Kitty chow Tuna salad for lunch! Hide your noses!
Today’s lunch included a tuna salad wrap that I made my combining the following:
- 1 can chunk light tuna (packed in water)
- 1 tbsp. light Miracle Whip
- 1 tbsp. yellow mustard
- 1 medium carrot stick, chopped
- 1 celery stalk, chopped
Roasted cauliflower, carrot sticks and a a cup of Greek yogurt with honey served as my sides.
Stay tuned for a video post including a tutorial on how I like to roast my veggies like the above cauliflower! True I haven’t made it yet, but I hope to coerce Ryan into being my cameraman after work one day this week.
Past video posts include:
- Rutabaga fries tutorial
- Ryan’s awesome shoulder move (Ryan’s video debut!)
- Goat cheese + honey dip demo
- How to cut open a pomegranate
- How to curl your hair with a straightener
If you have any video post requests, please feel free to let me know in the comments section! I’m a one-trick pony with my videos (meaning I always film them in one shot without really thinking or planning), so ya never really know what you’re gonna get. They always turn out totally awkward… but that’s half the fun!
It’s a treat! 😉
Of Possible Interest
- The Fashion page was updated today! (
- Health Benefits of Eating Breakfast (
- 40 Crunchy and Creamy Healthy Snack Ideas (
Hehe I always used to avoid bringing tuna to school because of the smell, but it’s just too good I can’t resist now! I suppose having an office now helps because everyone else doesn’t have to smell it!
haha! my coworkers always hated fish lunches too too bad for them 😉
oh video post not sure what to request but I look forward to it! 🙂
The title of this post made me laugh. When I was in high school my friend and I were at a party, where the snacks were set up on a counter right above the cat food bowl. We decided it would be funny to try to get another friend to eat some cat food, so we put some in a bowl and pretended it was candy….and he actually did. The look on his face when he figured out what we’d done was priceless.
I’m excited to see the video- I always feel so awkward making them, too!
I bought some tuna over the weekend so soon my breakroom at work will be filled with the smell of tuna as well!
I love tuna fish, but I am definitely weary of eating it “in public” (anywhere but my apartment!). That wrap looks delicious, though!
It’s not an idea for a video, but I’d love to read a post about how you meal plan for the week. Do you think about your meals for yourself and for Ryan in advance? How do you plan a week’s worth of meals in terms of shopping? What does a typical week of grocery shopping look like for you guys? Just an idea!
Bahaha I just bought some Tuna this weekend because I have been craving it! 🙂 I hope you enjoyed your lunch!
Please make the video soon! I have no idea on how to roast veggies, at all!
Tuna totally grosses me out — it reminds me too much of my cats’ canned food!!! The smell makes me wanna barf, but um, I hope you still enjoyed it? Haha.
My Ryan had tuna for dinner last night, now you have tuna for lunch? I think the God’s are telling me that perhaps tuna is in order for my own lunch today!
That tuna salad looks good! I haven’t had tuna in so long. I’d be embarrassed to bring it into work. My work goes crazy when people bring in fish.
Can’t wait to see the video! I love roasted veggies! 🙂
I love tuna fish–and I make mine with mustard too! Go us 🙂 P.s. Can’t wait to see the tutorial–I always learn something new around here on the blog world!
I’ll be looking forward to the video! I love me some roasted veggies…mmm brussel sprouts! haha
Also, i’ve got to say- i’ve been doing that shoulder move for a while now and love it!
isn’t it a good one!? i always tell ryan that it works muscles in weird places that i never knew i had!
I had ‘Kitty Chow’ for lunch today too 😉 In my salad. I love tuna. I just always feel bad for my co workers- I have to give them a warning before stepping into my office- lol!
Oh, and I don’t know if you have tried it, you might of, but tuna made with hummus instead of mayo is really good too! I mixed mine with the new supremely spicy Sabra hummus..and oh it is delish 😀
ooo that would be a great vid! i am beyond awk in my videos.. i say um like 1000 times because I never plan them out either! i think itll be a lot easier, but once I start talking to absolutely no one… it turns out more difficult than expected!
I love videos!! Hearing a bloggers voice is always a welcome change! I think you should show us your cloest!!! hahahaha…my dream place! 🙂
Oooh! Can’t waitt! That cauliflower looks delish!
