Today began with a mug of hot apple cider.
Which, oddly enough, looks an awful lot like coffee in the above picture. Strange!
As I sat down to drink my cider, I opened up my email and had to laugh when I saw this:
I don’t think I tell you guys this enough, but you really are the best. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know that my goofy onesie picture made it on Buzzfeed’s “Reasons Why Being Single During the Holidays Is Pretty Great” list. I may not be single, but I’m pretty sure onesies are ridiculously fabulous and people – both single and coupled up – should wear them all the time. If you’re a mom to a child who loves Sesame Street, I saw an Elmo and Cookie Monster onesie on sale at Target the other day with your name on it.
And before we move on, here are two more Buzzfeed features to make you laugh: Best Animal Photobombs of 2013 (Favorite = #23) and perhaps my all-time favorite, 50 People You Wish You Knew In Real Life
While I went through my emails, I ate my breakfast which was yet another egg white and oatmeal protein pancake.
Plus two small tangerines on the side because Florida citrus is killin’ it right now!
Now I’m heading off to the gym to sneak in a quick workout before I have a lunchtime Taste of Ocala meeting.
Have a great Wednesday!
Question of the Morning
- What funny video or article have you seen on the internet lately? Please share so we can all laugh!
Congrats on making it on Buzzfeed!! They are one of my favorite websites. It’s a huge honor I’m sure, onesie and all : )
Congrats on your Buzzfeed debut! ! I just bought a onesie for a party I am attending this weekend. The little footies are puppy dogs and my boyfriend is Batman! HAHA, he even has a cape! 🙂
Hahaha! Love it!
How exciting! That’s so great that you made it on buzzfeed. I love it!
That is so awesome!! And equally hilarious because, well, totally not single 😛 haha
I adore the letter mug, and I always find that whatever pattern or color my letter is in, I’ll like another one more, and then I don’t get it! I do love my anthropologie mug even though it is not a monogram. Was also surprised to see Rachel Ray rockin the same one, haha!
You may not be single, but that Buzzfeed article you were featured in was pretty damn fantastic. Also, I’m thinking it’s time to get some footy pjs…you know…for the holidays….
Dooooo it 😉
I had a few readers email me a couple months back about a photo of when I was pregnant that they found of me on Buzzfeed. The article was titled something like, “What Happens When You Go Off to College”, and the one titled above me was gaining the freshman 15 – lovely, right? It was actually pretty hilarious, but creeped me out that there was a photo of me on the internet that I didn’t put up!
I asked for a onesie for Christmas hahaha!
Big congrats!! You look adorable in that picture! 🙂
HA how hilarious is that! Talk about success! 🙂 I read buzzfeed almost every day, it’s the best way to get myself laughing first thing at my desk in the morning!
bahaha I love that you made the list!! Buzzfeed is seriously the best thing ever!
Congrats on making Buzzfeed! I Love that site! Nothing is better than starting a morning out with Cider 🙂
Haha I love that you made buzz feed! That’s hilarious!
I love that!! What a great way to start your morning. Hot apple cider reminds me of fall!
I love that article! haha Although I am very happy for this to be my first married Christmas.
My best friend absolutely loves Ellen Degeneres, so for her birthday I bought her an Ellen onesie from the Ellen Shop – best gift ever!
Hahaha that is amazing!
Congrats on your Buzzfeed fame 🙂 I know so many people who loooove to click through Buzzfeed while procrastinating, so be prepared for instant fame among college students 🙂 I’m currently also looking for a onesie after wearing a plain white one for a dance performance where I turned in to a turkey. My friends loved the costume and immediately wanted a cuter onesie for themselves 🙂
Congrats on your Buzzfeed Debut!! Love the animal photobombs, especially the cat ones, I can relate to those, I’ve got a crazy cat
Haha that’s awesome! I love Buzzfeed articles so thanks for sharing. Your onesie is pretty sweet.
I’ll admit I’m responsible for animal photo bomb #16…. I’m a marine mammal trainer at the National Aquarium and that’s my 21yr old dolphin Chesapeake! I was giving a special behind the scenes tour and these guests got a really great shot as a result!
No way!!!
Amazing!! You will appreciate this buzzfeed too JB “Boops”:
HA! That is so awesome- you are a celebrity now!
Yay you are famous now. Hmmmmm ….. now it is time to get Sadie on there 🙂
OMG #46….Jesus Condom….NO!!!!!!!
oh gosh, congrats! I am pretty sure I wear whatever I want and i have been married for 4 years!
Hah! That’s pretty funny! I’m glad you’re brave enough to post pictures in your silly Christmas pajamas. I could some of that bravery!
Onesies ARE the best! Also I LOVE goats so I find this highly entertaining and hilarious!
HAHAHAHA I just died. I’m not sure whether you should be honored or embarrassed. Hahahaha!
haha, good job on making it on buzz feed. I find it amusing that they used your pic for a singles during the holidays post seeing as you’re not, but I guess you don’t need to be single to wear silly things when you find the right person 🙂
That’s freaking AWESOME!!
Omg the animal photobombs are my fav!! Congrats on your buzzfeed cameo 😉
This video is in French, but I’m sure you’ll get the meaning – its too funny!
I’m a pretty regular BuzzFeed reader, but this was the first time that I’ve seen someone I Internet-know on there. Very exciting for you! So much fame coming your way due to your impeccable fashion sense 😛
LOL I love that you are on Buzzfeed! I, too, have a onesie, and I think they are magnificent! Mine has cat heads on the feet that my dog thinks are stuffed animals and follows me around trying to eat them haha
Have you seen the “Christmas Jammies” video that has gone crazy on YouTube? It is very cute…the family is from Raleigh, NC, where I live. Check it out!
I love onsies. I also would love an ELLEN onesie.
But if you are into xmas pjs…I hope you have seen this video.
I was going to mention that video too! I was cracking up watching it this morning!
I love BuzzFeed and love that you were featured in an article. How funny? Though you do look adorable in that onesie 🙂
Maybe this isn’t funny, but it’s very sweet:
Aaron Paul helped a fan with a special proposal. Definitely made me smile this morning!
Congrats!!! Buzzfeed is definitely the big leagues. 🙂
That’s so fun!! I always wondered where they got those pictures 🙂
Congrats! I seriously wonder who sits at buzzfeed all day searching for pictures!
Congrats! I seriously wonder who sits at buzzfeed all day searching for pictures!
haha love that buzzfeed article. I’m married and it makes me kind of sad that I’m not single 😉
Ha too funny! In Ireland on the north side of Dublin they banned people wearing onesies and all PJs in supermarkets because it was lowering the tone! If you drive through certain areas it’s a like “thing” for people, mainly young ones, to go out in PJ bottoms!
Congrats on the Buzzfeed love!! Too funny that it’s for an article about being single 😉
That is so funny that you made buzzfeed! Congratulations 🙂 It was a great onsie so I am not surprised.
Read that article this morning and scared my boyfriend from screaming so loud when I came across your picture. Haha. It was too perfect!
OMG this is great! love it!
That is so so funny about your Buzzfeed cameo. 🙂
Haha awesome! Congrats on your new fame 😉
haha that’s great! My husband was on buzzfeed around halloween, which was super cool except I knew they had gone on my facebook and taken one of my old pictures….kind of creeped me out since A. my profile is private and B. how on earth did they find it?! Oh well, 15 minutes is 15 minutes!
Check out this family’s Christmas card video if you haven’t. How fun!