I put in my two week’s notice at my full-time job.
All my life, I’ve considered different career paths. Many things jumped out at me… a dolphin trainer, a news anchor, a high school English teacher, a public relations professional. Each one intrigued me, but didn’t really excite me.
When I graduated from college with a degree in advertising and public relations and a minor in marketing, I found myself working in the public relations and marketing field. I quickly learned marketing and living by sales numbers was not for me and I gravitated toward tasks that involved writing.
Brochure and magazine content, press releases, e-newsletters. These were my favorite assignments.
After almost two years in the real world, I realized I wanted a career in writing. I accepted my current job in December 2008, excited to write website content for two large sites, even if the topics weren’t ones that peaked my personal interest.
The Beginning of Blogging
In 2008 I discovered Tina’s blog, Carrots ‘n’ Cake, while reading an article she wrote on Health.com. Her blog led me to discover the healthy living blog community and I immediately fell in love with blog reading. It wasn’t too long after I began reading blogs that a little voice in the back of my head started telling me to start one of my own.
In September 2009, I began Peanut Butter Fingers, thinking it would be a fun hobby that would serve as an outlet to write about topics that interest me – fitness, food and living a healthy, fun-filled life. I figured a blog would allow me to share recipes with friends and family while also providing me with a space to write every day where I could work on my personal voice and writing style.
I never really expected anyone to read it.
In the beginning my readers included my family and Ryan. I began participating in the blogging community by commenting on blogs. Slowly but surely people began commenting my blog and stopping by Peanut Butter Fingers regularly. I was so excited to hear from readers and receive comments from bloggers and the sense of support and genuine care that I felt from people that I had never met in real life was unbelievably moving and motivating. I kept on blogging, looking forward to sharing my life with my small amount of readers three times a day.
A Passion Begins
As the months rolled by, I found myself enjoying blogging more and more. Blogging was my “me” time. It allowed me to write and reflect. To share, laugh, learn and grow. I fell in love with my hobby and felt something inside of me.
I felt a passion begin to form.
Prior to blogging, I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. I had ideas and career paths that sounded okay, but nothing lit a fire in my heart and brought me to life. Until blogging.
The idea of blogging for a living crossed my mind many times. It didn’t seem like a realistic goal, but it became my dream.
And now it is my reality.
My dream is coming true because of you and your readership… and my heart overflows with gratitude for the support you provide to me every single day.
So, What is My Plan?
I don’t want the core of my blog to change. I have worked very hard to build a blog I am proud of and will strive to keep it that way.
While my blog will serve as my “backbone” and is allowing me to take the plunge and leave my full-time job, I am not depending solely on my blog for income. Not at all. In fact, I hope freelance work is what inevitably keeps me afloat. I have been actively pursuing freelance writing opportunities and my desire is to continue to seek out freelance work regularly.
Throughout the past several months, balancing my blog with my full-time job became too much. I wasn’t pouring all of my efforts into either my blog or my job and I felt like I was spread too thin, approaching both my blog and my job at half-speed. My love for my full-time job, which I absolutely adored in the beginning thanks to fantastic coworkers and a wonderful office environment, began to lose its luster and didn’t ignite me like it once did. My commitment was first and foremost to my full-time job, but that caused me to turn down freelance writing opportunities that I otherwise would have poured myself into because I simply did not have time to maintain my blog daily, work full-time and balance freelance work. I also couldn’t provide my blog with the attention I longed to give it every day.
My blog consumed my thoughts… in a good way. I found myself thinking about things I wanted to share on my blog all the time. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to implement the exciting ideas I have for my blog or complete backend work on my blog (coding, aesthetic changes, etc.) because my free time away from my job was dedicated first and foremost to simply writing daily blog posts. I struggled greatly with feeling like I was not giving my best effort in my everyday job or my blog.
Finally, after many, many in depth conversations with Ryan, I knew I had to make a decision.
My decision was to take a chance and follow my heart.
Two weeks ago I decided to put all my eggs in one basket and take a leap into a career in blogging and freelance writing – a career that excites me, energizes me and terrifies me all at the same time. I am a planner and not really a risk taker by nature, so this transition will be the biggest leap of faith I’ve ever taken in my professional life.
Never in a million years did I think I would not work in an office environment. I thrive on a schedule and have always been hard working and ambitious, thinking about how I can benefit a company and grow to my full potential. Though now I will technically be reporting to myself, I plan to work hard and keep my current schedule. I will still wake up with Ryan early in the morning, go to the gym, walk Sadie and head to work by 9 a.m. – only my work will be freelance writing projects (or actively pursuing freelance writing projects) and dedicating time to making Peanut Butter Fingers a place on the internet that you want to visit.
