It is raining outside this morning which means no morning walk for Sadie which means she has spiraled into a deep depression.
Rain, rain go away… You’re making my dog cray-zay…
You should know that I snapped the above picture of Sadie as I was halfway through writing this blog post. I passed by our bedroom as I walked into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water and that was the sight that greeted me. What a ham.
Something about a dreary day simply calls for an extra-comforting breakfast.
Bring on the pancakes!
A little burned. Oops.
I made a batch of banana vanilla protein pancakes and let them cook on the griddle for a little too long. The dark outside of the pancakes didn’t take away from the flavor too much, especially once they were topped with a bit of syrup and chia seeds.
Bed Time
Last night as Ryan and I set the DVR to record the last half hour of So You Think You Can Dance at 9:30 p.m., we started talking about our early bedtime. One of the most common questions I’m asked by you guys is what time I go to bed to get up at 5 a.m. to work out Monday through Friday.
My answer? Early! Right around 9:30 p.m.
Of course we’re not always in bed right at 9:30 p.m. and sometimes we don’t get to bed until later, but for the most part we try to be in bed by 9:30 p.m. and are usually asleep by 10:15 p.m.
At first going to bed that early was really, really weird. In college I wouldn’t even go out until after 10 p.m.! But, as I transitioned into early morning workouts, I found it easier and easier to fall asleep earlier and earlier.
If I have a hard time falling asleep early, I’ll unwind with a book and read until my eyes feel heavy. Most of the time that little trick works like a charm!
Of Possible Interest
- 10 Exercise Machines To Avoid (
- Vegan No Bake Treats (
- Sesame Soy Glazed Salmon (
Question of the Morning
- What time to do you go to bed?
- What time do you wake up?
Omg Sadie is too precious! I’ve been interning at a job this summer where I have to be at work by 7:00 so this summer has forced me into a morning person! By the time its 11pm I’m zonked out.
My husband and I get to bed around 9:30 or 10. He usually conks immediately, but it takes me a few to fall asleep. I must need a lot more sleep than most people, as I can easily sleep until 7 even with the early bed time. I have the summers off, so I have been getting up whenever I wake up (reasonably) to workout in the AM. Soon this will change and I will have to wake up to that blasted alarm again!
In bed by 10, awake at 5:15, at the gym or running by 6. I even try to get up before 7 on the weekends, even if I was up a little later.
Those pancakes look amazing! I need a ton of sleep! I’m always in bed by 10ish and up around 7 on most days
Yup, I’m with you. Usually in bed around 9:30-10, up at 5 to run!
i feel my best if i have about 7 hours of sleep, so i usually try to go to bed around 10 since i wake up around 5-ish to work out. i get teased for going to sleep so early, but it’s worth it to knock out my workout early. of course this is all different now since i’m on summer vacation, but i still tend to go to bed around 11. i VERY rarely make it til midnight.
I am an old lady. I get in bed around 8:30, read, and then actually try and go to sleep by 9. I have to get up at 5am if i want to get in a workout or training run and still have time to shower, get dressed and actually enjoy my breakfast before heading to my internship. I LOVE breakfast and my morning time so it’s worth it to me to get up a little earlier rather than run out the door with an on the go breakfast!
I completely agree! In college I wouldn’t even THINK of sleep until 12 or so, but now with working out in the morning and an 8am job going to bed early feels great!
My ideal would be to get to sleep by 10 or 10:30p (or heck, even 9!), but I rarely get to sleep before 11 or 11:30! 🙁 It’s something I’m constantly working on, especially since i love to workout in the early morning hours before work.
I try to be in bed by 10 p.m. so that I can run in the morning. I definitely notice it if I don’t get enough sleep!
Normally I start to get ready about 9:30ish and am in bed by 10. Love the early morning workouts…it is too hot to run later in the day!
