One of the best part about circuit workouts is that many of them require no gym equipment and those that do can usually be slightly altered so you can do them at home in your living room.
Below you will find some of my favorite workouts that I modified slightly (the original workout is hyperlinked) so that they may be done at home or in a hotel room when you’re traveling.
No fancy equipment or weights required!
Note: Simply mimic the jump rope movement if you do not have a jump rope at home. You may also substitute push ups for Kettlebell swings.
Questions of the Afternoon
- What is your favorite way to workout away from the gym? Workout DVDs? Walking outside? Circuits?
- What websites are your go-to websites for quality at-home workouts?
I’ve heard great things about BodyRock and Insanity for awesome and challenging at-home workouts but still haven’t tried any of their workouts myself.
I workout at home every morning and go for a run in the evening…morning workouts are always circuits or Pilates but I’m going to give one of yours ago in the ! 🙂 Great Post!
This is so helpful, thanks Julie!! I’ve never really tried circuit workouts but definitely will now. Have a great time at the wedding, can’t wait to hear more about it later 🙂
lol that last one looks pretty serious, I don’t think I could manage that many pushups!
I love at home circuits for days where I’m super short on time..and now I have a plethora to choose from, thanks!
Thanks for the post! My gym membership ends Jan 31st because I’ll be doing a lot of traveling off and on before officially moving the beginning of May so these ideas will really help me!
These workouts look awesome! Thank you for sharing. I love circuit workouts as well. They’re the most efficient way to workout, in my opinion.
oh my gosh, that last one looks killer – 50 repetitions 5 times? That’s like 250 reps.. you know, just in case no one could do the math. I have to do it!
Great post! I did your Crazy Cardio Circuit yesterday and it was awesome! I also made your Banana Bread Protein Pancakes for dinner which were sooo delicious!
I just pinned these to save because i want to do them ALL. Thanks, Julie! You know I love them circuits.
I’m all about at home workouts. There’s nothing better than waking up, whipping out your yoga mat, and busting out a nice flow. No traffic. No grunting men to deal with. No waiting for a machine. Just me and Rodney Yee 🙂
Oooh! I am saving this! Thanks 😀
I love this, Julie!
Usually I’ll either pop in a Jillian Michaels DVD or make up my own circuit if I want to workout at home. I like having a plan, though, so thanks for these ideas!
I do almost all of my workouts at home. I have the p90x dvd set and I love it. At first I would only follow the p90x plan but now I make up my own using p90x on some days and walmart workout dvds on others. I also like to bike on days when the weather is nice, but lately it’s been rather cold.
Yay thank you for posting these all together! I’ve tried several of your at home workouts and they are awesome! I’ve done 1 bodyrock workout and it was awesome. The other day I posted a really challenging (for me at least) tabata workout that can be done at home- check it out if you want!
In this last couple weeks, I’ve been utilizing alot of your at home circuit workouts to change things up! Love it!
I feel like I get a better workout when I’m at the gym – there’s just too many distractions at home. But if I have to workout at home, I love exercise DVDs. The Tone it Up girls have a really good one. I also have an exercise ball, kettle ball, and weights at home.
And in the nice weather, I love to run and walk outside!
Thanks for sharing!! Whenever I go home, I don’t have access to a gym and totally rely on these types of workouts!
these are great! i especially love that no nonsense workout. for several months i didn’t have the luxury of having a gym membership, so circuit workouts, workout DVDs (jillian michaels!), and running were my main workouts. i still felt like i got plenty of results from the comfort of my own home! you’re right, circuit workouts are often no joke!
I’m def in need of some at-home workout options… With the new puppy all I wanna do is be home and be with him! I’m not sure how he’d react to all the jumping around though ;P
When I’m away from home (and even when I am home), I LOVE using sessions. They have many different session lengths and generally their 20 minute sessions are free AND they come with a PDF pose guide! When I first started doing yoga, I used these sessions with guide to learn the basics because I was afraid I’d be embarrassed not knowing anything in class. When the instructor found out it was my “first” class, he was impressed. But now I just love them for a quick workout. 🙂
These are great options for at home workouts. If I “work out” at home those tend to be more of active rest days for me, walking or yoga. Or sometimes the 8 Minute Abs/Arms videos from the early 90s, haha. They are great! Your workouts are great for someone who doesn’t have access to a gym or equipment. Gotta do the hardcore stuff at home then!
I just did the “no nonsense circuit”….ummm my quads are burning, i want to puke, but somehow, i feel like a million bucks!!! this was awesome-thanks for sharing all of these great workouts!!! Enjoy your Sunday!
Thanks! This seems super useful and productive. I was wondering what “burpees” were though?
I haven’t belonged to a gym in about 7 years. We made a small investment into some free weights, a bench and we had a treadmill already so I’ve been able to do everything I need from home without feeling like I’m missing out on anything (not counting classes, but I never took those anyway). I’ve been loving all the different circuit and HIIT workouts floating around lately, I keep printing them off and switching things up which keeps it fresh. I also think with a few DVD’s you can get a great in home workout!
Thanks! We got lots of snow and ice last night–may not make it to the gym! Maybe I’ll do one of these today!
