The vibrant colors simply call to me… “Eat me. Eat me.”
Of course, I always oblige. 😉
For breakfast this morning I enjoyed a cup of fruit salad that included one large Pink Lady apple and lots of freshly sliced strawberries.
I planned to stir some of the fruit into my Greek yogurt, but I ended up eating it on its own. It was just too tasty!
The crisp, coolness of the fruit was the perfect post-workout breakfast.
Do you ever have those days at the gym where your workout feels unusually difficult? That was my workout today! I didn’t do anything particularly challenging, but I felt like my legs were as heavy as rocks!
Today’s cardio included:
- 5 min. incline walking
- 10 min. stair master
- 10 min. elliptical
- 10 min. arc trainer
- 15 min. run outside with Sadie
The weather in Florida is warmin’ up! This makes me very happy because I should be able to enjoy more outdoor morning runs again without freezing my patootie off.
Belly Bulge Blunders
Are you constantly scrutinizing your lil’ muffin top or a softer belly?
First, embrace your pretty figure because you’re likely much harder on yourself than anyone else.
Second, check out the list that FitSugar compiled of reasons many people carry a little extra belly fat. A little change here and there can make a big difference!
Five Reasons You May Have Belly Fat:
- You’re doing crunches, not cardio.
- Your cardio isn’t intense enough.
- You’re skipping breakfast.
- You follow the three-meals-a-day rule.
- You’re kicking back more than a few alcoholic drinks.
Do any of these apply to you?
I think the one I fall victim to the most is number two. I do cardio, but I naturally gravitate toward steady-state cardio, which doesn’t challenge me as much as interval training.
I TOTALLY agree that fruit is the most gorgeous kind of food! Yours did not disappoint! 🙂
I’ve never really had belly fat until recently, and it bothers me so much! Those tips were really interesting — I have recently started doing HIIT so hopefully that will help me out! 🙂
Yum I can’t wait until summertime fruit is in season here. And number 2 and 5 are def me. I indulge in way too many glasses of wine a week.
i LOVE fresh fruit, esp pineapple and mangoooo MM i cant wait for summer ot have fresh fruit all the time!!
i LOVE high intensity cardio—when Im in the zone there is nothing better!
What about weight training to fight fat? It’s the most important on the hierarchy of fat loss!
I agree that fruit is beautiful-definitely screams, “eat me!!”
I definitely check out my muffin top in the mirror-too frequently. #2 applies to me-my cardio isn’t always intense, and I, too, gravitate towards steady state cardio, and usually for long periods of time. I am definitely more endurance-oriented, but I know I need to change it up, and it’s in the works!
Have a great day!
I’m a fruit gal as well….I remember co-workers last year would give me a hard time b/c of allthe fruit I ate!
hun im sure you dont really havea belly bulge!!! lol. but there is nothing more beautiful than fresh fruit, i agree 🙂 i had the chobani 0% yesterday and i thought it had a really funky flavor? idk maybe its bc im used to fage!
really!? i have to add sweetener to it… i can’t take it plain – it’s too bitter for me, but i have the same issue w/ fage. i love them both, but only w/ a little sweetener. 😉
I brought strawberries to eat for dessert with my lunch today. I can’t wait for lunchtime!
I’m finally at a place where I’m content with my abs. I don’t have a 6 pack, but I like what I see when I look in the mirror. I think working out and eating healthy are really the only way to see definition.
i hear ya on the eating healthy. i think a nutritious, healthy diet is the key!
I think women naturally carry some extra fat in the belly area, so trying to get rid of ALL of it isn’t really a healthy or normal thing. If you have a little bulge, it’s ok! So do 90% of other women out there!
I LOVE pink lady apples…they are the only kind of apples I eat! (I guess you could call me an “apple snob”) 😉
Your fruit bowl looks delish! Yayy for spring and summer fruits!
Yep– I’m guilty of number two too…but I also think it’s just my body type to carry more weight around the middle…I’m an apple– always have been, and probably always will be 🙂
Totally guilty of #2 and #5…I should probably look into this and kick up my workouts a bit 🙂
I definitely have a big of a belly bulge but I like it! As long as I’m at a healthy weight and exercise every day my body will change anyway it likes 🙂
I credit my belly bulge to the 2 Midgets 🙂
Although now that I am incorporating strength training and some interval work outs consistently for a month I actually looked at my stomach today and I think I might be seeing some improvement. I have a loooong way to go though.
The only thing I’m guilty of is #5, actually! I’ve come to peace with my little tummy recently. I don’t have a gut, just a little flab, but it’s part of me! We all have our problem areas 🙂
haha, not gonna lie, I saw the title of this post and the first thing I thought of was pregnancy…but not now that I’ve read it!
I may fall victim to #5 though, i guess it comes with being in college.
I definitely have some days that feel harder for no particular reason. I never know til I get to the gym how its going to go
Abs are made in the kitchen, so I don’t agree with the list since I’m proof based on #3-5. =) But for the average sedentary person I could see how that might apply!
And yes I definitely have off days in the gym!