I have so many ideas and thoughts running through my head and I cannot wait to continue to share my life with you every day.
I am scared… but I am thrilled. I have never, in my entire life, felt this passionate and excited about a career path.
I feel like I’ve finally found where I am supposed to be.
Mazel tov! What a great move! My favorite composer Stephen Sondheim says “if you’re not scared, you’re not doing anything new.” You are totally doing something new, and that is what life is all about!
this comment makes me feel so much better! it is SUCH an incredible leap of faith and one that i am honestly terrified to make… but i am beyond excited. thank you for your kind words, sarah!
Here’s a fun quote…
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” Ralph Waldo Emerson.
You are doing a great thing Julie!
Great quote and oh so true!
Julie, I am not a blogger, (frankly, I don’t even read many blogs…! PB fingers is the first!) but I clue into PB Fingers (and a couple of others that I found while you were in Europe – thank you!!) every. single. day. It is my morning coffee ritual 🙂 And when I am too busy to slow down enough to check in, I find myself missing it!
You have an incredible talent for relating to your audience and your daily stories (healthy living, life of a newlywed, fashion and travel..& humor!!!) happen to fall nicely in sync with my own (and clearly so many others) interests!
I just want to congratulate you on your decision to live the life you feel drawn to live. I imagine it was a tough decision (scary??) but you have an entire community of support – even from some non-bloggers like me 🙂
Best of luck with your pursuits – I can’t wait to keep on reading! You will do an AMaZinG job 🙂
…and CLEARLY I don’t even know how to post my own comments…. sure, this was supposed to be a “reply” ?!?
Congratulations!! Your blog is already amazing, fun, and inspiring to read, so I’m sure it will just dazzle everyone! You are such a great role modle (and Sadie doesn’t hurt, either). Good luck with everything; you will go far!
Hi Julie,
I have only just found your blog and totally love it! I am not a huge “other blog reader” as like you did, I am maintaining a ful time job and my blog at the same time. I am keen to hear how it is going and if you are earning enough since you made this move! It has been a few months and your traffic is fabulous so it must be working out for you!
So, excited to meet a fellow health blogger and excited to find others! i have just been looking in the wrong places!
Love the blog!
Love this post! Thanks for the tips & inspiration. 🙂
WOW!!!! I am so proud of you! Everyone has already given you great quotes. I just wanted to say WAY TO GO! SMILES!
Wow Julie! That is awesome! Congratulations for taking a giant leap of faith! i know you will do fabulous with your new “blog job”….I read your blog everyday, multiple times a day. I know it will be great!! Just be yourself and people will LOVE it! I wish you the best of luck!!! and I will be here reading everyday! im excited for the future of PBF! 🙂
Wow! That is such a huge decision and I am sure you are filled with all kinds of emotions. I’m sure you will do great though. I am a regular reader and look forward to reading about your journey and the changes you have in store for Peanut Butter Fingers!
Wow! That’s huge and scary. Congratulations and best of luck in this new chapter of your life!
I totally agree! I think you’re going to do amazing though! 🙂
I had a feeling this might be what the big announcement was 🙂 CONGRATULATIONS!! Your blog has grown so much in just the time I’ve been reading, and it’s one of my absolute favorites, as I know it is for many others. Your passion for blogging is evident and I’m so glad that you’ve found what you’re passionate about. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for PBF!!
Congratulations Julie! I can’t wait to continue to stop by multiple times throughout the day! You inspire me daily!
Julie, that is amazing! We are all so proud and happy for you. This is absolutely a HUGE decision. But, you know we will support you every step of the way. You are inspiring all of us to follow our dreams too!
thank you so much, heather. i really do hope this shows people that even if you feel TOTALLY lost, things have a way of working out in the end. it can be so hard to figure out what you really want to do with your life and now that i have, i’m so excited to throw myself into it full-force!
Congrats Julie! A leap of faith is so terrifying and rewarding 🙂 you will be so fulfilled doing what makes you most happy. It’s in these times when our perspective changes that our view of ourself comes to light in a radical way. I will be praying for you and your new adventures 🙂
yes! very radical! 😀
So happy for you! Congrats on taking this giant leap girl!
Good luck! Always listen to your heart because that’s what makes you happy in the end 🙂
I had a feeling this was going to be your big announcement!! Soooo exciting! Congratulations!!!
I just recently found your blog and I love it!! You are an inspiration and you should be proud of yourself for creating something that makes not only you happy, but so many others. I will continue to be a faithful follower and look forward to any upcoming changes.
Congrats on the big decision! I’m excited to see the future of peanut butter fingers!
Congratulations! What an exciting new chapter in your life!
