Today I thought I’d share a glimpse into our day yesterday – throwback PBF style – since a bunch of you chimed in last week to let me know you still like to read these day-in-the-life style posts from time to time.
Here’s a peek into our Tuesday!
Tuesday began bright and early! Ryan usually wakes up at 5:30 a.m. to row in the morning and I typically get up with him to get a jump start on my work for the day.
Ryan got a rowing machine for Christmas and is still loving his rowing workouts (a la Frank Underwood) and he typically pairs them with strength training for a quick morning workout he can do at home. While Ryan worked up a sweat, I made myself a cup of coffee with collagen and Fairlife whole milk and paired it with two slices of a pre-prepared frittata and an apple for breakfast.
I ate while I wrapped up Chase’s birthday party recap post and scheduled the corresponding social media shares before Chase started stirring in his crib and was up for the day just before 7 a.m.
Once Chase was up, my mom woke up shortly after (she’s staying here through next week!) and we all played with some of Chase’s new birthday toys (he is loving this steering wheel toy) until it was time to head out to boot camp.
Athletic Conditioning Workout
The Burn Boot Camp workout of the day was an Athletic Conditioning group workout. I went through the workout with four of my girlfriends and we were a sweaty mess after the 25-minute sweat session!
By the time I picked Chase up from childcare and said goodbye to my friends and their little ones, Chase was ready for his morning nap and fell asleep within minutes of our arrival back home. As you may have seen on Snapchat, I used Chase’s naptime to shower, make myself a quick protein smoothie (coconut milk + frozen banana + spinach + SFH chocolate protein powder) and plan out four workouts for a fitness photo shoot I had on my calendar with Stacey for the afternoon!
With my mom in town, I’m trying to take advantage of her offer to watch Chase and scheduled a bunch of random appointments (hair, dentist, workout shoot, etc.) while I have childcare help! After kissing Chase goodbye and thanking my mom for her help, I drove to the gym to meet with Stacey and shoot several workouts to share with you guys in the future.
Stacey is such a pro and we flew through all of the workout pics I needed in no time at all. She has the ability to snap action shots in one or two takes and it amazes me! I am kicking myself for not reaching out to a professional photographer for workout shots sooner because I know it makes it a million times easier to follow the workouts I share when you have picture tutorials right in front of you. I tried to listen to your workout requests and will have a bodyweight workout, bosu workout, an upper body workout and a cardio killer workout to share with you guys soon!
By the time I made it home, I was more than ready for lunch and apparently Chase was, too! My mom had Chase eating salmon and sweet potatoes in his high chair, so I snacked on some almonds while I quickly whipped up an egg white oatmeal protein pancake with cacao nibs to eat beside him.
Clearly I am out of the habit of snapping a ton of food pics, because I remembered to take a picture of my pancake at the last second. Blogger fail.
Along with my protein pancake, I ate a big ol’ bowl of cherries and they were perfectly ripe and sweet. Yum!
I spent the next hour or so trying to work while popping in and out of playtime with my mom and Chase before he went down for his afternoon nap. Chase’s afternoon nap has been hit or miss lately and Ryan and I are beginning to think that he’s working toward dropping it. My fingers are crossed that this isn’t the case, but his previously stellar two-hour afternoon nap is now closer to an hour and often restless. Eek.
While Chase slept for an hour, I started working on this blog post and ate a bowl of Pumpkin Spice Cheerios.
General Mills sent me a preview box of the cereal and the seasonal Cheerios are so stinkin’ good! Eating one bowl of Cheerios is impossible, so about 30 minutes later, I ate another bowl. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
Before I knew it, 4 p.m. rolled around and Chase was up again. My mom and I flip flopped between hanging out with Chase and preparing dinner and it was really nice to have a second set of hands during the time of day when Chase is often the most on-the-go.
Chase is happiest in the morning but there is something about the early evening that makes him want to crawl, climb and chatter away!
Dinner last night included an updated take on my favorite edamame and black bean salad with shrimp added into the mix.
I took the time to style my bowl a bit before photographing it because I needed to snap some pictures of the dish for a project I am working on that I’m excited to share with you guys in the coming weeks. Since my diet was rather light on the produce and heavy on the cereal yesterday, it felt good to get some vibrant veggies in my belly at dinnertime.
Ryan arrived home from work a little late last night but Chase decided his normal bedtime wasn’t happening, so Ryan fortunately got to sneak in some quality time with our little man before it was time for him to go to sleep.
