I put in my two week’s notice at my full-time job.
All my life, I’ve considered different career paths. Many things jumped out at me… a dolphin trainer, a news anchor, a high school English teacher, a public relations professional. Each one intrigued me, but didn’t really excite me.
When I graduated from college with a degree in advertising and public relations and a minor in marketing, I found myself working in the public relations and marketing field. I quickly learned marketing and living by sales numbers was not for me and I gravitated toward tasks that involved writing.
Brochure and magazine content, press releases, e-newsletters. These were my favorite assignments.
After almost two years in the real world, I realized I wanted a career in writing. I accepted my current job in December 2008, excited to write website content for two large sites, even if the topics weren’t ones that peaked my personal interest.
The Beginning of Blogging
In 2008 I discovered Tina’s blog, Carrots ‘n’ Cake, while reading an article she wrote on Health.com. Her blog led me to discover the healthy living blog community and I immediately fell in love with blog reading. It wasn’t too long after I began reading blogs that a little voice in the back of my head started telling me to start one of my own.
In September 2009, I began Peanut Butter Fingers, thinking it would be a fun hobby that would serve as an outlet to write about topics that interest me – fitness, food and living a healthy, fun-filled life. I figured a blog would allow me to share recipes with friends and family while also providing me with a space to write every day where I could work on my personal voice and writing style.
I never really expected anyone to read it.
In the beginning my readers included my family and Ryan. I began participating in the blogging community by commenting on blogs. Slowly but surely people began commenting my blog and stopping by Peanut Butter Fingers regularly. I was so excited to hear from readers and receive comments from bloggers and the sense of support and genuine care that I felt from people that I had never met in real life was unbelievably moving and motivating. I kept on blogging, looking forward to sharing my life with my small amount of readers three times a day.
A Passion Begins
As the months rolled by, I found myself enjoying blogging more and more. Blogging was my “me” time. It allowed me to write and reflect. To share, laugh, learn and grow. I fell in love with my hobby and felt something inside of me.
I felt a passion begin to form.
Prior to blogging, I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. I had ideas and career paths that sounded okay, but nothing lit a fire in my heart and brought me to life. Until blogging.
The idea of blogging for a living crossed my mind many times. It didn’t seem like a realistic goal, but it became my dream.
And now it is my reality.
My dream is coming true because of you and your readership… and my heart overflows with gratitude for the support you provide to me every single day.
So, What is My Plan?
I don’t want the core of my blog to change. I have worked very hard to build a blog I am proud of and will strive to keep it that way.
While my blog will serve as my “backbone” and is allowing me to take the plunge and leave my full-time job, I am not depending solely on my blog for income. Not at all. In fact, I hope freelance work is what inevitably keeps me afloat. I have been actively pursuing freelance writing opportunities and my desire is to continue to seek out freelance work regularly.
Throughout the past several months, balancing my blog with my full-time job became too much. I wasn’t pouring all of my efforts into either my blog or my job and I felt like I was spread too thin, approaching both my blog and my job at half-speed. My love for my full-time job, which I absolutely adored in the beginning thanks to fantastic coworkers and a wonderful office environment, began to lose its luster and didn’t ignite me like it once did. My commitment was first and foremost to my full-time job, but that caused me to turn down freelance writing opportunities that I otherwise would have poured myself into because I simply did not have time to maintain my blog daily, work full-time and balance freelance work. I also couldn’t provide my blog with the attention I longed to give it every day.
My blog consumed my thoughts… in a good way. I found myself thinking about things I wanted to share on my blog all the time. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to implement the exciting ideas I have for my blog or complete backend work on my blog (coding, aesthetic changes, etc.) because my free time away from my job was dedicated first and foremost to simply writing daily blog posts. I struggled greatly with feeling like I was not giving my best effort in my everyday job or my blog.
Finally, after many, many in depth conversations with Ryan, I knew I had to make a decision.
My decision was to take a chance and follow my heart.
Two weeks ago I decided to put all my eggs in one basket and take a leap into a career in blogging and freelance writing – a career that excites me, energizes me and terrifies me all at the same time. I am a planner and not really a risk taker by nature, so this transition will be the biggest leap of faith I’ve ever taken in my professional life.
Never in a million years did I think I would not work in an office environment. I thrive on a schedule and have always been hard working and ambitious, thinking about how I can benefit a company and grow to my full potential. Though now I will technically be reporting to myself, I plan to work hard and keep my current schedule. I will still wake up with Ryan early in the morning, go to the gym, walk Sadie and head to work by 9 a.m. – only my work will be freelance writing projects (or actively pursuing freelance writing projects) and dedicating time to making Peanut Butter Fingers a place on the internet that you want to visit.
