I put in my two week’s notice at my full-time job.
All my life, I’ve considered different career paths. Many things jumped out at me… a dolphin trainer, a news anchor, a high school English teacher, a public relations professional. Each one intrigued me, but didn’t really excite me.
When I graduated from college with a degree in advertising and public relations and a minor in marketing, I found myself working in the public relations and marketing field. I quickly learned marketing and living by sales numbers was not for me and I gravitated toward tasks that involved writing.
Brochure and magazine content, press releases, e-newsletters. These were my favorite assignments.
After almost two years in the real world, I realized I wanted a career in writing. I accepted my current job in December 2008, excited to write website content for two large sites, even if the topics weren’t ones that peaked my personal interest.
The Beginning of Blogging
In 2008 I discovered Tina’s blog, Carrots ‘n’ Cake, while reading an article she wrote on Health.com. Her blog led me to discover the healthy living blog community and I immediately fell in love with blog reading. It wasn’t too long after I began reading blogs that a little voice in the back of my head started telling me to start one of my own.
In September 2009, I began Peanut Butter Fingers, thinking it would be a fun hobby that would serve as an outlet to write about topics that interest me – fitness, food and living a healthy, fun-filled life. I figured a blog would allow me to share recipes with friends and family while also providing me with a space to write every day where I could work on my personal voice and writing style.
I never really expected anyone to read it.
In the beginning my readers included my family and Ryan. I began participating in the blogging community by commenting on blogs. Slowly but surely people began commenting my blog and stopping by Peanut Butter Fingers regularly. I was so excited to hear from readers and receive comments from bloggers and the sense of support and genuine care that I felt from people that I had never met in real life was unbelievably moving and motivating. I kept on blogging, looking forward to sharing my life with my small amount of readers three times a day.
A Passion Begins
As the months rolled by, I found myself enjoying blogging more and more. Blogging was my “me” time. It allowed me to write and reflect. To share, laugh, learn and grow. I fell in love with my hobby and felt something inside of me.
I felt a passion begin to form.
Prior to blogging, I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. I had ideas and career paths that sounded okay, but nothing lit a fire in my heart and brought me to life. Until blogging.
The idea of blogging for a living crossed my mind many times. It didn’t seem like a realistic goal, but it became my dream.
And now it is my reality.
My dream is coming true because of you and your readership… and my heart overflows with gratitude for the support you provide to me every single day.
So, What is My Plan?
I don’t want the core of my blog to change. I have worked very hard to build a blog I am proud of and will strive to keep it that way.
While my blog will serve as my “backbone” and is allowing me to take the plunge and leave my full-time job, I am not depending solely on my blog for income. Not at all. In fact, I hope freelance work is what inevitably keeps me afloat. I have been actively pursuing freelance writing opportunities and my desire is to continue to seek out freelance work regularly.
Throughout the past several months, balancing my blog with my full-time job became too much. I wasn’t pouring all of my efforts into either my blog or my job and I felt like I was spread too thin, approaching both my blog and my job at half-speed. My love for my full-time job, which I absolutely adored in the beginning thanks to fantastic coworkers and a wonderful office environment, began to lose its luster and didn’t ignite me like it once did. My commitment was first and foremost to my full-time job, but that caused me to turn down freelance writing opportunities that I otherwise would have poured myself into because I simply did not have time to maintain my blog daily, work full-time and balance freelance work. I also couldn’t provide my blog with the attention I longed to give it every day.
My blog consumed my thoughts… in a good way. I found myself thinking about things I wanted to share on my blog all the time. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to implement the exciting ideas I have for my blog or complete backend work on my blog (coding, aesthetic changes, etc.) because my free time away from my job was dedicated first and foremost to simply writing daily blog posts. I struggled greatly with feeling like I was not giving my best effort in my everyday job or my blog.
Finally, after many, many in depth conversations with Ryan, I knew I had to make a decision.
My decision was to take a chance and follow my heart.
Two weeks ago I decided to put all my eggs in one basket and take a leap into a career in blogging and freelance writing – a career that excites me, energizes me and terrifies me all at the same time. I am a planner and not really a risk taker by nature, so this transition will be the biggest leap of faith I’ve ever taken in my professional life.
