!
I was a thumb sucker so my teeth were rockin’ before braces! Thank goodness for them!
Luckily I never had braces…(Thanks Dad!) But, my sister and mom had them twice! I have to say Jennifer Garner to Jennifer Aniston for best teeth!
Like most people, I coordinated with the holidays. Orange and black for Halloween, etc. The worst rubber bands on braces are the white ones. I got those once, and after a spaghetti dinner, they turned a weird orange color. :/
Oh, and my retainer was “rainbow with glitter”. Awesome!
I was very fortunate to never have needed braces. My top teeth are perfectly straight and my bottom are only a bit crowded. That’s due to my wisdom teeth though, which I’ll probably have taken out.
It was lucky too because my mom had braces and my dad has an underbite.
i had braces during middle school – miserable! but i sure do appreciate my straight teeth now!
Speaking of Harry Potter.. he has great teeth! Along with Simon Cowell.
I think Jessica alba!!
I love jennifer garner’s toothy smile!
I had braces my whole middle school career. Then my regular dentist told me I had them on way to long and my teeth are too close together, awesome! Even better I was so done with my teeth when I got my braces off I was a very bad about my retainer and my two bottom teeth got slightly crooked 🙁
Julia Roberts, for best teeth! And I can’t for Harry Potter either!!!!
Hi Julie, I am new to blogging, and LOVE yours. I sometimes come on here to look for different ideas for meals to cook.
Ive thought about getting Invisilign to fix a minor problem with my teeth I had since I was younger but didnt think it was important when I was little. Iwas unsure about it. After reading about your positive experience with Invisilign I think I will look into it!
I would say Jennifer Aniston has the best teeth! And I had braces in the 8th grade and looking back I wish I had stuck with the clear bands!
I actually had braces really young–in 4th grade. I was lucky! I remember the day I got them on (with very colorful bands of course) everyone in my class crowded around and ooh-ed and ahhh-ed over them. I had them off in 5th grade. So it was a quick and painless experience. Although I did have to wear headgear at night. Glad I didn’t have to wear that to school!
I had braces for a few years… not too bad, but was glad to get them off!
I didn’t have a bad experience but remember crying the entire night before they were placed..I knew my junior high crush wouldn’t want anything to o with me with those ugly things on.
I got braces on Halloween in 5th grade… I was so bummed about how much it inhibited my candy intake that night! I got them off two years later and it took me a while to realize that just because my teeth were straight, I shouldn’t necessarily show e-v-e-r-y single one when I smiled. 🙂 I guess I eventually figured it out because I won the “best smile” as my senior superlative in high school!
I never had braces though I always wanted them because everyone else had them. I really like Eva longoria teeth. So pretty!
I had braces before they had colored rubber bands. Just plain old silver, but they were completely nessecary!! I also had some sweet headgear!!
i had the adult braces even though i was only in 4th grade so no colors…boo! I also wore my headgear to an overnight field trip to the museum with my entire class to see!
I currently have Invisalign. I’m about a 1/3 of the way done and it hasn’t been too bad so far. The worst part so far was when they were taking my initial impressions for the trays, they had to do the top 3 times because it kept making a bubble. I miss snacking all throughout the day and often find myself thinking about how much more I’ll probably end up eating when I’m finally done!
believe it or not, I actually WANTED braces…all of my friends had them. Once my older sister’s friend bribed me with a shirt from Texas Tech if I got red bands.
I had the lovely privilege of wearing the full on head-gear. Chin cup and ALL. Thank goodness it was only supposed to be at night. And I think I wore it about twice in total. But it was painful and ugly … and I’m surprised I didn’t get more zits on my chin from that silly chin cup! My teeth have been straight ever since so I’m wondering just how necessary it actually was ……….. hmmmmmmmmmm. 🙂
I fortunately do not have a personal braces story seeing as how I never had to get them (good genes!) however when I was in middle school I for some reason WANTED braces so badly! I guess I thought it was a trend? What a nerd!
Jessica Biel has a lovely grill!
My experience with braces was not a good one, THREE PHASES! … even still my teeth aren’t perfect BUT this is a great giveaway so yay for that!
I wanted braces so so bad – until I actually got them. They are so overrated.
Before I had braces, I had a palate expander, which was the most painful thing. Ever. Google it. It’s awful.
Also, braces were less than great…one time I specifically remember: I got clear bands around them because it made them a little less noticeable. The day after I got the clear bands, I was at a football game and got a hotdog with mustard on it. The bands immediately turned yellow and stayed that awful, disgusting color until I the next time I went to the orthodontist–a few weeks later!
J-Lo! I saw her on tv the other day she has a gorgeous smile!
I think Scarlett Johansson has a fabulous smile. To be honest though, teeth are not something I really pay much attention to!
I had the worst experience with braces…not only did I have them for over 6 years, but I also had a Rapid palatal expander the was in the roof of my mouth to widen my upper jaw. It had to be turned with a key everyday and it hurt. This is what it looked like.…..not sure if they are still around today? I was so excited the day I got my braces off. Couldn’t stop running by tongue over them…lol
ugh HATED MY BRACES … i had to get vertical metal bars on the sides of my mouth for 3 days because they were so dorky my mother yelled at the dentist that it was cruel! hahahahaha
I loved the orthodontist as much as you do!! It felt so great to get them off and my teeth felt soo smooth! I even had the groovy rubberbands and colored bands. I was styling in the 90’s!! 🙂