Hello from Ocala!
We made it back to Florida yesterday after a long day of travel, flight delays and some less-than-stellar overnight sleeping on the plane. Catching a late flight out of Honolulu on Monday night put us in back in Ocala around dinnertime yesterday after a layover in Dallas and a two-hour drive from Tampa to Ocala. It feels so good to be home!
It’s always sad to wrap up a vacation, but seeing this little face when we arrived back in Florida made me incredibly happy.
Sadie had a blast with my sister while we were away. Leslie texted us pictures of her periodically and let’s just say Sadie’s neediness and intense desire for excessive cuddling didn’t dissipate while we were gone.
Breakfast this morning was an old standby!
This was actually a batch of my oatmeal cookie dough overnight oats (dairy free) and was the perfect way to start the day. I needed a stick-to-the-belly kind of breakfast since I’m moving a bit slow this morning. I’m not feeling too jet lagged yet, but I’m hoping I don’t crash later today. Lot’s of catchin’ up to do!
It’s good to be back!
Welcome home!
I definitely missed seeing Sadie’s little face pop up in your posts! 🙂
i missed her, too! 😀
Glad you had a safe trip home Julie! Sadie looks absolutely ecstatic to see you!
Oatmeal cookie dough overnight oats? Yes please!
The first day of settling back is always such a nightmare..hope it all goes well 😀
it always feels so good to be home after a long day of traveling! those overnight oats look delicious!
Glad that you had a safe trip back! Traveling is the worst. It takes so much out of you. I hope you get a chance to rest today. 🙂
Glad you had a good trip and are home safe and sound! Travel days from Hawaii are long and stink especially when coming back. (Somehow the irritants of them disappear when you’re arriving!) 😉
Welcome home!!
Your daily reviews of you and Ryan’s adventures were amazing! I shared them with my husband everyday…I think I have him convince we need to take a trip there…thank you:)
Have a great day
So, I saw a 3-month-old Vizsla in my neighborhood yesterday, and I mentioned to the owner that I’d only seen one on a blog I followed. “Is it PBFingers?!” We had a nice little chat over your blog and Sadie 😉
oh my gosh, i LOVE this!!! how cool. was her dog crazy, too? 🙂
YES! And so, so friendly! Her expressions seemed to be saying, “OMG! ANOTHER DOG! WE SHOULD BE BEST FRIENDS!”
This is so funny because I was going to comment on meeting someone who knew what a Vizsla was because of this blog! Yes Brooks is about as crazy as it gets but our neighborhood is great because there are lots of dogs, all of which Brooks thinks she needs to be friends with.
So I JUST discovered the wonderful-ness of overnight oats and I’ve been obsessed ever since! I’ve been looking for different recipes to try and next on the list is definitely oatmeal cookie dough 🙂 Welcome back!!
Welcome back! Glad you guys have made it home safely and had a great trip!
Glad you made it back home safely. That must’ve been a heck of a trip. Travelling really knocks me on my butt for a day or two after I return…
I can only imagine how excited Sadie was to see you and Ryan! I’ll miss seeing those gorgeous Hawaiian beach pictures but I’ll take crazy Sadie pictures as a replacement. 🙂
Welcome home!!! I love vacations but by the end I’m ready to come home to my schedule and such ;).
Your vacation made me crave the hawaii air again..and their shaved ice;) I love it there!
Welcome home! Sleeping in your own bed is always the best part of coming home from vacation!
Its sad when a vacation ends, but I always feel a sense of relief at my homecoming too. Hope you can nap today.
Um, those oats sound AMAZING! Way better than my peanut butter English muffin.;)
Welcome back. Good to see Sadie too. Thanks for sharing your vacation on the blog with us all. Have a great day.
Welcome back! I loved your vacation posts – Looks like such a fabulous time!
No matter how much fun I have while I’m on vacation, it’s always nice to be back home too.
I worked an overnight shift last night, so I’ll be jet-lagged along with you!
Glad to hear that you and Ryan made it back safely!! 🙂
I can’t imagine how nice it was to see Sadie again. We have 3 dogs. All big and all outside dogs. When we spend just one night away they go nuts when we get back the next morning. Nothing makes you feel better than being that missed by such sweet pets!
Glad Sadie’s happy to have you back! 🙂
Aww Sadie! I’ve missed her 🙂
Glad you made it home safely 🙂 I’m sure Sadie is over the moon to have you guys back!
Welcome home! I was finally able to board the overnight oats train by using steel cut oats. They stay crunchier!
The Kidless Kronicles
Welcome back!!! I bet Sadie was happy to see you guys 🙂
welcome home! hopefully you won’t be too jet lagged later in the day!! 🙂
Welcome home! Sadie looks SOOO HAPPY to see you! Haha soo sweet 🙂
Welcome home friend :]
I bet it is nice to be back home, even though it looks like you had an incredible time. I always need a vacation from my vacation when I get back home 🙂
Love the pic of Sadie! Also, I’ve really been trying to get myself to like oatmeal, definitely going to try your cookie dough overnight oats recipe! Thanks!
Awwww welcome back!!! 🙂
Glad you are home safe and sound. 🙂 Can’t wait to see you soon lady!
Glad you mad it back safely! How was the flight? Is Ryan cured of his anxiety? Hope Sadie showered you with nibble kisses!
Welcome back, Julie! Looks like you had a wonderful time. So great Sadie could stay with Leslie, I bet they had fun together! Best of luck getting back into the swing of things…and the jet lag can ALWAYS be cured with pumpkin spice lattes from starbucks, just sayin! 😉
I am so glad you zre home! Pictures of Sadie are good for the soul. My mom passed away while you were. It is obvious Sadie pictures makee s smile! You too!
I send excessive amounts of pictures to my brother and sister in law when I watch their golden retriever, Molly. They say they love it!
Dumb question. . . do you cook the oats first?
Hey Julie!
I know you’re a ice cream lover (as am I!) so I wanted to share with you an amazing find! It’s called Artic Zero and I found it at Kroger this afternoon, only 150 calories FOR THE ENTIRE PINT!. NO FAT. 14 grams of whey protein. Gluten free. Absolutely delicious. Almost too good to be true (but it is!) They have cookies & cream, peanut butter chocolate, vanilla maple and mint chocolate. They may have other flavors but that is all my Kroger had in stock. Let me know if you try it or already have! Glad you had fun in Hawaii, all the pictures were beautiful!
What a sweetie waiting for you. 🙂
Glad you arrived safely home 🙂 I hope you don’t get post-travel depression 😉 I got that after Bali and didn’t want to rejoin the world haha.