It is raining outside this morning which means no morning walk for Sadie which means she has spiraled into a deep depression.
Rain, rain go away… You’re making my dog cray-zay…
You should know that I snapped the above picture of Sadie as I was halfway through writing this blog post. I passed by our bedroom as I walked into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water and that was the sight that greeted me. What a ham.
Something about a dreary day simply calls for an extra-comforting breakfast.
Bring on the pancakes!
A little burned. Oops.
I made a batch of banana vanilla protein pancakes and let them cook on the griddle for a little too long. The dark outside of the pancakes didn’t take away from the flavor too much, especially once they were topped with a bit of syrup and chia seeds.
Bed Time
Last night as Ryan and I set the DVR to record the last half hour of So You Think You Can Dance at 9:30 p.m., we started talking about our early bedtime. One of the most common questions I’m asked by you guys is what time I go to bed to get up at 5 a.m. to work out Monday through Friday.
My answer? Early! Right around 9:30 p.m.
Of course we’re not always in bed right at 9:30 p.m. and sometimes we don’t get to bed until later, but for the most part we try to be in bed by 9:30 p.m. and are usually asleep by 10:15 p.m.
At first going to bed that early was really, really weird. In college I wouldn’t even go out until after 10 p.m.! But, as I transitioned into early morning workouts, I found it easier and easier to fall asleep earlier and earlier.
If I have a hard time falling asleep early, I’ll unwind with a book and read until my eyes feel heavy. Most of the time that little trick works like a charm!
Of Possible Interest
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- Sesame Soy Glazed Salmon (
Question of the Morning
- What time to do you go to bed?
- What time do you wake up?
Sadie is so cute!
I try to go to bed early but it doesn’t happen. I stay up to late playing Wheel of Fortune of my iPod. I’m usually asleep by 10:30 or 11:00 pm, and wake up about 7 am. The classes at my gym start at 9:10 am, so I don’t have to wake up too early.
i agree about the early bedtime…i like to get cardio in early in the morning so honestly by waking up so early i’m totally sleepy by 10! my college self is totaly laughing at me now!
Same times as you! I’m usually in bed between 9:30-10:00pm, and awake by 5am! 🙂 Early morning workouts are the best!!
I agree with you..the earlier I get up, the easier it is for me to go to bed early 🙂
I’m a teacher, so during the school year I get up at 4:30 to run/workout, and am usually in bed by 9 or 9:30….I get made fun of alll the time for my early bedtime, but hey, I’m always well-rested!!!!
I’m in bed by 10, asleep by 10.30 and up at 5. Even at the weekends now I’m in bed by 11.30 and up by 7 at the latest! Hate wasting the day! 🙂
I go to bed at 9 and wake up at 6. Not exactly normal for a 21-year-old, but… ::sigh:: oh well.
Wow 9.30 is early but then again, it’s all relative right- not so early when you’re up at the crack of dawn! Luckily with my work schedule, I can wake up by 7.45, hit up the gym and then be at work by 10.30. As a result my “bedtime” is usually around midnight!
Oh my goodness, Sadie is such a hoot lying under the covers with that sad expression on her face! Hopefully, it will be sunny tomorrow so she can go on her walk!
I think it’s great how you have the dedication to get to bed by 9:30pm every night. Personally, I try to get to bed by 10:00 or 10:30 and wake up around 6:20 to get ready to work. I work out in the evenings and would be WAY too tired to even attempt to work out at 5am like you do! lol
And those pancakes look delish, even if they are a little on the burnt side!
Oh man I don’t think I could go to bed that early. I actually went to bed by 10 until I went to college, but now I can’t imagine it. I try to be in bed by 11. My boyfriend doesn’t even get home from work until after 10 sometimes so I’d never see him if I went to be that early!
Sadie looks so comfy! I’m jealous! I wish I was still comfy in my bed. 🙂
I usually try to go to sleep somewhere between 9:30pm-10pm. I wake up every morning for work at 5am because I have a pretty long commute.
