After working through the morning (lots of research for a freelance piece!), I was more than ready for a break.
My break came at 1 p.m., as I headed out the door to College Park Orthodontics to check in with my orthodontist to make sure everything was looking okay with my teeth following my treatment with Invisalign.
I wanted to have new retainers made before we move to Ocala, so I booked an appointment and was really looking forward to seeing my orthodontist again. I love her!
My orthodontist got married about a year before me, so I loved visiting her and chatting about everything wedding related during my Invisalign treatment. Then, a couple of months ago, she had a beautiful baby boy. She emailed me pictures and showed me more today and he is the cutest little guy!
My appointment went really well and I will have brand spankin’ new retainers in less than two weeks… in “passion pink.” Yes, I got to pick the color. And yes, I’m 26-years-old and picking the colors of my retainers and the flavors of the gooey stuff they put in your mouth to take the impressions for retainers still excites me.
If you happen to live in Orlando and are in need of a fantastic orthodontist, I highly recommend Dr. Williams. She has degrees from Boston College, Harvard and the University of Florida and is all-around awesome. She’s also offering a promo right now: If you sign up for Invisalign treatment with her before August 1, you get a $50 gift card to Whole Foods or Sports Authority. Sweet deal, huh?
She also offered to do a little giveaway on the blog!
Two readers will receive their choice of one $50 gift card to Whole Foods or Sports Authority, courtesy of College Park Orthodontics.
To enter this giveaway, simply comment on this post in one of two ways:
- Tell me about your experience with braces. How amazing it felt when you got your braces off, how you looked like a total toolbag in junior high because you picked neon rubber bands… Share!
- Tell me which celebrity you think has the best teeth. My vote is for Carrie Underwood.
I will randomly select two winners tomorrow afternoon.
Lunch today was enjoyed en route to the orthodontist. I ate a quesadilla with apple slices and Canadian bacon in the car, so no photo was snapped.
I did snap a photo of dessert though!
After my orthodontist appointment, I stopped by a fro yo place and enjoyed a cup of white chocolate mousse, espresso, triple chocolate and Butterbeer frozen yogurt (can’t WAIT for Harry Potter tomorrow!!!) topped with peanut M&Ms, Golden Grahams, Butterfinger crumbles, yogurt pretzels, cookie dough, cheesecake and brownie bits.
The whole thing was resting in my belly within two minutes of me digging in.
And now I’m blogging away in Starbucks where I plan to spend the remainder of my afternoon.
A realtor has been showing our apartment to prospective tenants this whole week and I had to get out of there. The realtor doesn’t have a key, so I’ve had to be there for every showing and today I finally told her I’d hide her a key because I feel like I’m lying by omission as potential tenants come in and I don’t say anything about the mice. She understands how bad the situation is and I can’t believe they’re trying to rent it out when the problem is so immense.
You better believe I am asking EVERY homeowner about a history of mice before we move in somewhere in Ocala!
And I’m off!
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
I wish I had braces! My family couldn’t afford them (womp) and my mom said because my top teeth are fine it doesn’t matter. Um, my bottom teeth are so jacked up it’s not even funny. As soon as I have a stable income, I am getting Invisalign!!! Also, you can imagine how mad I was when my parents paid for both my younger brothers to have braces… so not fair.
I had braces for about 3 years… not the most fun but now I’ve got pretty teeth!
as much as i hated the braces – and the HORRIBLE headgear – it was the best money my parents ever spent. a perfect set of straight, white teeth makes any picture amazing!! 🙂
I had braces in high school, and sadly was a naughty girl about wearing my retainers. So when I was 21 I decided to take a leap of faith and get them on again, but this time I chose the porcelain brackets. I think the funniest responses I had to my braces came from kiddos. One of my 3 year olds in Sunday school was terrified by them, my students with special needs used opportunities when I was face level to poke my mouth to see what the heck I had goin’ on in there, and my speech kiddos would ask the who, what, where, when, and why about the utilities on my “teef”. Kids sure have the ability to make fun out of everyday bothers 🙂
That froyo looks sooo yummy!!
I never had braces!!! 🙂
I think Blake Lively and Jennifer Aniston have the most gorgeous teeth! I wonder though if these celebrities with gorgeous teeth ever has braces, etc. Hmmm?!!?
I had braces so long ago that we did not have a color choice and the bands were silver! I like Tom Cruise’s teeth.
