Last night, around dinnertime, I arrived in Charlotte!
Sadie and I tackled the six hour drive to North Carolina together and only made one stop.
She was such a trooper and we rewarded her with her favorite wet dog food when we arrived at the hotel. (She usually eats Orijen dry dog food.)
Check out our snazzy new digs:
As you can see, it’s a bit small (there aren’t any hidden alcoves or anything), but it will be just fine for two days. I am actually leaving again tomorrow (I had all of this travel booked before our move) but Ryan and Sadie will be moving into our temporary apartment tomorrow which should have a little more space.
Fortunately our hotel is within walking distance of a Fresh Market, so we bought sushi to go for dinner last night and camped out with Sadie while we watched the World Cup. Okay, so I just half-watched and waited for The Bachelorette to come on. Is anyone else watching this season? I’m having a hard time getting into it right now, but I’d say my front-runners are Marcus and Josh at the moment.
This morning, after Sadie and I said goodbye to Ryan as he headed off to work, I headed into the lobby to check out the complimentary breakfast.
There weren’t too many options, but I grabbed some cereal to stir into a cup of Greek yogurt I had back at the room.
Plus a banana on the side!
Now I’m off to take a morning BodyPump class before I have to get some work done. I’m also hoping to take Sadie for a long walk so I can explore the area a little bit.
Have a wonderful Tuesday, my friends!
glad you made it safely! can’t ever go wrong with cereal hehe
Yay to being in North Carolina! I would almost feel claustrophobic being in that hotel room, but at least it’s only for a few days!
Love Josh!! They had such a cute date last night….I always get sucked into watching these shows!
Could be worse! Finding healthy meals on the go is always a challenge, but looks like you’re managing 🙂
Orijen is such a great food! It makes me happy to see people becoming more aware of their pet’s nutrition! Safe travels and stress free moving wishes for you all!
It has been great for Sadie! We love it!
Glad you made it safely!
Glad you and Sadie made it safe and sound! I am having a hard time getting into the Bachelorette as well. I thought I’d like this season, but it’s just ok.
Yay! Glad you made it there safe and sound!
2 days isn’t bad. We spent 6 weeks in a hotel with our dog while we waited for our house to be finished – we racked up those rewards points though!
Glad you had safe travels! Does Sadie lay in the back seat or do you put her in a crate/kennel while you drive?
So glad you made it safely! 2 days in a hotel isn’t too bad. 🙂
Truthfully, Andi isn’t my favorite bachelorette so that’s kind of making it hard for me to really get into this season too. Idk why, there’s just something about her that almost seems…snarky? I was sad to see Marquel leave last night though because he looked so heartbroken!
This is my first time commenting, but I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now. I just wanted to wish you all the best for this exciting new chapter of your life! Good luck with your move and settling in. Thank you for sending such positive energy into the world through your awesome blog!! 🙂
Thank you so much, Rachel! And thanks for commenting!
My thoughts exactly! I hope you enjoy exploring today, Julie!
Welcome to your new home!!! That’s so exciting!!
Wishing you good luck in the rest of your move and enjoy exploring! < my favourite part about moving!
I'm watching this season– love Josh and Brian is cute too! So normal and seems down to earth. 🙂
You found a pump class already? Priorities 🙂
I just can’t believe how fast this has happened! Welcome to our crazy early-hot state!
Wow you are a traveling machine!! Enjoy your move and hopefully things will settle down some once you are out of the hotel 🙂
Welcome to Charlotte! 🙂
It’s so nice that you get to do Body Pump now! Love it!
Living out of a hotel is no fun, but at least it’s just for two days! You are definitely a woman on the go! Do you have trouble getting consistent sleep with so much travel, or are you pretty good about that? Your energy is always so impressive!
They still make Nesquick?!
Welcome to NC! I am sure with the HOT weather we are experiencing this week, you will feel like you never left Florida!! I am a NC native and I hope you love living here as much as I always have!
Glad the trip went well! Lovin’ the new digs 😀 Have a great time exploring your new home.
