I put in my two week’s notice at my full-time job.
All my life, I’ve considered different career paths. Many things jumped out at me… a dolphin trainer, a news anchor, a high school English teacher, a public relations professional. Each one intrigued me, but didn’t really excite me.
When I graduated from college with a degree in advertising and public relations and a minor in marketing, I found myself working in the public relations and marketing field. I quickly learned marketing and living by sales numbers was not for me and I gravitated toward tasks that involved writing.
Brochure and magazine content, press releases, e-newsletters. These were my favorite assignments.
After almost two years in the real world, I realized I wanted a career in writing. I accepted my current job in December 2008, excited to write website content for two large sites, even if the topics weren’t ones that peaked my personal interest.
The Beginning of Blogging
In 2008 I discovered Tina’s blog, Carrots ‘n’ Cake, while reading an article she wrote on Health.com. Her blog led me to discover the healthy living blog community and I immediately fell in love with blog reading. It wasn’t too long after I began reading blogs that a little voice in the back of my head started telling me to start one of my own.
In September 2009, I began Peanut Butter Fingers, thinking it would be a fun hobby that would serve as an outlet to write about topics that interest me – fitness, food and living a healthy, fun-filled life. I figured a blog would allow me to share recipes with friends and family while also providing me with a space to write every day where I could work on my personal voice and writing style.
I never really expected anyone to read it.
In the beginning my readers included my family and Ryan. I began participating in the blogging community by commenting on blogs. Slowly but surely people began commenting my blog and stopping by Peanut Butter Fingers regularly. I was so excited to hear from readers and receive comments from bloggers and the sense of support and genuine care that I felt from people that I had never met in real life was unbelievably moving and motivating. I kept on blogging, looking forward to sharing my life with my small amount of readers three times a day.
A Passion Begins
As the months rolled by, I found myself enjoying blogging more and more. Blogging was my “me” time. It allowed me to write and reflect. To share, laugh, learn and grow. I fell in love with my hobby and felt something inside of me.
I felt a passion begin to form.
Prior to blogging, I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. I had ideas and career paths that sounded okay, but nothing lit a fire in my heart and brought me to life. Until blogging.
The idea of blogging for a living crossed my mind many times. It didn’t seem like a realistic goal, but it became my dream.
And now it is my reality.
My dream is coming true because of you and your readership… and my heart overflows with gratitude for the support you provide to me every single day.
So, What is My Plan?
I don’t want the core of my blog to change. I have worked very hard to build a blog I am proud of and will strive to keep it that way.
While my blog will serve as my “backbone” and is allowing me to take the plunge and leave my full-time job, I am not depending solely on my blog for income. Not at all. In fact, I hope freelance work is what inevitably keeps me afloat. I have been actively pursuing freelance writing opportunities and my desire is to continue to seek out freelance work regularly.
Throughout the past several months, balancing my blog with my full-time job became too much. I wasn’t pouring all of my efforts into either my blog or my job and I felt like I was spread too thin, approaching both my blog and my job at half-speed. My love for my full-time job, which I absolutely adored in the beginning thanks to fantastic coworkers and a wonderful office environment, began to lose its luster and didn’t ignite me like it once did. My commitment was first and foremost to my full-time job, but that caused me to turn down freelance writing opportunities that I otherwise would have poured myself into because I simply did not have time to maintain my blog daily, work full-time and balance freelance work. I also couldn’t provide my blog with the attention I longed to give it every day.
My blog consumed my thoughts… in a good way. I found myself thinking about things I wanted to share on my blog all the time. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to implement the exciting ideas I have for my blog or complete backend work on my blog (coding, aesthetic changes, etc.) because my free time away from my job was dedicated first and foremost to simply writing daily blog posts. I struggled greatly with feeling like I was not giving my best effort in my everyday job or my blog.
Finally, after many, many in depth conversations with Ryan, I knew I had to make a decision.
My decision was to take a chance and follow my heart.
Two weeks ago I decided to put all my eggs in one basket and take a leap into a career in blogging and freelance writing – a career that excites me, energizes me and terrifies me all at the same time. I am a planner and not really a risk taker by nature, so this transition will be the biggest leap of faith I’ve ever taken in my professional life.