I have so many ideas and thoughts running through my head and I cannot wait to continue to share my life with you every day.
I am scared… but I am thrilled. I have never, in my entire life, felt this passionate and excited about a career path.
I feel like I’ve finally found where I am supposed to be.
Wow! Julie, this is awesome. You are such an inspiration to the rest of us who have a growing interest in blogging as well. I feel like you — only back in 2008! Just a beginner! Tina’s blog was also the first blog I ever found, and I immediately fell in love!
I absolutely adore your blog and I am so excited for you to take this next step! Congratulations! I can’t wait to see what else you have in store! 🙂
Congrats Julie! Reading this post made me tear up, and your blog is one of my favorites! I am so excited and happy to see you make this new step in your life! I know you will do great!
I am not a blogger and I honestly don’t even remember how I came upon your blog, but I am so glad I did. I have been reading for about a year now and truly enjoy reading what you write and the way you write it.
I have never commented before, but today I felt compelled to leave one and just tell you how amaing I think this is. I can imagine how hard this decision was for you, but I have no doubt you will continue to be a huge success 🙂
Best of luck to you and I look forward to reading about your experience along the way!
Congrats Julie! I’ve been reading for a while now and I look forward to your posts and pics of Sadie. I hope this new adventure exceeds your expectations. Wishing you the very best!
Congrats Julie!!! What an exciting time in your life!! I look forward to reading your blog every single day and love reading about your life. Wishing you all the happiness as your embark on this new stage of your life!
Anything I’ve ever done that ultimately was worthwhile initially scared me to death. –Betty Bender
Congrats!! Your blog is really just so fantastic!
I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of someone that I don’t even know!
To say you are inspiring is an understatement. The story of how you started reminded me so much of myself right now. I want to start blogging but I’m still finding my courage 🙂
Congratulations! I’m so excited for you!
that’s great! way to take a leap of faith and believe in yourself, because, let’s face it, we all believe in you 🙂
i recently made a life changing decision myself. to go back to school to get a 2nd bachelors degree in my real passion — nutrition!
cheers to making decisions that make us happy!
congratulations Julie! You’re such an inspiration and it gives me hope that I too can one day leave my desk job and do what really makes me happy. I hope you love it!
Congrats! Such a big decision and I have to say I am envious of you! Your blog gets me through my long days at work, and I am excited to see what is to come! Good Luck!! 🙂
Yay!! I am so happy for you! That is a huge leap of faith, but I have faith that you will continue to be successful, and be able to keep doing what you love!!
If you believe in yourself half as much as we (your readers) do, then you are bound to fulfill, and find whatever it is that you wish! So proud! So Excited!
I can’t wait to see and hear what comes next!
” You have to risk going to far to discover how far you can really go!” -T.S. Eliot
Ahhhhhh! Congrats! I have been a long time reader of your blog and recently made a scary life change too! After working standard summer jobs for years (hostess, receptionist) to pay my bills as a student, I took a leap and accepted the opportunity to model in Milan for the summer! I have always been told I should model but I didn’t think it was a stable summer job/career opportunity to put on my resume. But you only have one life to live! If you have the opportunity take the leap! It’s scary at first, but soon after the adrenaline kicks in and it’s kinda fun 😉 I hope to start a blog soon too…thanks for your hard work and continuing inspiration!
Woaw congratulations! This is SO courageous and incredibly exciting! Of course you must be asking yourself many questions but we only have one life so I think you took the right decision to do what you love doing. And I can already say that it’s a very successful beginning by seeing the number of comments on this post ^^
I don’t really know how you can earn your life blogging so I’m really curious myself, and don’t worry, we’ll stay tuned on your site!
Congratulations Julie! Can’t wait to see where this path takes you!
Yay! I’m excited for you and for the upcoming changes! You are wonderful!
Yay! Good for you. You have a great thing going and I wish you the best of luck! I’m excited for you and to keep reading about your life.
That’s incredible!! You rock!
This is so exciting!!! Congratulations on this move. I can’t wait to see where it takes you!
Wonderful news, Julie. Good on ya! Wishing you all the very best. 🙂
Congrats on your decision, Julie! What an amazing leap of faith you have taken. I hope everything works out for you, and that you continue to find success in your new life 🙂
Julie, I’m SO excited for you!! You truly deserve to follow your heart and do what you love! Your dedication to PBF– and your readers– is ever apparent, and I’ll never forget your prompt and thoughtful replies to a few e-mails I wrote you last year after discovering your blog.
I have no doubt that freelance writing and blogging will be a fruitful and satisfying career for you because you’ll be loving what you do! The secret to success is passion, and you’ve definitely got it!
