Last night Ryan and I discovered stand up comedians on Netflix. I’m not sure what has taken us so long to realize you can easily stream tons of different stand up comedy routines, but I’m glad we are finally “in the know.”
We decided to watch Aziz Ansari’s “Buried Alive” and could not stop laughing.
Neither Ryan nor I had ever seen his stand up before and agreed that we’d now absolutely love to see him live. His comments about marriage, babies and dating in the social media world had us cracking up for slightly more than an hour.
Watching Aziz Ansari last night sparked a conversation about our all-time favorite comedians. Here’s a short list of some of the comedians whose stand up routines make my stomach hurt from laughing so hard:
- Ellen Degeneres “Here and Now”
- Sinbad “Where You Been?”
- Robin Williams “Live On Broadway”
- Ron White “They Call Me Tater Salad”
- Tim Allen “Live On Stage”
- Dave Chappelle “Killin’ Them Softly”
I’ve actually seen Sinbad, Ron White and Robin Williams live and all were absolutely hysterical. (If you’re looking for comedians who are super funny but also clean, check out Sinbad and Ellen!)
Breakfast this morning began with a hot mug of coffee…
And ended with a freaky deaky green protein pancake!
Off to work!
Question of the Morning
- Who are some of your favorite comedians?
- What comedians have you seen live that you think have a “must see” stand up routine?
He recently passed away, but I think his stuff is on Netflix: John Pinette. He is hilarious. Absolutely will have you crying tears of laughter.
I definitely need to look up comedians on Netflix! What a great idea. Too, too funny.
Oh my gosh thanks so much for this idea! I love our tv shows but sometimes they are just too intense and do NOTHING to help me unwind at the end of the day! A good laugh sounds like a perfect way to end a day!
Laughing is the west ab workout ever! I can feel it tighten my stomach without having to do to the gym so I’ll have to check out Netflix.
And yet, we still are the last people in America who don’t own a flatscreen t.v. =)
Jim Gaffigan is hilarious! Brian Regan is very funny and clean as well. Check those guys out 🙂
I was going to suggest Jim Gaffigan, as well for a cleaner laugh. I also really like Louis C.K. He’s a little dark, but still super funny.
John Mulaney – “New in Town” — definitely my favorite!! Don’t know if it is on Netflix, but I’ve found it before on youtube and it is hilarious! I have watched it multiple times whenever I need a laugh!
Well you definitely were not the last to know…I’m not sure I knew there were stand up comedy on Netflix. But I also don’t currently have a Netflix account… 😉
Aziz Ansari is HILARIOUS live, he truly is!!
My favorite comedian is Bo Burnham. Since he has a theater background, he REALLY puts on a whole show and it’s incredibly impressive once you think about how much planning and work goes into it, aside from how hilarious he is. His special “what.” is on Netflix so I definitely recommend that!
Demetri Martin is also really funny, and it’s a kind of smart funny that makes you think without straining yourself. I felt a little smarter after watching him perform live, and that’s an amazing feat in and of itself!
Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll definitely check it out!
I know he hardly does any stand up anymore, but Jon Stewart came and did a 2 hour stand up show at Binghamton University back when I was in college and it was the funniest thing I have ever heard. I had tears in my eyes the entire time. If you ever get a chance to see him do a stand up routine live, absolutely go!
I have seen Ron White and Chelsea Handler live. Both were hilarious, though a bit raunchy.
Jim Gaffigan!
I really enjoy Ellen but I would love to see Jerry Seinfeld! My friend just went and saw him and said he was so funny!
we used to watch dave chappell frequently in college – he’s really funny!
I saw Aziz live last week! He was hilaaaarious! Could not stop laughing!
Saw Jim Gaffigan twice and it was so funny….He is pretty clean but honestly so funny. It was really fun going to his shows. Aziz was just in my city, I wish I saw him!
I have recently discovered comedy clubs and although I don’t even remember the names of them I sure did love going! It is such a good time!
Patton Oswalt gets my vote for snarky stand up. Have you ever heard his routine on KFC’s Famous bowls? I was dying:
I saw Aziz Ansari live at the University of Rhode Island a couple of years ago. He was SO FUNNY and I know they’d probably love to have him back soon! If you ever visit the East Coast, Foxwoods in Connecticut always has some hilarious stand-up comedians at Comix, plus I’m sure you’d love a trip to New England!
My husband and I saw the Buried Alive tour live when it came through our town and it was even funnier live! If you ever get a chance to see him live, DO IT.
I **Cannot** reccommend Kevin Hart’s stand up’s enough, specifically ‘Seriously Funny’. I have watched the dvd at least a dozen times and make all of my friends watch it too. My stomach always hurts from laughing so hard and I find myself quoting it frequently with my fiance! Definitely not ‘clean’ but absolutely hysterical!!!