We are usually in bed by 10 or 10:15. My problem is, I normally fall asleep on the couch watching TV around 9:15, so getting myself up and motivated to wash my face, brush my teeth, etc. is a little hard… but thankfully I don’t have any problems falling asleep (again) once I’m in bed.
My Mom has always said that my eyes are attached to my butt… anytime I sit down I can fall asleep if I really want to. 🙂
LOL! love your mom’s comment.
I have a very long commute in Atlanta traffic so it is early to bed, early to rise for me. Usually in bed by 10 and wake up at 5:30.
My umph doesn’t switch on till about noon so morning workouts have never been good for me. I love doing them at the end of my day as a great way to unwind and let out all the stress.
I go to bed between 9 and 10 and wake up between 5 and 6 and on the weekends I try and get up by 8 no matter what time I go to sleep so that I don’t mess up my schedule too much. I am definitely a morning person and I love to get my workout done and all my important tasks done first thing in the morning.
Wow! This makes me feel so normal about my sleeping routine. I love it! I am in my bed about 10 and hopefully asleep at 10:30. Then the alarm goes off at 5:15. Last night my boyfriend was sneaking into bed when I was waking up. Oh, how I miss those college days.
Sadie is just adorable!
I used to go to bed late all the time but for the past two years I became accustomed to 8 hours of sleep and I like 8 hours. So I get to bed around 9-10, according to what time my alarm is set.
I run XC and so there’s another reason why I go to bed early.
Usually 10pm and fall asleep by 10:30am. We wake up anywhere from 6-7am. I need my 7.5 hours of sleep each night!
I go to bed between 9:30 and 10pm too, so that way I can be up for a 5:30 workout. That picture of Sadie is adorable! That’s what I wanted to do this morning when I woke up to the rain 🙂
I am an early to bed early to rise kinda girl! And I always have been blame it on the 5:30am swim practices in high school and college! I usually aim to get into bed around 9:30 so I can read and got to sleep around 10. I wake up either at 6 or 5:20, depending on the day and whats on tap for the gym!
Sadie has the right idea of what to do on a rainy day.
I go to bed anywhere from 11-12 and get up at 6. I work until 10 p.m. and have a 40 minute commute…and I have a 2 year old, so I have an earli(er) wake up time. I go to bed earlier on the weekends than the week days!
I will be a junior in college in the fall but for the first two years of college I would go to bed at 11:30 or 12:00am and get up at 8:00am and workout in the afternoon. Now I am starting to go to bed at 10:00pm and getting up at 6:00am b/c its been so hot out to go running in the afternoon. That pic of sadie is so cute 🙂
I goto bed at 11pm and wake up at 615
Is Ryan ok with you reading in bed or watching tv to get tired? My husband will not as he says he can’t sleep with the light. So, I stay in the couch to read or watch tv before heading to bed. My husband goes to bed 10ish. We are on seperTe sleep schedules which is hard but get up at the same time.
Ok, thank you because now I don’t feel like such a baby!! Most nights I’m in bed by 9 (or 9:30 if it’s a busier-than-usual night) because I get up at 4:15 for my early morning workouts. I’ve worked out in the mornings since I was about 16, and I never want to break that habit! I did go out much later in the evenings in university, but I’m thankful there’s not peer/roommate pressure to do that now! #yesiknowisoundlikean80yearold
Sadie is so cute. I went to bed at 5pm yesterday, I’ve been sick since Monday and my blog has been suffering along with me. I’m hoping today is a turn around point. BTW, everything – including pancakes – is better a little burnt! 🙂
I usually go to bed by 11:00 and wake up at 8:00. For now, it works for me since I work from home and I can usually fit in a workout around lunch time. When I didn’t work from home, I was always in bed by 10:00 so that I could fit in a workout in the morning and still have time to get ready for the work day.
I work out at night most of the time, so I go to bed between 10:30 and 11 most nights. I wake up at 7 to be at work at 8:30. If I do go to the gym in the morning, I go at 6. I could probably do this more often, but my husband doesn’t like to go to bed very early, and I hate going to bed before he does.
