As I hopped on the treadmill this morning and pressed play on my iPod, Will Smith’s “Getting Jiggy With It” started blasting which you know made my 20-minute cardio session fly by!
I completed the following workout:
Minutes | Incline | Pace |
0-5 | 8.0 | 4.0 |
5-10 | 1.0 | 6.5 |
10-14 | 1.0 | 7.0 |
14-15 | 1.0 | 8.0 |
15-20 | 8.0 | 4.0 |
I was a sweaty beast by the time I was done.
I meandered over into the weights section of the gym and did a lighter version of one of my go-to total-body workouts. I could not stop sweating and it wasn’t because I was pushing myself extremely hard. It was seriously sticky-hot in the gym. It made me feel fatigued earlier on in my workout and affected the overall quality of my strength training. I guess they can’t all be winners!
Angry Wife
I came home to an empty house, as my family was at work and I figured Ryan was on a walk with Sadie. I looked around for my computer to get a jump start on my morning blog post since we wanted to be on the road for Jekyll Island before 9 a.m.
I couldn’t find it anywhere. What the heck!? I figured Ryan used it while I was at the gym and put it somewhere other than where I left it. I began cursing my husband under my breath and went outside to look down the street to see if Ryan and Sadie were at least on the homestretch of their walk. When I didn’t see them there, I said “C’mon!” aloud, which prompted a bark from a nearby dog. My dog! Sadie!
Ryan and Sadie were hanging out in the backyard around the corner so I couldn’t see them. Grr.
I think I need to take a serious chill pill this morning! I was set off by the hot gym and the realization that I forgot to pack underwear for our vacation and the laptop thing irritated me way more than it should have.
So I did what any hormonal female would do.
I ate some M&Ms and felt instantly better.
A good breakfast also helped improve my mood!
A vanilla, peanut butter and banana smoothie was followed by a small bowl of Wheaties (I finally tried them!) since I’ll need some sustenance to make it through the 5+ hour drive to Jekyll Island.
I enjoyed breakfast while watching Sadie battle it out with a monster that somehow found its way into my parents’ pool.
Now I’m off to steal some underwear from my sister (is that gross?) before we hit the road!
See ya from Georgia!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated this morning.
At least you realized it before leaving your parents house! I’ve forgotten underwear on work trips and ended up washing them in the hotel bathroom sink and blow drying with a hair dryer. Have a great trip!
I think we all have our moments… I agree with you though chocolate or something else sweet always helps! I’m sorry you forgot a few necessary items. I am always so paranoid that I will forget something, so I end up checking over and over again! Have a great time!!
I try to always apologize to my husband when I realize I am being ridiculous, and I’ve learned that I hate being wrong as much as I hate apologizing. It sometimes reminds me to keep things in check.
Then again, if I can use an M&M to help, that sounds much more delicious. 😉
haha thanks for sharing the story, i’m so glad i’m not the only one that blames my bf instantly! even if it was me that misplaced something, he’s the first to blame… oops 🙂 have a wonderful trip!
Whenever something goes missing in our house, I immediately assume my husband has misplaced it!
Hope you have a great getaway!
haahaha MAN. I always forget something stupid like underwear/sports bras/socks. GAH. happy travels!
Aww, don’t let this morning upset you! Think of the beautiful trip you’re about to have with your husband! Enjoy it!!
I cannot believe there is an alligator in your parent’s pool. Is that a normal occurrence? You seem so calm about it haha I would probably be freaking out.
Have a fun trip!
Lol the gator is fake 🙂
Hahaha now that I look at the picture again, I notice that there’s only ahead.
That’s embarrassing 🙂
I love your dress and borrowing underwear from someone you are related to is fine! Have fun!
Bahaha!! Show that gator who’s boss, Sadie! 😀
I think were all allowed to be a little moody when we are hormonal! It sounds like you have a fun vacation to look ahead to though. I love your smoothie recipes. I just bought a Vitamix last weekend and have been stealing all your recipes. Can’t wait to try this vanilla PB one!
Ahh!! Jekyll Island! My grandparents moved to jekyll when I was little and we always took our vacations there. I love Glory beach! It’s where the movie Glory was filmed years and years ago! I haven’t been there in years but my dad bought my grandmother’s house (she now lives in a nice senior facility in st. simons island). I should really get down there one of these days! I have such fond memories of jekyll!!! My dad was just telling me how they are re-vamping the island. There used to not be too much too do besides biking and the beach… but now I hear it’s much more fun! I can’t wait to see pictures of the island!! YAY!