My husband and I love the stand-up that we’ve found on Netflix! We love Chris Rock and Aziz, and we most recently watched Jim Gaffigan on Netflix — hilarious! Y’all have to watch him!
Love Aziz!! And Kevin Hart (that was how I first found him, before he got into movies), Jim Gaffigan, and Chris D’Elia
Louis C.K. funniest guy ever but definitely not clean.
My must see comedian is Dane Cook. His cheating and movie theater routines are hilarious!
Ahh, I didn’t know you could watch stand up on Netflix. Thanks for the tip!
Jim Gaffigan and Kevin Heart. You would love Jim Gaffigan, he makes a ton of food jokes!
seriously jim gaffigan is SO funny and you should definitely check out his book “dad is fat.” it’s super quick but will keep you laughing. are you going to do a post on leslie’s wedding reception?!
I’ve seen Demetri Martin and John Mulaney live and they are so hilarious! You should also listen to Donald Glover (from Community), he’s awesome.
You absolutely need to check out Jim Gaffigan!
He is my all time favorite, and he is a favorite of my whole family.
Very clean and real life comedy.
Good stuff!
Saving this to listen to all of these later. I 100% agree with everyone who recommended Jim Gaffigan. I’ve seen him live and laughed so hard.. the boyfriend and I love watching his stand-up on Netflix too. So jealous you saw Robin Williams – so so cool! George Carlin was definitely the best I’ve seen in person, and I feel incredibly lucky to have seen him before he died. He’s a legend.
I love seeing stand up comedians! Josh knows way more about individual acts and such than I do– he used to do improve. I don’t really have a favorite, I just like people who can make me laugh! 😀
My favourite comedian is Michael Mcintyre. He makes me wet myself laughing. The humour is very dry and British but so so funny 🙂
John Mullany’s “New In Town” is on Netflix and is AMAZING. I can’t wait til he has new specials out! Louis C.K. is fantastic always.
I really like Ellen too!
If you really want to LOL, check out Louis C.K. He’s hilarious, pretty crude, but hilarious. You can probably google his “I hate Verizon” one, but all of his stuff is like so true it’s hilarious!
I reeeeally like Daniel Tosh’s stand up. I can’t speak for his recent stuff but I saw him two years ago and he was hilarious!
The funniest comedian in my opinion (and he’s clean) is JIM GAFFIGAN. I’ve seen him live twice and he never disappoints. You must check him out!
I love Aziz Ansari! True story, he actually performed (in the cafeteria) at my tiny Catholic college in Alabama back before he became super famous. It was awesome; he made fun of us for loving Journey (what college student doesn’t?) and even partied in the on-campus apartments afterward. Apparently he even referenced our school in a standup joke later, but I haven’t heard it.
I’ve only seen Bill Maher (he was ok) live, but I’m a huge fan of Ellen, too.
I really want to see Ellen live…she’s just hilarious! Love her show.
Need to check this stuff out on Netflix! Thanks for bringing it up! Have a great Wednesday!
My husband and I love Louis CK, pretty crude but so insanely funny!! Also I just discovered John Mullany on Pandora! I love listening to comedians on my commute to work or when I am cleaning. Makes the time fly!
The first DVD I watched that really hooked me on standup comedy was Jerry Seinfeld’s “I’m Telling You For the Last Time.” It’s one of those where I re-watch every so often and something different sticks out every time! It’s also relatively clean 🙂
I have seen Aziz live and I LOVE him! So, so funny. And, he’s my favorite on Parks and Recreation of course.
There is a scene from one of Kevin Hart’s specials that I have bookmarked on my internet browser so I can watch it anytime I want to crack up. It’s a part about how his family ruined his mom’s funeral(sad subject, but HILARIOUS part of his act).
I love that list, but you are missing something very hilarious that you must know about!!!!
Please google things like Dane Cook+Koolaid Man, or Dane Cook+Burger King, Dane Cook+Bensons animal farm
My g/f’s and I love love love his early stuff, especially the relationship funnies, like the “are you just gonna sit there and eat those noodles? I bought those noodles…”
I love Jim Gaffigan…especially when he refers to a muffin being a “bald cupcake”.
I love Jim Gaffigan…especially when he refers to a muffin being a “bald cupcake”.
We saw Aziz a few months ago, love it! So hilarious 🙂
I love Jim Gaffigan and Gabriel Iglesias–both hilarious and clean!
I love Aziz and Ellen!! Thanks for sharing this secret! I had no idea!
Can’t wait to check these out!
I love Jeff Dunham, the ventriloquist comedian. He is hilarious!