Hello and good morning to you! How was your weekend? My weekend kicked off in the most amazing way… with a two hour nap. I slept from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday night and it was unbelievable. I think the intense lack of sleep throughout the week finally caught up to me on Friday because I was seriously cranky. I was annoyed at everything and everyone and knew my irritability was fueled by exhaustion. I finally decided to try pumping for the first time on Friday morning and knowing a bottle was available for Ryan or my mom to feed Chase if he needed it allowed me to nap soundly for two glorious hours on Friday.
I woke up feeling like a new woman and ate dinner before we all headed back to bed around 9 p.m. Chase also slept the best he had all week on Friday night, so our weekend began on a fantastic note. Sleep is a rejuvenating wonder, my friends.
Adventures In Baby Wearing
Chase had us up at 5:30 a.m. on Saturday morning and after some playtime on his activity mat, Ryan and I headed out on a morning walk with the pup and the baby! Since Chase was still pretty excitable before our walk, I decided to try wearing him in my Baby K’Tan carrier since I assumed he’d resist riding in the car seat in his stroller if he was so awake.
Edited to add: Apparently Chase is still too small for the front-facing position in the K’Tan, as his dangling legs could possibly cause hip issues. I didn’t realize this ahead of time and appreciate the two kind readers who let me know that this could be an issue. I wanted to edit this post just in case anyone caring for a small baby out there happened to see this picture and might also be unaware. We’ll definitely be more cautious in the future. I still have a lot to learn!
(Thank you to Brittany and Alyssa who gave me the K’Tan at my baby shower!)
Chase loves facing out in the K’Tan, though I have to support his head with my hand since he’s still so small and doesn’t have much neck control. (I am hoping the Ergo360 I ordered over the weekend will be a bit better for hiking than the K’Tan, though I am really enjoying the K’Tan for baby wearing right now.)
Well, about halfway through our walking loop, the clouds opened up and it started raining heavily on us. Thankfully we had the stroller with us just in case and I had a blanket packed that I draped over Chase. He fell asleep about five minutes into our walk and remained asleep as Ryan and I scrambled to find shelter from the rain. It was quite an adventure at 6:30 a.m.!
Saturday + Sunday
The rest of our weekend wasn’t quite as eventful at our 6 a.m. mad dash out of the rain, but it did include a lot of time outside and plenty of baby cuddles. I spent hours catching up on some things on my to-do list, including writing thank you notes to the friends and family who sent us thoughtful gifts following Chase’s birth. I also got a little crafty and decorated a few fabric patches to send away to be a part of a quilt for one of my best friends’ sweet baby.
The highlight of the day on Sunday occurred in the late morning when we took Chase out for a few hours on the boat!
The weather was fantastic and the breeze on the lake kept all of us cool… but not too cool that we opted out of a swim. This was my first time swimming in the lake this year without a baby in my belly and it felt so strange! It was weird to not have Chase in my belly floating along with me. I guess I got used to swimming (<— more like floating) with a pregnant belly! Chase didn’t seem to like his infant life jacket, but was a trooper about everything. He thankfully snoozed during most of our boating adventure, with a few little nursing breaks sprinkled in the mix.
Boating took a lot out of us, so we spent the majority of what was left of our Sunday on the couch.
My favorite trio! (P.S. Doesn’t Sadie look ginormous in that pic!?)
I hope you guys are enjoying your weekend so far and if you have the day off today, I hope you’re having fun and relaxing. Thanks for checking in this morning!
He’s so cute! He’s too small to be facing outward though and his legs should not be dangling like that, it can cause hip issues. They should be tucked up next to him like a frog. Knees above hips. Find a local baby wearing group for some pointers, so you are both safe and comfortable.
Thank you for the tip!! I had no idea. I still have a lot to learn and will definitely do more research on this!
Babywearing Faith has great videos on her YouTube channel on how to wear your baby safely.
So excited that you guys are finally getting out of the house a bit more!
I just want to caution you on wearing Chase facing out, it’s really not great on their little hips to do it very much and I would only do it in the Ergo360 since it essentially creates a little seat but really would encourage you to wait until he’s older – I think the carrier gives a weight/age range for front facing and it’s 6-9 months if memory serves. Obviously you guys should do what’s comfortable for you but I know sometimes we see people doing things and figure it’s no big deal without realizing.