Never in a million years did I think I would not work in an office environment. I thrive on a schedule and have always been hard working and ambitious, thinking about how I can benefit a company and grow to my full potential. Though now I will technically be reporting to myself, I plan to work hard and keep my current schedule. I will still wake up with Ryan early in the morning, go to the gym, walk Sadie and head to work by 9 a.m. – only my work will be freelance writing projects (or actively pursuing freelance writing projects) and dedicating time to making Peanut Butter Fingers a place on the internet that you want to visit.
I have so many ideas and thoughts running through my head and I cannot wait to continue to share my life with you every day.
I am scared… but I am thrilled. I have never, in my entire life, felt this passionate and excited about a career path.
I feel like I’ve finally found where I am supposed to be.
Congratulations Julie!! I’m so glad you have finally found the right career path and I know you will be amazing at it! Although things might seem scary now, the dedication you have to your blog and writing will give you all the success you deserve! You are so brave! 😀
Congrats, Julie!!! You are an excellent writer- I look forward to your blog posts everyday. You will excel in this new path because of your passion & the support from your loved ones – we all love you too!! Go girl!!
Hi Julie! Thank you for Sharing such an important piece of your life with us. Your dedication to Peanut Butter Fongers has always been apparent and your zest for life is unwavering. I truly admire your ‘risk’, but I don’t believe following your true dreams is a risk at all. You are a wonderful example for others, including myself. For the past eight months, reading PBFingers has been such a joy, and I truly admire your honest approach towards living a happy/healthy/delicious life!
Congratulations on following you heart, Julie. You are doing something so amazing! I know you will be SUPER successful in freelance.. and you already have an amazing blog.. with SO many readers who love reading about your life every day!
Omg, this is fantastic news!
I have been a PBF readers for some months now, and I always leave your site with a smile!
I even use it as a distraction from studying right now…Going through older blog posts of yours (mainly the wedding-themed ones!) definitely is sooo much more fun than reading study material….
I know for sure that you’ll thrive on this new challenge!
Congrats Julie, that is so exciting! I am an avid follower of Peanut Butter Fingers and it’s my guilty pleasure to read your blog a few times a day. Good luck with all your endeavors… you have to make the leap to reap the rewards! It’ll all turn out fabulously… can’t wait to follow along!
Yeeeahhh Julie! I stalked my Google Reader all morning waiting for your post! So encouraged by you taking this leap of faith. Can’t wait to see what’s next for PBF!
Congrats, girl! Fingers crossed for you!
Congrats! I envy you Julie! I began reading your blog and others a few months ago and am addicted! I don’t have my own blog but have definitly thought about it but have no idea how to get started! I must say that your blog is one of my favorites, as well as Tina’s Carrot’s N’ Cake! I feel the same way about my job, it’s okay, but I don’t LOVE it. Good Luck!
you can set up a blog easily using a template through wordpress.com! obviously, i highly recommend it. 😉
Sorry to butt in but I started my blog on wordpress! I still use it and love blogging! Like Julie said, it’s changed my life for the better! Now that I know how passionate I am about it, I will definetely look into self-hosting!
Way to go Julie! This is amazing. Can’t wait to see where this new path takes you!! You are an inspiration to us all 🙂
omg, i’m so so utterly excited and happy for you!! i love that you potentially have created your dream job, your passion inspires me, not only to eat healthy and work out, but to really figure out what makes me tick — i’m SO excited to see where this goes for you, yay!!!!!
Congrats!! That is so awesome! Your blog is definitely my favorite :0)
i thought you were going to announce you were prego 😉
congrats!! i bet you’ll get tons of freelance work based on your prior work experience…so don’t be *too* scurrd!
haha yeah that was the response i got on twitter yesterday! after all the alcohol i drank this past weekend, that BETTER not be true! 🙂
Wow!! Congratulations! That is a big step to take but I think you are doing the right thing! You’re talented and have lots of good ideas and words of wisdom to share with us! I wish you nothing but success, best of luck, and most importantly happiness!
