House update: Our application checked out!
We have no criminal activity on our records. Our credit looks good. Sadie is not a rabid wolf. Check! Check! Check!
(Gosh, I miss her. )
So, that’s the good news.
The bad news? The realtor thinks we won’t be able to move into the new place until September 1.
We initially were told the move in date would be August 15 and were hopeful that we’d be in a home and reunited with our long lost dog in ten days. I realize this is not that big of a deal, but Ryan and I were both really bummed. We weren’t expecting to be separated from Sadie for nearly a month an a half. I hope she doesn’t forget about us!
At least we know she’s in good hands. My mom took her to get her nails clipped today and then bought her a plain cheeseburger from McDonald’s as a reward for behaving so well. She’s livin’ the high life.
Today’s workout took me outside of the hotel and to a real gym!!!
I headed to the gym Ryan and I will be joining to get our memberships in order (gotta love saving money on a “family plan” membership!) and stayed for a quality workout.
I headed to the weight room to complete a total-body workout that included three sets of the following exercises:
Lower Body:
- Leg extensions
- Leg extensions (one leg at a time, alternating legs)
- Seated leg curls
- Single leg split squat with exercise ball
- Hamstring ball curls
- Bridges (with 25 lb. weight)
Upper Body:
- Upright rows
- Bicep curls
- Tricep pulldowns
- Overhead press
- Front shoulder raises
I totally copped out of ab work today and rounded out my workout with 20 minutes on the elliptical.
Lunch today was so delicious. As good as frozen Amy’s pocket sandwiches are in a pinch, I really do prefer fresh, homemade meals.
When Ryan and I learned about the delayed move in date to the new house, I had a “that’s it!” moment and ran out to the grocery store to grab some “real” food. If we’re going to be here for almost another month, I want some substantial grub!
Today’s lunch was inspired by the salads we had at my mother in law’s house on Saturday.
Arugula + Watermelon + Feta cheese + Snow peas + Salt + Olive oil
I love this salad. I have a feeling I would make another one for dinner tonight if I didn’t already eat all of the watermelon.
After polishing off the salad, a cup of strawberry banana Chobani Greek yogurt and some string cheese, I went back for some more feta cheese, straight from the container.
For the longest time I bought the fat free feta cheese until I tried the full-fat, full-flavor feta and switched immediately. It really is so much better. Betta feta!
Off to do some fact checking. Doesn’t that sound like a blast!?
Haha I won’t touch fat-free anything. LOVE full fat feta!
That salad looks divine! I love following your blog for exactly this reason! I never think to make things like that. Too low on creativity!
i love feta!!! real, regular feta is definitely way better than reduced fat. i could seriously just eat it out of the good!
real feta is defffff betta!
I learned my lesson too with feta….full-fat is the only way to go!!!! YUMMMMY!!
I tried fat free feta once and threw away half the container, it wasn’t good. Went and bought the full fat and have never looked back! 😉
Sorry about the house delay, hopefully it will all work out soon!
Not gonna lie, I am a fan of fat-free feta! Butttt I don’t eat cheese anymore so I don’t have the joy of eating the delicious stuff. Ummm I love your couch!! It is seriously so pretty, I want one for my dorm room ahahah I am not kidding.
Congrats on the house! Where have you found your Greek yogurt for the cheapest? I know it’s more expensive than regular yogurt, but I know it’s worth it based on its nutrition.
in bulk at sam’s club or costco!
I think I have only ever had the fat free feta! I must try this kind, you have me intrigued now.
Congrats on the house!
Uh oh. I can’t believe I am going to admit this but…I’ve NEVER had full-fat feta. I always buy the reduced or fat-free kind. Seems like I have some shopping to do!
if you like it, then more power to ya! once i tried the full-fat stuff i just couldn’t go back!
I need some watermelon and feta in my life – still haven’t tried that combo!
I don’t do much dairy, but when I do I always do full fat! I am skeptical about non fat/low fat dairy. Just seems even more processed to me!
Sorry about the later move in date! I can relate but after a year (1 YEAR!!!) in a teeny apartment we are finally moving on Tuesday… least it won’t be a full year without your doggie for you! Hope that helps 😀 And full fat feta is a must!!
I love the quote on Sadie’s pic “The life I was meant to lead” haha. That chair/attoman is great looking in these pics! Full-fat is the way to go with Feta. I have copped out and done the reduced fat which surprisingly is really good. Fat free is for the birds when it comes to Feta.
September 1st isn’t that far…but I can see why it would be frustrating. Hang in there and keep your head up!
Congrats on the house! It’s a shame that you can’t move in earlier but at least this gives you time to prepare, and you can think about how you want to decorate your place. It’s exciting! 🙂
That salad looks perfect for summer!
After trying full fat feta, there’s no going back to the fat free kind!
I used to be like this with American Cheese! I have eaten Fat Free Kraft Singles for YEARS and just recently bought “real” American cheese. OMG, I will NEVER go back to the fakery! Real cheese is SO good!
Fat free feta isn’t feta at all!
It must be so hard being away from Sadie, but at least you have a deadline in mind now… and remind her that there will be a POOL!
