Luckily, it’s not too hard to stay on my normal schedule and sneak in a workout and some work before everyone else is moving since I naturally wake up before the sun comes up.
Waking up early has its perks on the beach because as I set out to complete a beach workout this morning, I saw the sun rise. It was a romantic moment… with myself.
I absolutely loved the workout I did this morning and I basically made it up after I started running. I knew I wanted to run on the beach, but I wasn’t in the mood to only run and figured I could work a few circuits into my workout.
In the end my no-equipment-needed beach workout looked like this:
I felt a little funky doing the circuit as people walked by, but I’ll probably never see them again in my life. Chances are the beach walkers will never spot me again in the future and remember me as the squatting girl on the beach, so squat away, I did!
When I arrived back at the condo, I ate a banana with a small spoonful of almond butter, showered and snuck in an hour of work before everyone started moving about.
Then it was time for breakfast!
After snacking my way through breakfast yesterday, I was determined to sit down to an actual meal this morning and made myself French toast, topped with starfruit, plucked fresh from a tree near our condo.
We didn’t have any syrup on hand, but I didn’t really miss it. The starfruit was way better!
And now I’m off to conquer some work before a lunch out with my mom, grandma and sister.
Should be a fun day!
FAQ Page Updated
One more thing…
I spent hours updating my FAQs page last week and then totally forgot to tell you guys!
The page is completely revamped and organized much better into different categories:
- Fitness Questions: Addresses questions ranging from my exercise routine, ways to get yourself motivated, favorite workouts, injuries and running tips
- Food Questions: Addresses whether or not I count calories, my favorite snacks and protein powder, vitamins, healthy eating in college and healthy grocery shopping on a budget
- Blogging Questions: Addresses questions about starting a blog, balancing blogging with real life, blogging tips and more
- Personal Questions: Addresses my hair and makeup routine, how I got into freelance writing, where I like to shop and more
- Relationship & Ryan Questions: Addresses our dating history, moving in together for the first time, how Ryan feels about the blog, gift ideas for guys, how we balance our eating habits and more
- Sadie Questions: Addresses questions about our nut job of a dog, vizslas, how we got Sadie to run with us and more
- Wedding Questions – Part One & Part Two: Addresses questions from the planning process all the way through the big day
A romantic moment with myself– hahahaha! 🙂 You are too funny!
I LOVE starfruit- so hard to find it in season. Looks delicious!!
just reading the title of your post made me jealous. 😉 looks like a fun workout!!
ive never tried starfruit! is it like pineapple?
ummm i think it tastes slightly more citrusy than pineapples. it’s really different than any other fruit. i highly recommend trying one if you get a chance. i love ’em!
After reading about you your AM snack of a nana and AB I thought I’d let you know that today is national almond day.
I love start fruit! Reminds me of being on holiday. And great job on your workout! I love beach running (even though it’s so much harder than regular running!) but sadly there are no beaches nearby. Have a fantastic day in Sanibel!
I wish I could do my run today on a beach! Very jealous! Hope you’re having fun
I am so jealous – I’d love to be running on the beach right now! I am so ready for spring / summer.
Sounds so nice to be at the beach! And starfruit picked from a nearby tree for breakfast?!? Yum.
Why not take your laptop on the beach….I’m sure that will make working more of a pleasure today 🙂
You’re so much braver than me, I would’ve felt way too much like a tool doing those moves on the beach in front of others! Even though I completely agree with you that you’ll never see them again…haha
I can’t remember if I’ve ever had starfruit! It looks so pretty though!
“Romantic moment….with myself”<—-HAHA! 🙂 LOVE it!
I totally love starfruit. SO yummy. Enjoy some for me, mmmmkay??
French toast with STARFRUIT!!!
Starfruit! How cool 🙂
That looks like such a fun work out! Waking up with a sunrise over the ocean can’t be beat 🙂 And good point about never seeing those people again! I need to make a point to remember that on my work outs too! Sometimes it’s embarrassing to do hip thrusts in public, but who really cares what others think? Thrust away! Ha ha ha
I love the starfruit! It makes your breakfast look so pretty! I’ve never had it before 🙂
starfruit really just looks like perfect little stars?? I almost thought you used a cookie cutter! lol
ahh i had no idea how starfruit grew! so fun! i’ll be on vacation in hilton head in less than a month. i can’t wait 🙂
Hey Julie – just wanted to say “thanks” for the motivation I got from your blog yesterday. I had a LONG day and wanted nothing better than to go home and sit on my butt but I had just read a post where you said “I never regret a workout”. I repeated this to myself and did an awesome upper body workout last night – and definitely didn’t regret it! Thanks for the little push! 🙂
thats awesome! you ROCK, kayla!
Fun workout! I’m envious of you running on the beach while I run around ice patches:)
Does starfruit taste like any other fruit? I’ve always been curious.
You are giving me beach fever! LOL. Starfruit is just so cute.
This makes me want to go to the beach NOW!!! It’s been rainy and dreary here in Texas 🙁
Btw, did you ever tell us what Ryan got you for $20 Vday? I have been dying to find out!
I love the calm energy of early mornings.
Sounds lovely
I ove this breakfast! It makes me think of summer yum! And the FAQ page is well organized in this way!
Wow, you were super productive before everyone else got up! And I love the starfruit on your French toast; it looks so pretty. I can’t believe it was picked fresh from a tree, that is so fun!