I just wanted to share that in case you didn’t know! You have such a beautiful family and I love reading about how you guys are adjusting to becoming parents! 😉
I really had no idea this could be an issue and appreciate the insight, Morgan! I’ll update the post to caution others against wearing babies like this too early. Thanks for letting me know in such a kind way!
No problem! It’s so hard to know whether or not to say anything – definitely don’t want to upset anyone but there is so much we don’t know as new parents 🙂
Julie, props to being so gracious with the feedback. I found YouTube videos helpful when learning how to wear my infant. And yes to the above, please don’t wear him facing out yet (and arguably not ever depending on your research on hip issues)
I need to check out the videos! The pics I found online can be so confusing! Thanks for the tip!
Oh I really appreciate it! I want to keep Chase as safe as possible!
This same thing happened to me when our daughter was a baby. I had no idea it wasn’t safe for her hips to face outward and did it because she seemed to like to look around. A friend posted a comment on a picture I posted and After researching and going to a local baby wearing group found what carrier worked best for both of us and was safe for her growing little body. Your doing great Julie!
You have the best readers, Julie! Those who pointed out the forward-facing concern were very thoughtful and respectful. I expected you to be lambasted with hatred. It’s so nice to see women supporting women, instead of tearing each other down! As a new mama myself (my little guy just turned 3 months), I have done my fair share of things that are deemed “wrong,” and I always appreciate kind insight, rather than being made to feel like a complete idiot jeopardizing the safety of my baby!
You will LOVE the Ergo360. I use mine for everything! Since Chase is still just a peanut, you may want to get the infant insert, too. He will outgrow it pretty quick, but it is really convenient for when the babe is still so little. Good luck!!
Yes, definitely wait to wear him facing out. He should have great head control before that is an option. 🙂 Happy babywearing!
If you get the infant insert you can have him all cuddled while wearing him in the Ergo 360, obviously facing forward that way no need to support his head!
Sounds like a fun weekend! Glad you got some sleep 🙂
Also since Chase is still so young, I would definitely suggest putting him inward facing until he has proper head support. He has plenty of time to outward face as he gets older but I think it’s helpful to get a baby used to inward facing while they’re still tiny because it’s a position that’s much more useful for long term wear. It’s way easier on your back as he gets bigger and it allows the baby to fall asleep and rest his head on your chest, something he can’t do outward facing. Plus it’s just so cozy especially when they’re so tiny to have them snuggled up against you. You could probably wear him like that in your Ktan but I’d HIGHLY suggest the Solly Baby wrap! It’s seriously awesome!!
Thanks for this post! We are still working on baby wearing with my 6 month old….she was a preemie so it was easy to carry her all over the place, not that she’s bigger I need to get her used to being in a carrier!! We really like the Tula carrier and I also have an Ergo as well!
I’m so glad you were able to get in that long nap! I’m pretty sure naps should be included as one of the wonders of the world 😉 . Chase is just the cutest little nugget!
That nap must have been incredible. Chase is too cute!
I LOVE baby wearing, my little Lucy was (and still is) a peanut (5 lbs 7 oz at birth, and just 11 lbs at 6.5 months!) I have the baby K’Tan and wore her in the Kangaroo position for 4.5 months! I’d recommend wearing Chase that way… He’ll be all snuggly and probably nap really well! He’s a cutie patootie!
That last photo is so precious! All three snoozing away!
Good times, except for the rain dash! My goodness!
We are currently waiting for the rain to end here so we can get out and enjoy the rest of this holiday weekend.
What a fun weekend! Chase is getting so big and is sooooo precious!
which infant life vest do you have? we’ve been looking for one and they all seem huge!
If I did 90% of what my mother did when we were kids I wouldbe under investigation by children’s aid.
1. Napped one hour in morning and afternoon OUTSIDE … even in December. (My parents lived in 3rd floor with no balcony so mom put me in backyward of building and watched from kitchen window).
2. Took me home from hospital on her lap … no car seats for any trip any where any time.
3. Dad put me in basket on bicycle and went for a ride ALL THE TIME.
4. Let me swim (we lived on a lake) whenever I wanted from age five on, ALONE. … I had to blow a whistle every 15 minutes so she’d know I was alive — not that it was any comfort having her watch me in person as she cannot swim.
5. Walked to school on in use railroad tracks alone from grade one on as my sister refused to walk with me as I “wasn’t cool enough for her”
6. Had to be home once the sun set (no street lights as we were outside the city!)
7. Put me in the playpen WITHOUT SPF 9000 on me.
8. Cough syrup to help me sleep? ALL THE TIME … that and donnatol (sp? A pheno-barb that the doctor prescribed to help me sleep! It would make a horse sleep!)