I had the fugliest teeth! But only had braces for exactly one yr! I always picked purple and orange bands! I agree Halle Does have great teeth!
I got my braces right at the end of 8th grade. Yep, right when kids are at their most awkward stage – right before high school, right before “real” dates, right before the first Homecoming dance. Ugh. And the kicker? They were only supposed to be on for 1.5 years, but they didn’t ended up coming off until the summer before my senior year. Ick.
Yup! I had braces when I was a kiddo, and I sure did pick out colored bands every time. My experience with braces was pretty good so I can’t complain!
I never had braces, I had invisalign so I’ll go with question two…I have to agree Carrie Underwood has great teeth, and I also think Jessica Biel has great teeth too! 🙂
I’ve never had braces, but used to lie that I had because I wanted to be part of the braces club. I vote for Britney Spears for the celebrity with the best teeth.
Ryan Renyolds has the best teeth. But by default he has the best everything!
Did not wear braces, Sister got them as parents could only afford for one of us…and back then , you did not get color rubber bands, just plain rubber band color…what color is that..light brownish? Blondish? LOL!
I think Angie Harmon has great teeth, and Julia Roberts!
I never had braces, just a sweet hot pink retainer (which I managed to throw out on my school lunch tray at least 2 times a semester in middle school). Hm, in terms of perfect celeb teeth, I’m going to have to go with Beyonce…I think she has a gorgeous smile!
I had braces in Middle School. At all of our school dances there were black lights everywhere. I thought it would be super cool to get the glow in the dark rubber bands. Those, paired with my all white outfit, made for quite the look in the glow of the black lights. ;o)
Oh man was I a mess in High School. I had braces but I couldn’t just stop there. I had neon pink bands and I would change them with the holiday’s. Red, white and blue for the forth of July, Orange and Black for Halloween, Green and Red for Christmas. It wasn’t a pretty site!
I had braces for almost 4 years throughout high school and I can say finally getting them off was the best thing in the WORLD! I loved getting all the fun colors for the rubberbands though … holiday or sports related were always the way to go.
Agree with you about Carrie Underwood…her smile is amazing! I never had braces, but the hubby had horrible experiences with orthodontist, so I’m glad found a good one, Julie!
I had my braces on twice. From the summer before 7th grade to the summer before 9th grade, and then again until the winter of 10th grade. My mom wasn’t happy with my teeth the first time…I guess my bite was off. This might sound weird, but for over three years those braces were a big part of me..I was kind of sad when they had to come off, haha. Oh, but it hurt so bad when they were tightened. I hate the sound of pliers now, because it reminds me of my wire being cut!
I’m going to have to go with Katherine Heigl…..#1 bc she is my FAVORITE and #2 she also did invisalign and her teeth look great now!
I had my braces on for four years. All through middle school and my freshman year of high school.
So the day I go them finally taken off was awesome! Not only did I have a mouth free of metal, my mom surprised me with tickets to the Justin Timberlake concert that was THAT NIGHT. Needless to say, it was a great day. 🙂
I think Anna Paquin has the best teeth. I love that she has a cute gap that gives her smile personality!
I always had teal blue and purple bands on my braces! So ridiculous! Haha but I clearly remember the day I got them off…right before I started 9th grade thank goodness.
I actually got my braces on when I was in 3rd grade, and off in 6th. But my ortho. didn’t do rubberbands-I was crushed!!
I like Kate Hudson’s teeth.
I needed braces when I was younger but was concerned at the expense to my mom (my twin sister needed them too). I really wish I’d gotten it taken care of then. Definitely interested in Invisalign.
I chose lavender bands and loved them! One week later I ate one of these carmel apple lollipops (even though I wasn’t supposed to) and it turned those beautiful bands neon green in some spots! It was so embarassing but I had to leave it because there was no way I was going to tell my orthodontist that I had been eating a chewy lollipop!!
Omg I hated having braces! I got them when I was in 7th grade and didn’t get them off til the summer before sophomore year of high school. I felt like such a d-bag my freshman year- and even had my first kiss with them :(. Womp that was a bad one…but not bc of the braces- he kind of ate my face haha. I was and still am so happy that I have them off!
I used to coordinate my rubber band colors depending on what holiday was coming up. But towards the end of my time with braces, I stuck with the silver .. I didn’t want those awful things standing out any more than they already did. And then my retainer was blue with silver sparkles!
