To back everything up a bit, Ryan went over to Greg’s apartment a few days ago because we could not get ahold of him. We were very concerned when he was not answering his phone so Ryan drove over to his apartment and knocked on his door. He did not answer.
Ryan then found Greg no longer alive in his apartment and it has since been determined he passed of natural causes. Greg’s health has been a concern for a while now, as Ryan and I have both been to the doctor and in and out of the hospital with him many times. This is something I did not share on the blog, as I wanted to respect my father-in-law’s privacy. (While I tend to overshare my own life, I am immensely protective over the people I love and fully recognize that the health concerns and struggles of my loved ones are not mine to share without permission even if watching people I love go through challenges impacts me deeply.)
When Ryan left for Greg’s apartment we were both scared and filled with the kind of fear and anxiety that churns your stomach and overtakes your body. When the nightmare we imagined was confirmed, we were devastated.
My heart is ripped open for a myriad of reasons. Knowing I won’t hear Greg’s goofy “dad jokes” or watch him light up as he talks about Ryan and our boys or his travel adventures makes everything feel so permanent and so hard. He was always so quick to share the kindest words about our family and repeatedly built us up as individuals and as a family unit.
Knowing what Ryan went through when he found his dad is honestly something I cannot talk about aloud right now. It’s too much and too hard and something no one should ever have to experience. Ryan was truly an incredible son to his father. He is Greg’s only child and navigating next steps following the loss of his dad in such a traumatic way feels like a lot. We are walking through this together and with the love of our friends and family.
We are also remembering Greg.
We are remembering a man with a good heart who loved the outdoors. We are remembering a man whose punctuality could not be beat and who was always quick to chime in with the corniest of the corny jokes that made everyone simultaneously laugh and groan.
We are smiling thinking about the “gifts” he’d give us that he’d find around his apartment or at Publix; some that genuinely ended up being the most useful things we own. (The “emergency” duffle bag he gave us that Ryan kept in his car came in handy a lot! Who knew a rogue silver spoon might be needed on occasion?) We cannot help but feel a squeeze of joy when we picture him with Sadie, the dog he loved who fiercely loved him back.
He never missed reading one of my blog posts and adored the beach, Florida sunshine, family, travel, nature, coffee, hiking, Muay Thai, McDonald’s hot cakes and sausage and extra large bowls of ice cream.
Above all, he adored Ryan.
We will miss our beloved Greg, Granddad and Dad so very, very much.
I can’t imagine the grief your family is experiencing. I am so sorry for your loss and sending you all the love!
Julie, I am so incredibly sorry for the loss and grief you are all experiencing. I am holding a space for you all in my heart—especially Ryan.
I am a therapist and love to use these resources with children experiencing grief and loss:
I hope they can be of comfort and use for you all during this time, but absolutely feel free not to use if you desire ❤️
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m holding you and your family in my heart. <3
Julie and Ryan – I am so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family
Carol T.
What a blessing that Greg moved to North Carolina to be close to your family
I’m so sorry for your loss! That’s every child of an elderly parents worse nightmare! I have 3 sisters and my widowed Mom lives alone. We make her text our group text every morning when she gets up to say Good Morning! I’ve read your blog BK (before kids) and have loved living vicariously thru you! 💕💕. Sending prayers for comfort! 🙏
Hi Julie,
I’m a longtime reader and I’m so sorry for your loss. I read this blog post a week or so ago and tried to push it out of my mind but have returned to it today. I unexpectedly lost my father in 2021 and due to circumstances outside of my control, could not leave the country I was living in to be with my family. I am so impressed by the way in which you wrote and honoured your father-in-law with this blog post. He sounds like a special guy, and I think your kids will be thrilled to have things like this blog post to look back on when they are older. Please keep supporting Ryan as best you can (my grief was not linear and didn’t always make sense) and keep sharing stories and pictures of him with your family, friends, and perhaps your readers.
Sending you and your family love,
Ryan, Julie and family,
I am so very sorry for your immeasurable loss. My deepest condolences to all of you.
Huge hugs for Ryan. A family member went through finding someone who had passed away and it’s something that doesn’t go away lightly. Remember the good times and treasure those memories.,
Julie I am so so sorry for your loss. Greg seems like an amazing father and father in law/grandfather. You are so lucky to have had the bond with him that you did. Thinking of you all!
I am so sorry for your family’s loss. You are in my prayers.
I am so very sorry! Such a sweet tribute. Love the picture with Sadie!