Stop at a local bagel shop and snag a toasted bagel with homemade cream cheese.
A couple weeks ago I stopped in Ocala’s new Breadilicious bakery and fell in love with their unbelievable pastries. When I saw a sign for Bagelicious, a local bagel shop and deli, as I was driving the other day, I made a mental note to drop in sometime in the future.
Apparently local shops ending in “licious” are quite the thang in Ocala.
On the way home from the gym, I popped in an ordered a toasted honey nut bagel with honey walnut cream cheese. I’m not sure why the bagel is a purpleish color, but I’m just going to roll with it because it tasted fantastic.
Ordering a bagel this morning reminded me of high school lunch. When I was a senior in high school, my friends and I would go off-campus for lunch and often stopped at Great American Bagel where I would order a toasted bagel, with one half topped with vegetable cream cheese (my entrée) and the other half topped with pineapple walnut cream cheese (dessert).
That counts as a serving of vegetables and fruit, right?
Today’s workout was great! I kicked it old school and did a circuit workout. I wasn’t feeling LiveFit strength training today so I created a little combination workout that looked like this:
This circuit was inspired by Annette’s Outside Your Comfort Zone workout and absolutely flew by thanks to the fast pace of the workout.
I’ll be back soon with a fun giveaway this afternoon. If you like pretty jewelry (specifically the necklace I gave my bridesmaids), I think you’re gonna love this one!
Of Possible Interest
- 10 Summer Strawberry Lunches (
- Best Healthy Food Blogs ( – Thank you so much for the shout out!)
- Soccer Field Workout (
Question of the Morning
- Did your high school have off-campus lunch? If so, where would you typically go?
My friends and I typically rotated going to each other’s houses for lunch, but when we went out, we’d typically go to Great American Bagel or Billy’s Hot Dogs. (Anyone else from Palatine, Illinois a fan of Billy’s? So freakin’ good. And I’m honestly shocked they have a website.)
thanks for the shoutout to my workout, Julie! you’re the best 🙂
no problemo, friend! i loved all the workouts on that post!
I thought that was a blueberry bagel at first because it does look purplish.
We went allowed to leave school during lunch. I went to high school in the Chicago suburbs too. I lived in Algonquin, but have never heard of Billys.
i did too at first! i even asked to double check! still not sure what’s up with the color…
and you should make a special trip to billy’s! it’s a total hole-in-the-wall place, but so, so good!
My hubby would love it. He’s a big Tommy’s hot dogs fan. We’re not too far from Palatine -we’ll have to check it out! Thanks!
That bagel looks so good! When I was living in Virginia there was a bagel place with honey walnut cream cheese, it was my favorite, I should try to make my own version!
There is nothing like a good bagel and they can be hard to find! I still haven’t found a place in New Hampshire that I really love that isn’t more than an hour away! My high school had off campus lunch for seniors and my friends and I would just go to one of our houses and eat our packed lunches there – we were cool like that 🙂
The bagel is purple because of the walnuts! Just made walnut bread the other day that turned out that similar funky color 🙂
a mystery solved! thanks, ashley!
My high school only offers off-campus lunch to seniors, and seeing as I’m going to be a senior next year I haven’t quite gotten the chance to enjoy that privilege. School food is definitely less than appetizing so I’m excited. Finally some freedom!
whoa, that workout looks intense! I see why it’s called super sweaty!
We were allowed to leave for lunch though we only had 30 minutes and couldn’t drive so options were sorely limited! Luckily there was a Subway close by that we would go to sometimes but usually it was just easier to eat in the cafeteria.
That workout looks awesome! I’m going to pin it so I can try it sometime soon.
That bagel looks awesome, especially with all that gorgeous homemade cream cheese piled inside. Wish we had one of those around here.
High school didn’t have off campus lunches but that didn’t stop us! We loved going to McDonald’s and getting Happy Meals during the month of October because the meal would come in a plastic pail! We’d then use the pail as our purses. LOL Crazy.
hahahaha 🙂 oooh, high school!