9. Baby aspirin … no worries about Reye’s symdrome.
10. TRUE FAMILY LEGEND we have? My dad ayt age four walked to the funeral home at midnight (he just went out from door … they lived in town …) to visit his grandpa and spent the night there … funeral director called his mom at 8 am to say he was there … she didn’t even realize he was missing!!!)
Times change …
I’ve got a 7 week old and have just started pumping. I love that I can give my husband a bottle and take a long shower or nap and not feel guilty. He likes it too because it gives him a different way to bond with baby. We have the Ergo Performance and have used it a couple times on hikes. We love it and baby seems to like it too!
Chase is such a cutie!!! What a beautiful family 🙂
Awww! What a lovely picture of your little family. Just adorable! 🙂
I just registered for the K’Tan and am hoping my newborn will like it as well. Glad to hear you have the wrapping positions all figured out now. I would also be cautious of Chase spending too much time in his car seat on long walks. Keeping newborns in a reclined position for a long period of time has been shown to cause them to develop a flat head and develop poor muscle tone as they grow. Many strollers have bassinet attachments that you can use on long walks. Or of you do decide to go on a long walk make sure he gets extra time stretched out out of the carrier.
I’m glad a few people piped in about the K’Tan wearing, I was thinking the same thing about the hips and neck control.. I wore my daughter facing in, kangaroo style in the K’Tan until she had complete neck control (3 months or so?). The ergo also has a newborn insert we used until we felt comfortable with her legs dangling (4 months or so). You’re doings great job!! Too bad babies don’t co e with a manual right? The K’Tan user guide that came with has great ways to wear as baby grows too.
Babywearing is SO confusing!! even with all the videos online, it’s still tricky to get the hang of it! Luckily you seem to have received sweet helpful comments about it 😉 He looks so sweet in these photos and has the cutest little cheeks!
Such a nice way to spend the weekend! And Sadie does look pretty big in that pic… 🙂
Glad others chimed in about the forward-wearing; I’m sure Chase is just fine, though, since you were being careful. Baby-wearing can be so confusing!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Love the pic of Sadie and “her boys” on the couch. 🙂
You are so gracious in your post update. You are a sweet new mama and learning so many new things! I love Kacia’s blog and all her suggestions/ideas about baby-wearing. She’s coconutrobot on Instagram and http://www.coconutrobot.com
It looks like you had a great weekend! You have such a cute family!
Others may have mentioned this, but when you get your Ergo he’ll be too small to use it without support. You can buy an infant insert but I found it to be really hot for baby. Apparently you can roll up a receiving blanket in the bottom to lift baby up high enough (I’m sure there is a video online). I haven’t tried that yet but wish I’d known before buying the insert. My son also prefers forward facing I k’tan so I’m excited for when he’s old enough to do so safely. I really thought I’d wear him all the time but haven’t been brave enough to do it much. He tends to get mad or want to nurse when I wear him.
Glad your Labor Day was enjoyable!!!
Julie you are doing great! I find it crazy that you have time to blog!…. You’re an inspiration!
haha ME TOO! And she managed to look good for family photos! I definitely looked like a hot mess for about the first 6 months of my daughter’s life, 😀
I saw that pic of Sadie on IG and instantly thought she looked huge! haha
Baby Chase is too cute! You will love the Ergo! I had a baby Bjorn with my first two, and switched to the Ergo with my last baby. I preferred it over the Bjorn a lot!
A tip for pumping: if you plan to have a stash of milk for bottle feedings, I encourage you to establish a daily pumping time NOW, while your milk supply is surplus. I am a stay at home mom, so I only use bottles for date nights, and the occasional time I’m away from my baby, but it’s really nice to have the reserve supply in the freezer. Personally, I like to pump right before I go to bed at night and save that milk for freezing, but this will depend on your baby’s schedule. I believe supply is usually best in the morning, by with 3 kids, that is too busy a time of day for me to pump!
I agree with this! I have an 8 week old Nd starting a pumping routine at 4-5 weeks. I pump after her morning feed when milk levels are highest, and it goes in to fridge for date nights and emergencies!