I can totally relate to you – I sometimes feel like a goober busting through these intense circuits while people lift next to me (in a group exercise room). I try to think that I just might inspire someone to put some extra pep in their routine!
…that starfruit looks incredible!
You’re making me crave a beach getaway!
Fun workout! Love the star fruit on your french toast!
Wowzers, that workout looks intense!!
That’s such a great idea!! I’m going to do that next time I want to go for a run but don’t want to get bored. It’s all about keeping it interesting so you always have fun working out!!
And I’m so jealous of your beach vacation. I live in VT and am DYING to see some green grass and be outside in shorts!
Have a fun vacation!!
You just have a star fruit tree right next to you?! Jealous! I love MN, but man… we could use some more festive fruit trees…
Have you seen this blog? The star fruit made me think of it.
Have a great vacation! It looks beautiful, and I hope that when I go to the beach this summer I can be disciplined to get up early and work out!
Good idea on incorporating a circuit into your run! I’m going to have to borrow that. Anything on sand feels so much tougher. Now I just need to live closer to the beach. Love the looks of that breakfast! yum yum
I just love how much you accomplished before people in the house started moving about. Your previous posts about early morning workouts is what inspired me to start running at 5:30 am versus 9 am, thank you for that!
I have been eyeing starfruit for years. I’ve had it in drinks (yum!), but i have no idea what it tastes like to eat them. I’ll just have to try it now!
What an awesome workout! I would KILL to do a beach workout right now (live in MI).
Sounds like a great workout! You are making me want some starfruit right now!
I really like working before the sun rises (minus the actual waking up part). With everyone asleep, there are few distractions and I am most clear-headed when I first wake up.
Now if only I could follow that with a beach work out. It’s snowing here in New Jersey now. Yikes!
What does starfruit taste like??
sweet but rather mild. like a less-flavorful orange, maybe?
Ohh a workout on the beach sounds lovely! I am so ready for some hot summer days where I’m not huddled next to my space heater! And I’ve never seen nor tried starfruit! But it’s so cute! What does it look like in it’s uncut form?
Looks like you are having a great trip Julie, what a nice way to start your day on the beach!
I’m interested in learning more about the behind-the-scenes aspect of being a freelance writer.
You mentioned working on the beach yesterday and an hour of work this morning, is that time dedicated to your blog or freelance work? If freelance, what kind of work specifically?
I work in the dental field, you could say I’m clueless about your line of work 🙂 Would love to know more of the details/day-in-the-life of a freelance writer!
freelance! i write for a variety of clients – today’s project was actually for a large grocery store chain! i am open to writing for many different publications, from magazines to business articles and even website content.
You mentionned how much work you have to in three separate paragraphs of this post… seriously? Are you trying to prove yourself to someone? The fact that you are doing work on a Thursday does not make you “special” or “hardworking” in any way, even if you are on vacation. The average woman your age is probably at work all day every Thursday as well. The difference is, they cannot do it from the comfort of a beach condo. Not to mention, they can’t just leave for half a week to go to the beach with their family because they have to go to work.
I’m only mentionning this because it seems to be a theme of your recent posts. You are ALWAYS talking about “work.” You used to be a blogger I could relate to and I still read in hopes that you will become more interesting again. But lately, your posts have been extremely boring.
My blog follows my life and my life involves work and I’m not delusional enough to think I’m the only one working today or working on a vacation. Not at all! I’m pretty sure my post didn’t say anything about how awful it is to work from a beach condo. I’m sorry if you read it that way, as that is not how I meant it. I do not write with the intent to make my life sound more important, awful or exciting than it is… I simply share it as it is. I know I’m really lucky to be able to work from anywhere and am very thankful for this freedom.
Your posts are so NOT boring! I love reading your blog…each and every post.. And you never come off as Mischa described. No worries 🙂
I don’t agree with the original poster at all. Keep up the great work Julie! Your blog is always a pleasure to read 🙂
Well you both obviously not be all that interesting yourselves….
Sometimes I tell the hubs I’m going to have a “ro-tic” bath. Basically it’s a “romantic” bath (i.e. with candles and a nice bath pillow) without the “man”…so it’s “ro-tic”! :0)
haha! i love this!
so jealous of your beach workout! They are forecasting snow here on Sunday 🙁
The starfish are so pretty.
Spruss something up…just add starfish 🙂
So jealous of your beach workout! My family goes to Sanibel almost every summer and those morning beach runs (to the lighthouse and back!) are always my favorite. Last time, the tide was so high in the morning that I had about 5 inches of beach 🙂
I have seen a lot of people doing “exercises” on the beach in the morning, so I’m sure at least some of them are used to seeing others do it! Glad you’re enjoying your trip!
Defiantly doing this next week when I’m in Florida!!
I love beach workouts! I love how you incorporated circuit training with your run! I am racing this weekend and the last quarter mile takes place on the beach!
I wish I had some starfruit here!
So glad to read that you are having fun family time at such a pretty place too. Dont worry about what you might have looked liked to the walkers on the beach this morning. Can be fairly sure they were inspired and thought – Hey I should be doing that too! 🙂
Oh, and by the way your blog is super fun to read. Dont think you have to be on your “A game” every day or be all to every one too. Your blog is one of a few that I read every day. I never once thought your “work” mentioned by another poster stood out, it must be just for her. You know different strokes for different folks.
thank you so much for this comment, shannon. 🙂