Cheers to many happy years ahead! xoxo
Congratulations, Julie on such a huge decision! I love your site and couldn’t be happier to hear this news! It’s my favorite! I love all aspects of your blog and even though I’ve added many to my reader, yours is still my favorite after all this time. I wish you all the best and can’t be more excited for things to come on your blog! 🙂
This is so amazing!! I’m completely stressing out at the moment trying to figure out where to go (or technically, where to start) my career and I think it’s so admirable that you’ve got the guts to follow your heart on this. Sending you big-jumping-around-congratulatory hugs! Can’t wait to see where the blog goes from here!
Love the new design! That is amazing that you are doing that! You are a great writer and your personality definitely comes through your writing. You are one of the first blogs that I read each day! I love it! It is a great feeling to know that you are doing some thing just for you even if it is extremely terrifying! I am sure you will do well where ever you go! Good luck!!
You are so brave and I absolutely admire how you’re pursuing your passion!! Good Luck!!
awww i totally suspected this when you were training that new girl.. is she your replacement?! that is awesome, congrats and best of luck! i’m sure you’ll be fabulous and flourish!!
she’s actually not my replacement, but i did train her to be a member of my former team!
YAYAYAY! I am so proud of you (Haha I feel like you are one of my friends since I read your blog every day).
I have a freelance business myself. If you need some “filler writing” in between freelance jobs, I suggest applying at http://www.demandstudios.com and http://www.breakstudios.com (might have to google break studios, i’m not sure that link is right and I’m at my full-time job).
Good luck! I’m excited to hear how it goes!
What a wonderful post! Carrots n Cake was the first blog that I got hooked on as well! I created my own (moved it from my old blogger account uses just to update family) and found yours shortly after! 🙂 Yours intrigued me right away with the title similar to mine 🙂 My title came to me on a run one day when I was “toying” with the idea to start my own blog and actually dedicate myself to keeping up with it. My love for blogs snowballed after CNC and finding yours along the way. I got the itch to blog and I too feel like I can finally invite writing back into my life 🙂 Great stuff! So happy for you!
Julie, this post seriously made my morning! You are to me what Tina (CnC) is to you! I found this whole new blog world after finding PBFingers and ended up starting my own only 2 months ago. I have thought about quitting because of time/my job, etc. but this post has honestly inspired me to keep going! My ultimate goals are somewhat similar, so this post was really moving for me. I wish you the best of luck on your new endeavor!
yes! don’t give up. seriously. i saw the most blog growth after i had been at it for a year. 🙂
Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck! You’re an inspiration to us all and setting an example that we should all follow. Do what makes you happy!
I look forward to hearing more about your journey. As a daily PB Fingers reader, I look forward to the energy you have and I can only imagine that energy will be pushed to it’s limits with your new en devour.
I hope to follow along and take notes. Over the last few years I’ve contemplated starting my own video production business but I’m afraid I won’t make the income I do now as a software developer. It makes me ask the question what’s more important, money or what I’m happy doing? Over the years I’ve learned the money isn’t important…to an extent. The money really comes into play when providing for my wife and two children. In my case, my decision not only effects my wife and I, but it could potentially effect the lives of my children.
So I can fully appreciate the “scary” factor you mention. We are always afraid of the unknown!
I’ll leave with a few favorite quotes (I wish I could live by):
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
“If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent van Gogh
“Fall seven times, stand up eight!” – Japanese Proverb
“Life is either daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller
“You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.” – Robert Anthony
yes, i 100% agree. money is important, but it doesn’t always equate to happiness!
Congrats! Like many others, I’ve been reading your blog for awhile (even going back and reading from the beginning just to catch up) but never commented until now.
When I was in college, I was majoring in Secondary Education with a concentration in English (something I had wanted to do since elementary school) but decided it wasn’t for me and switched to Psychology halfway through my junior year. The decision to switch was scary (especially since it was so late in the game — it only ended up adding one extra year though) but it was something I’ve never regretted. I graduated last year and while I’m still unsure of what I want to do exactly, I do know I’m one step closer…
So again — Congrats! And I can’t wait to read more about this exciting upcoming adventure.
i’m four years out of college and it wasn’t until a couple of months ago that a light bulb went off an i knew exactly what i wanted to do. i’m so glad you’re closer to finding your passion!
Congratulations Julie!! I can’t wait to see what your future holds! I love reading your blog, I look forward to it!! 🙂
I’ve never commented before but have been reading your blog for months! Yours is truly one of my favorite blogs, and like so many others, I stop by here a few times a day. Your talent for composition and strong writing voice are things I (try to) teach my high school students!