My husband and I were JUST talking the other day about how late we used to do things in college! I remember not even getting in the shower until 9 pm and him swinging by to pick me up around 10:30. Insanity. I like to be on my way HOME by 9:30 at the latest on the weekends now! haha During the week, I like to be in bed by 10, and normally up around 6:30 or so.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with an early bed time. I have super early morning workouts as well so waking up at 4:30am means that by 9pm, I’m exhausted and would like to go to bed soon. So I do. 🙂
I am like you I try to be in bed by 9:30, 10 at the latest, and then I am usually fast asleep by 10:30! I love my early nights 🙂
Because I teach group fitness before work or do my own workout I an early to bed person too!! Like you I say “in be by 9:30!” but sometimes that just dOesnt work and 10:15 is more realistic 🙂
My work schedule follows the school calendar, so I usually try to go to bed by 10 during the school year. During the summer my bed time varies because I don’t have to be anywhere in the mornings.
I go to bed around 10-10.30 and get up around 6.30. Does Ryan have to be at work super early meaning you need to get your work out done sooo early? or do you just like it?
heeere ya go: 🙂
Thanks, sorry must have missed that post!!
I feel much better when I go to sleep 10pm or earlier but that rarely happens! There always seems to be something better to do than sleep 🙂
It makes me feel better to hear people say they go to bed that early if they wake up that early! I don’t go to bed until 11:30-12:00 so getting up at 7am is tough and I can’t imagine 5:30am! I think I need to get to bed earlier…
I hear you on the early bedtime! Although 9:30 is late for me! I like to be in bed at 8:30 and asleep b 9!
Love the pancakes.. been obsessed with trying protein pancakes as of late. I usually go to bed around 10ish and wake up by 6. I love going to bed and waking up early.. great start to the day. I hate running around frazzled in my apartment to get ready for work… I hate being frantic! that is a bad start to my day if I am like that!
Bed time: 9:30 w/the hubs. Watch something we DVR’d, he sleeps while I play on my phone until about midnight.
Wake up: 6:30 w/the hubs. He leaves for work while I do breakfast. Eat breakfast, then get the day going (or take a nap)
That picture of Sadie is priceless!!
I try to be asleep by 11 during the week but the weekend? My bedtime is anywhere from 12-3 AM.. hey, you’re only college student once!
During the school year, I need to be up at 5:45, so I’m also usually in bed by 9:30. No shame when it comes to sleep!
I love to read before bed so I am beyond lame and am usually in bed by 9 so I can do some reading to fall asleep.
Normally I get up at 5:30 to run but since being injured, it takes longer to go to the gym so I’ll get up at either 4:55 or 5:10, early by even MY standards!
Noot so typical for a 23 year old Haha
I’m usually in bed between 9 and 10, so that I can get up around 5:45-6:00 to workout, but I’m going to half to start getting up a little earlier soon so I really need to make sure I’m at the beginning of that time frame.
I’ve been interested in making protein pancakes. And if you ask me, overdone is better than raw!
bed by 10, hopefully sleeping by 10:30 ish, up at 5 to work out. when i don’t go to the gym and sleep in til 6:30, i feel like i’m in vacation!
I usually go to bed around 9-9:30 PM and am asleep around 10 PM. I’m up at 5 for the gym! My roommate makes fun of me so much – he’s totally a night owl!
Sadie looks so cute all tucked in bed! I am typically an early to bed, early to rise type of girl.
Hey Julie! Question about the chia seeds on your pancakes…I’ve seen you use both white and black seeds on your blog before and was wondering if you use them for different things? I’ve only ever had black, but is there a big difference between the two?
i don’t think there are any huge differences. these just happened to be on sale!
I used to be SUCH a morning person… then my job got in the way. I am lucky if I get out of work by 10:30 at night (usually it’s more like 11… womp womp…). One of the many reasons why I am back in school to become a teacher! Normal schedule, here I come! 🙂
oh my gosh, that is really late!
Julie thank you SO much for linking to my salmon recipe! You’re too sweet!
My bedtime is usually around 10:15 or 10:30 but lately I’ve been creeping into the bed earlier and earlier. I’m getting close to your 9:30 bedtime too and I can’t lie- it is glorious!
Sadie is such a cutie! Little snuggle bug :]
I am SOOO not a morning person. I have been going to bed betwee 10 and 11 lately and waking up around 7:30 or 8. I wish I could be a morning person and get up even an hour earlier, but I am not kidding when I tell you I can’t function at that hour!
