Lunch today was so good.
So good!
I was in the mood for pasta and cooked up a serving of whole grain rotini and added chopped asparagus to the boiling water to lightly cook the vegetable without dirtying another pan.
Dirty dishes are my nemesis.
I then used my super-fancy spinach trick to wilt fresh spinach for in the pasta and tossed everything in a bit of Smart Balance before adding the shining star of the meal to the mix: al fresco teriyaki ginger chicken meatballs.
The flavor of these meatballs is out-of-this-world fantastic. Had I tried them before cooking up the pasta, I’m pretty sure my lunch would’ve been just a bowl of meatballs.
Al fresco actually sent me a few of their all-natural products to try after seeing me profess my love for their chicken sausage numerous times on the blog throughout the past two years. Ryan and I eat al fresco chicken sausage nearly every week – sometimes twice a week – and it’s one of my go-to foods because it’s so easy to chop up and add to pasta, squash casserole, quesadillas and more.
I kind of want to recreate this exact meal for dinner tonight.
And now it’s time for some job talk!
Best and Worst Jobs of 2012
This morning I saw an interesting list on the Wall Street Journal’s website that I thought might intrigue you guys as well! compiled a list of the best and worst jobs from 2012. The worst jobs were determined based on “physical labor, declining job opportunities, a poor work environment and high stress,” while the best jobs boast great pay, high hiring demand and great working conditions.
The top 15 best jobs included:
- Software Engineer
- Actuary
- Human Resources Manager
- Dental Hygienist
- Financial Planner
- Audiologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Online Advertising Manager
- Computer Systems Analyst
- Mathematician
- Speech Pathologist
- Optometrist
- Physical Therapist
- Pharmacist
- Web Developer
The top 15 worst jobs included:
- Lumberjack
- Dairy Farmer
- Enlisted Military Soldier
- Oil Rig Worker
- Reporter (Newspaper)
- Waiter/Waitress
- Meter Reader
- Dishwasher
- Butcher
- Broadcaster
- Shoe Maker/Repairer
- Drill-Press Operator
- Conservationist
- Taxi Driver
- Automobile Assembler
Interesting, huh?
You may search for your job on the Wall Street Journal’s website if you’re curious to see where your job falls on the list.
After looking at the lists, I realized that two jobs I personally find intriguing may be found on the best and worst jobs list. I always thought it would be neat to be a physical therapist or a broadcaster.
When I first went to college, I was torn between pursing a degree in journalism (I wanted to be a news anchor) and education (I wanted to teach high school English). I ended up getting my degree in advertising and public relations, but have so many interests that a ton of different careers sound pretty cool to me.
Questions of the Afternoon
- Is your job on one of the above lists? Do you agree with its label as a “best” or “worst” job?
- Of the jobs listed above, which one intrigues you most?
Interesting! I’m a tv reporter and it looks like Broadcaster made the worst job list. I agree there are long hours, you’re always on call and there’s a lot of stress; BUT, I do something different everyday, I get to meet some incredible people and I get to help people and make a difference in my community. I think it’s the BEST job… For me at least 😉
i think being a broadcaster sounds like SUCH a cool job!
Wowww that is awesome Kaella! 🙂 I don’t think I’d be a great TV reporter, but I’d sure have fun.
My job isn’t on either list so I checked it out – event coordinator, rank is 82. Not bad in the top 50% percentile! haha.
I think being a Speech Pathologist would be fun, coming from the “kid” that was in speech therapy for most of elementary school!
i think someone’s best job could also be another’s worst job. although i liked serving (most of the time), i know tons of people who do not feel that way! i think it’s all about your personality, attitude and how you approach your job.
the jobs that interest me most on the list are HR manager, online advertising manager,, and i always thought (like you) that it would be fun to be a reporter!
i’ve always been intrigued by HR, too.
Even though ate made the ‘best jobs’ list, I would HATE to be a dental hygienist!
