Ryan had to work late today, giving me the perfect chance to make an elaborate dinner watch The Bachelorette.
I DVRed the show last night since I didn’t want to be up until 11 p.m. and knew I’d want to fast forward through a lot of the recaps from last season. I had a great time settling down on the couch for an hour or so after work with my girly t.v. show.
I hope this season is a good one! (For those of you who watched: I totally agree with Ashley’s choice for her first impression rose. Cutie pie!)
Walk + Dinner
Ryan arrived home right as the bachelorette was giving out her final two roses and we wasted no time changing into our walkin’ clothes to head out on an evening walk with Sadie.
After trekking around our neighborhood, we headed home for dinner!
Since it was after our usual dinner time, we were both hungry and didn’t want to wait too long for dinner, so we opted for freezer food!
I pulled out two Starkist Seasations frozen fish filets and heated them up. While steaming some broccoli and cauliflower, I toasted whole wheat sandwich thins that I then topped with butter and garlic salt for super-easy garlic toast.
For dinner in less than 10 minutes, I’d say this was pretty well rounded and tasty! Freezer food to the rescue!
After dinner I headed upstairs to snap some photos for my upcoming post about what I packed for our trip to Europe.
Let’s just say someone didn’t make this little activity go very smoothly.
Off to give that little menace the attention she so obviously desires.
Awwwwwwww! Who could resist that face? And freezer food is perfect on those days where you are just too hungry to wait!
I totally agree with the first impression rose too!
aww sadie you always make me smile 🙂
I do wish that we still had cable sometimes, I miss my reality TV! 😛
Please tell me you’ve seen this… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGeKSiCQkPw
Omg this is hysterical! My aunt emailed it to me this morning. So freakin’ funny!
haha that pic of Sadie was cute at the end!
I LOVE easy, fast freezer food too 🙂
Sadie is such a cutie! I’m about to settle down and watch the bachelorette too! Best girly show ever. Though the concept freaks me out sometimes… hah!
sometimes you just need an easy night!
I love freezer food! Freezer vegetables and fruit are just as nutritious as fresh ones and taste so good!
I have never cared for dogs – and I’ve really never been a fan of viszla’s but Sadie has totally changed my mind! I get such a kick out of reading all about her antics! She is awfully cute! If I’m ever in the market, I might seriously consider a viszla now!
Sadie is so sweet — she was just trying to help!
When my dog sees my suitcase or a bag of any sorts, she freaks out, gives me the sad eyes, and mopes around. Heaven forbid I actually start packing. I don’t know how to resist those puppy eyes.
That last picture of Sadie is too cute!
The bachelorette was certainly interesting as always! I almost feel bad for the drunk guy (how painful would that be to watch on national tv?) What was with the masked man? and Bentley. oh bentley. She was warned!
WHAT A CUTE PUP! I never got into the bachelorette/the bachelor…
That dinner looks delicious! And as I type this I realize I’m sucking on a spoon that looks strangely similar to the one on the right side of my screen….
I love the first impression rose guy!! Isn’t his name Ryan??:) but seriously the guy in the mask was creeping me out !! Have a good night!
HAHA Sadie’s picture made me laugh so much!
Awww Sadie makes me miss my dog sooo much! It’s the mischievous moments that make the memories with those doggies ;-). I watched Bachelorette on the treadmill last night, and I must say there were several moments where my facial expressions may have looked very odd to the passer-bys at the gym: extreme laughter when that guy got too drunk; sawing AWW out loud when the guy used the signs to get her attention, grimacing when it looked like for one second a guy might go back inside.Oh what a rollercoaster of bachelorette emotions on that treadmill 😉
I loved the signs! So “Love Actually” and adorable.
the bachelorette, ah! i love ashley, i think she’s so sweet and i think that was her intuition talking last season.. telling her she’ll find someone better than brad! but bentley.. she should have sent him home asap.. and the drunk guy, oh man! she was smart to send him home. i really like west so far, i think he’s sweet!
For a freezer food dinner, I’d say you nailed it!
I looove the bachelorette but I’ve decided to not watch this season as it’s SO time consuming!.. Plus, my DVR is all full of sex and the city reruns. Priorities 🙂
Julie! This is totally off-topic, but I saw this site and totally thought of you and your love of dogs/animals!
I actually tweeted this link last week! Love it!!
Awwww – poor Sadie probably thought you were going to leave again when you got your clothes out!
Haha, Sadie is like “What? It’s all about me now!” 🙂
Delicious looking dinner! And I’m not even a huge salmon fan.
I love the bachelorette too, but have to go with Jessica in that it is sooo time consuming! I didn’t DVR the first episode so I won’t get hooked!
So I am totally in love with how simple and easy your dinners always are! You usually don’t have a ton of pomp and circumstance, nor do you seem to have the need to always have rice/bread with every meal. I bet it saves you tons of time! I am trying to go this direction, usually I spend waaayy too long in the kitchen!
I only saw part of the episode while I was at the gym – did the mask guy get invited back???! I feel so out of the loop!
yes! what a whacko.
freezer staples are the best! they really do save you in a pinch!
Looking forward to the Europe packing post. I’m off to Europe in 27 days!! 😀
just had to say LUV the strike thru…haha. and i’m actually watching the bachelorette ondemand as i type this! and you gotta love food that u can have nuked and plated in 10 mins or less. 😉
Hahaha that last picture looks like a mug shot. My dog hates when I do ANYTHING but give her attention, too…it’s adorable and annoying at the same time!!
sadie looks like she got caught doing something naughty!
I agree with you on the first impression rose. He is a cutie! I also like JP and the guy that owns a winery. I can’t wait to see the rest of the season! 🙂
Sadie is so cute! Haha..her facial expression is like, “I didn’t do anything, mom. I’m innocent, I swear!” Haha! So cute!
TOTALLY agree w/ all of your guys choices! they were my favs too!
We’re suitcase twins! 😉
My friends and I are doing a bachelorette bracket we found online. It’s been so fun and takes our Bachelorette addiction to a new level! You should check it out it’s pretty funny: http://saynotocosmo.com/post/5647900865/bachelorette-bracket
It’s actually from a blog of a past contestant! It’s got a point system and is to be filled out before the 2nd episode!
Poor Sadie! She probably thought you were leaving her again!! Yummy freezer food fish, I need to find those in SC!
Aww I loved the first impression guy too! He seemed genuinely sweet. And what is she thinking with Bentley?! Get that guy out of there ASAP!