I think I need to purchase the full fat kind next time. Apparently, I’m missing out!
Yay to getting that house! Boo to being away from your doggie for another month 🙁
I hate feta. I hate to say it, but it’s true. I really wish I liked it because so many bloggers seem to love the stuff and I always see recipes that include it.
Oh wow that salad looks good. Pretty good for something made in a hotel room 😉 Congrats on the house!
Hah! I love that Sadie enjoys McD’s cheeseburgers!!
I’m such a fan of the watermelon/feta combo – I’ve made a great salad with those two ingredients + kalamata olives, mint, salt & pepper!
LOVE that 1st picture girl…too cute! Congrats – 🙂 I’m a feta hater too….i wish I liked it but…i just don’t!
Feta definitely does make everything betta 😉
I 110% agree with the full fat feta…so much creamier and not as tart as the fat free…I think sometimes you just gotta go with the real thing…a lil fat won’t hurt ya 🙂
I’m honestly really sad for you about the moving situation. I would HATE living in a cramped hotel room for a month. No fun at all. 🙁 So much empathy.
That watermelon salad looks great! I was recently reading some recipes using watermelon in a way I hadn’t thought of before. This is one of them I want to try!
Sorry about Sadie–I would be disappointed by having to be away from my dog for that long as well. At least she’s being well taken care of and not at a boarder’s.
Too bad about the delay in moving in, but how nice to get the house!
I love that Sadie likes McD cheeseburgers. How sweet.
Congrats on the application Julie! that’s great news! Sorry you aren’t moving as soon as you hoped though. Hotels are great for a few days but I need my kitchen and knowing your love for smoothies, I’m sure you’re missing yours too!
Congrats on the house! I hope they were able to cut a good deal for you regarding lawn care. Since I’m sure the pool upkeep will be on you guys.
I can’t WAIT to have feta regularly again! It’s one of those cheeses they tell you to avoid while preggo which stinks because it’s my favorite!
Your salad looks delicious!
I am glad my mom isn’t the only one who buys her ‘grand-dog’ Mcdonalds cheeseburgers for being good! lol. 🙂
I was just thinking…. you must really miss your smoothies.
Feta and watermelon is amazing! I love it!
Julie – love your blog and just saw one of your wedding pics on cup of jo ! So fun
We can live in limbo together!! Something to look forwart too. It’s not the greatest…but I envy your FREE hotel meals.
Love that salad!
Feta is amazing!! I love it atop salads, and with watermelon it is divine!
GLad you guys ‘checked’ out 😉
Once you have full fat feta you can never go back! I think that’s the same for ANY cheese though haha Fat is not the enemy! I also adore full fat yogurt. SO good. I used to live in Maine where you can buy raw, full fat yogurt (and other raw dairy products) I used to buy this yogurt made from raw sheep’s milk called Ewegurt (cute name huh!?) It had a cream top layer and was one of the most decadent things I have ever tasted.
Glad to hear about the application! And don’t worry — Sadie certainly won’t forget about you. I was away from my dog for about 3 months at the end of last year, and she was SO EXCITED when I came home from London for Christmas. It was the craziest I’ve ever seen her! I’ve now been away for nearly 7 months, but I go home in a week so I can’t wait to see her and her reaction. 🙂
Full fat is the only way to go! Feta really makes everything better. There’s just no two ways about it.
What a bummer on the house. Is it definite that you guys can’t move until September, or just in limbo for now?
My life changed when I realized there was such a huge difference between full fat and low fat feta. Ok, maybe that’s being a little dramatic, but I was shocked at how much better it tasted!
OMG, Sadie would NEVER EVER forget her Mom & Dad!! I’m sure she misses you both JUST as much…but I”m sure she’s enjoying time with Grand-dog-ma 🙂
Awesome! So glad the housing is workin’ out. see?! 😀 haha I’m sure Sadie misses you even if she does like the high life.
Totally goofy, but I remember on road trips from Chicago to our lake house in Missouri my parents would ALWAYS buy Neeley (our Boxer) a dollar cheeseburger from McDonalds. It was the highlight of his car ride 🙂 The would sleep for the first 3 hours, have his cheeseburger, then sleep the last 4.
Congrats on the house! Hopefully you’ll be able to get in sooner, but Sept 1 will come sooner than you imagine.
PS- that salad looks amazing!
I make a very similar salad except that I add a little orzo pasta for added texture and substance.
It’s crazy how much better full fat version of most dairy things taste! I can’t imagine living in a hotel for a month +, I hope it passes quickly for you!
Julie! I just saw your wedding photo over on A Cup of Jo…
I’m staying in a hotel right now long term while our apt is getting ready (we moved across the country). It is such a pain to have such little space. I had to buy food from the grocery store too to create some “normalcy”. What a pain! Hotel gyms just aren’t the same as normal ones 🙂
Bummer on the house, but at least you’ll be getting one that you really like. Waiting is not fun though!
I’ve never thought to use watermelon in a salad, thanks for the idea!
I love watermelon and feta together! I am sorry to hear about the delayed move in dat!
mmm love the feta watermelon combo!
i’ve got to try the feta/watermelon combo! i’ve been seeing it a lot lately!