I’m not sure where Chase’s energy came from, but he was practically bouncing off the walls for hours last night and fought his bedtime with all his might (and all his screams when we’d try to put him down). Eventually he settled and finally went to sleep, leaving us an hour or two to unwind before heading off to bed ourselves.
Since I ate dinner early with my mom and Chase, I was hungry again around 9 p.m. and whipped up a simple smoothie with milk, a frozen banana, frozen strawberries and a drizzle of natural peanut butter to enjoy after Chase went to bed.
A little Bachelor in Paradise followed (what a train wreck of a show… but I just can’t resist it) and then we finally crashed in bed around 10 p.m.
I hope you guys have a good Wednesday!
The frittata and cherries look delicious! Sounds like your photographer is great.
I’ve never watched Bachelor in Paradise before and I really don’t think I should be starting now. Chad is such a crazy and I can’t help but feel like it’s just a written part, like he’s getting paid a lot to do it. It just doesn’t make sense otherwise. I was only watching because my sister was 😉
I totally went out and bought a box of Cherrios after I was your snapchat story. I couldn’t resist a bowl.
Love your posts like these…okay, all your posts. 😉 But it is fun to see you juggling mom life/blogger life/ and fitness. I’m gearing myself mentally for all the fun changes this little one is going to bring!
Happy Wefnesday Julie!
Julie, I’m always intrigued to hear about Ryan’s workouts. Would you ever consider writing up about the differences/similarities between your workouts and Ryans? And your food intake? I ask because my husband is a lot like Ryan, and I’d love to see how you two handle working out seperately as well as eating meals at different times (lunch, etc.) Do you ever work out together?
Love this idea for a blog post! We used to go to the gym together every morning (pre-Chase) but would rarely do the same workout. Right now, Ryan’s focus is rowing and I know he alternates interval training with longer rows and incorporates bodyweight strength training during the week at home and heavier lifting at the gym on the weekends, with 1-2 rest days a week. As far as food is concerned, we eat pretty similar but Ryan just eats more… and he eats two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every single night after dinner! No matter how much we eat at dinner, he still has his sandwiches! His appetite is never ending. 🙂
Similar question, what sort of workouts do you do per week? I’m a new reader so not sure if you used to share but I was wondering what other workouts you do besides BBC and walks?
Great day! Oh no, you have broken the seal on pumkin spice. Now visions of pumkins and cinnamon sticks will be on every building and grocery store item lol. Bring it on!!!! 🙂
I loovee summer cherries! So good!
When my kids dropped to one nap per day, it was definitely a long one- sometimes up to 4 hours! Of course that ebbs and flows and it gets shorter as they grow until they eventually stop, but don’t panic! It will be ok! Just don’t put him down for the one nap too late so he wants to party all night! 🙂
Oh wow!! A 4 hour nap is something I could work with! 😉
Mine too! All kids are different but just chiming in to add that once my kiddo went to one nap we hit a really awesome groove – morning free for play dates, story times, the gym and other adventures, home for lunch, then nap from 1 to 5! It’s awesome! <3
oh my goodness! i love the day in the life posts and have to be honest i have missed them as a long time PBF reader! wouldn’t mind if they popped up now & again. also, Sadie updates always make me smile!! 🙂 🙂
The first time I had used an indoor rowing machine regularly was when I was a coach at an Orangetheory, and let me tell you — the rower works 80 percent of the muscles in your body at once time. It’s the GREATEST piece of cardio equipment, so Ryan made an awesome choice. He should check out Josh Crosby on YouTube for the BEST rowing tutorials. That guy is the king of the rower.
I looked up Josh Crosby and the video was super helpful. Thanks for the recommendation, Ashley!
Love the “a la Frank Underwood” reference!!!
Also- so fun to return to a “day in the life of PBF”!
Ha! I was hoping a fellow House of Cards fan would like that one! 🙂
Pumpkin Spice Cheerios! More like heaven in a box!
That sounds fantastic!
I need your motivation to get up and go in the morning.
Love your blog!
I agree with lots of other commenters – I really like the “day-in-the-life” posts! I was wondering if you might share the type of rowing machine that Ryan has? I love rowing as a workout and would really like to get a rowing machine someday, and would appreciation a recommendation!
*Appreciate…. looks like it’s time for another cup of coffee!
He has the Concept 2 rower and LOVES it! He uses the app that syncs with it all the time, too, and is a big fan.