I’m a dental hygienist, and it is actually an AWESOME career! Granted, it’s not for everybody… not too many people out there think that it’s fun to scrape plaque off people’s teeth, only us hygienists! 🙂
I briefly entertained the idea of being an occupational therapist when I worked in a skilled nursing facility’s financial office. The therapists always made such a difference in the lives of the elderly patients we dealt with. Of course, now, years later, I’m a title clerk to one of the country’s #1 RV and travel trailer dealerships. Funny how life sorts out!
WOOT for #4! I’m a dental hygienist although I don’t practice regularly to stay at home with my kiddos. I work for my favorite dentist here a couple times a year but that’s about it. I do love it though!
I just find it funny that lumberjack and broadcaster fall in to the same category! I also found it interesting that dairy farmer was #2 on the worst jobs list – I live in a very rural area and there are SO MANY dairy farms around here! I even just visited one a few days ago to feed baby cows 🙂
My fiance is also now gloating that his job is #1 on the best jobs list, and mine is #51 🙁 Darn engineers!
baby cows!!! how fun!
This is pretty interesting, I think low-stress and high job availability had a lot to do with it because several of those top jobs seem like ones that people don’t necessarily pursue because they sound a bit boring! haha and that sausage looks sooo good! You should make that for dinner, I’m sure Ryan would appreciate it!
#11 on the best jobs list! Very exciting! And I agree (at least at the moment) because I work at a school and as of yesterday we are on April vacation! 🙂
I’m a publications editor and it’s #118 on the list. Guess that means there’s a love/hate relationship going on? Personally, I love what I do!
I’m currently in grad school to be a speech pathologist, so this was good news right before my finals, haha 🙂
I am also a speech pathologist, so it is fun to see the others who are, as well! I’m glad to see it made the list. I hope you will love your job. I do! I work with 0-3 as well as elementary. It is fun and different everyday!
Being a web developer sounds so cool. If only I knew anything about the backend of websites. ;p
i feel ya on that one! web stuff it way over my head.
It really surprises me that pharmacist is one of the best jobs and reporter is one of the worst. I used to work in politics and now I’m moving into public health, so neither of my areas are on there!
What? Blogger isn’t in the top 10 best?! 😉 I guess these haven’t been rated according to fun level hehe! I can see why software engineers are at the top, but I don’t think I could ever do that as my job!
This is an interesting list! I would have loved to be a news anchor 🙂
Two things…. I used your spinach wilting technique last night with my veggie pasta!
Also, my fiance is an oil rig worker (which was on the worst jobs list). I can tell you that it definitely belongs on that list! 🙂 I can’t wait until he can be done with it and come home to me!
Well, my mom’s an actuary, so she must really like her job! (I know that the pay ain’t too shabby). I’m an engineer and fall in the top 50, although it didn’t have “structural engineer” on the list.
I’m #12(optometrist) on the best list…woot! It depends(like most jobs) on WHERE you work. Just last week I finished up at a horrid practice, but now I’m at two practices that I love.
one of my very best friends is an optometrist in colorado and says the same thing!
I’m one, too, and totally agree!
Oooh your lunch does look SO GOOD! 🙂
My husband and I are in the top best list; he’s a software engineer and I do some web development. We’re a techie small business team and love what we do.
OT grad student here – from the placements i’ve had, i can definitely see how it’s on the list. CANT WAIT!
OT grad student too! These lists make the long nights, the frames of reference, and the models of practice bearable. But I do LOVE OT!!!!
Amen! In OT school right now too and this article has definitely been circulating around all my classmates’ Facebooks.. Light at the end of the tunnel!!
My husband and I also spend a lot of time eating al fresco chicken sausage. We buy it at Sam’s club and LOVE it!
It’s funny you posted this article about jobs. We just discussed it yesterday in my French class.
