Since my taste buds typically desire something on the sweeter side in the morning, I was more than happy to prepare myself a savory breakfast for once.
I made myself a wafflewich by toasting two whole wheat waffles and topping them with muenster cheese, raspberry jelly and scrambled eggs.
A cup of strawberry Activia yogurt and two blueberry brown sugar Newtons fruit thins were also enjoyed.
Sadie was not impressed with my sharing skills this morning…
Better luck next time, kiddo.
And speaking of kiddos…
Baby Names
Yesterday I tweeted this random thought…
The tweets I received in response made me realize that this is a very common thing! What surprised me most was the amount of mothers or mothers-to-be who faced this same dilemma… and then gave birth to a baby of the opposite gender than the one for which they had plenty of names on tap!
Oddly enough, I have this totally weird feeling that Ryan and I will have a boy one day which seems to go along with this trend. (Rest assured that we will not be naming him Hawk.)
One of the baby girl names I absolutely loved for years was Reagan.
I had to let that one go when I married Ryan. Reagan Fagan just doesn’t work.
Ryan suggested keeping “Reagan” and adding “Megan,” so we’d have Reagan Megan Fagan.
Endearing, no?
Question of the Morning
- Do you have a lot of baby names on tap for one specific gender or are you evenly split? Or do you not even think about these things at all?
Of Possible Interest
- Rising Above Negativity: Our slideshow presentation on looking up IP addresses, moderating and blocking comments from the Healthy Living Summit (
- Healthy Summer Salad Recipes (
- Vegetables & Vodka: An e-book with healthy recipes from bloggers (
well we have totally agreed on a girls name, but still cannot agree on a boys name! i don’t want a boy anyway though hahaha
My husband and I don’t even plan on having kids, ever, and we still have names picked out! One boy, one girl. My thoughts on agreeing on a name are, until a man can give birth, he gets to name the dog. Woman gets the final say on names. 🙂
I think every girl has dreamed up what her kid’s names will be. I have friends who have literally settled on first and middle names. No thought as to what their significant others will think of them, too. lol For me, I like the name Vivien. I’m a huge Gone With The Wind fan, lol. I haven’t really thought of boys names. Although I have always liked Eric.
How are those Newton fruit thins?? I have a love hate relationship with Newtons cookies
Reagan is a super cute name! I have a hard time with girls names because I find myself relating the name back to someone I used to know/still know. Also, I like the idea of incorporating family names into kids names…if I have a girl, I’ll definitely include my grandma’s name somehow in her name.
Also, I’m definitely going to have to try the waffle with cheese on it!! Never thought about doing that till I saw it here 🙂 And I’m pretty sure I have a few waffles wasting away in the freezer just begging to be covered in melty cheese!
Umm I love thinking about baby names too! I’ve already decided on Spence for a boy and Florence for a girl – they are family names as well!
hahah you could always name your next pup Reagan! Rhyming pet names are more acceptable 😉
My name is Reghan! haha No one ever spells it right though because everyone thinks it’s spelled the way you spell it 🙂 I love my name! I never had to worry about anyone having the same name as me growing up, it was considered a weird name then but I always got compliments and still do from people who love my name. I see why you can’t use it with your last name though 🙁 My husband loves a boys name that absolutely doesn’t work with our last name either but he insists that is what we will name a baby boy and always bugs me about it. Fat chance buddy LOL
Girl names are like girl clothes – SO many adorable cute ones out there! And boy names like boy clothes – very limited selection, and not as cute. And there’s so many names that once were boy names that are mostly girls now.
Your husband sounds just as hilarious as mine.
I thought I had names picked out before I had kids and ended up with VERY different names!
When I was pregnant with Braeden I had 4 girl names and 0 boy names (we decided fairly quickly though) and when I was pregnant with Livie I had a definite boy name (that we will use when we have a 3rd kid – I just know it will be a boy) and still had 0 girls names when I went in to deliver (it took about 20 minutes for us to decide when she was born).
It’s fun to think of baby names. I am definitely looking forward to you and Ryan start your family (someday)!
hilarious!!! my husband and i decided on baby names (girl AND boy, first and middle) the first summer we were married. who knows if those names will stick once we actually have kids but it was fun to figure it out. 🙂 and we’re not telling anyone the names until we have kids so no one copies us/makes fun/etc. 🙂
First of all I know I’m probably the last person on earth to find this blog lol, but I’ve just recently discovered it and want to say how GREAT it is 🙂 I recently subscribed as well and look forward to seeing new emails in my inbox. So that being said this is my first comment here 🙂
I have skimmed through the other comments so sorry if I repeat anything. Let me just say that Reagan is on my list of girls names hehe, I love that name! In fact I think it could also be used for a boy. And yes I like most others, have a long list of girls names in mind but a very very short list of boy names! My side of the family is made up of mostly girls, but on my husband’s side it’s mostly boys, so I’m hoping our future child (if we should have one) will be a girl hehe. But of course I have to say as long as the baby is healthy that’s all that matters.
Now it’s funny also that this post has come up because my friend in California just had her baby this morning AND it’s a boy AND they still haven’t named him! They’re just referring to him as ‘Baby B’ right now, I don’t know how I feel about not having a name ready for when my child is born, but I guess they are indecisive! My other friend and her husband named their daughter just after birth. So it seems it can be a problem both ways.
I love the name Ashby!
