I love this month. Yes, it’s probably because it’s my birthday month (April 27, baby!), but I also feel like April is when the weather starts really changing for the better and the sun starts shining a little brighter (in between the “April showers” of course).
What are you most looking forward to in April?
This month I have a bunch of exciting things to look forward to:
- 5K Doggie Race with Sadie on Saturday
- Easter
- My sister’s sorority’s mother/daughter/sister weekend
- Meeting the designer of my wedding dress
- My 25th birthday!!!
It should be a good month!
Today’s breakfast was a chocolatey delight: Brownie batter hot cereal! Ahhhhhh!
I combined Flax-Z-Snax chocolate cream hot cereal with a scoop of All the Whey chocolate peanut butter cup protein powder, a tablespoon of cocoa powder and some water and microwaved it until it was hot and super thick!
I enjoyed my hot cereal with a tumbler full of my gym’s free coffee in Barnie’s cinnamon butter cookie flavor (the best flavor everrrr).
It was a great breakfast after a sch-weaty workout.
My workout today was pretty random. I felt like running, but decided against it since Sadie and I are running in a doggie 5k together on Saturday. I wanted to give my legs a good rest because I feel like I run better in races when I haven’t run several days prior to race day.
My run-less cardio workout looked like this:
- 10 min. stair master
- 10 min. adaptive motion trainer
- 5 min. stair master
- 25 min. elliptical
Can you tell I was easily bored today?
April Fools’ Day
Happy April Fools Day!
Are you playing any good jokes today? Have you ever had a good joke played on you?
One year when my sister was pretty young, my mom and I convinced her to come running down the stairs because we told her that our cat (who was a boy) had kittens. 🙂 Poor Leslie was pretty disappointed to see that no baby kitties could be found.
Two years ago my mom really got me. I had NO idea it was April Fools’ Day, and when I got to work I had a really long email from her saying that she and my dad were adopting a young boy because they were so sad that both my sister and I were out of the house (it was my sister’s first year away at college). I was shocked and even told my boss that I couldn’t believe I was getting a brother. It was then that I realized what day it was and felt like one stoooopid lil’ blonde. 🙂
I wish my gym had free, YUMMY coffee instead of stale disgusting coffee. I wish I could come up with a good joke for the hubby.
Hooray for a fellow April birthday! My 22nd birthday is on April 6th 🙂
HOORAY for April birthdays!!!
Ha! Your mom has a good sense of humor!
I love April as well, as long as it isn’t rainy!!! Today here is beatiful (in the 80’s) that is great for IA!
Thanks for cheering me on 😉
It’s really nice here today also! Boomer and I just got back from a walk in the park. She said to tell Sadie woof.
hahahha – sadie says “woof” back… and sends some sloppy doggie kisses your way too. 😉
The adoption joke is really funny! I had a good one played on me a few years ago, I was driving on the highway and a group of guys kept pointing at my tire. Thinking it was flat I pull over and go to look at it, they drive by yelling April Fools.
Haha adopting a son b/c you and your sister are away at college! Your mom rocks 🙂
My birthday is in April too! April 11th 🙂 My sister’s is April 28th.
LOVE April!
Hahaha that’s a great one by your parents. I love April too, because it really is the start of spring/summer season in the Northeast.
Yayy for April!! I am SO ready for Spring and all the warm weather and sunshine (amidst the “April showers”) that comes along with it!
I can’t remember any good April Fools jokes played on me, but I will definitely be on the lookout for them today. That’s hilarious about your mom convincing you that she was going to adopt a baby boy! haha I can only image how shocked you must have been!!
yayyy for APril..
I am looking forward to my boyfriends birthday, Nice weather and upcoming races 🙂
Hey!! I have a lot to look forward to in April…
Easter weekend with my family and the boyfriend’s family. Next weekend there is a huge chili cook off and outdoor music festival we are going to that you camp out at all weekend 🙂 it’s pretty much amazing. then the last weekend i am throwing my best friend’s bachelorette party weekend get away for a bunch of ladies in Austin, TX! (we are from houston) then the 1st of May is her wedding! So much going on this month!! : ) all while attending graduate school too..ahh!
sounds like such a fun month for ya!! i <3 chili cookoffs!
I LOVE April, too! It seems to have perfect weather (May too) and it was the month we got married. Yay for April celebrations!
I love April too…next weekend is my mommy’s birthday and of course this weekend is Easter, I’m excited!!
happy bday to mama kait!
I am a April baby too…April 12th!! WOOT!
Bahaha– that’s great that your mom got you like that!!
Happy Birthday month! I love April too!
Wow, your mom sure made a cool joke 😀
My birthday is also in April, so I’m looking forward to that 😀
I love the month of April, too….and my birthday is one day after yours. I hope you have a fabulous day 🙂
I love April. It feels like everyone’s moods are lifted and the atmosphere is just more happy in general.
Happy Early Birthday!
Looks like lots of April birthday’s. Mine is tomorrow and Mr. M’s is the 25th!
Your Mom’s adoption joke, is hilarious.
mine is the 26th wooo!! Three of my best friends from high school and my college roomie are April babies too. We started calling it “birthday season” years ago 🙂
I’m looking to my first trip to NYC w/2 of my very best life long friends! We are going to have a blast! My wedding anniversary is also in April, unfortunately, I will be in NYC on it. Oops.
Wedding dress designer definitely sounds exciting! I love April too, spring is coming!