Gotta admit…dental hygenist freaked me out a bit. I guess it’s my phobia of dental offices or something but I can’t imagine loving a job where I’m cleaning sludge out of grotty mouths all day. Ick. Obviously not the job for me.
I think being a dietitian should be in the top 15! I searched the site and we’re not even listed! 🙂
Dietitian is #17. 🙂
Totally missed it! 😛
Waitress is definitely one of the worst jobs ever!
hehe, I’m an audiologist and actually like it! Earwax is gross for the first couple years, then it becomes nothing! 🙂
I’m just finishing up grad school for Speech Pathology (#11). Woo hoo! Good to see it there on that list…now hopefully I can get a job seeing its rated so highly on “job opportunities.”
I’ve worked closely with audiologists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists, and I must say I picked my field for a reason. Horror stories of cleaning earwax and finding things in peoples ears…and then all that maneuvering patients with PT and OT…not for me. I do have to move patients around sometimes, but it’s not the main part of my job.
118…ouch. I guess the income for being a publication editor ain’t what it used to be. 😉
Yay for #11! I’m fresh out of grad school and a brand new SLP, so proud to see it on the list!
I am a Speech Language Pathologist – nice to see us #11 on the Best List!!! Whoot Whoot!
Noticed some soon to be SLPs in comments – you will not have a hard time finding a job in the field! Good luck!!
Child care worker (my last job) is 159. Yeah, not always fun!
My job isn’t on there but it’s closely related to an online advertising manager. I’m an online sport category manager/digital producer (but we work with advertising groups) and I would agree that it is a fantastic job. I count my lucky stars every day that I’m where I’m at.
I’m a vocational counselor for young adults with disabilities! Woot #36
I’m a graduate student, so that’s definitely not on the list! I get paid by the school though, so at least it’s not working for free 🙂
I find it hard to believe a mathematician is on the ‘best jobs’ list haha I’m on the science route, but doing math all day just sounds awful
I think it’s interesting that so many “-ISTS” made in on the Best List! Guess it’s because they often involve higher ed which is still very valuable? My job (Compliance Officer) didn’t make the cut, but for a young workin’ NYC girl it’s a great option.
I think METER READER is the most intriguing because I can’t fathom what it is but it’s really fun to say haha!
PS definitely trying out those meatballs
I’m in my 3rd year of a 4-year Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) program.. and I have to say that I love the field and I’m very passionate about the profession. I saw this on CareerCast a few days ago and while I’m happy to see audiology in the top 10, not sure about the reported low stress level- it’s certainly stressful at times! But of course, it’s very rewarding, cannot wait to have my degree next May!
Hmm, I’m a grad student, so I’m not sure if I’m what they mean by “biologist” but I guess its the closest thing on the list – so # 27 for me! We actually have an old version of list (I think it’s from 2010) on the door of our lab, and at the time biologist was #4 – that’s a pretty rapid fall! I guess it’s due to a crappy job market in both the biotech industry and government funded research? That’s sort of depressing.
I’m a med lab tech too, but I am in Canada, and I think we are a lot better off than you when it comes to wages and advancement. We can start out as bench techs (which I am) and move up to being Tech 2 who oversee certain departments all the way up to Lab Manager someday if we wanted. I have absolutely no desire to become anything more than a Tech 1 though…I went to school do do lab work not sit in an office dealing with people’s issues and going to meetings all day. I’ve been doing this job for 10 years and would rate it way higher than 55! And I am working nights right now too, though I rotate though days evenings and nights.
This may be a little nosy, but how much do techs make where you are? Here in Alberta I’m at the top of the scale and make $39.72/hr (soon to be more cause our union finally got our contract negotiated) plus shift diff.
Oops meant to reply to the commenter below…sorry:)
My job is #55 (medical laboratory technologist). That’s probably about where I’d put it. There are always jobs/low unemployment & decent salaries, but there are not many opportunities for advancement (I’ve been stuck working 3rd shift for over 8 years) and the job is a bit monotonous. So, there’s some good & bad 🙂 Hopefully my plan to return for graduate school gets worked out soon!