I have 3 kids, two girls and 1 boy. I had the boy name picked out when I found out I was first pregnant, but it is the only boy name I like. (good thing I only have 1 boy) My daughters names were harder cuz my hubby didn’t like the names I had picked and I didn’t like the names he picked. We ended up compromising. I love their names! Lauren, Ashby & Andrew.
my sister is preggers with twins but we don’t know the sex yet and we have picked out a boat load of names (way more girl names than boy names) but it’s hard cause every name i come up with she knows someone with that name or their kid’s name is that or she hated someone in highschool with that name etc… so it’s becoming a challenge lol i love the name tatum for a boy and then calling him tate but i looked up tatum and apparently it’s more known for a girl’s name so i was kinda bummed. my middle name is adele and it was my great grandma’s name so if i have a girl i want her first or middle name to definitely be that!
The names I like for girls are kind of boyish and the names I like for boys are a little feminine so I’m rethinking the latter.
I have no boys names that I’m particularly drawn to, either. Not that I plan on having kids ANY time in the remotely near future, but I really like the names Natasha and Natalia for girls. I kinda have a thing for T boys names I guess…Tanner, Turner, Tucker, Trevor…big fan.
I definitely have just girls names picked out and maybe one or two for boys. Kate (way before Prince William married her), Caroline and Samantha (Sam) are my picks for girls. For boys I only really have Evan picked out. I like the name Riley too but that can be for a boy or a girl.
I am the SAME way but with girls! I have like five boy names picked out…I’m so incredibly picky when it comes to girl names!
I have a couple specific names picked out. For girls, my favorite is Raine, followed by Willow, Cadence, and Andromeda.
And one single boy name – Xander.
I like *different* names. :]
I find that I’m split pretty evenly when it comes to names. I like to be creative with girl names, and traditional with boy names, so I have lots to choose from 🙂
I have baby names and I’m not pregnant. For a boy, I have Wendell Brantford but my husband said he wanted it to be James Charles so I figured we could compromise and do James Brantford and call him Brant. Then, if it’s a girl, I’m thinking Sophia but I don’t know about a middle name. I want an italian name for a girl.
i have been picking out names since i was 5 years old, no joke. I love the name Raegan too btw. I. like the name Liam for a boy, but my boyfriend’s name is Ian…too similiar! I def have more girls names than boys name though.
We have just the opposite problem! We have more boy names!!
Our first born of each gender will be Ford, and Charlotte!
Even though we are not expecting children any time soon, my husband and I have always wanted to name our future children after family memebers that mean a lot ot us. For a girl we have picked out Caitlyn Grace because Grace is my husbands grandmas name and for a boy we want to name him Richard (after my husbands father who has passed away.) I agree with you about boys names, hopefully we just have one boy 🙂
I had it backwards. A bunch of boys names and NO girls names…Until about a year ago.
My guy and I had decided if we ever had a daughter, we’d name her for his mom, Charlotte but we’d call her Charlie.
And since his middle name is Charles, we’re saying, boy or girl, it’s Charlie either way!
Oh, and Julie, I love Reagan too! My dad’s name is Ray and both of my grand dads. I wouldn’t mind having daughters named Charlie and Rea….Maybe I just like boy names for girls! 😉
I decided that we need to have a girl for this very reason. There are absolutely no good boy names. If, on the off chance we do have a boy, we decided, I think anyway, to name him Eddie after my dad. My favorite mentor at work is also named Eddie. We will not, however, be naming him Edward for obviously twilighty reasons.
My husband and I lived this very thing. I’m expecting a little boy within about 2 1/2 weeks, but was POSITIVE we were going to have a girl (mostly because I wanted a boy and was being cynical). So we were all set to go with “AnnaBelle”, after my great-grandma, and lo and behold–it’s a boy! It took us FOREVER to come to an agreement. My husband’s name list had Bruce, Bert, Ernest (yes, like Bert & Ernie) and Milt on it. He had to be reminded we were having a baby, not an 85-year old!!
My husband and I don’t have kids yet, but we have had a name for a baby girl picked out for a while. However, we never even discussed boy’s names. Since he comes from a family of three boys, I have a feeling that’s what we will have.
I pretty much never crave a savory breakfast, I have a major sweet tooth. What a creative way to satisfy your craving! When I was younger and played with dolls/played house I always loved the name Gabriela. I think I have such a lack of desire for children at this point in my life it’s just something that never crosses my mind!
I have my names picked out but we are not even trying yet….Mackenzie for a girl and Levi for a boy. Levi, for us, links back in a way to our love of America (as in Levi jeans) and we are big cycling fans so it is also in reference to Levi Leipheimer. I like Liberty as a middle name (again for the American theme) but it does not go well with Mackenzie. I also like Valentine for a girl’s middle name but my partner hates it so it’s not an option. I am yet to decide a middle name for Levi.
Hahahahaha Reagan Fagan!!!
I love thinking about baby names even if little ones are a few years away 😛 I’ve thought of the name Reagan before, too- adorable! For a girl I like: Emma, Samantha, Isabelle [many more I can’t remember off the top of my head] and for boys I like: Ryan [IDK, that’s my fiance’s name and he’s in debate if he wants little “Jr.”] and Jackson… Boys names are definitely harder!
Alex and I have had our baby names picked out forever. The problem is that we have more names picked out than we will likely have children…what to do with all these other great names!
When you pronounce Reagan Megan Fagan do all those names rhyme? Because Megan doesn’t rhyme when I say it…is that weird? What the heck kind of accent do I have?
I think Megan Reagan Fagan sounds better. LOL
For a girl I like Elyssa Belle. I went to school with an Elyssa (pronounce E-Lisa) and just fell with it. Belle is my best friend’s nickname.
I never thought of a boys name cause my husband would be passing down his name. If I had a choice I’d go with a common one like James or David.
And it was true! You did end up with a handsome boy for your first-born 🙂 (I was trying to find the website you mentioned a while back that shows name trends throughout the years, and that’s how I stumbled upon this old post! I actually think I’ve been following you since the beginning of 2011.)
Look you were right!! Congrats again 🙂