Thanks for replying and sharing that! I like the look of those rowers with water in them, but wasn’t sure how practical that would be for an at-home piece of workout equipment. I’m glad to know that he loves that one, and the app sounds really cool – I didn’t even know that was a thing! Thanks 🙂
Apparently it lets you “compete” with other rowers around the world! It sounds pretty cool!
Hi Julie.
My baby is just a few days older than Chase and I was worried he was about to drop the afternoon nap too because they’d been off for a couple weeks (i.e. He’d jump and play in his crib for a whole hour without falling asleep!). But I think it was just a phase because he recently settled back into the normal two long naps a day. So maybe it’s the same for Chase and he’ll get back in the rhythm soon.
Thank you for sharing! I sure hope so!
My daughter is just a week older than Chase and seemed to go through a similar phase last month. Her naps have never been consistent 2 hours like C, but her afternoon nap went from fussy and short to 1+ hour again. I noticed that it got better after she started walking, so maybe C is getting ready to learn some new stuff 😉
I have a daughter who turned one in June so not much older then chase! I feel that she may be switching over to one nap as well… There goes my clean house?
Chase might be getting ready to walk. Both my kids went through a nap regression about a week or two before they started walking (around 11.5 months).
Could be that he needs a slightly longer awake time. Both of mine needed about 3.5-4 hours by 1 year, which meant that they weren’t *quite* ready for 1 nap, but fitting in 2 naps and a reasonable bedtime was tricky. I would end the morning nap by 10 and the afternoon nap by 3:30, with bedtime at 7:30. Once they grew out of that it was down to 1 nap and back to earlier bedtime. This is a frustrating transition because you have to cut into their sleep to help them get the sleep that they need, but once they go to one nap it is SO much easier. My oldest would often take 2.5-3 hours and I’m hoping the same rings true for the little guy (who is 14mo and just getting ready to drop to one).
I hope this isn’t too much unsolicited advice! That can be so frustrating. I just know how worried I was about switching to one nap and it was pretty easy to adjust for a couple months of transition and then drop around 15 🙂
Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to your future workout posts!
YES! I missed these day in the life posts, so I’m thrilled to see it back 🙂 I’ve been reading for years now an these have always been my favorite. 🙂 And yes to BIp being a train wreck. I’m glad they sent Chad home!
I always love your workout posts and I like to save them to my phone to use on days when I’m feeling uninspired to create a workout of my own! Looking forward to those new posts. 🙂
And I’m the same way when my mom comes to visit – It always stresses me out because I want to spend as much time with her as possible while she’s with us, but then I’m like, “Oh my gosh! I have to do ALL the things while I have her to babysit!” It’s a tough balancing act, I tell ya. lol
EXACTLY!!!! I love the quality time with my mom so much but really need to remember to get stuff done around here that I can’t do without her help!
Hey Julie! Long Time blog reader here. I wanted to offer advice/experience with naps. My almost 18 month old twins have just now dropped to one nap. I would encourage you to keep two as long as possible. One thing we did was to start shortening their morning nap because eventually that will be the one you cut and he’ll have a longer afternoon nap. When they took longer to fall asleep in the afternoons, I started waking them after 1.5 hours of napping in the a.m. So they sleep 1.5 hours and then two in the afternoon. They kept to that and then over time just kept cutting it shorter as they showed signs of needing more wake time. Let me know if that makes sense. It helped us a lot for sure
I love these day-in-the-life posts! Aaaannnddd now I’m craving Cheerios!
It’s been awhile since I checked in (added you on Snapchat!)….cannot believe your little guy turned one! He’s adorable!
My son began fighting his afternoon nap when he was 11 months old, and it was so frustrating for me and for him. So finally after he turned 1 I took the plunge to one nap a day. Starting maybe around 11, and gradually moving it back. And oh my word, BEST.DECISION.EVER.
Right away he started sleeping longer, 2 hours, then a little longer, and a little longer. Now he’s almost two, naps around 12:30 or 1 and sleeps from 2.5 – 3 hours everyday. It’s great, and so much more reliable than the dinky little morning and afternoon naps.
Just saying, don’t be scared to make the switch because people might tell you he’s too young for just one nap. It was literally a life saver for me.
P.S. You food looks delightful! Cherries, MMmmm!! We live in Mexico and that is one of the things I miss the most, fresh berries, and cherries, and stone fruit.
It’s fun to see how you and Ryan are making both of your workout schedules work. For us we alternate days. 🙂
I’ve been on the lookout for warm weather salads and this black bean one looks great!! Thanks for sharing!
