Whether you’re attached or single this Valentine’s Day, Sadie would like to share something with you…
Her bedroom “come hither” eyes. Seductive Sleepy, no?
She’s feeling rather frisky for 7:30 a.m., huh?
Sadie had us laughing pretty hard this morning. You’d think she owns this place…
She’s a little love machine.
My day started the way most weekdays seem to around here… at the gym! I did almost the exact same workout I did on Saturday morning, only much earlier. Ryan and I were up at 4:45 a.m. to sneak in some exercise before the day really starts goin’. We wanted to walk Sadie together before he left for work and I needed an early start so I can finish up some work before hitting the road around lunchtime.
Heading to Sanibel
I am heading to Sanibel Island today!
My mom, grandma, sister and I will all be staying on the island through the weekend and the guys, my aunt and cousin are joining us Friday through Sunday. I cannot wait for quality family time!
My grandma has reserved a condo on Sanibel Island in February for as long as I can remember and whenever our schedules allow it, we try to join her. I will still be blogging and working a bit since I have some freelance deadlines that I need to hit while I’m out there, but I have a feeling working on the beach is going to be pretty sweet! I also worked a lot this weekend, so I’m hoping my early efforts will allow for free time with the family and help this trip feel more like a vacation!
If you’re from Sanibel or Captiva and have any “must do” recommendations for us, please send them our way! We went last year and had a blast at the Mad Hatter restaurant and The Bubble Room and can’t wait to explore some more.
This morning breakfast was one of my favorite staples.
I made myself an egg white sandwich with cheddar cheese and raspberry jelly, plus a side of 2 percent Greek yogurt with added honey.
And coffee to wake me UP!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Question of the Morning
Just for fun…
- What is your favorite Valentine’s Day memory?
Though I love the romance of Valentine’s Day, I remember loving Valentine’s Day as a child just as much. My mom always made heart-shaped pancakes on Valentine’s Day morning. I remember spending hours decorating my valentine “mail box” that each student at my elementary school would place on their desk to collect valentines from classmates. So silly to think about it now, but it was a lot of fun!
One year my mom and I made and decorated a ton of sugar cookies the night before my class Valentine’s party. Well when we woke up in the morning, there was, like, 3 feet of snow on the ground and school was canceled. So my mom and brother and I had our own Valentine’s party at home with TONS of cookies!
You simply must go to the Island Cow restaurant on Sanibel! (Sanibelislandcow.com) My family and I went here 3 of the 4 nights we were on vacation a few years ago! The food is great, the atmosphere is adorable, and there is an endless basket of muffins placed on your table! I had the chicken salad sandwich…. all three times AND my family has kept up the muffin tradition at every major dinner! Enjoy! -Emily