Today I incorporated a big handful of the honey ‘n’ flax flavor into my lunch .
Last night I prepped an acorn squash by piercing it before microwaving it for 5 minutes on one side and three minutes on the other. I used all the yummy flesh in my acorn squash salad today. I added several scoops of homemade cranberry relish for extra sweetness.
My afternoon snack is more Pumpkorn. I think I’ll be digging into my sea salt Pumpkorn sooner rather than later… not because I’m hungry, but because I’m obsessed.
Have you ever tried pumpkin butter? What’s your favorite kind of nut butter?
On random foodie Web sites I’ve seen pumpkin butter for sale and have always wanted to try it. Sounds delicious to me. My favorite nut butter is… duh… peanut butter!
I really love the honey nut peanut butter grinding machine at Whole Foods where you can grind your own honey nut peanuts into the most amazingly creamy and sweet nut butter. Whoa, is that a puddle of drool I see on my desk?
Peanut Butter Fingers Confession
I have an embarrassing peanut butter confession. About two weeks ago I was eating one too many peanut butter fingers. Ryan was about to leave for a soccer game and I thrust the peanut butter jar at him and told him to hide it from me so I wouldn’t eat the whole dang jar.
Let me just say I am one of the most curious people in the world. I’ve always tried to find my Christmas presents before Christmas (sometimes I’ve succeeded!). Ryan actually hid my engagement ring in his car for fear I’d find it. (Disclaimer: I don’t snoop unless I know someone’s planning to give something to me. I just wanna know what it is NOW!)
Anyway, about an hour after Ryan left for his soccer game, I felt my curiosity kick in. I promise you it wasn’t just another peanut butter craving (believe me I know how to identify this feeling). I knew he hid the peanut butter jar in the spare room of our apartment. After some digging, I found it in his closet and rewarded myself with another peanut butter finger! 😀
Naturally I placed the jar back in the closet and shut the door to hide my embarrassing lack of control over my own curiosity. When Ryan went to change after his shower he immediately said “Hm… someone found the peanut butter!”
Caught! Ah! Apparently I didn’t place the jar back in the closet exactly as I’d found it. Note to fellow snoopers: return your finding exactly as you found it. Don’t get so excited about enjoying another peanut butter finger that you place the jar in the closet vertically when you found it horizontally. I’m so embarrassing.
Your story was cracking me up! I am that way with certain foods as well…mainly granola! I haven’t ever had pumpkin butter, but I love apple butter so I am certain that pumpkin butter would be another great addition to my diet! HAHA! My favorite kind of nut butter is definitely peanut butter as well…although almond butter runs a very close second!!
oh yeah granola is definitely another one of those foods that makes me wanna keep eating and eating… ice cream is my worst one though!
I also love the honey nut grinder at Whole Foods! That’s my fave!!
hahaha too funny!
I refuse to try the honey nut grinder because I do not want the financial commitment of buying 50 pounds of it every month 🙂
I tried pumpkin butter over Thanksgiving! My mother in law had it out with Carr’s crackers…not the best combo. I brought back sweet potato butter from Virginia, and it’s even better! Almond butter and sweet potato butter on kashi honey sesame crackers is my favorite snack right now!
Favorite nut butter = raw almond butter. But I also love pumpkin seed butter, pecan butter, walnut butter, brazil nut butter, cashew butter, pistachio butter, hazelnut butter… I’m a nut butter fanatic 😀
ooooh hazelnut butter sounds fabulous!
i can’t believe i wasn’t following your blog sooner.. i love it!! i just read your story & think you are absolutely stunning 🙂 i hope you don’t think this is weird but i seriously look up to you as inspriation because you seem so well balanced & healthy and i hope to one day get to the point you are at!
ps- congrats on the engagement— adorable!
thank you so much for such a thoughtful comment, shelley. 😀 i’m heading to your blog right now…
hahaha hilarious!
Hahaha! 🙂 You are too funny!! I had Andrew hide all of my nut butters for a week and I had MAJOR withdrawals!! I was trying to see if I might be allergic b/c I had an odd rash on my face… anyway, Worst week… haha 😉
haha at least you had a legitimate reason to hide ’em! i just lost control. pb will do that to me!
Your confession is TOO FUNNY! Can’t say I wouldn’t have done the exact same thing;)
I LOVE pumpkin butter…on toast, in yogurt, in oats….I really like William’s Sonoma pecan pumpkin butter, but Harry and David makes a good one and so does Trader Joes!
Your meals always look so good! The squash mixture sounds absolutely delicious!
do not feel bad about the peanut butter. I can seriously eat a whole jar in a week. seriously. we need to both join PBA (peanut butter anonymous)
sign me up!
i love grinding my own PB at whole foods too! and the almond butter machine is amazing too!
cute story, you always gotta put things RIGHT back where you found them! lucky for me, my BF doesn’t pick up on tiny details like that, i am sure he wouldn’t notice if I put it back on another shelf in the closet lol 🙂
You too funny!!
I have literally done the same thing threw the jar at my boyfriend demanding he hide it from me because I have become dangerous and out of control. Good to know I’m not the only one 😉