Hi Julie,
I currently have invisligns and about to start training for a half marathon. I was wondering if you had the braces while you were training for a 1/2 and how you dealt with fueling during long runs. I am not sure how to stay fueled without taking my braces out!
Ohhh braces & rubber bands! Yikes…I had horrible teeth, but I must say getting to pick various colors of rubber bands did make it a tad easier. Well, that is until I opened my mouth too wide and they snapped in my mouth, or worse, flew out and hit a cute boy in the face.
Needless to say, I was awkward in middle school.
I still wear my retainer every night that I got when I got my braces off more than 10 years ago! I’m determined to never go through the braces torture again.
Funny thing- I’m planning on going to dental school and I hope to become an orthodontist in the future!! Anyways I guess I’ll tell you about my experience with braces as a kid. So I was actually that one weirdo who liked wearing braces! (I thought they made me look cool- silly me ;p) I also was an obsessive brusher. I brushed my teeth all the time because I didn’t want my teeth to look nasty after I got my braces off! And I was such a meticulous brusher too. Sometimes I would spend 20-30 minutes brushing those darn pearly whites!
Great giveaway! Hmm… I guess Jessica Biel has pretty good teeth. I have never really thought about a celebrity’s teeth, lol!
Truth be told, I have never had braces and I like my own teeth pretty darn well! =D
In the two years that I had braces, I never had an issue with them–despite eating all of the “forbidden” foods! I see that as a major feat 😉
What a great giveaway!!
I have never had braces, but my daughter does — does that count!? 😛 She’s in middle-school and thought they would look cool (don’t ask) — she’s rethinking that now, after having them for over a year, ha!
I had to get EIGHT teeth pulled before I could get my braces, which were then on for four years – you’d better believe I was happy to get them off! But I also picked colour-coded elastics for the holidays – green and red for Christmas, black and oranger for Hallowe’en, etc. Loved it!
I had braces for 3.5 years and hated every moment! I even had headgear that went around my neck and clipped into my back molarrs, I thought it was cool at first and wore it to school. That didn’t last long before I was made fun of and decided to only wear it at night! 🙂 I am so grateful I had braces now though, straight teeth make a huge difference!! 🙂
I had braces all thoughout highschool, it stunk big time. Even though she is super annoying Audrina Patridge’s teeth are amazing
no braces for me (yes I know I am super lucky)
Fav celeb smile… Matt Damon 😀
i had braces from 4th to 5th grade…picking out the color of my rubberbands was always the best part. 🙂 and my retainer has a watermelon design on it!
a week before my freshman year school pictures, i decided to get rainbow colored rubberbands (my braces were very new….and stayed on until summer before senior year- EW) . So my mom had to call for an emergency appointment to get my rubber bands changed to silver so I wouldn’t have rainbow looking teeth for my first year of high school pictures!
I never had braces but I do remember when I had to get all 4 wisdom teeth removed at the same time and they were all compacted in my gums! Not fun!
Celebrity with the best teeth : Halle Berry!!! Gorgeous!
Don’t hate me, but I never had to have braces! I always feel bad for my students when they get them, but I always tell them it’s good they are getting them now and hopefully they will be off before high school!
I had invisalign as well – for 3 years! It was originally supposed to be for a year, but my ortho wanted to do a lot of fine tuning. I’m SO happy with the results 🙂
I had a countdown going as it got closer to the time to get them off. i was so excited. i made my mom stop on the way home and got a big pack of bubblegum!
oh, and i totally still wear my retainers on occassion. my husband loves to make fun of how i talk with them in!
i had the WORST rubber bands experience ever: i was super diligent about wearing them because i wanted to get it all over with ASAP. wellll, i ended up *overcorrecting* my bite, and had to wear braces for 2 extra months because of it!
I got braces in 8th grade. Although they made my teeth straight, they also made them super sensitive to cavaties! I went from having 0 to having like 10 in a row! Not cool!
Omg I LOVE this post! Not only am I starting dental school in the fall (hence my extreme interest in tooth-related topics) but I just walked in a whole foods store for the first time yesterday while waiting for a bridal store next to it to open – and loved it btw! As for answering your question, I had braces for 3 years in middle amd high school but never had to wear rubber bands. I did enjoy picking out the colors for my braces and retainer although if I could do it again I would reconsider the glow in the dark option – kinda freaked my dog and younger sister out. Lol!
I was the first one in school to get braces…so I thought they were really cool! haha…I was definitely happy to have them off before everyone too!