This morning I slept in a bit until just before 7 a.m., ate a spoonful of Nutella and headed off to the gym.
I spent the night at my parents’ house in St. Pete since it was close to where the photo shoot was yesterday and enjoyed the change in scenery at their gym.
As I warmed up with 25 minutes on the elliptical, I flipped through Oxygen magazine and a new lower body workout caught my eye.
I decided to take a few moves from the magazine and incorporate them into my workout and ended up tackling the following exercises:
- Dumbbell squats
- Dumbbell lunges
- Leg extensions
- Hamstring curls
- Deadlifts
Today’s breakfast included a hodgepodge of food from my parents’ pantry and fridge.
I made myself a bowl of Raisin Bran cereal topped with almonds and served it with a side of cottage cheese with pineapple.
After breakfast, I worked for a few hours until taking a break with my mom to head out to a couple of local antique shops around lunchtime.
I was looking for a chair for a desk we have set up in our guest room and a nightstand for beside the bed.
As my mom and I were leaving we saw this chair for only $15 and immediately grabbed it.
My mom and I are planning on changing the fabric on the seat tonight and I will eventually either paint the chair or sand it down. I have a lot of Googling to do to learn more about how to make the chair come to life, but my hopes are high!
We actually found a gorgeous piece of fabric at the antique shop as well for only $1.50 that we’re going to use in place of the pink floral fabric currently on the chair.
Now I just have to get handy!
I’m off to pack up my bag and hit the road for Ocala. Hoping to be back home in time for dinner!
lol, I’m eating a spoonful of nutella as we speak! (Write?) 🙂 Glad I’m not the only one!
I literally LOVE antiques. And DIY stuff. My Pinterest is seriously loaded with DIY projects and I’ve been doing some of my own, it is so fun andddd looks good! Love the fabric. It will go so well!
pinterest is AMAZING for DIY ideas!
That is a great find! I love the fabric that you bought to recover the chair! I can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s done! Have a safe drive home 🙂
A spoonful of Nutella makes the day better-that’s for sure 🙂
I love new workouts–especially if they work me hard. It is fun to try new things in the gym!
Good luck with the DIY stuff, I have never attempted anything too huge….but maybe one day! hah.
Your chair looks like such a fun project – I always wish that I was handy like that! I can’t wait to see it finished!
I love that chair! I always see cool things like that and think of great ideas of what to do with them…now I just have to get my own house someday and actually decorate! Like Katelyn, I also have TONS of crafts on my Pinterest! Who doesn’t love Pinterest?!
That chair will be gorgeous! 🙂 I try so hard to be crafty but I always, always mess stuff up. Haha. I keep trying though.
Great find! I bought our dining set at a yard sale and reupholstered the four chairs – good as new! Amazing what a couple of yards of fabric and a staple gun will do! 🙂
I love that new fabric! So pretty, and ridiculously cheap! I wish there more antique shops around me.
i admire you for being able to only eat a spoonful of nutella. that stuff is seriously like crack to me. one spoonful leads to 5..which leads to… you get the point! 😉
it was more like three if that makes you feel any better. 🙂
I work in the interior industry and one of my favorite assignments is when we need “antique” or “vintage” furniture. It so much fun to look through stores for inspiration and see how cyclical style is!
I love adding nuts to my cereals. The added crunch and texture is always so good.
The new material for the chair is so pretty. Taking something you find and making it yours is so fun. I can’t wait to do this for our new house.
Just had to tell you this after seeing your breakfast…today is actually national raisin bran day! Perfect timing Julie! 🙂
The title of your post made me laugh because there’s a prank called “Antiquing” where you throw flour on someone’s face while they’re sleeping…not that I anticipated that happening on the blog 🙂
that is AWESOME.
this is the funniest thing ive ever heard hahahahah
You should do a post on THAT sort of antiquing Julie. Epic.
AWESOME steal! Your craftiness inspires me – I’m redoing my place so might have to take a cue from your book! 🙂
I dig the fabric you are going to replace the seat with!!
I’m not a huge fan of cottage cheese, though it’s still part of my meal plan. I’ll give that brand a try. Good deal on the chair, btw!
I have never really been anitquing, but wow what a find on that chair! I am not very crafty/DIY but I wish i was! Can’t wait tos ee the finished product.
If you haven’t already, you should definitely check out the tutorials over at, the ultimate DIYers. They just did a chair the other day, so I’m sure they’ll have step-by-step directions for your project. I love that fabric!
omg I used to LOVE raisin bran! Okay, I still love it, but I can’t eat gluten. and I love the fabric you all picked for the chair!
Awesome chair. I really need to try Nutella, I keep hearing about it (and that its really good), but for some reason have never gotten around to trying it.
That is an awesome steal on the chair. But it looks a little low (maybe it is just the angle of the camera) for a desk chair??
Also are those Marcona almonds?? Those are my fave!
Hey girl!
I just found this site on Pinterest.. Don’t know if you’ve seen it already but it’s awesome.. You can download running mixes for free! 😀
Thx for introducing me to pinterest, now if I could just get accepted, I can start pinning awaaaay 😉
I just enjoyed some Nutella myself. Why is it so amazing?!
Awesome find! I wish I were crafty enough to re-do antiques!
I love DIY! I’m obsessed with the DIY Network and HGTV. Pinterest also has some great ideas!
Omg I love that chair! It has so much potential. And I love antiquing, my bf’s parents and I love to do that together. Have so much fun decorating!
Cottage cheese with pineapple, another thing we probably don’t have in Canada. We were recently in California and I made a list of things to try that you have mentioned (pumpkin spice coffee, Chobani yougurt, Sam Adams Cherry Wheat beer) all delicious. I am craving the Chobani and got my husband hooked on it too. Have fun with the chair project.
I’ve been meaning to do the same thing (antique chair hunting) for a while now. There are a ton of antique shops in my area, but I keep putting it off!
Julie – you should check out the blog Young House Love. They are GREAT on all-things DIY, like re-doing your chair. They have really become self-taught experts.
Love the chair! Good luck with the makeover. Recovering a chair cushion is one of the easiest and most effective ways to bring an antique to life. Have fun!
i love antiquing! what a fun mother-daughter afternoon activity 🙂
I don’t see why you’re replacing that lovely pink fabric for something else… haha.
What a neat chair! I love finding cool cheap stuff at antique stores. It’s so much more fun and financially smart to buy used and spruce them up to your liking.
i love antiquing! it’s my new favorite hobby. that chair was a steal!
How is that cottage cheese with pineapple? I have been wanting to try it, but wasn’t sure how it’d taste.
Did you know that today was National Raisin Bran day? I had no clue myself until after I ate Raisin Bran for breakfast. Love when that happens!
“Slept in, ate nutella, then worked out”. My kind of girl.
ohhh after I watch HGTV I get all antsy to do projects like that around the house! Good luck, post the finished chair!
Right when I read “a spoon of nutella” my mouth started watering. Gah sounds so delicious right now!
I can’t wait to see what you do to the chair!
I actually love how “weathered” and vintage that chair already looks hah.
What a great find! I’ve been itching for a new project 🙂
A friend just found an antique mall near where I live that I didn’t know about, I can’t wait to go see what kind of goodies we can find!
So most of the comments are about antiquing and nutella, but I just have to say that the girl’s form for front-loaded squats is TERRIBLE! Wtf. Very surprising for Oxygen.
Even in these financial times you can still make your home look great
and we have several ideas to assist you with procuring a cheap dining chair which looks fantastic.
If the client doesn’t ask, do you promise something anyway or just let the work go to the bottom of the pile. Trim off excess fabrics.