We werent allowed to go off campus until senior year, and our schedules were more college-like so I rarely had free time when my friends did. I usually went home!
I wish we could have gone off campus…but no such luck! 🙁 That bagel looks delicious though! p.s. I think it totally can count as a serving of fruits & veggies!
I have been to Billy’s! Off campus lunch usually was going to a friends house, Frankly Yours (the Schaumburg version of Billy’s), Portillo’s, Mario’s (3 dollars for a slice of pizza and a drink..such a steal in high school), or Panera (when we were feeling classy).
I heart portillos! They have the best chocolate shakes and vegetarian salads! I’m Greek and I know the owners of billys in palatine :)!
no way! tell him he makes a meeeean hot dog!
portillo’s!! be still my heart.
I was just in Chicago a few weeks ago visiting family and they brought me to Portillo’s too – SO good!
My high school was very stingy so we sadly ate at the cafeteria. :(. That bagel looks so yummy! I miss eating bagels. Ever since I was diagnosed with celiac disease I miss eating bagels. You know if you are ever in Chicago check out Chicago bagel authority! My friends rant and rave over there tasty bagel concoctions! That circuit workout looks so hard! I’m going to try it out soon. 🙂 have a great day!
Love CBA!!!
i’ve never heard of it! sounds like a winner to me though!
Julie check out there website!
We couldn’t even eat our lunch outside!
I treated myself to Starbucks dark roast instead of yucky office coffee this morning. 🙂
I was so tempted to stop for coffee this morning. Now I’m kicking myself for not doing it!
That bagel looks delicious! I love going to local bagel shops for bagels and cream cheese. It always tastes better when it’s homemade. 🙂
We weren’t allowed to leave school for lunch. We weren’t able to eat outside either. We had to sit in the cafeteria and either buy lunch or bring it from home.
Love BIlly’s!!! I work with the owners son! Love the chicken & rice soup….oh and the spicy chicken sandwich!!
Mmm I love fresh bagels! There’s a place by my house that makes them only on weekends and I used to go regularly but haven’t in far too long. Need to fix that! My high school wasn’t really near any restaurants (this was in the Middle East), but when we were in the upper years and some of my friends had cars, they’d go out to grab fast food occasionally. There definitely wasn’t the healthy selection that we have here in North America, so I didn’t partake very often!
When you mentioned Great American Bagel I forgot for a moment you were from IL! I used to LOVE Great American Bagel and the attached smoothie bar at my location. When I went back home a few weeks ago, I was sad to see they closed down. 🙁
That bagel looks AMAZING!
My favorite bagel/cream cheese combination is a blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese. I know it sounds odd but it is AMAZING!!! YUM!
I’m from Chicago IL and just moved out of state a few months ago. I haven’t had Billy’s but boy do I miss great American bagel. We don’t have them in Cincinnati 🙁 I wish they could ship their bagels 🙂
In Sixth Form, when we were FINALLY allowed out of school grounds at lunchtime, I used to go get a Big Soft Bite Cheese Savoury and a custard cream slice from Gregg’s Bakery in town. No wonder I was fat back then…
Everything Bagels are one of my favourite american breakfastesss…but the GREAT american bagel sounds amazing!
We did not have official “off-campus lunch”. But we would scheme on certain days to make a break for our cars for a quick McDs run. Then we would have to stealthily sneak back in. We thought we were such badasses. lol
Billy’s! What a great place — it’s been updated since I was in high school (I’m your age…) … They completely redid the inside so it’s cozier than the ‘hole-in-the-wall’ it was before. Next time you’re back in IL, you should go there. The food is awesome! NICE CHOICE!!
I’ve been to Billy’s in Palatine! Pineapple Walnut cream cheese sounds delish btw, I’m a little envious!
