For those of you who think Orlando is basically Disney World, think again! Orlando is huge and it can take you 45 minutes to drive from one end of Orlando to the other. Disney World is actually located in Kissimmee, which is about 30 minutes from downtown.
We paid a visit to the Mall at Millenia because I wanted to nab some blush (in “Peaches”) from M.A.C, after I tried my friend Leah’s and loved it.
While at the mall, Ryan and I stopped by Starbucks to pick up some beverages.
I enjoyed a vanilla latte while Ryan ordered a non-fat Tazo Chai Creme Frappuccino. He saved all of the whipped cream ‘til the end and let me do my thang. I LOVE whipped cream.
I could eat an entire can of heavy whipped cream in one sitting. No problem.
After enjoying our Starbucks treats we headed to Anthropologie.
I think my heart stopped.
Ryan and I browsed around for a bit and I declared that I wanted to outfit our bedroom and bathroom in Anthropologie linens, towels, shower curtains, pillows and more. After asking the woman at the registry if we could register at the store for our wedding she sad, sadly, no. But! But we can create a “wish list” and give our wedding guests access to it.
Somethin’ to think about since basically the entire store is out of our budget.
While there, I couldn’t resist playin’ a little dress up with their adorable aprons.
Look at me! I’m Susie Julie Homemaker!
How cute is that initial mug?
Ryan even struck an “artsy” pose with his respective mug.
And to save his dignity, here he is sportin’ a manly-man smile…
…while still holding the mug. Maybe not so manly-man, after all? 😉
Once we were done at the mall, we drove back toward our apartment and swung by Lombardi’s Seafood, Inc. to pick up some fresh fish for dinner.
Lombardi’s is a hole-in-the-wall seafood marketplace that provides seafood to area restaurants, but also sells fish to the public to enjoy.
Can you spot Ryan standing in front of our car?
(Okay, how many of you just thought to yourself “Oh my goodness. Julie drives a minivan!?” Gotcha! 😉 )
At Lombardi’s we bought some grouper and snapper and decided to cook up the grouper for dinner this evening.
Ryan was the grill master and cooked the fish, along with some zucchini, in a foil packet after seasoning it with lemon juice, salt and pepper.
Yes, he grills topless. It was 95 degrees outside and I like it. 😉
Sadie didn’t seem to mind the heat one bit and hunted lizards in our backyard as dinner cooked on the grill.
After about 12 minutes, our foil-packet fish was ready.
Ryan did a great job. The fish was moist and flavorful. Grouper is one of my favorite kinds of fish, so I gobbled this dinner down in no time flat!
Now it’s time for dessert.
Please excuse me as Ryan and I head off to Dairy Queen for Blizzards!
Enjoy your night! 😀
I l o v e Anthropologie !! Worked there during some down time this past year, and let’s just say I didn’t ever take home a paycheck 🙂 Enjoy your DQ !
I def fell for the mini-van trick. haha!
I LOVE anthropologie, but you are right its SO expensive. I got a 50 dollar GF from there a while back and could only get a halter top!!!
My sister can spend obscene amounts of money and time at Anthropologie, but I am more like you: wait for others to gift anthro stuff to me. Everything there is just so charming!
Everytime I’m in Anthropologie I say to myself, I wish I had enough money to just buy everything in here.
HA! I did actually think, no, they can’t possibly be driving a minivan. I love your sarcasm.
I used to work at the Mall at Millenia at Williams-Sonoma. I couldn’t help but go into Anthropologie on my break, that store is AMAZING! 🙂
Enjoy your Blizzards! YUMMMM!
I did the SAME thing on my breaks at Hollister, haha!
Woman you are hot enough to pull of ANY car – minivan or not, haha! I love love love MAC – but it’s SO expensive, so when I buy it, I use it on special ocassions only 😛 oorrr when I’m having a really crappy day and just want some sparkle. I LOVE that apron, you are gorgeous, Julie and you and Ryan have too much fun, Sadie too 😀 enjoy your long weekend!
Anthropologie is like my dream house. Like I seriously just want to live in the store. Everything is so beautiful. You look so cute with the apron! 🙂
Hey! I just found your blog and I love it! A friend of mine gave me that mug for my birthday. The apron is so adorable!! And I too could eat an entire thing of whipped cream! haha. such a sweet tooth 🙂
omigoodness, i love anthropologie! but i gotta go with you on the everything is too expensive!!! my friend got me those initial cups as a housewarming gift! i love them!!!
i love anthropologie! they have the cutest bowls and dishes, but yes unfortunatly veryyyy pricey! yum, that fish looks to die for! i love fish its so fresh and always so delicious, your dog is so adorable! i love taking pics of my pups tooo! cute pic “julie” (: your so pretty!
Anthropologie is definitely one of those stores that I walk into and I want to own every single item that I see.
Loving your fish dinner, looks gooood.
How funny, I have never even heard of Anthropologie before! Sounds like a neat store.
put it on your “must visit” list immediately… and then watch your wallet cry.
Anthropologie is undoubtedly my favorite store. I actually disappointed to hear you can’t register there… and I’m not even engaged!
Ryan is so funny, you are the perfect couple! 🙂
ahh i’m jealous of your blizzards
You and Ryan are adorable. It looks like you both have so much fun just being together. Nothing special, just as long as you’re together.
Anthropologie has some really neat stuff, but it’s really expensive… 🙁 What kind of blizzard did you get? 😉
oreooooo blizzard. so good!
Looks like a fun day!
thanks for the great reminder that i REALLY need more fish in my life and i also need more dairy queen in my life 🙂
and that’s a great tip for brides about anthropologie! i wish i’d known that when we were getting married 🙂
JULIE- I love the apron- it’s so darn cute 🙂
And, my mom is the same way with whipped cream- she always downs the Reddi Whip can like there’s no tomorrow- lol!
And I started laughing about the mini van- you are too funny 😀
I LOVE Lombardi’s too- it’s AWESOME!!!!
My friend did the wedding “wish list” at Anthro and got a ton of great stuff! HIGHLY recommended. 🙂
I used to live by UCF and I’m with you that it can easily take 45 minutes to get from one side of Orlando to the other…usually more!
We had the DQ idea last night too! Looooove the oreo cookie jar 🙂
I also love Anthropologie! It’s just super pricey 🙁 That apron is adorable!
Do you ever try he holiday flavored drinks at Starbucks?
Anthropologie is awesome!!! I love that apron and the cute mugs! They always have great home things and super cute dishes/mugs.
anthropologie is great! but soooo pricy so i never get anything from there. 🙁 maybe one day….