If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, then you likely know of my love for Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp.
Tina is a certified personal trainer, blogger and mom to two adorable kids. She is genuine, thoughtful and incredibly kind… but she will kick your butt!
Tina created Best Body Boot Camp several months ago and I signed up for her first round, not quite sure what to expect.
She promised eight weeks of original workouts for only $25. I knew what she was offering would typically cost a million times more than $25, so I signed up figuring I could use her workouts as inspiration if they weren’t exactly my style.
I ended up loving her workouts and have since participated in every round of boot camp! The boot camp workouts are fast-paced and challenging (but scalable to all fitness levels!) and since they change every two weeks, I am constantly excited to see what’s coming next which keeps me engaged in the program.
The boot camp works like this:
Every two weeks, Tina emails participants new workouts with detailed instructions and links to online videos to watch in case you’re unsure about certain exercises or want to be sure your form is correct. She also offers alternative exercises for participants to do if they want to scale the workouts back or push themselves a little bit more. Many of her workouts can be done at home as long as you have some basic exercise equipment like free weights and an exercise ball.
Tina also offers cash prizes to participants throughout the boot camp and entries are based on how many workouts you complete and points you earn from two additional goals you set for yourself (such as drinking more water, eating more vegetables, etc.).
A Best Body Boot Camp Facebook group was also created by Tina for participants to use to ask questions, motivate each other and share challenges or motivational tips.
Registration for round three of the Best Body Boot Camp is open right now through October 15. Round three will officially begin on October 22 and last through December 16.
Ready for the good news?
THREE PBF readers will win a FREE entry into round three of Best Body Boot Camp.
To enter this giveaway, simply comment on the post below, telling me what you look for in a new workout plan. I’ll announce the three winners on Monday morning.
Good luck!
In a new workout plan, I look for something that will keep things fast and fun!
In my workouts, I want things to challenge me and push me to go hard! I enjoy it when I learn new moves I’ve never done before.
I just joined a gym — finally — and I’m looking for a plan that will keep me motivated and give me a total body workout!
I look for workouts that are challenging, I can do from home, and don’t take too much time!
I have been looking for a new alternative to doing Insanitynin addition to my running. Maybe this is it!
I want something challenging but not too time consuming. As a third year law student, I have a ton of other obligations such that I want to get the most bang for my buck =)
I look for fun, variety, and a challenge in my workouts!
This would be amazing!! I need to kick my butt into shape for our wedding in July!! Need to be wedding dress ready!
I look for something new and different that motivates me to get out of bed and hit the gym!! I am interested in finding new and challenging ways to work different muscle groups so my workouts don’t get ‘stale’.
I am looking for a workout that are fun and challenging in a short amount of time. I am also looking for a workout I can do in my own home and I am looking for results. My 10 year class reunion is at the end of november!
Bootcamp at home would be great !!!
I look for something challenging that does not bore me. Sounds like this is right up my alley!!
*Jumping excitedly, hand waving in the air*
Wow! This would be awesome.
I recently moved to a new state. And, as a result, I lost my workout buddy!!! Tina’s bootcamp would help get me motivated. I always love to change up my workouts.
A new challange?
I’m always up for a new challenge. I love to learn new moves.
I look forward to feeling sore!
I would love to try this out! I am looking for new workouts where the leader cues me through every move. I love to do workouts WITH someone, at home.
me please i need it. E
you make the plan sound so good that I really want to try it!
What I look for is variety and a challenging but rewarding routine! Total body circuit workouts that are quick and effective are just the best 🙂
I definitely look for variety- I tend to get bored easily. I did the first two rounds of Tina’s boot camp but have been on the fence about this one due to my schedule… but if I win a free entry I’ll do it for sure! 🙂
I am officially not training for any races right now, so I would love some strength moves that would help strengthen up my glutes and support my IT band so that it’s ready to rock when races come around again. I’m actually really excited about being able to mix up my workouts a little more now that my life isn’t going to be so running focused 🙂
In a new workout, I look for something that I’ll look forward to doing! That means it should be a) fun! b) short enough for me to plan it into my day easily and c) gets me sweatin’ and feels like it’s working. I’m in dire need of someone to design workouts for me! Love your blog, Julie
I am looking for something that will challenge me and help me get out of my workout rut!
