I put in my two week’s notice at my full-time job.
All my life, I’ve considered different career paths. Many things jumped out at me… a dolphin trainer, a news anchor, a high school English teacher, a public relations professional. Each one intrigued me, but didn’t really excite me.
When I graduated from college with a degree in advertising and public relations and a minor in marketing, I found myself working in the public relations and marketing field. I quickly learned marketing and living by sales numbers was not for me and I gravitated toward tasks that involved writing.
Brochure and magazine content, press releases, e-newsletters. These were my favorite assignments.
After almost two years in the real world, I realized I wanted a career in writing. I accepted my current job in December 2008, excited to write website content for two large sites, even if the topics weren’t ones that peaked my personal interest.
The Beginning of Blogging
In 2008 I discovered Tina’s blog, Carrots ‘n’ Cake, while reading an article she wrote on Health.com. Her blog led me to discover the healthy living blog community and I immediately fell in love with blog reading. It wasn’t too long after I began reading blogs that a little voice in the back of my head started telling me to start one of my own.
In September 2009, I began Peanut Butter Fingers, thinking it would be a fun hobby that would serve as an outlet to write about topics that interest me – fitness, food and living a healthy, fun-filled life. I figured a blog would allow me to share recipes with friends and family while also providing me with a space to write every day where I could work on my personal voice and writing style.
I never really expected anyone to read it.
In the beginning my readers included my family and Ryan. I began participating in the blogging community by commenting on blogs. Slowly but surely people began commenting my blog and stopping by Peanut Butter Fingers regularly. I was so excited to hear from readers and receive comments from bloggers and the sense of support and genuine care that I felt from people that I had never met in real life was unbelievably moving and motivating. I kept on blogging, looking forward to sharing my life with my small amount of readers three times a day.
A Passion Begins
As the months rolled by, I found myself enjoying blogging more and more. Blogging was my “me” time. It allowed me to write and reflect. To share, laugh, learn and grow. I fell in love with my hobby and felt something inside of me.
I felt a passion begin to form.
Prior to blogging, I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. I had ideas and career paths that sounded okay, but nothing lit a fire in my heart and brought me to life. Until blogging.
The idea of blogging for a living crossed my mind many times. It didn’t seem like a realistic goal, but it became my dream.
And now it is my reality.
My dream is coming true because of you and your readership… and my heart overflows with gratitude for the support you provide to me every single day.
So, What is My Plan?
I don’t want the core of my blog to change. I have worked very hard to build a blog I am proud of and will strive to keep it that way.
While my blog will serve as my “backbone” and is allowing me to take the plunge and leave my full-time job, I am not depending solely on my blog for income. Not at all. In fact, I hope freelance work is what inevitably keeps me afloat. I have been actively pursuing freelance writing opportunities and my desire is to continue to seek out freelance work regularly.
Throughout the past several months, balancing my blog with my full-time job became too much. I wasn’t pouring all of my efforts into either my blog or my job and I felt like I was spread too thin, approaching both my blog and my job at half-speed. My love for my full-time job, which I absolutely adored in the beginning thanks to fantastic coworkers and a wonderful office environment, began to lose its luster and didn’t ignite me like it once did. My commitment was first and foremost to my full-time job, but that caused me to turn down freelance writing opportunities that I otherwise would have poured myself into because I simply did not have time to maintain my blog daily, work full-time and balance freelance work. I also couldn’t provide my blog with the attention I longed to give it every day.
My blog consumed my thoughts… in a good way. I found myself thinking about things I wanted to share on my blog all the time. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to implement the exciting ideas I have for my blog or complete backend work on my blog (coding, aesthetic changes, etc.) because my free time away from my job was dedicated first and foremost to simply writing daily blog posts. I struggled greatly with feeling like I was not giving my best effort in my everyday job or my blog.
Finally, after many, many in depth conversations with Ryan, I knew I had to make a decision.
My decision was to take a chance and follow my heart.
Two weeks ago I decided to put all my eggs in one basket and take a leap into a career in blogging and freelance writing – a career that excites me, energizes me and terrifies me all at the same time. I am a planner and not really a risk taker by nature, so this transition will be the biggest leap of faith I’ve ever taken in my professional life.
