It’s about that time!
As soon as I hit publish on this post, we’re off to Savannah for the start of our race weekend!
Since we will be sitting in the car for many hours today, Ryan and I knew we’d feel antsy if we didn’t do something active before hitting the road, so we went to the gym for a very light workout.
I did 20 minutes on the elliptical at a nice, low level before doing a few upper body exercises in the weight room:
- Mac raises
- Incline bicep curls
- Upright rows
- Tricep extensions
- Front shoulder raises
- Tricep pull downs
Then it was shower and breakfast time!
Today’s breakfast concentrated on wholesome carbohydrates and included a whole wheat bagel topped with Swiss cheese and jelly and a small batch of overnight oats.
I think this will hold me over for a few hours until we stop for lunch.
After breakfast, I finally started packing. Though I made my packing list yesterday, I put off the actual act of packing until this morning because I hate packing with a passion.
For some reason packing turns into a big ordeal for me and I feel the need to try on everything before I actually pack it. Ryan just laughed when he walked into our bedroom three different times and found me in three different outfits.
It was just one of those days where nothing felt quite right, so I made sure to pack a “backup” outfit (or three) for Saturday night’s dinner plans.
I also went through some of my drawers looking for “throwaway” clothes to wear in the cold weather before the race starts. (Apparently all of the clothes that are discarded by runners will be donated to charity.) I found a few things, but I’m kind of attached to them, so I’m hoping we randomly drive by a Goodwill on our way to Savannah so I can run in and grab something cheap.
We all know Goodwill has some wonderful little gems on their racks. (Perhaps you remember the amazing Fourth of July skort?)
I’m getting the “wrap it up” signal from Ryan, so off we go.
See ya from Savannah!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated this morning.
Good luck on your Half!! Me and my best friend will be in Savannah on a little trip starting Monday! It’s so beautiful! You will do great!