On Friday night, Chase asked if we could make sprinkle cookies at home and proved, once again, that sometimes three-year-olds have the very best ideas.
I swear by Martha Stewart’s Cookies cookbook when it comes to fool-proof cookie recipes so we followed her sugar cookie recipe before rolling the dough in rainbow sprinkles and baking them in the oven. (The recipe we followed is also available online and it’s fantastic! I omit the lemon juice and lemon zest every time and they’re still great.)
I love this sugar cookie recipe because it tells you to lightly flatten the cookies before baking which is the perfect job for a kid in the kitchen! Can you tell Chase had a hand in these bad boys!?
Saturday morning began with a bit of a “mom brain” moment. On Saturday morning, I headed off to an early morning boot camp class while Ryan took the boys and Sadie on a walk. Clearly I haven’t been to a weekend boot camp workout in months because I thought the class started at 8:30 a.m. when it really began thirty minutes before. I was so confused as to why people were outside running when I parked my car and then I quickly realized my mistake. Whoops!
I headed back home and figured I should make the most of the solo time I had and completed a quick and sweaty garage leg workout that looked like this:
I finished things off with one final burn in the form of a single round of my mini band booty workout.
Holy cow that one is a serious burner!!! My butt was on fire! (Fun fact: I think I was right around 16 weeks pregnant when we took the pics for that workout! I was trying my best to hide my bump since our news was still a secret.)
After my workout, I hopped in the shower to rinse off and as I got dressed everyone arrived back home. The only real thing we had on our agenda for Saturday was a much-needed haircut for Chase, so I nursed Ryder and then we headed off to Snip-Its in Birkdale Village.
I totally forgot that Monday is the first day back at school for many of the schools in our area and apparently everyone wanted a back-to-school haircut so we had a solid 45 minutes to kill before Chase’s appointment. We easily passed the time with some playtime at the park and a visit to Clean Juice for smoothies.
Chase earned a lollipop after his haircut — blue, of course — and left Snip-Its looking at least five years older. How does that always happen after a haircut!?
We arrived home ready for lunch and made sandwiches before Ryan put Chase down for a nap and I did my best to soothe Ryder who couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to eat, play or sleep. It was an “I only want to sleep and eat and snuggle with Mama” kind of afternoon in newborn baby land, so that’s what we did for the better part of Saturday afternoon while Chase slept.
The weather took a turn for the worse in the late afternoon on Saturday which had our family craving a cozy night in with a movie. Earlier in the week, I ordered The Lion King on DVD for us so the timing was pretty perfect and we all snuggled up on the couch to watch Simba! We fast forwarded through some of the scarier parts for Chase but he loved the movie and thought Timon and Pumbaa were hilarious.
One of the things I didn’t anticipate about becoming a parent was the joy I’d get from reliving some of my favorite childhood traditions, movies, games, recipes and activities with our little ones but it really is an underrated aspect of being a mom. I mean I cannot remember the last time I sat down to watch The Lion King but it felt like a treat to be able to do it with my own kids!
Sunday morning began with the early morning church service! After our first positive experience with church childcare under our belt two weeks ago, I was much less anxious about turning Ryder over to the sweet volunteers. The woman who was holding Ryder when we came to pick him up said he did so well but that she could tell he is a breastfed baby because when he woke up, he turned into her chest to try to nurse. Ha! (I made sure to feed him in the parking lot before we headed home.)
Once we made it home, we ate an early lunch and then headed out for a quick walk with Sadie around our neighborhood before Chase’s nap. Ryder snoozed the whole time and it felt so nice to be outside! Temperatures hovered in the low 80s so it wasn’t as hot as it has been around here lately which felt like a treat!
We spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for the week ahead which looked like random household chores, meal prep and laundry. I also spent a little time on Pinterest because I’m dying to do a very minor master bedroom update. We’re not talking and big changes but just little things like swapping out our IKEA dressers that are falling apart for some updated furniture and changing some of the accent colors. Our bedroom walls are gray so it’s a pretty easy base to work with and I definitely want to keep things calm and neutral. I’ll definitely share before/after pictures if anything comes to fruition. We’ll see!!
I hope you guys all have a great week and appreciate you stopping by the blog today!
What a fun regular weekend 🙂 I love those kind! I agree about reliving our childhood through our children. So, so fun. Have you ever shared a house tour? I’d love to see your house and decorations 🙂 I think I remember your office but maybe I missed the others. Have a great week!!