’m a med lab tech too, but I am in Canada, and I think we are a lot better off than you when it comes to wages and advancement. We can start out as bench techs (which I am) and move up to being Tech 2 who oversee certain departments all the way up to Lab Manager someday if we wanted. I have absolutely no desire to become anything more than a Tech 1 though…I went to school do do lab work not sit in an office dealing with people’s issues and going to meetings all day. I’ve been doing this job for 10 years and would rate it way higher than 55! And I am working nights right now too, though I rotate though days evenings and nights.
This may be a little nosy, but how much do techs make where you are? Here in Alberta I’m at the top of the scale and make $39.72/hr (soon to be more cause our union finally got our contract negotiated) plus shift diff.
About the only advancements we have are lab manager/department manager jobs. We don’t really have lead tech/tech 2 jobs (very few anyhow). The salaries where I work for techs are $23-$30 (US)range for regular techs (we get about a 3% raise/year). I am at close to $28 and I get an extra $1 per hour on night shift. We also get an extra $0.50 per hour on weekends. So, you definitely have better wages in Canada. Actually, I’m in the Toledo, OH area and the pay there is pretty much the best in the country for Med Techs (based on cost of living).
I know this may seem crazy, but I’m going through the exact same dilemma with picking a major as you did. I’ll be entering university in the fall, and I’m torn between getting a degree in Journalism to become a broadcaster or Education to become an English teacher! After reading the above professions, I’m seriously considering going with Education! : )
I’m number 11! 🙂 I love my job, super flexible schedule, rewarding, great pay and lucky for me I work w/awesome kids day to day which makes it even better.
My job is #3 on the worst job list.. an enlisted military Soldier. While I can both agree and disagree with that, I mostly disagree. I love what I do. I can’t complain about the financial stability that the military has brought into my life, it allowed me to meet my husband, it allows me to travel to places I normally wouldn’t, it also pays for my college. If I were currently a deployed military Soldier, I would probably agree, although I could still say the same things as I did about why I love my job, and I could include that I’m provided food each day and decent gyms to keep my fitness routine going overseas. I guess it all depends on who you ask! 🙂
Thank you for your service to our country! I have a HUGE amount of respect for y’all. God bless 🙂
I made #3, HR Manager. It definitely has a lot of positives, but overall is much more stressful than I thought it would be! I’m currently working in HR while in school to become an SLP 🙂
I saw this the other day … I’m #10 on the worst list (broadcaster). The job can be difficult sometimes – but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
I’d take any of those jobs over unemployment!
Good point!
I am thinking about becoming a pharmacist, and I can see why it would be one of the best (high demand, $$) but I’ve also heard that it’s way more schooling/knowledge for what the job actually is. That unless you work in a small community where you’re able to impact the lives of many people, it’s basically a job where pill counting and script writing are the norm (of course, you could do research on the side or work in different settings other than a pharmacy, but this is all assuming you want to work in a pharmacy)
yay, my job made it to #4!
I think a list like this is interesting to read because it seems like something that’s so subjective to me. Personally, mathematician would be definitely within my top 5 worst jobs. I’ve done the reporter thing to a degree, and while it definitely can be stressful at times, it seems a lot more interesting to me than crunching numbers all day, you know? Interesting to read nevertheless, though.
My job falls somewhere between the #1 Software Engineer best and #9 Computer Systems Analyst best – I am a Network Analyst. I like what I do. At times it can be a little monotonous, but I have the rest of my out of work life to more than make up for the little bit of boring that may come along.
I think being a part time event coordinator /planner would be awesome!
I’m a Physical Therapy grad student, whoop whoop! I’m not surprised at all that it’s up there, I love my program, and most of the PTs I know really like their jobs.
Mathematician??? That is definitely the biggest suprise to me.I don’t know any professional mathematicians!