Never in a million years did I think I would not work in an office environment. I thrive on a schedule and have always been hard working and ambitious, thinking about how I can benefit a company and grow to my full potential. Though now I will technically be reporting to myself, I plan to work hard and keep my current schedule. I will still wake up with Ryan early in the morning, go to the gym, walk Sadie and head to work by 9 a.m. – only my work will be freelance writing projects (or actively pursuing freelance writing projects) and dedicating time to making Peanut Butter Fingers a place on the internet that you want to visit.
I have so many ideas and thoughts running through my head and I cannot wait to continue to share my life with you every day.
I am scared… but I am thrilled. I have never, in my entire life, felt this passionate and excited about a career path.
I feel like I’ve finally found where I am supposed to be.
Congratulations! The only thing that could make this post better would be a picture of Sadie’s face of how happy she is to have a hang out buddy!
I can honestly say that your blog is the one blog I always need to check every.single.day.
You have a way to make us relate to all of your post. You let us in and always have a great post up.
I am so happy and EXCITED for you!!! This is your calling and I only wish you THE BEST!!!
Congratulations! I love reading your blog, you have such a positive outlook on life. I am just trying to convince myself to really start the blog that I have been thinking about for awhile.
Congrats Julie! You are so brave to take a big step but I know you will be sucessful. I mostly read fashion blogs and I don’t remember how I found yours, but I’ve been reading it now for months and I’m hooked. I look forward to your posts and you inspire me to live heather. I love your positive attitude most of all. You’re going to set the world on fire!
Congratulations Julie! So happy for you! This is an amazing step and you will find it to be so rewarding. Best of luck!
best of luck! Love the desktop pic of Sadie! She looks like our red dobie Lily – they have the same smile & love of tennis balls!
Wow Julie! Awesome! I am so proud of you! 🙂
You are so talented..I’m sure this will be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made! Just hang in there…
What an admirable move! I know you will succeed, as you will keep all of us riveted. Thanks for providing such wonderful content for us to read each day!
Congratulations on following you passions and dreams! I am very proud of you and look forward to continuing to read your blog daily (or rather several times daily! haha)
Congrats Julie! I love your blog! I read it everyday and to be quite honest, it’s one of my favorites! You have inspired me to live a healthy life and THANK YOU for that. 🙂
Congratulations! I am a new reader of your blog – I started reading it a few months ago after your “motivational blog” on spark people. Good luck in your new endeavors. You are very inspiring and you definitely deserve it!
wooo hoo! congrats!
Also… because of YOU I began my own blog for my friends and family, and have quickly realized my new hobby that I have a passion for as well. Thank you.
You go Julie! I love your blog,and though I am mostly a silent reader, I visit your page at least twice a day and have since January. You help me find balance, when before reading your blog I struggled with overexercising and undereating. I now enjoy my looser workout schedule and lots of froyo. 🙂
I’m a daily reader and I don’t usually comment but… Oh my goodness, CONGRATS!!! My fiance and I debated last night what the big announcement was going to be -my money was on you and Ryan buying a house!- but this is so much better! From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best. This blog is apart of my daily routine and I am repeatedly inspired by it whether it’s just to try a new recipe, a new workout, or even a new fashion. If this is what you’re putting out at “50%” then I can’t wait to see you perform at 100%! Your honest and sincere approach to this blog (and to life!) is what keeps me coming back. Thank you for motivating and inspiring me and I will continue to support you. GOOD LUCK!!!!
thank you jenni!! what a wonderful comment!
Congratulations, Julie! You deserve to pursue your dreams and I can honestly say that your blog is one of my favorite blogs that has my mind rolling about starting my own blog! Good luck!