Love the picture of Sadie! Your dog likes to be in the bed, mine prefers to be under it all the time, even though she is way to big to be under there!
Haha. She is a ham.
I too am an early riser. I go to bed around 10 and wake up around 5:30 or 6:45 (depending on the day of the week). I need my SLEEP bad!!
I typically get to bed by 11-11:30. I wake up between 7 and 8. Scheduling my workouts in the morning require it. I’m not sure I’ll ever do 5:30 workouts though. The earliest I’ve done is get to the gym by 7.
I am like you I try to be in bed around 9:30 and alseep about 10:00 or 10:15; my alarm goes off at 5:30. I’m not a morning workout person but I like to get in to the office by 7 am, I get so much done before everyone gets there! Plus it allows me to get to the gym a little after 4 so it’s not quite so crowded.
I love your pictures of sadie..they make my day lol
I usually go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6. Definitely not enough sleep for me, I like your idea of reading before bed I’ll have to try that 🙂
I go to bed between 10 and
*oops I hit tab and enter without wanting to lol*
I go to bed between 10 and 11 and wake up at 6 to go to the gym (I actually would like to go to the gym at 6 but it opens at 6:30!).
Hi Julie! I know you blogged about your morning routine but I’m interested to know your dinner time/evening routine on a typical day aka what time you eat? I’d love to go to bed earlier more often but unfortunately we eat around 8/8.30 so by 9.30 the food is def not digested yet! xx
we eat dinner early, too! dinner is usually around 6 p.m. w/ an evening snack around 8 p.m. if i’m still hungry.
I’d probably have a start time not snacking my way to bedtime out of pure boredom!
Your dog is gorgeous! Huge puppy lover 🙂
I am definitely more of a go to bed early, wake up early kind of person. (ie 9pm and 5:00am). I think that is engrained in my mind because of my competive swimming career. I guess its not a bad habit to have! Plus, I always feel better during the day when I’m up earlier rather than sleeping in late.
I go to bed around 12AM-1230AM every night and wake up exactly 8 hours later about 8AM-830AM. I am still in college, so to everyone else I am a pretty early sleeper!
I tend to go to bed around 10:30 these days because usually I get up at 6:30. On Sundays I sleep in until 7:30, 7:45, so I’ll go to bed a little later on Saturday nights. I much more of a morning person, and my shades don’t do a very good job of keeping the light out of my room after sunrise, so it works better for me to go to bed early.
I got bed around 12:00 – 1:00 am and I’m usually awake around 8:30.
The life of an unemployed student in the summer 🙂
Wow!! 9:30 is sooo impressive! I’ve been on all sorts of schedules, but even if I am consistently getting up at or before 6AM, I can’t seem to fall asleep much before midnight. Sleeping in is a different story.. lol
Awe Sadie is just the cutest little thing. Sometimes rainy days are fun because you can cuddle up at home and make comforting food:)
It depends for me what time I go to bed and get up. Tuesday’s, Thursdays I have 5:30 spin so wake up early and I work random night shifts that end at 10, so I’ll go to bed around 11:30 those nights. Somehow, I still wind up waking up around 5 though…I guess I’m just used to it!
I have a new job where I go in at 8 and it’s close to home, so I do my workouts in the morning. Bedtime 9-9:30pm and wakeup at 5:30am. I must get 8 hours of sleep. It’s rough when I get into a deficit. I do my best to keep the same schedule on the weekend too. We have super long workouts so we typically start those by 6:30-7am. Oh, the joys of Ironman training!
Ahhh bedtime…what a wonderful time after a long day. We’re usually in bed by 9 30, might read a bit and asleep by 10pm. Up at 6 am for morning workout:)
Hey Julie! Do your protein pancakes come out dense? Is that the nature of them? I am wondering because I tried making them last week and they were really super dense. Just wondering if maybe I did something wrong or if that is how they are supposed to be? Thanks 🙂
It’s disgusting how early I go to sleep….at least once a week, I collapse into bed pre-9pm – no reading necessary.