I look for something that allows me to maximize my time in the gym or outside! A boot camp might be just the ticket! 🙂
Wow there are almost 700 comments!!! I like my workouts to be interesting and at the same time challenging.
I’d love to win! I’ve been hearing you rave about Tina’s program and am so interested. I’ve just finishing up half-marathon training and am looking forward to doing a new kind of training program that incorporates more weight training!
I look for a combination of strength training and cardio moves. That’s probably why I love your circuits with toning and heart pumping moves!
I look for workout plans that I can do anywhere. I’m on the go a lot, and I don’t always have time to go to the gym, so I like workouts that can be done easily at home whenever I can fit them in!
I absolutely love your workout plans…ones that I can take pics of on my phone and bring it to the gym. I love variety – and quick workouts…the HIIT type workouts are what I love and make me feel like I am getting my sweat on and know what to workout too!
When I start a new workout plan, I look for new exercises and new routines to switch it up and challenge my body in new ways
I gotta have something that keeps my interest and challenges me without being over-the-top hard so I don’t give up.
I look for variety so I don’t get bored!!
I look for new, really creative moves. I think focusing on learning new moves makes the time go by faster and keeps the workout interesting. The new moves also help me focus on form, which is so important!
New exciting ways to feel good and look FABULOUS 🙂
I love a challenge! I’ve done many BeachBody programs over the past couple of years, getting myself in the best shape I’ve ever been in, but after so long I’ve gotten a little bored of the videos. I wanted something new this past summer so I started incorporating outside runs and strength training. Mixing it up is the way to go! I love waking up early because I’m excited to try a new routine. Being sore in the morning is my way of proving that I’m kicking my butt and getting that challenge in my activities but having fun while doing it! 😉
Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp sounds amazing, I’ve loved reading you talk about it in the past.
I look for variety in a workout plan. I easily get bored and distracted when working on alone and not in a group fitness class so I need a routine that will not only kick my butt but also hold my interest
I really like circuit workouts, and I look for something that I’ll enjoy but will challenge me and make me excited to complete a workout. I’ve been really intrigued by the Best Body Boot Camp from reading about how much you’ve enjoyed it – thanks for this nice giveaway!
I look for something fun!!
I am looking for everything and anything to help me get back into exercising after about a 2 year hiatus (pregnant with twins and then twin newborns will do that to you). So this would be great!
I need variety! Without it, I become easily bored and find reasons to sit on the couch instead of work out and that is never good!
I look for a workout plan to be challenging, fun, and to cover all muscle groups!
i’ve never even had a workout plan! excited to try one!!
I look for new inspiration and a change of pace. I was just released by my doctor after having a baby and think this would be a great way to get started back in the gym!
I’m looking for something that will keep my muscles guessing so that I can get stronger and a plan that will make me focus on some areas I don’t enjoy so that I can’t avoid them!
I like circuit workouts that provide fast results without spending hours at the gym.
I look for something that will keep me motivated and engaged with the program; Tina’s prize system sounds like just the kind of thing I need!
Want a challenge but something I can modify to my specific fitness level.
I look for workouts I can do at home and during naps or between dropping off and picking up kids from school. This Bootcamp sounds amazing!
I look for inspiration and variety – I get bored easily! At this point in time, I am healing from a stress fracture I got while training for the Chicago Marathon. Unfortunately I was unable to run the race so I’m a bit bummed out and would love a new workout plan to keep me motivated while I get back into shape!!
I love a workout program that is challenging, but is also something I look forward to in the sense that I complete the workout feeling empowered, not dreading the next one : ) I could use something new right now! This is an awesome giveaway!