Since Saturday and Sunday were basically spent on airplanes and in airport terminals, I would love a day to relax at home. I’m not complaining though because it feels so good to be back.
How could I not be excited to see this little face?
Ryan picked me up from the airport yesterday with a bouquet of red roses and some sweet treats for the car ride home. He must’ve sensed that my sweet tooth was in full gear yesterday!
Call me a total sap, but my eyes started watering when I saw Ryan. I think it was all the drama with the scary plane issues from Saturday or something, but I just felt grateful to be safe and back home with my hubby-to-be (in 12 days!!!).
We spent the evening catching up on the couch and got to bed a little early, which felt wonderful. I fell asleep 2.5 seconds after my head hit the pillow!
This morning I woke up easily and Ryan and I headed to the gym for a workout.
I was excited for BodyPump since I hadn’t done any strength training since Wednesday and wanted to feel da burn!
Unfortunately the normal BodyPump teacher was out and the microphone wasn’t working (two strikes). The substitute teacher also picked the easiest BodyPump release in the world (strike three). Still, it felt good to feel the blood flowing through my muscles. Strength training is my fav!
My breakfast this morning included something special!
Pomegranate arils from the fresh pomegranate I picked in the orchard on Saturday!
Just in case you are in the dark about pomegranates as I was prior to the POM Harvest Tour, the pomegranate arils are the juicy, pink covering that surrounds the pomegranate seed. They hold all of the juice and sweet flavor.
I cut up the pomegranate last night and Ryan tried the arils and loved them. They really do taste like fruit candy.
I enjoyed the arils on top of 1.5 cups of Greek yogurt, along with a sliced pear. I ate half of the pear while cutting it up. Apparently it’s pear season because this pear was on point!
Great breakfast!
Now it’s time to get crackin’ on a million emails from my days away from the office.
Happy Monday! 😀
Glad you made it back safe and sound! 🙂
Strength training is my fave also!!! 🙂
Too bad about Body Pump 🙁
But how nice to be home, right???
So glad you’re home safe! Enjoy these last few days before the wedding and get a massage!!
April! So that’s what they’re called! Love ’em.
Welcome home!
I’m very happy to read another blog where someone loves strength training! So many people just talk about running! For me strength training >>>> running.
Hooray for being home safe!
Now I really want to go get a pomegranate so I can try fresh arils!
It must be really nice to be home, especially with the welcome that Ryan gave you. And I’m sure Sadie missed you a lot. That breakfast looks nice and refreshing. I’ve never tried a pomegranate before, but your posts make me want to. Yum.
Pears are my favorite! Although pomegranates are delish!
The week before I got married was one of the happiest in my life..enjoy this time!
Welcome home! I think Adam and I always need a vacation after our vacation! 😉 Ha!
Seriously. My mouth is watering just looking at those arils!
you totally have me convinced to try out some arils! yummy 🙂
I don’t think you’re a sap… I love reuniting with Hubbs after a day or two apart! <3
I had pom arils in my guac yesterday. I seriously might never eat the stuff without it from now on. You HAVE to try it!
I love pomegranates…such an underated fruit!
I LOVE poms. Can’t wait to get my hands on some.
Aww hooray for being home with Ryan and Sadie!
At least your luggage wasn’t lost or anything. That’s happened to me before and I did almost cry! I thought I wouldn’t see my stuff again, but I did
Hi Julie, I have a wedding question for you, how did you pick your dress? I tried dresses over the weekend and just can’t decide! Help 🙂
Awww, I bet it was so great to see your man! What a sweetheart with roses and chocolate. Man does he know you or what?!?! 🙂
hope you are off to a wonderful start of the week!
Aww, I can totally understand the tearing up, especially with the wedding so soon!! Eek so exciting!! Hope you have a great start to your week!!
I had no idea that was the correct term. I always just call them pomegranate seeds. I can’t believe you’re getting married in 12 days. So exciting!
It’s not sappy at all 🙂 I got the same way last time I saw my boyfriend. Long distance will do that to ya 😛
Ahhh arils- love!!
yummmmmmmmmm! and i totally cry whenever nate and i are apart…i hate it!
I wish I had your love for strength training. I always tend to push it off because I find it so boring. I’m hoping that my gym will offer Body Pump soon because I feel like that may solve all my strength training issues!
I wish I had your love for strengh training too. I would much rather do cardiO!
aww! that is so sad you teared up. Kinda a rough weeekend i guess wore you out!
but yes! im so excited for you to be married already!
are you even gonna post on your wedding day?
I am glad that you’re safe at home with your family 🙂
12 days, wow, the time really flies!
My bf is coming home in 12 days, after 4 months away! I guess that day will be awesome for both you and me 🙂
Glad you made it home safely! Your breakfast looks extra lovely with the arils!