On Sunday my mother-in-law and I joked about using the song “Oh Happy Day” as our morning alarm. It is impossible to wake up in a bad mood when that song is blaring!
I probably should have used that song as my alarm today because when 4:20 a.m. rolled around and I was greeted with an annoying “beep, beep, beep,” all I wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep. It took me a while to get into my groove this morning, but eventually it happened. I probably have my tumbler of coffee to thank for the nice little jolt of energy that finally hit me around 6 a.m.
My shift at work went well and I set up three fitness assessments for next week that I hope will morph into personal training clients.
Once I was done working for the day, I changed into shorts and a tank top and went through another Best Body Boot Camp workout. The most challenging part of the workout was, without a doubt, the tabata-style jumping lunges and jump squats. I completed jumping lunges for 20 seconds followed by a 10 second rest, 20 seconds of jump squats and another 10 second rest. Complete four total rounds and just try to tell me you’re not out of breath! It was tough!
By the time I made it home, I was more than ready for a filling lunch and reheated some leftovers.
In my bowl:
- Corn
- Ham
- Broccoli
- Onion
- Green onion
About an hour later, I found myself back in the kitchen blending up another green lemonade smoothie. I’m lovin’ them lately!
Now it’s time to pack up and hit the road for Jacksonville where I will be through Sunday morning.
I am attending a conference that kicks off tonight and lasts through Friday and my group exercise certification workshop is in Jacksonville on Saturday. See ya from the beach!
Question of the Afternoon
- Is your alarm the usual annoying beep or do you wake up to music? Any great alarm wake up songs out there?
When I first got my iphone, I tried to set it up so that a song went off, but I couldn’t figure it out. Instead, I use the “Strum” tone. It sounds kind of country and cheerful 😉
I would love to hear more about how personal training is going. I am making a career switch but I’m not sure to what yet. In the meantime, I was thinking it might make sense to study for the personal trainer’s exam. After you are at your job for awhile, I hope to hear more about how it’s going. Sounds great!
Definitely! Right now I am in the building clients phase!
Ahh I know the feeling! My alarm is the annoying beep beep beep, but I won’t change it because I’m afraid I wont wake up to anything else!
4:20am? That sounds nauseatingly early! I usually wake up on my own like 15 minutes before my alarm goes off so I’ll just grab my phone and play around until it’s time to get up.
Thriller is my alarm tone, but whether or not it actually gets me out of bed depends on how often I was up with the baby during the night 🙂
I just leave it on vibrate. Enough to wake me up. But not enough to make me angry haha
I saw this video today and your post made me think of it. Plus I know you love GSP’s. 🙂
Eek. I’m not sure if I posted the video correctly. I can play it from my phone, but I can’t from my desk top. I’m sorry if it’s not working correctly. it was really cute. :/
SO cute!! I have a pointer, so maybe I’m biased! 🙂 (The video worked for me, and I’m on a laptop.)
My alarm clock connects to Pandora, so I always wake up to something awesome (it’s an obsolete android gadget called a Chumby if anyone wants to know). But there is no music awesome enough to compensate for getting up at 4:20! Julie, I feel for you.
“What Can I Do (But Love You)” by Joy Williams of The Civil Wars is my morning wake up alarm. It starts with a really soothing piano vibe, and I just can’t feel grouchy when I hear it!
Green smoothies are delightful. I’ll have to try your green lemonade version! I’m in a pb/cinnamon phase right now!
The president at my University always playing this song during his welcome speech to new freshman with the message of how we should all wake up and great our days with happiness and excitement. I have found it really makes for a happy morning when you are having a hard time getting your routine started!
Great Day- Eddie from Ohio
Ah, alarm music is the worst. I always choose a new song I love, but then about a week later I end up despising the song. The worst is when you have those pre programmed alarms and then you hear them go off in movies or TV shows. Pet peeve for sure;)
For now, I use vibrate! Or I downloaded the spirit junkie app from gabrielle bernstein and use that to wake me up, it also leaves you with a positive message and intention for the day, which I appreciate at 5 in the morning 🙂
I swear at 4:20am I don’t believe anything would put me in a better mood 🙂 My phone is set to a nice quiet little tune with a vibrate because my phone is always right next to me so that makes getting up not QUITE as bad…still not great though. I am SO not a morning person 🙂
I have a tune on my phone but some bright and breezy song…or maybe Rocky…”rising up…” would be a good idea some mornings!
No alarm sound is good to me 🙂 I tend to wake up with the sun so I have no trouble getting up in the summertime but once winter comes around, I could stay in bed all day long!
My alarm is a song. To be more specific “Summer Nights” by Jenna Drey. I usually jump outta’ bed when I hear it!
Every Friday I set my alarm to play “Friday I’m in Love” as a friendly reminder that I made it to the end of the week! The rest of the week I use cheesy show tunes like “Seize the Day” from Newsies or “Shine Like the Sun” from 9 to 5.
My favorite alarm songs are “King of Anything” by Sara Bareilles and “It’s a Beautiful Morning” by The Rascals. So happy! I work at a coffee shop so I have to wake up at 4:30am two or three days a week (I feel your pain!), and on those days I set my alarm to “Sigh No More” by Mumford & Sons because it fades in so gradually… when it’s that early, I hate feeling jarred awaked suddenly even if it’s with a happy song!
