Mellissa even said she won a beanie weenie t-shirt a couple years ago. I had instant beanie weenie envy, and did an immediate Google search for a t-shirt of my own. No such luck! Wear that shirt with pride, Mellissa!
Evening Activities
When I arrived home from work today, Sadie’s demeanor told me that a simple walk around the lake just wouldn’t do. Today was a dog park kind of day!
We leashed up the pup and headed out to Baldwin Park for an hour of doggie merriment.
Don’t we look like Christmas in the above picture? Every time I see red and green, I always think of Christmas!
Also, check out this cool picture we took at the dog park today. We didn’t realize the camera was zoomed, but I love how it focused in on Ryan and blurred me in the background. Neat! (Sorry Ryan for posting such a mega close-up. I think you look cute! 🙂 )
What is your pet’s favorite activity?
Sadie loves playing fetch, but I think her favorite game is “keep away.” She runs around like a crazy dog with a ball or stick in her mouth and we chase her until we’re about to die or have an asthma attack. It’s great fun!
I’m so happy I made a grocery store pit stop before work today because our apartment smelled wonderful thanks to the chicken chillin’ in the ol’ crocker.
Ryan pulled the two ingredient chicken using two forks while I got the veggies ready.
Just like last Monday, I added BBQ sauce to my chicken and enjoyed it on a whole wheat sandwich thin. BBQ sandwiches are so darn delicious.
Stay tuned tomorrow morning for an exciting giveaway! Hooray!
Ok, I have a question for ya… I got some chicken breasts today and a big bottle of BBQ sauce. BUT, I could not find any chicken broth. I’m sure I could have asked or looked harder, but I was in a rush… anyway… do you think I could cover the chicken with the BBQ sauce in the crockpot and it would work just as well? Maybe I should just try it and see?? Thanks for this idea, I plan on making it very soon!! 🙂
neat idea! i’ve never tried that before… but i bet it would work! you probably have to use a tooon of BBQ sauce to make sure the chicken is coated completely though.
You two….no, three are adorable! You’re going to make quite the cute family =)
BBQ chicken is AMAZING!! just adore it.
you have some of the prettiest hair by the way!
thank you!
Hey, I’m kind of new to your blog, but I HAD to comment on what appears to be your faux brick crock pot?! Am I seeing things? I love it! haha
LOL – oh yes, it’s faux brick! it was ryan’s dad’s & he passed the little beauty along to us!
I love go to meals that are easy and easy to please! You and Ryan are ADORABLE!!! And can I just say that I am so jealous of your hair…it is gorgeous!
Agreed with Kelly. I want that hair!
PS–is that like a crock pot bag so you dont really have to clean up? Can you get those anywhere??
yes! they are AWESOME. i HATE cleaning the crock pot, so these bags are my savior. they’re reynolds slow cooker liners and they work wonders! clean up is a cinch! i buy them at my local grocery store (publix).
ahh loove love the pictures of sadie, always!! easy meals are the best 🙂
I too was wondering about the crockpot liner- what a good idea! You are one pretty lady!
reynolds slow cooker liners! they’re faaaantastic!
I def have to get myself a crockpot, and the first recipe I’d try are those tacos you and Ryan love! You three make such a beautiful famly. 🙂
Sigh…you guys are the dream couple. So healthy, so loving. so gorgeous.
you flatter us too much! thank you!
I always think of Christmas when I see red & green too!! Even in midsummer. Ha!
You two are such a gorgeous couple 🙂
I heart BBQ chicken sammies! My dog, Diesel, loves to play fetch! Except he’s not that great at the whole “drop it” thing, once he brings the ball back!
BBQ pulled chicken and pulled pork are the absolute best! I like your easy way to recreate it for a fast dinner option.
And Sadie is cute as ever!