I LOVE the Tone It Up girls videos – especially their Sunset Workout! I also recently tried a killer & short one from…. Bring Sexy Back, man do I feel the burn!
Thanks for posting all of these together!
julie, in your second workout…what are skaters?
I definitely love circuit workouts! I feel like I am definitely not slacking at home then and getting a quality workout! I also love to take my dog for a nice long walk.
Great timing! I needed a new at home workout to try today and did the jump rope one. Tough but great!!
Thanks for sharing these–I want to try circuit workouts so this is very helpful! 🙂
I do a ton of my workouts at home, especially in January when avoiding the crowded gym. Tabata workouts are awesome! I also get inspiration from bodyrocktv. Investing in a kettlebell and 10lb free weights is key.
I gave up my gym membership 3 years ago and have been doing home workouts ever since. I’m actually in better shape then when I had the membership. My favorite are the Get Ripped DVDs by Jari Love plus lately I’ve been following the Cross Fit daily workouts. I have a small at home gym so that helps with the cross fit workouts.
I love this! But just a quick question, and it may be silly but I’ve never heard of them. What are skaters??
I love circuit style, too! Especially when you are short for time, you can get in strength and cardio at the same time! Although, I always find it so hard to workout at home and I’m usually more likely to just go to the gym. I don’t really have any equipment at home (aside from the treadmill in the basement that hasn’t been touched in a long time and I’m too creeped out to run down there) and everything shakes in my living room when I jump around (lol–we have hardwood floors).
I love circuit workouts also. I tried to do the 5×50 workout this morning after a sprint workout ha. It turned into a 1×10 workout.
This is an awesome post, thanks so much for sharing all this great info!!
Love this post! I am bookmarking it to use whenever I need a good home workout (which is almost always since I don’t have a gym membership right now). I love using DVDs at home – Jillian Michaels’ are my favorite! has tons of good workouts to choose from, one of my favorites is a 45 minute rock hard body workout that always leaves me sore for days!
I also use a really good app on my phone, Nike Training Club, that lets you choose different body part workouts you want to target for as short or long as you like. Some are pretty hard core, definitely good to use when travelling.
These workouts are awesome and are exactly what I am looking for!
Thanks for making adaptations for ‘road warriors’ or Consultants like me!
That’s great for days the gym is closed!
I recently began doing Insanity and I really love it! It is a killer workout and sometimes I can’t do all the moves and have to take breaks, but I just do my best and its always a great workout. The instructor (Sean T) is super motivating and I found that watching the DVD helps me push even more than I would if I was just doing it on my own. I think I need the music and someone talking to me, haha!
I don’t belong to a gym and I prefer working out at home, since I actually have a lot of fitness equipment. I have a morning walk everyday since my dog would send me on a day long guilt trip if he’s not out the door once I wake up. I really like workouts that need little to no equipment.
I like to follow the ToneItUp girls and Blogilates. But I actually haven’t been using their workouts lately. I’ve moved over to BodyRock. Although I have been meaning to incorporate workouts from everyone, including your workouts and the fitnessista’s, since I need a lot of variety.
Thank you for the workout roundup!
I am lucky enough to have a boyfriend who is an ex-gymnast so he helps me workout at home by giving me creative exercises and making sure I don’t hurt myself 😉
I just wanted to comment that this morning I finally made my first green monster smoothie. I made mine kind of like your chocolate covered strawberry smoothie.I used frozen strawberries, light vanilla Silk, a handful of fresh spinach, cocoa powder, and a dash of splenda (didn’t reallly need it though). I left out the protein powder because I wasn’t planning to workout soon. It was fantastic! I was so worried that the spinach would make it taste funky, but you were right — couldn’t taste it at all! Great way to get some extra greens in my diet!
By the way, your at home circuits are inspiring me to start doing more strength training. I NEVER do any and I know I need to. I run on the treadmill and do some crunches, planks, push-ups, and squats — but I really want to be stronger and gain more muscle (and not be so scrawny!). I just never know what I’m doing when it comes to strength training. I think having a game plan and sticking to it would really help me.
If I’m just starting to add in more strength training, is it best to just start with a few days a week? How many reps/sets?
You’ve never done bodyrock?! Omg they’re AMAZING! You should join in their 30 day challenge 🙂 It’s a great way to kick start the new year.
Living in an upstairs apartment I can’t do too much stuff at home. Yoga – yes, anything that involves jumping up and down – no. But, I definitely want to utilize more at-home stuff when I actually have a home!
So I decided to try the No Nonsense Circuit workout today and wow wow wow. I was a sweaty mess and my legs got to burning after all those squats and squat jumps and lunges. Thanks for the great workout!! 🙂 Will definitely be used again.
You must’ve read my mind. I was all over BodyRock.TV last night looking for suitable workouts. I’ve done some of yours and loved them. Away from the gym, I’ve been trying to run. Key word: trying. I also walk, but I probably would say, at home videos because they mimic classes.
Websites: yours and Blogilates for her circuits
I personally do not like gyms so at home is my thing!! Majority of my workouts are running related. But for in home workouts I love the Tonie It Up girls “lean arms pyramid” and “lean legs pyramid” 🙂
YAY! This post is like a GOLDMINE! Thanks so much for assembling all of your circuit workouts! I think circuit workouts can be good for everyone and anyone!