Apparently the inclusion of barley in yesterday’s lunchtime salad sparked a craving!
I cooked up a big batch of barley yesterday when I made my salad, so I had plenty of the prepared whole grain on hand this morning to use in a yogurt barley bowl.
I combined a cup of 2 percent Fage Greek yogurt with a squirt of honey, 1/2 cup cooked barley, a sliced nectarine, chopped almonds and a dash of nutmeg.
This breakfast is sitting heavy in my stomach! Since this isn’t more food than my body is used to in the morning, I think that the cup of coffee and can of sparkling water I drank with the barley bowl are contributing to the feeling of fullness.
Sparkling water always makes me feel fuller than other beverages, though the dissipates rather quickly for the most part. I’m sure I’ll be ready for my morning snack when 10 a.m. rolls around.
Today’s workout was what I’ll call an “I can’t make up my mind but I don’t want to kick my butt” workout.
I forgot my iPod at home which meant I lost any motivation I would otherwise have to tackle a tough treadmill workout and instead opted for a cardio hodgepodge that looked like this:
- 20 min. arc trainer
- 10 min. stair master
- 10 min. adaptive motion trainer
- 10 min. elliptical
Slow ‘n’ steady!
I finished my workout with a solid 10 minutes of stretching. My hamstrings are so sore from Tuesday’s leg workout which I didn’t think was all that crazy at the time. I used the foam roller on my hamstrings and just about cried. It was the best kind of pain and I felt much better after taking the time to stretch everything out.
Now I’m off to get crackin’ on a freelance piece for What’s Up Ocala? magazine. I pitched a story idea last week and was happy when they jumped at it!
See ya at lunchtime!
I haven’t had barley in ages!! I usually put it in soups but really should bring it back to breakfast. Good luck with your freelance piece today!
I’m with you on the ipod motivation! Totally makes a difference
Cool idea! I’ll have to try eating barley with yogurt 🙂
I don’t think I have ever had barley before, it looks like it would be a great whole grain alternative. Plus, I never would have thought to have it for breakfast! It makes sense though, my grandma used to make me rice with butter and brown sugar when I was a kid, it was so good!
I recently got a foam roller, and it’s the best thing that ever happened to me!
I don’t think I’ve ever had barley! Craziness haha. Question- how do you come up with unique ideas for magazines? I was recently in contact with the fitness editor of a big publication, but they had already done my story idea. Now I’m stuck because she was welcoming more ideas but I have a feeling they’ve probably done them all haha.
The few times my ipod has died on me, I have always been impressed with my gym’s music! There’s nothing worse than a music-free workout!
I really want to try one of your barley bowls! Barley is my favorite grain and I can only imagine how good it tastes in one of those babies.
Stretching can be the most rewarding feeling after a good workout but I frequently skip it… goal in February is to stretch, roll or yoga every day! I know what you mean about the pain too but my worst spot is the outside of my legs (IT band/abductors).
I’m gonna have to try this barley madness soon!
Speaking of barley, I have some in my cabinet that has been neglected! Looks delicious.
I don’t think I’ve ever had barley for breakfast! I should try it. It looks yummy 🙂
I’ve never tried barley for breakfast, but it definitely seems like it would be filling!
That’s awesome that they loved your story idea – have fun writing it!
Do you have a post on cooking Barley? I need to try this tomorrow morning!
I basically had the same exact work out this morning! Total gym ADD. i foam roll my calves/achilles everyday and it hurts so good (can’t help but jam to John Mellencamp every time I say that!)
I LOVE my foam roller!! It hurts so good that I want to cry too 😉
Do you think uncooked barley would work for your breakfast? It looks soo good 🙂
I am in love with my foam roller- but we fight a lot when we have not seen eachother for a while… 😉
Completely agree…. Whenever I forget my ipod its a whole ‘nother story at the gym!
A slow and steady cardio day is always a nice change of pace. My workout w a 3 mile jog with a few weights. Love changin’ things up!
Its so weird to think of having barley for breakfast when its just like any other grain… like oats!
I’d never think to mix barley w yogurt.. interesting combo!
By the way, those ab exercises you recommended to me (from Men’s Health) are KICKING my butt.. so thank you! 🙂
i have a box of barley in my pantry from awhile back when i made stew with it, and i’ve never really known what to do with it since… i’ve never even thought of using it for breakfast! i’ll have to try that out – looks good!