Congrats!! Life is all about taking risks girl!
There is no failure in trying ! That is success to me! I am very happy for you and only see amazing things ahead for you!!!!
Congrats, Julie. I’m excited to see what will come next for you and I know it will be wonderful.
I actually put in my notice at work not long ago as well, to pursue a completely different dream, but it is scary nonetheless. Anytime you put all your eggs in one basket, it’s hard not to be nervous, but reading this post definitely gave me a much needed boost. Thanks!!
so excited for you, too, katie. it’s nerve-wracking but exciting!
Congratulations Julie! Following and listening to your heart is the best thing to do! I know that it will lead to fantastic things for you! Congratulations again and I can’t wait to see where it takes you! 😀
Wow, congrats, it’s always easy to take the “safe” path, but the “scary” one usually brings you the most satisfaction. Good for you. I am Canadian and a daily faithful blog reader of PBF and I am doing my best to get all my friends hooked too…Keep up the great work
Congrats!!! I could only dream of doing something like that… I’ll just live vicariously through you 🙂 I know you will be extremely successful!
Congrats Julie! I am so excited for you and I can’t wait to see what this new adventure brings your way!
Wow, congratulations! What an exciting move, one that I’m sure will be rewarding and meaningful in so many ways.
Congrats Julie! My husband and I were debating what the “big announcement” was going to be last night. 🙂 I found your blog a little over a year ago when I was trying to figure out how to make a spaghetti squash and I’ve been a regular reader ever since. I know you will do great things!
This was my guess when I heard you had big news and I’m so thrilled for you! What a huge step. You will love the next phase of your life and I’m sure it will be wildly successful. ENJOY!
Congrats Julie !!! Taking a risk for your career is one of the best things that you can do… which is perfect while your still young !!! You have the time and energy to put your heart into your new path !! Good luck !!! I know you can do it…..
I took a risk a year ago with my career and love every minute of it. Hopefully I can take an even bigger risk again soon !!!
Good luck and congrats again !! I can’t wait to see what happens with your blog.
Congratulations Julie! I don’t comment much but I love your blog and am excited to see where this leads you!
Congratulations Julie!! Your blog is my favorite!! So selfishly, I’m very excited to see what you have in store! Best of luck!
OMG!!! Congratulations!
I love your blog, and you~ and know that you will do amazing at whatever you set your mind to… happy writing 🙂
Congrats! I relate to you soooooo much! I just discovered your blog recently and I really enjoy it. I am struggling with what I want to be when I “grow up” ….Like you I am a planner that thrives on structure and schedules, someone who rarely takes risks…You are my hero!! I am inspired and I hope that you stepping out of your comfort zone will push me in a similar way…I am sure you will be successful! Take care!
Finding a passion and excitement in life is why we are on the planet! You have made a big but WONDERFUL decision so CONGRATS! I love your blog and getting to know you through it so I can’t wait to follow this part of your journey! You inspire me in many different ways and this is just another one 🙂
Congratulations Julie! I actually gave my notice two weeks ago as well, and Friday is my last day here. It’s my first job that I got out of college and I’ve been miserable here. I have a degree in Journalism and ended up taking the only job offer I got- in healthcare. I finally decided that I need to take a leap of faith and take some time off for me and to figure out what it is that I want to do, rather than what I should do. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who feels this way!
that is awesome!! i hope your leap of faith proves AMAZING, as i am sure it will!
Congrats to you, Julie! Best of luck! 🙂
Congrats Julie!! I’m so very happy for you and I can feel this is the right thing to do!