I love the idea of pumpkin spice cheerios—I’ll have to look out for them this fall!
I loooove these day-in-the-life posts, they’re my fave things on the blog. Thanks for sharing! And seeing your food throughout the day is so aspirational (I know loooong ago you mentioned you don’t share everything you eat, and even so, it’s STILL aspirational to see all the nutritious but approachable grub you eat/make.) Btw, there’s a tag line for you: nutritious but approachable. That’s you! I always walk away with lots of great ideas, and you are 100% the reason I was able to start eating more protein – it seemed doable! Thanks for that!
I’m super excited to see the upper body workout – hopefully with weights! Love that you’ve hired a photographer to capture the movies, such a great idea! Thanks for the great post.
This means a lot! Thanks so much, Kim! I really appreciate your comment!
I am so pumped for pumpkin spice Cheerios! I love your daily posts, I’ve missed them!
Wow very productive day! Cant wait for the new workouts!
I love the throwback day in the life style post! And I agree with you on Bachelor in Paradise! Such a mess but who can resist! As far as Chase’s afternoon nap, it’s probably just a phase. Most babies I’ve taken care of seem to keep the afternoon nap until 18mo, but each one is different! The workout looks like fun but tough one! I’ll have to grab some girlfriends and try it out!
Where are you blue workout pants from?? I love them!
Thank you! They’re from Fabletics a few months ago.
Loved this post. You impress me with how you balance work, sleep, Chase, and general life things.
I’m curious about your smoothies – I’ve never made 2 in a day. What inspires you to make them? Is it because they’re easy and give you what you need on the go or other things? You’re encouraging me to make more of them:)
Also, did one of your 20 minute treadmill workouts today and loved it. Did another on Monday too. Thanks for providing them! You gave me a tip about taking screenshots and saving them to a “workout” album on my phone. It’s SO helpful. Game changer, all thanks to you. Keep up the great work! I appreciate your blog so much!
So glad you liked the workout!! 🙂 As for smoothies, I make them all the time because they’re just a really easy way to sneak in a meal or a snack that also incorporates fruits, veggies (I use spinach or baby kale) and protein in one cup. Plus, I love that I can change the flavors/ingredients so I rarely get sick of them (hence me making two on Tuesday)!
We have an almost 13 month old and he decided it was time to drop his morning nap just a few weeks ago which surprised me as well. But he started consistently waking up in the middle of the night when we gave him a morning nap (which he would take), but then when we dropped it he started sleeping through the night again. I was nervous at first, but I actually like it because it makes it easier to do stuff in the morning and not have to worry about being home until noon.
Oh man I hear you on the dropping nap scare, Sully did the SAME thing two weeks ago, refused a morning nap than took a super short afternoon nap because he was so tired. Luckily it was only a few days this happened, but it scared me enough I reached out to a friend who is a sleep consultant …luckily the problem fixed itself before I started to really worry (plus he’s now in daycare and they only have one nap..sooo lol) but fingers crossed Chase goes back to his two glorious naps. She did say if they are starting to hate on the second nap, you can try moving his first nap up by 15 mins or so until you phase out the morning nap all together, but do what feels best for you…she did say it seemed early for Sully to be dropping his nap but each kid is different so who knows!!! Hope he learns naps are great again! lol
I hope so!!! He’s keeping us on our toes, that’s for sure!
Pumpkin spice Cherrios! YUM! Can’t wait to see the workout posts from the pics, I love reading blogs for workout inspiration and am feeling kind of in a workout rut right now.
Those pumpkin spice Cheerios got me so excited for fall! I can’t wait to try them!
Love these posts!
I enjoy seeing the “behind the scenes” of some of your blog posts, too. Being a full time blogger can feel lonely from time to time, so reading about other folks work on their blogs makes you realize that you’re not crazy for thinking about photographers, workouts, and recipes all day. It’s all fun though and I’ll take as much of it as I can handle – sounds like you’re still the same way several years in, too. 🙂
XO, Jessica
So excited for all things pumpkin 🙂 Fall is my favourite season which means messy buns, infinity scarves, baggy wool sweaters and pumpkin spiced lattes!
The eats sound wonderful! And I really want to start using medicine balls again!
That workout looks so fun! And this is another reminder I need to check out collagen in my coffee.
Love your day in the life posts! Been using lots of your meal ideas. Miss the days when you posted these daily, but as a fellow momma, totally understand! 🙂