Our typical spot for lunch in high school (Crystal Lake) was Tommy’s Redhots – another hot dog place 🙂
They stopped doing the off-campus lunch thing a couple of years before I was a senior. So rude! 😉
I ate horrible lunches in high school. I would get a mini bag of BBQ Fritos and a sweet peach ice tea every day. And then sometimes I’d get a big cookie for a quarter. Or on a rare occasion, I’d get a double order of french fries with lots of ketchup and salt. Super healthy, right?
Thanks for another shoutout to my Outside Comfort Zone workout. Love your idea for a good sweat!!
Mmmmmm fresh bagels with cream cheese. Sounds sooo good right now!
For lunch I always brought tuna fish, crackers (or a bagel), celery, and a cookie. Never really ate off campus (my school didn’t allow for it).
it’s one of my favorites! i love your workouts!
They didn’t have off campus lunch at my high school, which was too bad because there were a lot of fast food places nearby. However, I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t troop out to eat more fast food…ha!
Growing up in a small town would leave us with very few options. Top Fast Food restaurants only. 🙂 But we always made sure to go out no matter where we went because we thought it was the “cool” thing to do.
I’ll have to check out Billy’s. My husband is a huge fan of Portillo’s hot dogs and we live close to Palentine. Thanks!
when I was little, I used to scrape off most of the cream cheese on bagels like that. now I can’t think of anything better!!
LOVE the unique sounding cream cheese. I’ve been blending pesto in mine to give it a little extra kick – it’s delicious!
that bagel sounds good!! We weren’t allowed to leave campus during high school but we would often sneak out. If we did make it out without getting caught we would go to Country Cow which was a deli known for the Bacon egg and chesses (egg and cheese for me) or A&S an italian deli known for their amazing sandwiches!
This workout looks good! I am technically challenged, how do you get it into that format and make it look pretty?
OMG Julie I so thought that was a blueberry bagel HAHAHA!! Looks good though ;-D.
Oh my, i think a bagel will need to be in my agenda this weekend!
My friends and I would go to the town bagel shop almost daily for lunch too! I’d always get a bagel with egg salad – for some reason they made the best egg salad and it was a huge portion. We ended up calling it the egg salad monster (and still reference it years later). Yum.
Ha ha! We have the same chain up here called The Great Canadain Bagel. I didn’t know they changed the name between the two countries. I guess they figured we wouldn’t want American bagels here, or that you wouldn’t want our Canadian goods? 🙂
I used to go to GCB for lunch in high school too, until one of my classmates drove her car through the front window and we had to move to Tim Horton’s.
that’s too funny!
We weren’t allowed to go off campus but we had a little “store” in our hs that I got a giant soft pretzel and mambos from, every day.
Hi! I love your blog! I was wondering if the work out you just posted is considered a “HIIT” workout?
This is unrelated to your question but I couldn’t help but think of you when I saw this:
Enjoy! Happy Friday!!
Holy Smokesssss that bagel looks delicious right about now! I have an obsession with bagels and cream cheese .. it is BY FAR my weakness food!!
In Highschool whenever we went out for lunch we always went to Subway or Tim Hortons (us canadians’ LOVE our Timmy’s!)
We didn’t have off-campus lunch. I feel like I missed out on a classic upperclassmen experience, lol.
My high school did not have an off campus lunch but adventurous students did run across the street to McD’s anyway.
Wooah that workout looks ridiculous! I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t even be able to make it past the pushups (eek! I think I can do… ten)…
I’m travelling to new haven right now via megabus and my boyfriend and I picked up homemade bagels with homemade cream cheese for breakfast this morning too!! An everything bagel with garlic herb cream cheese is a wonderful thing! Im so glad you enjoyed yours too!
That bagel looks amazing! Totally thought it was blueberry though because of the color 🙂
i looove bagels. but, 50 reps of squats with 65 pounds? daang girl!
hope the bagel tasted better than it looks. that color is just throwing me off! 🙂
we had no off campus lunch options. we were pretty much locked down from 8-3.