Just ordered a foam roller – I hope it helps with my tight muscles!
Ohhhhmygosh are nectarines really in season there?! I might have to book an impromptu trip to Florida. We still have months to go in CO before I can lose myself to my stone fruit obsession again.
That barley bowl made me jealous, I’m not going to lie! I was running late and ate some protein bonbons for breakfast, but that looks so good and filling!
That looks super yummy! I’m so impressed at your morning routine! I tried to wake up early to go for a run today, got dressed, my coffee going and then passed out on the couch! Baby steps..
I got to the gym this morning and realized I forgot my iPod too. My workouts seem to drag on without it!! 🙁
That nectarine looks so fresh and good! And sometimes I need workout days like that, slow and steady!
I will bake you cookies if you call the piece “OK Ocala!” just because it sounds fun.
I have had entirely too much coffee.
I’m discouraged about freelance because my town is so small. Plus I have no experience, so I don’t see how any online site or magazine would take me. What was your degree in? Are there one year (approx) kind of online courses that could put someone in that kind of profession? I know you are Tina (CNC) do the whole health-social-media- writing thing. But you both had that background in uni. Thoughts?
What time do you eat each meal and snack? Maybe you can include that in some posts? Thanks.
i think having a formal education is important, though i think a porfolio demonstrating your skill and experience speaks volumes. have you tried simply pitching story ideas to your local magazines? don’t worry about including a resume if you’re worried about your credentials, just start with a solid pitch and see if it opens a door!
I hate working out without my iPod. I think I would have turned right back around!
Im so glad Im not the only one who does a whole hodge podge of cardio, I sometimes feel like people look at me funny when I cant stay on a machine for longer than 10 minutes and switch 4 different ones….we like to keep it interesting what can ya say???
haha me too! i feel like they think i’m some rookie who doesn’t know what to do!
I was at the gym early this mornign for spin! I should’ve invited you to join me since you needed a little motivation today lol I can’t wait to read the freelance piece. You’ll have to make sure and remind me when it comes out. Have any superbowl plans?!
i’ll definitely keep you posted! no super bowl plans at the moment… neither ryan nor i particularly care who wins. 🙂 i’d love to see you soon!!
I’ve never really tried barley in anything, so maybe it’s time for a change. I have a love-hate relationship with the foam roller lol. I love how it feels after the pain and torture of using it.
That bowl is amazing! And I so can not work out without my ipod! Must have music. Excited to read the freelance piece!
Julie, you MUST try the Greek Gods brand honey-flavored Greek yogurt they sell at Whole Foods! I tried it last week and it kicked my usual Chobani’s butt! The whole big container was gone in three days.
oh awesome! i’ll look for it! we don’t have a whole foods around here, but i’ll keep my eye out.
Just looked on their website and they claim The Fresh Market on SE 17th St. has it! Prepare to be addicted 🙂
I love to just get in a good cardio session sometimes!
Barley for breakfast! Great idea.
No IPOD is so tough – good for you for powering through!
Barley for breakfast is new to me too. Thanks for the inspiration!
I tried the foam roller on my calves for the first time the other day because Ive been having achilles issues, and it hurt!! But it felt so awesome afterwards. 🙂
I was having one of those workout days yesterday! And that barely bowl looks delicious. I need to experiment with different whole grains!
I just saw nectarines at the store this past weekend but was hesitant to pick them up yet. But seeing this makes me wish I did!
Ohh that barley bowl looks great! I’m so inspired by your use of barley yesterday and today that I need to make some! And I really need to become friends with the foam roller but I feel like it intimidates me… is that weird? haha
What in the world is an arc trainer? Am I the only person in the world who doesn’t know? I definitely looked through the comments before posting this so I wouldn’t have to be the one to ask… to no avail. It sounds really fun though!
The barley salad looks super yummy. I’ll have to try it out sometime. I’ve never thought of having barely for breakfast!
Adaptive motion trainer? I had to look up what it is, but I totally use that at my gym too. I had no clue what it was called so I usually just refer to it as a jog elliptical.
I just recently started using the Arc Trainer at our gym. If you put it on the cardio setting and put it on one of the higher levels its a killer workout! I use it on days when I need a break from the ol’ treadmill but want a harder workout than the elliptical.