Good thing a peanut butter sandwich is always a fantastic standby!
Today’s peanut butter sandwich included Crazy Richards chunky pb smeared on top of a Pepperidge Farm whole wheat deli flat.
On the side I had steamed broccoli sprinkled with garlic salt and Brothers-All-Natural apple crisps that I snagged from my parents’ house this weekend.
Quite the random assortment of goodies, but tasty nonetheless!
Just One Second
Please take a second (literally a second) to simply click here to give a woman a free mammogram. All you have to do is click the pink button on the website and sponsors of the site will pay for women to receive free mammograms.
Receiving a regular mammogram is so important for women in the prevention and early detection of breast cancer. You may read about my mom’s journey with breast cancer here.
On the Menu
I’m pretty excited about what’s on the menu for dinner evening!
I’ll give you a hint: Ryan scored this meal for us on Saturday.
Any guesses???
Question of the Afternoon
What is your standby meal that you make when you have nothing on hand?
I used to click on that link everyday along with all the others on that site, but got out of the habit. 🙁 Thanks for the reminder, I am going to try and remember everyday again! 🙂
We almost always have oats and cereal, so it is usually breakfast for dinner if there’s nothing in the house.
Quesadillas! I always have stuff to make those. 🙂
I click everyday for the Breast Cancer site! And for the Animal Rescue site too. My go to meal is usually PB & J or cereal. 🙂
Do you meal plan for the week? If so do you have any suggestions?
Ugh I usually just grab a lean cuisine. Not the best choice, but certainly quick.
I usually make eggs when I’ve got nothing else!
bowtie pasta & pesto … I am obsessed with pesto (I have a great recipe!)
For lunch, it’s always pb&j. I can’t whip something up at work, so when I’m low on groceries I just slap that together. Simple, done.
Brown rice, corn, blackbeans, soy sauce and hot sauce! Yummy, cheap, and always in my cupboard 🙂
PB&J and cereal are usually 2 of my standbys – can’t go wrong with either one! 🙂
My guess is FISH!! 😀
And my stand by meal is usually veggie burgers- frozen bocas are the best…and sometimes I crumble them into spaghetti sauce- soooo easy.
you’re so wise… 🙂
Usually oatmeal!
pbj…well actually pb with orange marmalade!!!
or eggs…
those are 3 things i always have in the house.
That site is such a wonderful idea- love it! My standby is a PB sammie as well. Even if we have no fruits or veggies on hand, bread and PB are two things I never let run out!
My cabinets are almost always bare, haha. I keep the bare minimum of groceries around. Peanut butter always makes a good standby though. PB oats usually save me.
i always have egg whites/ or eggs on ham + string cheese. Microwave omelet in seconds! just add a veggies and voila!
Stir fry 😉 Use frozen veggies a top of bed of quinoa and apply any random spices including low sodium soy sauce..I stir fry once a week at least! 🙂
eggs!! usually i always do have eggs or egg white cartons on hand so I just whip up soe wth some toast!
I saw your cute placemats at Pier 1 today – so cheery =]
When I have nothing on hand, I have a sweet potato with beans or cottage cheese or a crack wrap and veggies!
I really like the style of your writing