Guess what!?
Big news!
Someone is with child.
And it isn’t me.
So who is it???
Hint: She loves chicken jerky and doesn’t understand the concept of personal space.
Did you guess who?
Sadie is gonna be a mama!
Crazy right!?
One more thing…
April Fools!
Did I get anyone?
I figure the early risers are my best bet since you may not have known it was April Fools’ Day just yet.
And for the record… Sadie is spayed.
LOL you definitely got me…i was like AWW!! and I definitely forgot it was April 1 already…time is flying!
Not gonna lie, totally read this via twitter on my phone and I thought I was gonna find out that YOU were pregs! Hahaha. Ohhh Sadie, glad you’re spayed 😉
You fooled me! haha. I thought for sure you were preggars, then I thought for a sec Sadie was….but I assumed she was spayed!
Totally got me 🙂
Love her sweater!
LOL!! Good one Julie! At first I thought you might be telling us that YOU were going to be a mama but then I scrolled… and remembered what day it is…. then had a good laugh! Happy April Fools! 🙂
every. year. every YEAR i forget it’s april fool’s day and i believe everything anyone tells me. i suppose i am a true april fool. haha 🙂
i was a bit confused though, i was like “i didn’t know they were planning on breeding sadie…?”
I did forget it was April Fools!
Sadie puppies would have been adorable though. I would have thought of driving all the way from WI to FL to buy one from you! 🙂
You got me! Here I was thinking….who would the daddy be???
yep…you definitely got me… : – / haha
HAHHAHAHHAHAHA, I really did not see that one coming and was totally fooled:) !!
i was totally fooled! 😀 good way to start off April.
You’re a nut. I was reading this thinking…Julie and Ryan are with her all the time, how is it possible that happened without them watching. LOL
Ahhh you really got me!! What a let down though, I was going to inquire about buying one!! Haha very funny!!!
I’ve been waiting for a baby announcement from you for a while now, my heart was totally pumpin for you… and when I saw “with child” I said in my head, i knew it was coming i just knew it.
Totally forgot it was April Fools today.
You got me!! I forgot it was April Fools!!
I love Sadie pictures! She’s a doll!!
I immediately thought it was a joke, not because it wasn’t funny, but because I knew someone who loves their dog as much as you do would spay their pets!
Ahh, Sadie and Kona would have made such great (lesbian) parents! More family connections!!
I’m fully aware it’s April 1 and i still fell for ot! I definitely thought you were pregnant! 🙂
I thought you had a baby Peanut Butter Finger in the oven! Then I got oddly excited that Sadie did…I’m so weird haha.
I just realized it’s April Fools! Thanks for the ammunition for the day 😉
Haha, I was just reading other April Fools posts so my April Fools radar was too high! I thought you were going to joke that you were getting another Vizla! 🙂
Aww crap you got me!!
omg i almost thought it was you!! props to you, that was a good one ;D
Bahahaha you totally got me!
I believed you. Then I laughed when I realized it was a joke. Good job 😛
phew! i remembered one post where you referenced the lack of sadie’s ovaries, so i was confused for a couple of seconds before clueing in 😉
my poor heart…. it is amazing how connected we can feel over the internet for not only a person, but an individual’s dog! i totally deserve the fish-on-the-back for falling for that one.
props julie.
haha I was hoping she was spayed! this made me laugh!
haha, you got me!
sadie would make some cute babies though:)
Oh i hate April fools day. Except the fact it starts a new month.
you got me! I was seriously even gonna ask for one of the puppies or something if you didn’t want them– lol, I would’ve loved to care for one of Sadie’s kids, especially if they were like her! 🙂
Wow, you really did get me actually. Dang it, I totally forgot about april fools!!!
Hahaha that totally fooled me, and I’m definitely not an early riser. My reaction was like HUH, WHAT, OMG. And then a million questions were running through my head like have they been trying to breed her and ew, they have to deal with Sadie’s heat cycle every month if she’s not spayed. Lol. That was a good one!
HAHA!! Totally got me too 🙂
Ah I wish it was you you was pregnant! You got me but I was kind of thinking “I really can’t see Sadie getting down and dirty! She’s a lady!” Do you and Ryan have a plan on when you want to start trying for a baby?
lol i needed a good laugh this morning. Those pics of sadie are so cute!
Good one!
I just found out how stupid and gullible I really am. And there went my self esteem. Sigh.
Well done, Julie! The most I came up with was sending an Easter invite to our pastor for his own service. You can just call me extremely creative 🙂
Hahah you totally got me! The funny thing is I was just talking to my roommate about April Fools jokes! My initial reaction when I read your post was, “Wait, how did that happen??? At the dog park maybe??” lol! 🙂
Gotta love the April Fool’s blog posts today, lol.
Oh my goodness! You totallllly got me!
I figured so as you would have told us if Sadie had “got it on” with a random dog while on a hike …
But a baby Sadie would have been so cute!
I thought for a second YOU were pregnant. Then I thought for a second SADIE was pregnant. Then I thought for much longer than a second that I’m pretty darn april fools gullible!
HAHA. You got me!
Haha, I read this at 9 pm (swedish time) and had made it through the day without falling for any april foolings. Until this, you totally got me, I was already wondering what typ of dog the daddy was and how cute the puppies would be…
Haha too funny!!!!
You totally got me! Haha
It’s too early for April Fool’s jokes! hahaha
I completely forgot that today was April Fool’s Day, so of course I was a complete sucker – fell for it hook, line and sinker. Good pics. Great Gotcha!
Oh wow. I was foolin’ people all morning, hopped on over here and got fooled! I really thought it was YOU! But when I read it was SADIE, I lost it! I was thinking of who the father was, was it a random stray that knocked her up or if you had been researching and I don’t Good one!
bahahahaha You had me. I was like baby puppies yayyy!
Hahaha I totally called it! I was hoping it was you who was going to have a baby! Everyone seems to be getting pregnant on the blog-o-sphere!
I’ve been a long time reader and sparce commenter, but I love love your blog! I use your workout page all the time. Whenever I need to switch things up I load one of the workouts on my iphone while I’m at the gym and do it. Thanks so much! Hopefully now that I’ve gotten back into the blogging game after a looonnng absence, I’ll be commenting more often 🙂