The Lion King is one of our favorites, too! But yes, there are several parts that are a little too intense for my two year old as well. It’s so fun to see how those Disney movies transcend generations!! True classics. Glad you all had a good weekend and Ryder did so well in childcare at church. That was such a battle with my first, I’m hoping this next babe will take to others just a liiiittle bit quicker!
Regular weekends are the best!! Yours sounded fantastic!! We spent yesterday outside, as well (we also live in Charlotte!). Not sure if you’ve ever been down to Riverwalk in Rock Hill, SC, but we ventured over there and it was super fun and pretty! They have a new restaurant called Pump House that overlooks the river. Food was fantastic!!! And, of course, there are tons of walking trails. Hope you have a great week, Julie!!
Thank you for this recommendation! We are always on the lookout for places to explore close to us!!
I love normal weekends too! My hubby had a seminar all weekend so I was busy running errons by myself. ?? I’d love to see your bedroom makeover! Our room definitely needs some life put into it but I haven’t been able to figure out what I want to do yet.
P.S. I’m so jealous you guys can come home during the day and walk Sadie! By the time I wake up in the mornings (which isn’t late at all) it’s already too hot here to walk the pups. Their feet would burn!
What a fun regular weekend, Julie! Reliving some of my favorite childhood memories is something I am so excited about when we do have children. I mean, I totally still do “childish” things anyways, like have so many stuffed animal loveys, watch Disney movies, dance and sing around, etc….but at least when we have children I will have an excuse 😉 haha! I hope you have a great week! Xoxo
Regular weekends are the best! We have a 2 year old and 4 week old over here, so it feels impossible to get ANYTHING productive accomplished, but oh well 🙂 Redecorating and Pinterest shopping sounds like a pretty perfect weekend to me!
Looks like a great weekend! I love seeing the regular weekends too. I need to check out the Martha Stewart cookies cookbook. My current cookie recipes are limited to chocolate chip and the same old sugar cookie recipe I’ve been using for years.
That cookbook is my go-to for cookie recipes! Every single recipe I’ve tried from that one is a winner!!
Ah, Julie! You have to share what you end up doing in your master bedroom because I am craving some updates in ours as well. For some reason, it’s always last on my priority list to update. Maybe because very few other people see it? I don’t know, but our hand-me-down furniture and mega cheap bedding needs. to. go. LOL.
I totally get that!! Our living room bothers me as well and I keep thinking I should do that one first since more people see it but we spend more time in our bedroom so that is taking priority. I hope to have something to share sooner rather than later!
I love regular weekends!!!
Ok, so help me out on how to sneak away for a workout while breast-feeding! lol. Do you nurse right before you leave? Also, which sports bras are your favorites? My little one is 8 weeks old and I’m ready to start working on Me!
Yes!! I haven’t started pumping yet so it’s allllll about timing! Nursing right before I leave and trying to be flexible about timing is key! Hopefully pumping and getting Ryder to take a bottle will make it a little easier. 🙂
How fun is it for you to say “my boys” now? Must get you in the feels! (Like all big life stages – like when you first start saying “my husband/wife” – i.e. “my son/daughter” and now “my boys” – it’s fun.)
Glad you had such a “normal” weekend – I did that band workout back in the day, it really burns! Gonna have to revisit it!
Hope you have an awesome week!
I live my life in “regular” mode…so I’m a definite fan! So much so that when I do have plans it makes me a tad anxious! Ugh, that could get to be a problem LOL.
Man, Chase is gonna know his way around in a kitchen in no time! Good job Mom! Those cookies look fantastic, and I love that he asks for them by name…so cute.
I LOVE regular!! In fact, I look forward to it! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Julie,
Delighted you and your family were able to have a regular weekend! What an inspiration you are from a fitness standpoint. (And a mom standpoint, a cooking standpoint, an organization standpoint…)
Admittedly, I may have driven home after the class mix up and then taken a seat on the couch. Kudos to you for working out!
Just loving all of the pictures of the boys!
The movie info reminded me that I need to order Moana and Coco.
Hope you are having an awesome week.
That sounds like a great low key weekend! I cant wait to see your bedroom update. I need a low key weekend right about now …. Lots of weddings and fun things I have but when there back to back events I cant wait for a break!