Never in a million years did I think I would not work in an office environment. I thrive on a schedule and have always been hard working and ambitious, thinking about how I can benefit a company and grow to my full potential. Though now I will technically be reporting to myself, I plan to work hard and keep my current schedule. I will still wake up with Ryan early in the morning, go to the gym, walk Sadie and head to work by 9 a.m. – only my work will be freelance writing projects (or actively pursuing freelance writing projects) and dedicating time to making Peanut Butter Fingers a place on the internet that you want to visit.
I have so many ideas and thoughts running through my head and I cannot wait to continue to share my life with you every day.
I am scared… but I am thrilled. I have never, in my entire life, felt this passionate and excited about a career path.
I feel like I’ve finally found where I am supposed to be.
Congrats on living the life the way YOU want to live it! There is nothing I love more than hearing about people working hard to make their dreams a reality! I can’t wait to watch your blog grow.
That is awesome news! I absolutely LOVE your blog. In fact, your blog was one that inspired me to start my own!
I feel like kind of a tool admitting this, but I actually got a little misty reading this post. It just warms my heart to see people following their dreams. I don’t comment often – silent lurking is more my style – but believe it or not, you were my Carrots & Cake (got me into reading healthy living blogs and while I cover fashion, inspired me to write more health/food-inspired posts). SO thrilled for you, Julie. Best of luck!
Congrats! I’m glad you are happy with your decision! I love your blog, so I support 🙂
It is great to see you follow your heart! Not enough people do that is a society that is focused with “real world” office type jobs.
I am very excited to see all the work you put in and am SUPER excited to read some of your freelance work as well if you let us in on when and where to find it 😉 !
Congrats Julie!! I’m so happy for you and I will follow you no matter where you go!! Last year since I started reading your blog and out of all the blogs I read, you’ve by far stolen the #1 spot. I don’t know how to put it into words, but there’s something about your blog that I truly love and always look forward to reading everyday….it’s the way you open up your life to us and let us in and I can always count on a post from you, and it’s one that I always enjoy reading. You write so beautifully and I love how open and honest you are with the topics you speak on. You truly have a gift and you will go very far and succeed on this new journey of yours! Good luck!! 🙂
I’m not sure where I want to be professionally, I kinda feel dorky saying I’m actually truly happy and content here with my office job as an Office Manager and get to be with such fantastic coworkers….but I do know that this year my hubby and I will be trying to get pregnant so I’m super excited and happy for that next adventure in my life! 🙂
I admire your guts! I’m currently lacking direction in my life after graduating with my master’s degree. Wish I knew what to do with my life now. I’m so envious! Congratulations!
Congrats Julie!! Following your dreams is so important and takes so much courage! Last month I movie 3000 miles to another country (to Orlando actually!) to pursue my dreams and it has been the most incredible month of waking up happy every day because of it. You will do absolutely amazing!
Julie, I loved reading this because I just started a new career this week as a personal trainer. I left customer service to follow my passion for health and fitness, and I’ve never been so terrified about starting a new career in my life and it’s so inspiring to read about you following your passion as well. I read your blog daily and I wish you the best of luck in following your dreams!! Your truly an inspiration and you’re going to be amazing.. Congratulations!!! 🙂
BAH!!! Julie, I am speechless, and SOsosoSO happy for you!!!!!!! Your blog is seriously one of the ones i read every single day because I can relate to you so much, I can’t wait to see how you’ll make it grow even further!!! CONGRATULATIONS x 100!!!!! *EXCLAMATION POINT!!!!*
Did you discuss this with Sadie first??!! HA
Congrats – you made a great decision no matter what, since you followed your heart! I look forward to continuing to read your fabulous blog!
Julie/pbfingers, i am so proud of what you have become! from reading your blog, one can tell that you really put your passion into your writing. perhaps you are dedicated by nature, but i can clearly see true dedication in your blog. i gotta give it to you, gurrl you got guts! most people would be too timid to leave their, boring, yet stable 9-5 job, but you have the courage to pursue what you TRULY are passionate for. So with that i want to leave you with a few words of encouragement- One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure. So go start your adventure!
Wow! Congrats Julie! You deserve to do something that makes you happy. You are such a special person with a uniquely refreshing personality!
Congrats Julie on taking this HUGE step. Your blog was the first health blog I read and go me to start my own. You’re an inspiration to me, and so many others, so I wish you nothing but luck and can’t wait to follow you on this journey!
In the midst of my crazy-busy work days at my internship, I forgo being social for 5 minutes while I “catch up on PBfingers.” I am such a devoted follower — don’t worry, I’m behind you every step of the way!