OMG!!! is that real gator!? haha! And borrowing undies from you sis is A-okay, I mean their clean and she’s your sis! I’ve had to from my best friend before!! Anyways there is a fun blog award going around and I awarded one to you! Check out my blog sometime and then post it on your blog! Have a fun vacation with your hubs!
haha definitely not a real gator. 🙂 and thanks for the award!
Hmmm…did you forget to pack them, or did someone sneak into the suitcase and remove them? 😉
Also, this is why I need a sister. Because I would certainly walk around naked before borrowing my brother’s boxers.
Ugh! Forgetting underwear is the worst! I always forget to pack something and it always seems to be underwear, a toothbrush, or a razor! lol.
Girl, there is no need to apologize for being a WOMAN! We *all* get that way sometimes (and yes, one of my “sometimes” was this past Wednesday night when I came home from work and realized Happy had chewed up my *favorite visor EVER!* — there may or may not have been tears…emphasis on the may have been.) Looking back on makes me crack up though. Gotta love them pups. She just wanted to be closer to me while i was gone, right?
chocolate makes everything better! 🙂 & I don’t have a sister, but I have 2 sister in-laws & when they sleep over sometimes our laundry gets mixed up & it happens! Whatever, as long as its clean right? 🙂
Haha! Love it! My sister and I share everything- including toothbrushes(for whatever reason I always forget to pack one)
People think we’re gross. Whatevs, we’re made of the same genes, so we’re basically the same person.
That’s how I justify it in my head.
I ALWAYS forget one key item when I pack for trips! I have definitely forgotten underwear before, and I was at home too, so my sister got to help me out (she didn’t know it haha). I mean, isn’t that what sisters are for? Laughs, cries, and to lend out underwear!? Have a fun trip!!
Jekyll Island is amazing! I can’t wait to see some pictures & read your reviews! A quick trip to St. Simons island would be fun too! What type of activities do you guys have planned? Check out Driftwood beach for some beautiful photo-ops. If you are willing to venture off Jekyll for dining I would suggest Cargo Portside Grill at 1423 Newcastle St
Brunswick, GA 31520 (912) 267-7330. Have fun!!
thanks so much for the info, candice!
I was EXACTLY that way last night. The husband is out of town right now and so I don’t get to talk to him ALL the time. When he called, I was sad and lonely (and hormonal) and I felt like I ruined the conversation. Since we don’t get to see each other right now — it made it so much worse. Which just further upset me and put me in worse mood. ANYWAY– he’s only a few hours away so I get to drive down on weekends. Tonight will be my first visit 🙂 Can’t wait!
P.S — hope you are enjoying your nap on the drive!
Julie, Very interesting article about lululemon in today’s Canadian Press. Worth reading. Have a great holiday.
here’/s the link for it …
Have you realized how computers are addictive? I now can’t live without my laptop! It’s great to have some time with family, I like to go to my parent’s (they’ve retired in a very nice country place) and you feel so good!
Read your tweets about forgetting your underwear at home this morning. While my students were doing silent morning work. Bursted out laughing … (yes, it would anger me too, but angry wife… happy husband..was comical) .. and then had to make up some lame story to tell my kids why i was hysterical during quiet time,
I told them our principal sent out a joke. Then they later asked him what it was. He look confused. Woops.
hahahaha that is FANTASTIC. 🙂
At least you are the same size as your sister … as long as they are clean it isn’t skeevy me thinks … if you had to borrow them from your dad, well that would be a whole different story!!!
(plus you are bound to drive by a Walmart or Target if need be!)
Chocolate makes everything better! And the fact that you can SEE that you are angry and then deal with it makes you a great person!
Enjoy the trip!
Ugh – I hate when I get in moods like that. Last week my iron broke and I had a complete meltdown – haha! Definitely hormonal. 🙂
Vitamin M works every time. A girl should always have an extra stash on hand.
Love the pic of Sadie with the pool animals, lol!
That smoothie looks very yummy!
I had the same breakfast this morning first a greenmonster and needed some staying power so I had a bowl of Special K. I just fortgot the M&M’s my bad.
Did your treadmill workout this evening and it was a quick and dirty way to get tired and real sweaty. Thanks for sharing. Have a good trip and no big deal snitching some of your sister’s undies–this is what sisters are for.
My sister will wear my panties without asking … now that is gross!! And it makes me so angry lol like fly off the handle angry! 🙂