Good luck-I’m sure everything will work out perfectly! And thank you for following your dreams, I think it inspires us all to do the same.
Julie you are an inspiration! You make me feel like i can do anything and live my life the way I want. I am super excited for you and I wish you all the best of luck! You can do it! 🙂
i don’t know why, but this comment made me get all teary. you are so right – you really can do anything and live your life the way you want!
this blogpost did that to me too 🙂 Good luck Julie!
I’ve been more of a lurker than a commenter lately but I just wanted to say…
This is fabulous.
This is epic.
This is so YOU.
Go get what you want lady! Congrats on the new chapter in your life!
I agree! And look how many people were willing to comment today about this big news! How exciting:)
Wow that’s such exciting new!! My blog is still in its infancy stages, and I’m still studying in journalism in college, so I don’t even know where my future will lead me. I hope to one day write for something that I’m passionate about, and I think that following your heart is the best move you could make.
Good luck with your new career, and I hope it brings you the fulfillment that you were looking for 🙂
Amazing, Julie! Congratulations! I love reading your blog. It’s such an inspiring and positive place to come everyday (usually multiple times a day!) You definitely have a gift for blogging and I’m so happy for you that you get to live out your dream!
Congrats!! U have really inspired me,o recently started a blog and found yours when u were featured in an article on yahoo about.what motivates you to get out of bed to work out. You truly are an inspiration and I hope ky blog will become as successful as yours, I absolutly love blogging and would love to make it my day job 🙂 good luck, you will kick butt
definitely keep blogging! never, in a million years, did i think this was possible. can’t wait to check out YOUR blog!
I really admire your strength and courage. So funny because Angela from Oh She Glows shared her career story about a week ago, after we all watched Oprah’s last show, and I was so inspired that I wrote my two week’s notice right then and there! I HATE my job and it really makes me sad that I wake up every day pissed off – this is not how I wanted my life to be.
I’ve yet to have actually turned in the letter because the thought of not having another source of income stresses me out as well. But I’m very happy for you Julie. I love your blog, I feel like I know you (sorry if that’s creepy) and I know you’ll continue on with great success!
my second job right out of college reminds me so much of your comment. i was absolutely MISERABLE and took a $10k paycut to accept my current job b/c i needed to get out. i NEVER looked back once!
Bravo and Congrats to you! I hope it is all you dream of and more!!! XoXoX
I called it! Congratulations Julie! So very exciting 🙂 Can’t wait to see the site grow and evolve as you take this on.
I am so excited for you! I love reading your blog every day and I can’t wait to see it all unfold!
Hi Julie!
I have been reading for over a year now, and I have really enjoyed this peek into your life! I love hearing about Sadie and Ryan, and the adventures you get into together. I have learned so much about a healthy lifestyle from you…especially that a little frozen yogurt is never a bad thing!! 🙂 I am so happy you have decided to persue blogging full time. You are an inspiration to so many women out there who are passionate about something, but afraid to take the leap! Good luck and I look forward to reading about your new adventures!!!! 🙂
Congratulations Julie! I stop by your blog daily and have always wondered how you post three times daily and work full time. I’m excited to keep reading PBF. Best wishes for the future : )
this is so awesome julie, congratulations! i would have to say that you have most certainly earned this…having a full-time job, a new marriage, a puppy, great relationships with family and friends, a desire to keep yourself healthy, AND a highly successful blog is not an easy task, but you’ve managed to excel at it all!
Wow, this is awesome and inspiring! Your blog is always a great read- it’s so fun to see what you’re up to 🙂 Good luck in your next adventure!
Julie, what an amazing amazing opportunity! I have found that when I have taken the leaps of faith in my life, it pays back ten fold. I look forward to seeing where this takes you!
thank you, jessica!
Ahh, so excited for you and this big decision!!! Considering PBF is one of my favorite blogs, I can’t help but think it’s a brilliant one 😀 And, as someone who is currently in the full-time-job-but-also-blogger position, I’m really encouraged that maybe one day I’ll be able to take a similar leap of faith.
Can’t wait to see what’s in store!! xoxo G
you definitely will. your blog is the JAM. i was just talking with one of my friends who is a daily reader about it this weekend in chicago!
I had a feeling… 🙂
And couldn’t be more excited for you and your new adventure!!
Your one of my favorite blogs and I will continue to check in several times a day to support you in your new adventure!!
Now, for the real inside scoop… how excited is Sadie that you may be around more often?! 😉
LOL! to be honest, that was one of ryan’s first reactions! “sadie is going to be SO HAPPY!”