I randomly came upon your blog about a month ago when my life was almost at a stand-still. And it was really funny because I showed my boyfriend and we both agreed that the personalities you and ryan show on your blog is nearly parallel to our personalities (weird). Anyways I loved that you shared the common passion for food fitness and
My whole life I planned to attend physical therapy school after completing my undergraduate degree in exercise science. I never had a doubt that my life would go off course – well it did, I was not accepted into the schools I had my heart on (and I had fantastic grades and recommendations). Throughout the weeks I came to terms with this and the fact that everything happens for a reason, I was not accepted because deep down I was not ready for PT school, I was meant for a different path for now in fitness.
I’m telling you this because your blog has inspired me to create one as well to discuss similar topics (but based more on health, fitness, and research) to pursue this new path life has taken me down. I believe you are meant to do what makes you happy, especially while you are still so young. I adore your blog and love reading about you, ryan, your pup, and your smoothies which i can’t believe I still have yet to try!!’
Best of luck with everything
thank you for sharing. i hope you love blogging as much as i do!
I recently started reading your blog and figured this would be the perfect time for a first comment. Congratulations! Your story is truly inspirational!
Congratulations Julie! Your blog is one of my favorites to stop by each day. You will be a fantastic freelancer! Can’t wait to see where you go next!
Congrats!!! I love reading PBF – it was the first healthy living blog I started reading and ever since I’ve been hooked!
Congratulations and best wishes!!
You are heroic! That will be so great!
Congrats Julie, your doing the right thing and sticking with your gut feeling. Your blog was the first my sister and I came across last year and it inspired us to make our on blog 🙂 Thank You and GOOD LUCK!
I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS and good luck! I think it is wonderful that you have turned this “hobby” into your passion and now your career! Good for you!! You are very inspiring, uplifting and have such a positive outlook which is one of the many reasons I enjoy coming back here each day!! You are also one of the inspirations for why I recently decided to take the plunge and start a blog of my own! Congratulations and follow those dreams girl!
Congrats on this new journey! I am a fairly new reader of PBF but have SO enjoyed reading and getting to know your sweet family through the blog! I am inspired by your decision to follow your passion and can’t wait to see where this new path takes you. I know it will be great! Congrats and thanks for being a bright spot in the blog world!
Congratulations Julie!! With challenge comes great opportunity! All of your readers are so proud of this big step – and just so you know, you’re blog is ALREADY something we want to visit on the internet (a couple times a day actually) so no pressure on our end!! Good luck in everything that you do!
You are truly inspiring! Congrats for taking such a big & scary step, things will work out as they were meant to be! And your blog is awesome!
Congratulations! Good luck. This is so inspirational.
Oh. My. God. Julie, this brought tears to my eyes…I am so so excited for you. I have never commented before, but yours was one of the first blogs that really got me addicted to reading food and healthy living blogs. I am so proud of you I want to hug you.
I need to comment–I am so excited for you Julie! I’ve been reading your blog for a few year and I feel like I know you (I even cried ‘at’ your wedding). You definitely don’t know me, but you inspire me every morning, afternoon, and evening (except recently when you went to Chicago–gee was that day tough with no post to fuel me!!). You inspire me to one day just do it, just start a food blog like I have wanted to for so many years.
Like your sister, I just graduated college this year. I majored in English and, like you, have such a passion for writing. My parents are so supportive of my writing, and now I am looking for work in the food/healthy living sector of writing. I still don’t know exactly what I want to do with my life, though I consider myself a passionate person, but it is because of you that I figured out this niche (that some consider a bit quirky) that really gets my juices flowing.
Thank you so much for this post, for all of your posts, for your energy, and for going with your heart. I can’t wait to follow your amazing journey that’s to come and I wish you all of the best, though you won’t be needing it!
I might be e-mailing you shortly, begging for a job! (half-kidding (one-fourth kidding)). Congratulations again, you deserve this! You really, really do.
thank you so much for such a heart-felt comment, kate. 🙂
Congratulations! I had a feeling this was coming sometime soon – very happy for you! I hope this opportunity is everything you hope it will be.
I’ve been at my first post-college job for about two years now, and though it is a job that many would kill to have (great benefits, in the top 30 of Fortune 500 companies, etc.), I know it’s not what I’m meant to do. My last day is Friday. 🙂
oh that is so exciting! best of luck to you, paige!