I hope I find what I’m truly passionate for in life like you did, Julie! I’m still in my undergrad years and it’s so hard to discern what I truly want to do after college. I think I just have to get out there, try different things, and, like you, listen to my heart along the way and not be afraid to change it up if I’m not happy. 😉
Yeah I honestly feel like the real life experiences are what makes it easier to find out what you do and don’t like. You’ll get there for sure!
Of course I’m reading everything late nowadays since I’m on a 12 hour time difference here in the Philippines (but my new life is so exciting! Who would have thought 2 years ago that I would be living in Southeast Asia??).
Anyway, I don’t always comment, but I HAVE to tell you GOOD LUCK. Because talent takes you so far, but luck plays a big part of it — and I wish you nothing but success!
hey julie- you are an inspiration! I wish you all the best! I have been reading for a couple months now but this is my first comment- I just couldn’t resist! I really believe in being passionate about what you do and it is so encouraging to see people doing exactly that. You are so eager and determined that I’m sure you will be nothing but successful! Enjoy your new adventure!
Thank you so much for commenting!!
Hi Julie,
I don’t usually comment but know that I am seriously addicted to your blog and I read it daily. I needed to Congratulate you on your big decision. I am positive that you will do an awesome job. I found your blog a few months ago while reading a different blog that was mentioned in an article about people losing weight the healthy way…your blog was one of their favorites and you were an inspiration to that person. Ever since I discovered your blog you have been and inspriation to me as well! Keep up the awesome job that you do with PBF:)
The best of luck to you….and count me in as a religious follower of PBF!
Hi Julie, I just recently found your blog and have been obsessed ever since. I read it daily and I know you won’t regret following your dreams!
The number of comments speaks for themselves on how right this decision was. I think being passionate about what you do is SO important and balance definitely needs to fit in there, as well. You are totally doing what’s right for you and I wish you ALL the best!
Congratulations, dear Julie. You’ve definitely got supporters in us, and I daresay we’d love to write you some really great references. 😉 Seriously, I’m so inspired by your leap of faith to follow your dreams. Best wishes to you and Ryan (and Sadie!) as you follow this new path. Just make sure to keep us posted. 😉
congrats!! what a great idea! I know you will do great!
Julie, this is so exciting! Congrats to you and your awesome blog! THis is proof that dreaming big and following your dreams can pay off. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Loooove the name of your blog!
Way to take the plunge! Inspiring. It’s amazing how huge PBF has gotten. I hope I can follow after my writing dreams the same way…
hi julie,
i have never commented before but couldn’t resist this time- congratulations and best of luck! good for you for taking your life into your own hands and making a heartfelt change. it’s really a brave and exciting decision!
i read your blog fairly regularly. I am inspired reading about your commitment to fitness, your experiments in the kitchen, your happy marriage, and, of course, the ever adorable sadie. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring!
my favorite part of your blog (so far) is the exercise mantras that really struck a chord and have helped me work out regularly. (“There are 168 hours in a week. I’m only asking for 7 of them” and “I’ve never regretted a workout” ring SO true for me.) Also, overnight oats are a fabulous idea. Oh, and I’m on a smoothie binge now, thanks in big part to your blog, my trusty immersion blender and the bananas i keep stocked in my freezer! yum! 🙂
Hi Julie,
Just caught up and I had to comment. Congratulations and best wishes! Of course you’ll keep us posted, and it’ll be exciting to see what you do with the blog, but mostly I wanted to say how much you’ve inspired me with healthy living.
Yours is the first health blog I found, and is still my favourite. I wish you all the best – this will be such a growth experience for you! It made me think about my long term goals, and my boyfriend and I had a huuuuge long talk about our goals last night. I have so much I want to do, and we just have to take the plunge! So good on you for taking that vital first step – we’re behind you every step of the way!
Thank you so much! So glad you commented. 🙂
I love your blog. Congratulations on this new chapter in your life. I can’t wait to see how your blog grows into the future 🙂
Wow, Julie! Congratulations, that is so awesome! I hope you find all the happiness you deserve! Way to go 🙂
Congrats Julie! I am glad to hear you are pursuing your dreams. Everyone I know who has tried juggling a fulltime job while pursuing their passion whether through blogging or side businesses eventually reaches a point where they have to admit that they really cannot do both. AND everyone who I know who has left a fulltime job to pursue their dreams has said it was worth it. I am sure this is going to be a great choice for you. I can’t wait to read all about it!
