Guess what!?
Big news!
Someone is with child.
And it isn’t me.
So who is it???
Hint: She loves chicken jerky and doesn’t understand the concept of personal space.
Did you guess who?
Sadie is gonna be a mama!
Crazy right!?
One more thing…
April Fools!
Did I get anyone?
I figure the early risers are my best bet since you may not have known it was April Fools’ Day just yet.
And for the record… Sadie is spayed.
Well, you certainly ‘fooled’ me, what with the blogger baby frenzy going on (when I saw the title I swear I thought it was another pregnancy announcement before I read the post).
And I live in the UK, so I don’t even have the excuse of being an early riser.
I thought you were gonna say you had a bun in the oven! 🙂
no, no! not for a while over here! 🙂
and I’m up because I’m studying abroad in the UK too!
Loved it!!
ohhhhh good one!!! I always get fooled!!
Yes, you DID fool me! I hate April Fools Day! 😉
OK, I am an early riser and you did get me … I was already preparing in my head my “congratulations” message!
Hahahaha. Yep – you got me. I can’t lie…was kind if totally excited for you to announce your pregnancy. 😉
Lol you fooled me too I was about to say how can Sadie be pregnant when she clearly spends 99% of the time with her adult human parents lol. I also thought you were pregnant,I was ready to congratulate you haha . Someone is certainly in the April Fools mood early”:}
You totally got me!!!! I was thinking…”i cant believe she would let her baby get pregnant!”. Hahaha. I was just asking my husband to think of how we could fool our son before i even read this:).
Ooooohhhhh my gosh you got me! I was about to put a dibs on a puppy!
You got me!
I was wondering who the baby daddy would be and then I thought Ross’s dog! But then I couldn’t remember if it was a boy or a girl. LOL, good one Julie!
hahaha! i was actually going to say his dog (kona) was the father… but kona is a girl and i figured someone might remember me saying that at some point. i like where your head’s at! 🙂
Wow I definitely believed that!! hahaha and I still knew it was April Fools Day.. hahaha 🙂
LOL! 🙂
OMG you totally got me! Hahaha love it
oh my god. I thought you were pregnant! Hahahaha that’s a great April fools, I totally forgot that was today! I’m too wrapped up in this half marathon starting in an hour and a half… ahhhhhh
typo on my blog lol –
I’m SO not awake yet!
Now I’m trying to think of who I can get w/an April Fool’s prank… hmm….
LOL!! You got me!!! I suck because I was just writing on my blog ( how it was April Fool’s and to look out since you don’t want to be a fool today! Well, guess I should take my own advice.
Plus, I was trying to figure out why you’d want poor Sadie to be pregnant. Glad she’s spayed, there are enough poor homeless puppies out there that need homes. 🙂 Good April Fool’s joke!! Have a great day!
Awww I was almost fooled but I had already gotten fooled once today! 🙂
OMG you totally fooled me! hahahah
You tricked me … I figured it wasn’t you, but when you said Sadie, I did think about it for a minute. You’re so sneaky. 😉
Well played, LOL!
Haha you are too funny! A litter of lil Sadie’s, now that would be no fool’s joke! You’d be walkin’ all day to keep their energy levels to a minimum!!
Yup, you totally got me. I even just saw an April Fool’s joke on the morning news, so I should have been prepared!
Too cute! What a fun way to start the day!!
haha that little comic strip with Sadie was hilarious! she is too precious! 🙂
Got me!! Great start to my day full or studying and exam writing 🙂
OMG…you got me. Nice job.
Haha! You got me, good! I was excited though:)
Hahahaha thank you for reminding me what day it is. I was completely fooled…plus, I thought it was you when first reading…so double fools? 🙂
um you totally got me!!!! lol
Oh my gosh! I was totally fooled! First I thought it was going to be YOU and then when you said Sadie, I was like WTH? haaha! Thanks for the reminder on what day it is. I better be on my toes!
AHH no WAY!! I had forgotten it was April Fool’s until now! Hahahaha!!!
HAHAHHAHA! This is HILARIOUS!!! At first I thought it was you!! And then yes I really did believe you!! SO FUNNY!
Haha, totally got me twice! First, I thought it was you, and then wondered who the daddy was who impregnated your poor baby! 😉 I’m half asleep. LOL, thanks for that. 😉
BTW, thanks for introducing us to Straight No Chaser; love their station on Pandora. We’d love to see them in concert later…must be something to experience live. Have a great Sunday!
Haha nice one! I made my mom a cuppa coffee this morning…with a spoonful of salt! Old school but worked like a charm 🙂
lol you got me…I just april fooled my husband that way too 🙂
Hahaha when I saw the announcement title I immediately thought that you were preggers…and then you got me with sadie. I’m so gullible 🙂
Totally got me!!! I was so excited for Sadie puppies 🙂 When I first started reading I thought you were going to be pregnant and then I saw Sadie.
haha! obviously I completely forgot about April Fools!
that was great
Fooled me! I was so surprised at first and now I’m kind of disappointed, haha. Sadie would have such cute puppies!
Yes! You totally fooled me and I was ready to put in my order for a puppy! LOL.
wow I definitely fell for that haha especially at first when I thought it was you.
nice one.
my first thought was “wow out of all the pics of her we never see sadie in her monthly diapers” and then i figured it out.. hahaha
very well done! hahaha, I feel foolish, I was just saying to my fiance that it was April Fools and yet totally fell for this…love it!
Aw nuts, she would have made some adorable puppies! 🙂
Haha, I’m glad I saw this to remind me of April Fool’s day and to be on the lookout for other tricks!
All i could think was: how?! Sooo, you fooled me half way i guess!
I was confused because I thought sadie was spayed. I haven’t had my coffee yet! lol!
haha after being a blog reader for a few yrs now, i have to say on april fools, my guard is up regarding EVERYONE’s posts. so i was not fooled!
That was brilliant! Well played, PBF, well played 😉