Oh man – you think you go to bed early? haha. My alarm chimes around 4:21am so that I can be at the gym for my 5am classes. I try to be in bed at 8pm to watch t.v. or read and lights out at 9pm. I’m exhausted by the end of the day! What’s hilarious is the other night we were getting ready for bed and someone was still mowing the grass. I have to make myself stay up past 9pm on the weekends!
my bed time has gotten earlier and earlier within the past few years since college too! we’re usually in bed by 10:00 and are asleep by 10:30 (most nights) and then i wake up about 6-6:30. i’ve appreciated my early mornings moreso than i used to, so i don’t mind going to bed earlier.
I am right there with ya on the early bedtime. I like to be in bed by 9:30/10 and asleep by 10:30. I really hate staying up later than that when I know I have to be up at 6 for the gym. I definitely need my sleep; I can’t function without it. I have no idea how I survived in hs when I would go to bed at 12 and wake up before 6– yikes!
I used to be the same way, that waking up early was hard and going to bed before 11 or 12 felt impossible…Now I head to my bed around 9:30 and every night I read for a while until I’m sleepy enough to shut my eyes. Reading helps me unwind from the day! I typically workout in the mornings too and while that gives me energy to tackle the day, it definitely makes me tired by 9 (or earlier) every night.
In bed by 9-9:30 up by 5:45am to workout. I have found even on days I can sleep in that my internal clock still wakes me up early.
After making the transition after college to waking up earlier and going to bed earlier, I really feel like I get a lot more accomplished during my day.
Hubby and I were going to make the attempt at early morning workouts to keep us going but it just never happened. Esp right now when his work transitioned to 10 hour days so they can have Fridays off during summer. But maybe when fall comes we’ll give it a whirl again.
bedtime is 9:30, sometimes 9:15 depending on my day. i wake-up at 4:20 for my morning workout.
Hahaha, Sadie! I swear some dogs want to talk so badly… if she could talk, I bet she’d be a comedian. Or a diva. Either way, she’d be famous and I’d want to be her friend fo sho. 🙂
I’m going to forward this post to my boyfriend because he was just saying a couple nights ago how he thinks I’m the only person who goes to bed before 10pm on a regular basis, ha. I get up at 6 for work and go to bed around 9:30-10, though sometimes I fall asleep while watching TV at 8:30. 🙂
I was so intrigued when I saw the title of this post! I’m always so interested in how much sleep other people get! I’m someone who NEEDS a lot of sleep .. like, at least 7.5 hours of SOLID, uninterrupted sleep or 8+. Unfortunately, I rarely get it 🙁 I’m a super light sleeper and have bouts of insomnia. My boyfriend also doesn’t need nearly as much sleep as me, so I pretty much have to conform to his sleep schedule because I can’t sleep when I hear him puttering around our 600 square foot apartment! Ugh. Does anyone else struggle with this?
Anyway, we usually end up going to bed at midnight + waking up around 6:45. By the time Friday hits, I’m completely exhausted!
As for bed times, I’m trying to adjust my ‘biological clock’…with so far minimal success – but my determination has not yet waned! (although at this point it’s almost a joking matter – i really need to stop saying: Tomorrow starts Day 1…doesn’t help much). I usually wake up around 5:30am, putter around/rush around blindly (literally..i usually don’t put my contacts in until I’m almost out the door; no reason- another change needing to happen) and leave the door by 6:15(ish). My glorious hour-long commute then commences and, depending on traffic (and those crazy NJ drivers- yes, the rumors are all too true) i try to squeeze in a workout before barreling into work. Pretty picture, no? (hence the need for change).
I think that the trick is all about the early-bedtime, which you’ve got down pat (yay!)- and it’s about time I followed suit! My family and I live by opposite schedules and so the only time I get to see them is at night- usually after 10pm. And so the predicament continues…
When we first started dating, my boyfriend laughed at me for being in bed at 10. The more we’ve hung out, the earlier he’s gone to bed too – now we both are struggling when we get an invite to meet up with our friends at 11. I can do it once in a while, but it definitely messes up my sleep schedule for a few days until I can get a nap or a 12-hour-snooze-night in!