Thank you for all your posts about your new baby and how the family is adapting! It is beautiful and heart warming. I know those details are very personal so I’m sure your readers appreciate it that much more. My husband and I are planning to get pregnant in the next few months and reading your blog has been so informative/entertaining/eye-opening. You have a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing your journey!
I love that picture of everyone sleeping! haha Weekend naps are the best!
Such a learning curve isn’t it? I think I wore my baby in a newborn hold for TOO long, he started to get cranky on our walks and it took me a few times to work out he was probably starting to get too big to have his legs tucked up underneath him. There’s no end to the learning! Such a nice community of readers here that other mums can kindly let you know about the things they’ve learned and you can take it on with genuine appreciation.
Hi Julie! Love hearing about the weekend, and Chase looks like he’s GROWN so much! They change so quickly, don’t they? Hope you got to extend your weekend into labor day. 3 day weekends are the best. 🙂
I’m glad that someone said something about the position of chase, and that you were so gracious in accepting feedback. Always put knees above the hips. It’s why the Baby Bjorn doesn’t work so well.
I wore Molly in the K’Tan in the Kangaroo position (where her legs were all tucked in) and it was great to help get her to fall asleep when she was fussy! Especially during the 6 week growth spurt. Now she’s 3 months old, and I just started to wear her in the Hug position.
Just to add to the “facing out,” I’ve also read that you should wait til baby has appropriate neck control (i know you were supporting him), but also because a baby should only face out for short 20 min spurts or the stimuli becomes overwhelming for them and they may get upset or not be able to settle down after. Around 4-6 months they can handle longer “facing out” time lengths. This is an interesting article to understand it better! http://www.slingbabies.co.nz/Site/Articles/Forward_Facing_Out_in_a_Baby_Carrier.ashx . As soon as my son was old enough, he ONLY wanted to face out and would try to twist his body to face forward if we faced him in or put him in a sling.
Chase is so adorable. Enjoy this itty bitty baby time 🙂
My baby didn’t like being worn until he was old enough to be in a side facing sling. He wanted to look at everything! He would tolerate the ergo, but was so much better once I could wear him sideways. I bent the rules a little and started him wearing him in a side facing one at just over 2 months, but he was already 17 lbs! I would just watch his head. The ergo is great though! He’s 5 months so soon I will face him outwards and I think he will love it! You’re doing great! There’s so much to learn as a new mom 🙂
Hi Julie!
I really wanted to commend for how well you’ve accepted your readers’ feedback. When I had my babies I watched so many videos on youtube to figure out how to put on my ktan! it’s so confusing!
You mentioned that your mom is still around. Does she plan on staying long term? My mom came after I had my babies, but just for a few days. Part of me would have wanted her around for longer to help, but I was also really happy to see her go to have it just be us and our kids, and learn about our new life as a family!
That picture of Ryan, Chase, and Sadie is so cute!!
Glad you’re not freaking out too much that you wore him outward one time. As long as you take the advice and wait till he’s older now, it’s all good! (Just thought I had to say that because everything I did “wrong” drove me crazy with pp hormones.) Babies are more resilient than we often think.
I don’t wear my baby that often. I had the best intentions, but once I had him in my arms I couldn’t imagine the mechanics of cramming him in something until he was more stable (~4-5 months), and by then, we had a different groove going on. I use Lillebaby Airflow.
HA Sadie does look huge!!! Glad to see she is accepting her little brother more and more 🙂 We took our babymoon this weekend and now I’m finally feeling like this baby thing is going to happen!
so glad you love the k’tan! <3 xoxo
I absolutely love that picture of the 3 of them on the couch!. You certainly have a special little family. Enjoy!
Glad you’re able to get out of the house and enjoy the weather with your little guy! Enjoy!
Samantha // http://www.GirlMeetsSF.com
What a gorgeous baby! Great that you have had some good advice about wearing him. I think the K’tan wrap that you have would be fine for hiking, until about 4-5 months a soft wrap is better than a soft structured carrier such as ergo for a small baby. You look beautiful!
Forward facing is actually not recommended for older babies either. It’s not dangerous, just not optimal. If you can’t get to a meet, join a local babywearering group on Facebook, that’s how I learned. Beautiful baby!!!
Hi Julie! we actually did a baby wearing class in our area (St. Louis) I’m sure you could find a class that teaches you about it as there is a lot to learn! I know it sounds silly but we found it to be helpful as we plan to wear our little guy a lot!
My daughter likes to be held but hates being in carriers. It would be so much easier to get our snuggles on and do chores if she liked them.