I wake to music, but I really just set it to any station that doesn’t have too much static. I’d rather hear any kind of music than the dreaded “beep, beep!”
Waking up to music is a must for me out of respect for my husband who can’t stand a beeping alarm – I love Beautiful Day by Sara Haze, it’s a nice uplifting song to wake up to and not jarring when it first starts.
My alarm is not exciting! Haha I probably should change it to a song.
I have my phone set to play “Good Morning, Good Morning” by The Beatles. It actually starts with a rooster crowing which I think is appropriate 🙂 My dad is a huge Beatles fan and I grew up listening to them.
I have to wake up to annoying & LOUD beep/beep/beep. Or else I won’t get out of bed…..
Good luck with your cert & the conference!
Multiple alarms with multiple ring tones. It takes a lot to get me going in the morning. The song that generally does the trick is “Hell on Heels” (Pistol Annies)!
the jump lunges and squats were so hard!!
My latest wake up song is “Good Time” by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen. It really gets me going though my dog has a funny way of jumping into bed and waking me up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off every morning so I don’t rely on it very often.
It has been so hot outside lately green lemonade sounds AMAZING right about now! Enjoy Jacksonville!
Yum! What’s in your green lemonade?
As for alarms, I always wake up to the radio. I usually don’t feel like getting out of bed right away, but HATE hitting the snooze button, so I typically allow myself to lay in bed for the remainder of whatever song is being played. Sometimes, on extra lazy days, I’ll go for two or three.. hahah.
Totally off topic, but I definitely need to learn how to pack like you do… I always overpack!
I’m kind of grumpy in the mornings (pre coffee)…though I wake up much easier than I used to. Right now my alarm song on my iPhone is Whistle by Flo Rida. Puts me in a happy mood 🙂
My alarm is the cello! Love it!
My current alarm song is Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore. It never fails to pump me up.
Your lunch looks delicioius. I want dinner already, and its only 4:45! I love being creative with lunches, but I can never get that way when I have to work..it takes much prepping for packed lunches!
Radio the first time then the beep once I hit snooze. 4.20 is crazy!
I used to wake up to music but I found that I started resenting my wakeup songs for waking me up and now I just go for the regular beep
I use the sounds of the ocean as my alarm every morning. I find the splashing of the waves a peacefully transition into reality. My dreams are always very chaotic so it’s nice to hear calm sounds when I first open my eyes. The normal “beep” is much to harsh for my taste! I enjoyed the article and your pictures. Thank you!
My alarm has to be annoying or I won’t get up to turn it off!
I’ve used both music and alarms for waking either. Either are just as annoying. I find that any song I use for an alarm is ruined for me after that because I negatively associate it with getting up…
I wake up to music! It makes the “dreaded” alarm a little more enjoyable! 😉
My alarm song is “Life’s a Happy Song” from The Muppet Movie – best way to wake up!
I have to have the annoying beep beep or else I will snooze through the music.
Funny you ask–my alarm music is most definitely the Harry Potter theme song. It always guarantees that I wake up in a good mood, and it doesn’t scare me awake like a beeping alarm would! I have a serious aversion to the sound of a beeping alarm…it just makes me cringe. Like nails on a chalkboard!
I use songs to wake me up. However, I need new ones because I am annoyed with mine. I only let it last for like 5 seconds, but it makes me hate the first 5 seconds of the song when I hear it other places! Haha
It might sound cheesy, but I really like the bird sound alarm
After reading your post, I started thinking. I work from home, and I can honestly say, I can’t remember the last time I set an alarm. I will this weekend though. I have to get up at 6AM. Oh Happy Day is sounding pretty good 🙂
I wake up to Greig’s Morning from Peer Gint or Scarborough Fair by Celtic Woman. The first movement of Beethoven’s 6th is also used on occasion. I like something soothing or ethereal in the morning.
I’m curious how you’re liking working first and then getting your workout. I, like you, prefer working out before doing anything else in the day. Are you tired/tempted to skip by the time you’re done work?
I have my iPhone alarm set to the duck sound to wake me up…I hate it, but its so annoying that it gets me out of bed!
Life By Liz
I don’t like my job, so I need four alarms to get up. It’s all music. This week: Pocketful of Sunshine, Natasha Bedingfield (5:00 AM), Wide Awake, Katy Perry (5:20), Poison and Wine, The Civil Wars (5:40), and if I REALLY can’t get up, the Bad Horse Chorus from “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog.”
I should wake up to music that is a great idea! I would love to wake up to Daft Punk – Get Lucky as I’m obsessed with that song!
My alarm is on my iphone. The default “beeping”! Right after though I turn on rap/hip hop music because the beat wakes me up haha!
Jumping lunges and squat jumps are my least favorite cardio in circuit style workouts, for sure. They freaking burnnn! I just did something pretty similar, 30 sec jumping lunges, 30 sec something else, then repeat. Then a separate circuit had squat jumps. I will definitely be sore tomorrow!
4:20 a.m….that’s sooooo early! I don’t know if I could do it! My alarm goes off at 6:35 a.m. to the radio. I don’t have any particular station that I wake up to…just which ever one isn’t staticy. 🙂