I wake up for a 5 am workout but don’t go to bed early… sigh… I am someone that struggles with sleep & I kind of always have LOL! My mind will not QUIT! My analogy is always I have a hamster in my mind & it will not get off the wheel LOL! But luckily somehow I’ve survived on not as much sleep really since college HAHA!! I”m working on my masters now so good sleep is always great but I don’t always get it 😀
On a side note- Sadie is ADORBS! Don’t you love how dogs can take on people personalities – even more so than some actual people? I have a yellow labrador retriever named Roxie (ok, so maybe you don’t care, but being such a dog-lover- which i think you are, too- i always need to know the name and breed to picture him/her in my head) – and let me tell you, she’s a hoot!
i’m the weirdo…to get up at 5 to run or go to the gym…i go to sleep between 8 and 9. i have just always required 9 hours of sleep (except for a few brief years in college). and i’m incapable of staying up late on weekends and sleeping in. i am a morning person and generally worthless in the evenings anyway.
Your puppy is adorable! I too go to bed around 930, or at least try to be reading in bed by then! My boyfriend and I also get up around 5am to workout, and going to bed early is the only way to make it happen!
I have the same bedtime to get up to workout and all my friends call me “Grandma.” You’d think I’d be ashamed! haha It’s worth it to be able to wake up that early everyday and get the workout done so it’s not looming!
I really try to get to bed by 10PM and get up at 6AM for workouts. But life has been busy lately so I’ve had to change things. I want to get back to my regular routine!
I naturally wake up during the 4 o’clock hour. No alarm. Just awake. At 4am. Luckily, I’m a morning person. It’s quiet and calm and gives me an hour or two to wake up before working out. I am usually asleep around 9 or 10pm.
My husband is in his third year of medical school, and he has to be at the hospital to round on patients at 5 AM. Since he leaves early and comes home late, I get up at 4:30 AM with him to say good morning and walk him out to the car. I’m on my second week of doing it, and it’s gotten much easier to get up at 4:30! I spend the rest of the morning before I go to work doing laundry, reading, grocery shopping, or doing school projects. We go to bed at 9 PM haha and that’s been the hardest part for me!
I am late to bed and early to rise. I don’t like going to bed too early because it is the only time I have to unwind from my day as a stay at home mom. Bedtime is usually 11:00pm and I wake up around 6am to workout before my kids get up for the day. If I get less than 7 hours of sleep I do it feel it thoughj!
I have such a bad sleep schedule lately … I TRY to get to bed around 11 because I set my alarm for 7:00 but then somehow I get distracted and usually don’t get to sleep until 1am! it’s horrible… idk how I function sometimes lol I got to work at 10 but like to workout/eat and all that jazz before hand– it’s been my goal lately to get to bed earlier
I go to bed around 10:30-11pm and wake up at 5:30am. I am always tired, I need to go to bed at 9:30 to 10, but haven’t figured out how to get everything done and to unwind earlier. I think I might have to start to read at night instead of watch tv!
All these comments make me feel so normal!! I try to be in bed every night at 10:30. I am up around 6am and I don’t think that is too much sleep. My husband hates that I want to be in bed so early. He is still in college and on top of that has a job that gives him night and even overnight hours. He makes fun of me every night, when I say I am going to bed. He calls me an old lady. Easy for him, he is still snoozing while I am already at work!!
Side note, pictures of Sadie make me sad. We found a lost dog and kept him for a week. I grew so attached to him. Then his owners found us. And while I was at work too! =(
Sadie is so cute!! I usually get into bed around 10 pm and fall asleep anywhere form 10 to 11 pm. I wake up between 5:45 and 7 am. Today I woke up at 8:15 am! and was almost late to work (I get in at 9)..