Congrats Julie! I am soooo happy for you! I’m a longtime reader/lurker 🙂
I’m so excited for you Julie! You blog, by far, is my favorite in the blog world. Good luck to you!
Congratulations!! Your blog is my favorite one out there, so I’m very happy to hear you’ve taken this leap of faith!
YAY, it’s officially out!! Girl, I am SO proud of you! You are seriously an inspiration. Keep doin’ what you do! 🙂
thanks so much for your supportive g-chat sessions!
You betcha 😉
Are you two almost like “real-life” friends? Like, closer than just blog friends, if that makes any sense :P? haha just wondering because you both BY FAR write my favorite blogs – both so inspiring, fun and well-written! And you are both absolutely gorgeous to boot!
Congratulations Julie, God Bless 😀
haha! i love that you asked this, mischa! i still (sadly) haven’t met courtney in real life but she and i have become friends “off the blogs” as well. 🙂 it’s wonderful to have another blogger to “chat” with! i can’t wait to meet her in real life in august.
Awwww, I love this comment TOO! Thanks, Mischa! 🙂
I’m toooootally looking forward to this August! But for now, I suppose regular gchat sessions will work 😉
YES! This is awesome!!!!! Congrats!!!!
This is so very exciting! I cannot wait to follow you on your new journey and perhaps be inspired to subsequently find and follow my passion! 🙂
Congratulations, Julie! Such a brave move, but one that I’m sure will pay off in the end. I read your blog every day, three times a day, and I’m so excited to see all the changes you have in store – and a little jealous that you will be blogging/freelancing for a living now 😉 Best of luck!
Congrats! I know this is a huge step. I’m going back to school in the fall to study a whole new field and it scares me, but I know it’s time to do what I really want and not something that I should do.
Wow – congrats! What a big decision, but it sound like you are going to be doing something that you really want and like to do and I truly feel that is the most important thing. Good luck! 🙂
I knew that glass of wine last nite was a celebratory one 😉 Many congrats to you and best of luck on the newest chapter in your life!
Congrats on following your dreams and your heart Julie! I have only been reading your blog for a few months, but I have to tell you that you have been a big inspiration to me by showing me that it is possible to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life and that doing so doesn’t have to be complicated. I am truly grateful for your fun, energetic, and often hilarious blog, and your practical approaches to healthy living, and I wish you the best in this next chapter of your life!
Congratulations, Julie! What exciting news! I am thrilled for you – and it sounds like everyone else is, too.
Your leap of faith in yourself, is an inspiration to us all. You’re incredible!
what an inspiration you are.
it takes a lot of courage to follow your heart.
congratulations and best of luck 🙂
Congrats Julie! I will always continue to be a devoted fan of your blog and know I will see big big things from you. Hopefully a book or 2 :-D. Your blog is contagious everyone of my friends who reads it is instantly hooked. You will be more then fine you will be great.
I just finished the help and you remind me of aibeee. Doing something brave and unconventional. Congrats again I wish you the best.
Oh and big high five for Ryan being there to support ya on this. Finding someone that encourages you to dream big is something truly special.
Congratulations! I know how scary it is to leave your job! You will be fine because you have a wonderful support system in Ryan and your family! Can’t wait for a million more posts (and now you can spend so much less time on your hair!).
Yay! I cannot wait for all the new changes. I found your blog about 2 months ago and I have gone through and read nearly all the posts from when you first started – your blog is one of my faves 🙂
Congratulations! My mom told me that if you never take a leap of faith and prepare for the worst, you’ll never have a chance to live your best life. My husband and I have done this a few times in our lives now (and we are 27 and 28!) and it has paid off in spades.
All the best!
Congrats! I’m happy and a tad jealous that you have found your way. Hopefully I find mine soon. 🙂
Congrats! I honestly feel you made the right decision. The purpose of life is to be happy and enjoy it! You should have a career that enables you to do just that. I think you should be proud of yourself for taking a risk, one that I think is a great decision. You have to be 100% enjoying your life because it is so short and you only get one!
Best of luck on your new endeavors. I’ll be looking forward to reading more 😀