WOW. Julie, a huge huge huge congrats are in order. You go girl. No surprise here, but I read your blog every day. Last night I was writing an “elevator pitch” for my blog, and I found myself thinking that I wanted the reader to see me as someone they’d want to be friends with – as I see you!! haha….I hope that isn’t corny, but your blog is just so real!
Wishing you so much success in the future. I’ll be here reading about your journey along the way 🙂
My elevator pitch: http://www.runnernspice.com/2011/06/my-elevator-pitch/
WAY TO GO JULIE!!!!! Sometimes following your heart is the most important thing 🙂 When God closes a door he always , always opens a window. Even though that may sound cliche’ .. he knows whats going down 😉 Praying the best for you guys!!!
i agree 100 percent. thank you for your prayers!
Huge congratulations!!!!!! I love reading your blog and believe you will find success in the blog-o-sphere. I have been contemplating leaving my own job as of late so it was a real (surprising) comfort to wake up and read this blog post – I can relate!
Amazing! I really admire you for going after what you really want. Wish I really knew what I wanted to do for life, but at the moment I’m stuck with teaching because I’m not allowed to change my major from education. I hope all goes well and starting something new is always scary, but have faith in yourself because I know you’ll be more than okay 🙂 Congratulations!
Awesome post Julie 🙂
I’m a big planner too so I understand how scary it can me to take a gamble with your career!
🙂 I feel like this is the right move for you!
YES! very scary. i was literally shaking when i went into my boss’ office.
Congratulations on making that move!
I can only imagine how much courage was needed for it. I know you will be great at this, and I can’t wait to see more of your projects, and how your blog will develop 🙂
Congratulations! Your blog is one of my favorites to read and I look forward to you fitness and food tips every single day!!
Good for you for pursuing your passion! Whoo hoo! You will be successful; I just know it! 🙂
Congrats Julie!! Your blog is my favorite blog, & I have been a faithful reading ever since finding it when searching the Internet for a fish shaped cake! Your an inspiration for following your dreams! Good luck!!
hahhahaa i love it!! i should make another one of those for father’s day! 🙂
I am wholeheartedly excited for you! I wish you the very best in your new endeavors, and I have absolute faith that you will continue to succeed and grow. I think a giant party is in order 🙂
Congatulations Julie! I read your blog everyday, in fact, your blog is the only blog that I read every single day although I don’t comment often. You are so creative and inspiring and I can’t wait to see what all you have in store!
Good luck, I am so excited for you!
WOW GIRL! I’m so excited for you, and can’t wait to hear about your new writing adventures!
Julie! This is so great! I found your blog a few months ago and always look forward to reading your posts. You truly have a talent and I think the blogging business fits you perfectly 🙂
Know that your readers are behind you 100%! Congratulations!
Congrats on pursuing your dreams. You have a talent that I have faith will take you places. Thank you for the inspiration to begin my own blog and also the encouragement to step out and take risks. Many blessings in your future endeavor. Keep up the good work!
Oh my gosh Julie, congratulations! You are going to be successful no matter what you do (even though I’ve never met you, I have a feeling). 🙂 I’m so excited to follow your new journey!!
I just tweeted this at you, but thank you so so much for posting this Julie! I admire you for taking this huge leap of faith, and can’t wait to see what your “new” job holds! I know exactly what you mean about blog thoughts consuming your brain and not being able to act on them. I feel the same way. Good luck with the freelancing – I’m sure you’ll be great at it! 🙂
having so many ideas and no time to implement them is so frustrating! i feel ya! but, your blog is fabulous as-is, so no worries. thanks so much for your kind words, angela!
Julie I am so proud of you. This is such an amazing success and you should be so proud of yourself. So many people are not happy with where they are in their career, and they feel they are just stuck, you have done something admirable. Congratulations. I’m so so so happy for you. Your a role model for everyone.
Congratulations to you! Confession: Your post made me cry 🙂 Nothing gets me more than a person pursuing their dreams and going after what she is most passionate about. You are a truly gifted writer and you’ve made a wise decision in seeing where it takes you. You inspire me every day with your positive attitude and your outlook on life. By focusing even more of your energy on this blog, you’re going to continue to change lives. Again, congrats – so happy for you!
thank you very, very much, jamie.
Congratulations Julie!! I check your blog every single day, excited for 3 new posts to come up. You have always inspired me on many levels since I started reading your blog last year, and I’m so excited for you to start this journey.
Congrats, Julie! It is so obvious from the moment I first read this blog how much it means to you! I always read your posts even if I don’t have time for much else. It’s amazing that you’ve found “that thing” your so passionate about. It’s a leap of faith to leave the comfort of a job, but you definitely have a powerful voice in this community and I’m so excited for you and the future of the blog!