If you only put 50% effort in your bloggie now.. I can’t even start to imagine how awesome it will be once you will fully focus on it.. So excited!! :)))
Keep up the good work girly, you’re doing fine and you’re gonna be more than fine in the future! :))
Congrats Julie! I am so incredibly happy for you. I think you are an amazing writer and the fact that you are so honest and true to who you are makes your blog a pleasure to read every single day! I remembering finding your blog last year and absolutely loving it. You inspired me to change the way that I eat for the better and more importantly inspired me to blog myself. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for your blog! Best of luck to you! 🙂
Congratulations and best of luck! I completely changed my career path (from something I wanted to do since I was 2….) and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. You should always pursue your dreams, otherwise, you’re left thinking “what if…”. It’s scary, but totally exciting too. Good luck! I’m so happy for you 🙂
Congratulations Julie, on opening a new chapter in your life. I loved this post, and I wanted to say that after finding your article on Sparkpeople led me here and yours was the first blog I ever started reading. Reading your blog led me to others which then gave me the desire to start my own blog. My blog is just a baby right now, but reading this post gives me encouragement for the future. Again congratulations on this next step, and all happiness to you!
it’s amazing what blogging and being part of the blogging community can do inside of us. i’m so glad you’re a part of it!
Congrats! Can’t wait to see what direction you head in!
Wow! Major announcement indeed! You’re so brave, but don’t worry, you’ll do great.
Congrats Julie!!! This is so awesome that you are following your heart and taking a leap of faith. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. Best of luck. I’m truly looking forward to seeing where this takes you and PBF!!!!!
Julie, this is so amazing! It makes me believe in a quote by Earl Nightengale that is kind of a mantra of mine: A [woman] is what [she] thinks about all a day long. You’re doin’ it, girl! 🙂
Congrats Julie! I just recently came across your blog, but have been following ever since! I think this career move will be great for you! Enjoy the risk!
P.S. Sadie is so cute! We have a vizsla that we absolutely adore too!
they’re the best dogs everrr!
Congratulations Julie!! You were the first healthy living blog I read and you are definitely my favorite blogger! I am so so happy for you!
I can’t wait to read about what you do next!
If I’m not rude, may I ask what exactly means freelance writting for you? I m very curious because here I am, almoust ( one moth away) a gratuated journalist student and I wonder every single day what path should I follow?
I really apreciated if you respond to this, just in general nothing detailed . I guess you do have a clue of what you want to write.
when i say “freelance writing” i mean writing articles and content for websites, magazines, etc. i wouldn’t be an employee of the company, so my content would be outsourced.
Congrats! I am so proud of you for following your heart. I am currently doing the same and hope to leave my office job soon. 🙂 Thank you for b being an inspiration.
Congrats on your decision. I hope that it is best for you!
I am not going to lie though, I am sad about this. I read your blog BECAUSE you managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle while working a full time job. It makes me sad how so many bloggers leave their job for the blog. I personally don’t think I will be reading much anymore. BUT I will definitely check in, because I think you are adorable!
i think there comes a time when some bloggers are forced to make a decision between their job and their blog because the blog gets to a point where it needs more attention. i really appreciate your readership and support, as it has helped me get to this point. thank you! i hope you’ll still stop in, as i really do plan to work a normal schedule, even though i will not be going to an office. if not, i really do appreciate your support up until now!
You know that feeling of excitement you get when a good friend tells you her good news? That’s exactly what I feel right now! I had shivers while reading this post and am SO happy for u! It is a big leap of faith but it’s also a career which I am confident that you will thrive in! I am excited for more pbfingers in my life and wish you all the luck Julie! So admirable to go with your heart!
CONGRATS!! 🙂 You know how happy I am for you.
You are being so brave! I admire and applaud you–I know that this new adventure is going to take you amazing places. I’m so honored to continue to share in your success through your blog. Enjoy the ride! 🙂
Congratulations Julie! I know this is scary but I truly believe you are doing what makes you the most happy, and that is what life is truly about… pursuing something your are passionate for.
Your blog was one of the first I ever read and continue to do so on a daily basis. You have shown me that living a balanced, healthy life with indulgences mixed in can really lead to joy! I strive to find this balance each and everyday as I recover from years of disordered eating… and you are one of the people who have helped me along this road 🙂
Congrats Julie that is so amazing and you totally deserve it. Your blog is one I come to everyday as you have a great voice that many can relate to. It takes a lot of courage to make that kind of leap but that is what life is all about.
Congratulations! I love your blog and am so, so happy for you. Best of luck!