I took a leap of faith 2 years ago to go back to school and earn my teaching license. Even though it was TERRIFYING to give up my full-time job and become a student again, I honestly couldn’t be happier than I am right now. The hardest things we do often reward us the most! Congratulations!
coming from a teacher, your compliments mean a lot. i really appreciate it and am SO happy you’re in a job you love!
Congratulations on following your heart and making the decision that feels right to you. I admire you for following your goals even if they aren’t what you expected them to be a few years ago. Good luck!
Congratulations on this new chapter of your life! I’ve been reading your blog for a while and I wanted to say best of luck on your new endeavors! I can’t wait to continue to follow along as you follow your heart 🙂
I would also like to share a few inspirational quotes:
“Our future is what we build it to be” -President Obama
“Be empowered in every aspect of your life” -Jillian Michaels
“It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are” -E.E. Cummings
“Often we don’t even realize who we’re meant to be because we’re so busy trying to live out someone else’s ideas. But other people and their opinions hold no power in defining our destiny” -Oprah Winfrey
“Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be” -Robert Brault
“Do or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda, “The Empire Strikes Back”
You’ll do great Julie. Even just after finding your blog just a little while ago, I fell in love with it. You are so inspirational, and through your blog posts it seems like you have a great personality for doing things on your own and taking leaps of faith. I can’t wait to read all your new posts about your new adventures! 🙂
Congratulations and Good Luck!
I am in a point in my life where I question where I am at career wise . Am I doing what I love to do or just doing what pays the bills. Leaving an office job scares the crap out of me so I haven’t left. Yet, your blog reaches out to me every time I read it. Somehow it feels like this particular post was exactly what I needed to hear. What I know is that I need to do some serious thinking and serious talking with the hubby. It would help if I found what it is I love to do. I keep telling my friends I wish I was a temp like Jennifer Lopez’s character in Monster-in-law cause it looked like so much fun, so much variety. (Yet, not likely to pay the bills.) Now I need to find what I love, work toward that and prepare for a similar leap of faith as you someday.
Thank you for being you and I can’t wait to see what life has in store for you.
hahaha! i love monster in law!
I’m so excited for you. Good luck on your new journey. You’ll do great. You have the support of your wonderful husband and family. With that alone you’ll go far. Good luck to you
Many wishes on your new journey!!
This is great news! I have enjoyed reading your blog over the last couple months, and it is totally something you are amazing at! I’m in a similar spot in my life where I like my job enough but I am nowhere near feeling passionate about it. Your story is a very inspiring one! Good luck!
WOW! Congratulations! I hope the very best for you!
So this is going to seem like nothing in comparison to your leap of faith, but I have been reading your blog daily for almost a year now and have never left a comment cause I was scared… Haha I always thought ” she’ll think I’m such a creep” anyways I have thought about posting a comment for awhile but never did. In lue of your post today I’m leaping and I wanted to say ” congratulations.! I don’t know if your blog could get any better… But I’ll keep reading to find out!
Congratulations Julie! Way to follow your instinct….I am sure everything will be great for you!
Hey Julie, just wanted to say that I love your blog and have been reading for a while now. You are a truly entertaining and hilarious, not to mention gorgeous. Your’s is the first blog to really get me into healthy living blogs, and it is the only one I read consistently. Good for you, taking that leap of faith and knowing what you want to do. Love your blog, and I’m sure it can only get better with the time you are going to put into it. Congrats!
I’m so proud of you!
Follow you dreams…….
Ok, so firstly, I just had to scroll for like 3min to even get to the comment box. LOL! 558 comments!! HOLY GIRL! You are wicked popular.
Just wanted to say congratulations on following your heart AND your gut. I think you made a wise decision. You are extremely talented with your writing, though I am just stating the obvious and what’s already been commented on a bazillion times before… but that’s because it’s SO TRUE!!! Your blog is ADDICTING. I don’t know how you do it, but it’s phenomenal. I just started following about a week ago and YOU inspired ME to begin blogging!!! I toyed with WordPress ALL WKND, hardly getting any sleep because I was so addicted already!!! I wrote and published my first post today 🙂 🙂 So THANK YOU for inspiring me!! and for producing an amazing blog for all of us– the 20-something gals that are passionate about eating (ahem, HEALTHY eating), fitness, and fashion.
LOVE PBFingers!!!! Can’t wait to see what’s coming down the road!!!
Congratulations!!! I’ve been a freelance travel writer (in-house magazine editor before that) for five years now and I still love (almost) every second of it!
That sounds like such a neat job!
Congratulations! Based on the 500+ comments…I think you can safely assume that you have made the right decision! 😉
Your loyal and supportive readers!
Haha thanks Shell!!
Congrats!!!!!! Being a freelance writer and blogger would be a DREAM career for me and I’m so excited to see what amazing opportunities this brings you!