…guess ryan must be doing well…
although we are married, i will still be supporting myself through my own income made from this blog and through freelance work. his salary is not covering me.
Yikes, I can’t believe this comment! Someone’s a little jealous!
It must be nice when you can quit your job to sit at home and get paid to write about your workout this morning…wouldn’t you be jealous too?
No, honestly, I wouldn’t be jealous. Blogging isn’t always easy… there are hours/days when you just don’t want to do it. it is still a JOB. this is something Julie does 7 days a week and as evidenced lately, she doesn’t even take vacation or sick days!
She’s earned it. She’s a great blogger and it’s obvious she’s put so much time and effort into her work here. If you put work into something, you get to reap the rewards. You’re free to do the same…
Congrats!!! So excited to **see** what is instore for your bright future….
Congratulations Julie! What an exciting venture for you and I wish you all the luck in the world!
I’m assuming you put your 2 weeks in after you got back from Europe? That must have been such a heavy weight on you during your trip knowing what you had to do when you got back to work. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad and you were still able to enjoy your vacation!
Congrats on taking the plunge! Hope one day my path leads me to similar directions!
will read on for sure!!
i smell a babyyyy in the future!
Congratulations Julie!! Your blog has been one of my favorites as well and I’ve always been amazed at how much effort you put into it… I can’t wait to see what it will be like in the future!! I think this is the goal for many, if not most, bloggers out there right now… you’re paving the road… living the life… CONGRATS!!
This is so, so cool. 🙂 Congratulations, Julie! My blog is pretty young an dhonestly I cannot justify sacrificing my schoolwork for it but the notion of blogging as a job is so intriguing!
You are absolutely inspiring and I look forward to seeing what the future brings you 🙂 I hope I can find a similar passion and pursue it the same way you are!
PS I’m not gonna lie every time i read this post’s title I get kelly Clarkson stuck in my head 😉 (though the similarly-titled 98 degrees song would probably be a more fitting choice!).
Anyways now that I’m done embarrassing myself with my music tastes 😉
Congrats on following your heart. You will do amazing 🙂
Wow! Congratulations, Julie! I have been reading your blog for quite a while now, and it’s always the first one I read when I go through my Google Reader. In other words, I love your blog! And from what I’ve read in your blog, I have reason to have faith in you!
It’s so exciting to hear that you’re following your heart. I just graduated college a few weeks ago and have been searching for a job or some sort of next step for months now. I recently went for an interview at an insurance company to sell life insurance to low income families. I would be working 55 hours a week and living in an awful city, but making $30-$60K in my first year of work. I was skeptical before, but after reading this entry from you, it reassures me that I most definitely should not take the job just because it will make me decent money. There is so much more to life than that, and sometimes you have to do some soul-searching and take a leap of faith!
The best of luck to you in your new endeavor – not that you need it! I look forward to hearing about it! 🙂
I wish you the best of luck because I mean, is blogging really a professional career? I personally believe blogging is a hobby and it is definitely just a hobby when it is a personal blog about the smoothie you ate this morning. Tina from Carrots ‘n’ Cake still has a professional job, along with Kath from KERF, and they both happen to be the biggest food bloggers out there. I am only posting this comment because I don’t think quitting your job to blog about your food intake is a great example for your readers. It just makes it seem like you revolve your life around food and are kind of obsessed! Just my thoughts though… good luck, PB Fingers!
Thanks for your respectful comment. While I personally do think blogging can be a professional career, I think you may have missed that I plan to do a lot of freelance writing as my job as well. I have several projects set up and plan to write articles and content for outside publications regularly. As for coming across obsessive, I really think the focus of my blog is on living and my daily life, and I think of it almost as a public, online journal… something I love very much.
Julie, I know I’m reading this a little late, but congrats on taking the plunge into the unknown and following your dream. I love your blog — and freelancing is a great way to help keep up the cash flow.
Sometimes I wish I could give up the day job … maybe once I publish a couple of romance novels (my first love — and I’m a finalist for the biggest award an unpubbed romance writer can get this year). I love blogging, too, but I don’t think I could ever make it my full-time job. (I have too many bills to pay.)
Congratulations!!! Your blog is the first I ever read and I continue to love it to bits! It is motivating, inspiring, hilarious and ‘tasteful’ (no pun intended). I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of writing!
Baby Fu