Glad you made it safely! Sounds like Sadie is a total trooper. Enjoy your BODYPUMP class this morning! Woot!
Fresh Market is seriously the best! Love the music they usually play in there! They’re rotisserie chicken dinners are amazing. Great healthy side options and the chicken usually tastes so amazing! Plus is comes with cornbread. Check it out!
OMG! Bachelorette! My hubby was forced *obviously by me* to chose another activity of his choice and let me watch it lol! SO MUCH DRAMA! ALso, I love exploring the area wih my puppy *teenager?! lol! what do they call them when they are still puppies but size-wise are almost there?* Enjoy your day! <3 xoxo
I still call Sadie a puppy sometimes has she is six!
I just got back from Body Pump — I am seriously addicted…and I am liking this season of Bach, mostly because I think Andi has way more depth and personality than recent leads in recent seasons. Now if only she would stop saying “Stoppppp” every 10 seconds!
LOVE hotel breakfasts. We had one this weekend with cheddar omelets and make your own waffles- SO good. Bummer that your options weren’t so good!
So excited to be following your whole moving journey! A long walk to explore the town sounds wonderful. Have fun!
I used to work for a company that was based in Charlotte and made a couple business trips there. I really enjoyed my time there–delicious food, fun activities and great night life!
There is nothing worst than temp housing…except a temp hotel! This too shall pass. Good luck in your new location. Those of us left in Florida miss you already.
I’m not really taken by any of the guys this season either. Yet, I can’t stop watching. I blame Chris Harrison. Glad you had a safe move to Charlotte!
I’m glad to hear you made it there safely! I think it’s exciting that you’re starting a new journey!
I don’t ever watch the Bachelorette or the Bachelor, but everybody always talks about it so maybe I should ha! Enjoy your body pump class! 🙂
Whooo, those are SOME breakfast offerings! 😉 Gotta love hotel meals haha. Looks like yall have a fun day ahead…can’t wait to hear about all your new Charlotte adventures!
I’m glad you made it to Charlotte safely! Thankfully you only have 2 days at the hotel since it’s so small!
Enjoy exploring your new neighborhood!
Glad to hear you made it safely! That was a record move. I feel like you just announced moving the other day.
You guys must be pros at moving by now! Haha!
I am also going to be moving to a new state in the coming months. Have you ever thought of doing a post on moving tips? (Or have you done one and I missed it?)
Glad things seem to be going semi-smoothly for you with the move so far.
Yay!! North Carolina is so much fun. Good luck settling in. Hopefully you will have more time soon to explore.
Ha, I worked at that Fresh Market years ago when I was in college! Have fun in Charlotte!
Good luck getting settled in your new place! I’ve never been to Charlotte, so I’m looking forward to seeing pictures and hearing about new spots you find!
Hooray for being in NC! Have fun exploring today.
Welcome to NC!!! Glad you have a safe trip!
This is so exciting!! I hope you are enjoying it!!
Not even in Charlotte for 24 hrs yet but you already scoped out the local BodyPump class haha. I love it!
YAY-you found a BodyPump class nearby! I am so happy for you that you get to go on the reg again 🙂 I love anything Les Mills, so those posts are naturally my fave when you talk about it 🙂 This morning’s class was rough, but that is my fault for going right back to teaching BP right after a totally relaxing vacation. Hello DOMS!
You’re going to love NC… make sure you take a trip to Wilmington, NC for some beach fun 🙂
I’m so glad you said you were having trouble getting into this season of the Bachelorette because I am too; I was hoping I wasn’t just “growing out of it” (like that would ever happen…). I think it has something to do with every guy being insanely similar in appearance and personality… not much going on so far! I have YET to pick my favorites!!
Glad you made it!! And safe travels to you tomorrow!
Wow, I didn’t know you were moving to NC! Fun! Different than Florida but still warm, right?
Enjoy exploring Charlotte!! What a charming and fun city.
I can’t get into The Bachelorette this season either…I thought Andi would be more interesting but it seems like she’s conforming to what ABC wants her to act like. Not gonna stop watching though!