Oooh! Can’t wait for the video!
That’s funny! I prepped your curry chicken/tuna salad with red bell pepper for lunch today and it was AWESOEME! The curry and carrots in it really made it fun!
Thanks for the awesome, easy and simple healthy recipe! 🙂
You are so brave! I add a boiled egg with mine which really cranks up the offensive smell!
I’m currently laughing because when I saw the picture of your cauliflower I instantly thought “how does she roast them?” Then you pop out there and say you are going ot show a video. Thanks for reading my mind 🙂
I love to see other people’s versions of tuna salad… it’s so versatile and I always just throw in whatever veggies I have handy!
Sometimes I love the smell of tuna and other times it makes me want to gag. I love roasting my veggies, but its not my husbands favorite way to eat them.
Wait so you guys KNOW it smells like that and STILL make us gag while you eat it? Seriously, i swear I can smell someone eating tuna a mile away. Sometimes it’s so bad that I have to walk out of the room. I love salmon (and mainy other oderific foods) but there’s a reason I don’t eat them in the office! (Gotta practice what I preach….)
oh i’m well aware, but i feel like the break room is free game! i don’t stink up the office space, but break room = food room. 🙂
touché 😉
haha. I can’t handle the tuna, but more power to ya Julie! I remember my roommate freshman year LOVED tuna and I would always give her a hard time for stinking our our apartment…all in good fun though!
I love tuna. But I never want to bring it to work so as not to disgust my coworkes.
Haha, tuna definitely does not smell good. But you gotta do what you gotta do 🙂
I have to admit – I love your videos! They are always so helpful 🙂 The hair one made me wish I had longer hair so I could try it out!
I always know when my husband had tuna salad for lunch…our apartment smells when I get home! He swears it’s delicious – but I have yet to try canned tuna!
I love your hair curling video…I’m always down with fashion videos! Like a walk through your closet or something…?
You eat so healthy food! I’m so admiring. I like wraps too, much more fun than sandwiches!
I’m always embarrassed about my lunch’s smells. I always try to eat as fast as possible so no one says anything, hehe.
On another note, i gave my cat wet food all of like 3 times when she was a kitten and never since then…but whenever I open a can of tuna, she hears the can pop open and thinks she’s getting a treat! Who knew cats had such a good memory.
That tuna salad wrap looks yummy!
Can’t wait for the video! 😀
Hey, tuna is nutritious. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do ya know ;-). Love your videos. I want to do my first one soon on my arm routine.
Can’t wait for your video on roasting veggies!!! 🙂
Do you eat before you workout? the article in fit sugar says too and so does everyone else but it’s soo hard to get something in my stomach at 5:15am before i go to the gym?
i don’t eat before i workout on weekdays b/c i get really crampy and need to eat a good hour before the gym (and i’m not about to wake up in the 4 a.m. hour)!
I loved that shoulder move video, could you & Ryan do a few weights moves in a video that are unique or fun?
Have you ever considered making a cookbook? Because my friends and I would totally buy one. Just a thought 😉
Oh, I so would buy one, too!!!!
ohh! haha whenever i curl my hair I use a straightener too because I don’t have a curler. 😉
I love the idea of a video tutorial of how you roast your vegetables. I know it must be pretty easy and I’d like to roast them (they always look good in your pictures) but I’m just not quite sure how!
I love eating tuna, and I don’t care if it smells to some people 😀
Can’t wait to see the video on how to roast veggies; I need help!
maybe a video of you using your new vitamix!! 🙂
Yum, despite the smell, tuna fish sandwiches are always delicious. 🙂 I usually use mayo in sandwiches; I wonder if Greek yogurt would make a good substitute.
I love tuna salad with lots of veggies!
Had to share this with you. . .but couldn’t figure out a better spot to share besides the comments of a blog. . . hope you find it anyhow!!
I have no shame! I used to bring tuna salad to class with me 😉 I love me some tuna!
Looking forward to the cauliflower video! After reading your many posts on the curry cauliflower, I decided to try it and really liked it. 🙂 I think I’m missing a step somewhere though because yours always look MUCH better than mine.
That shoulder move looks awesome! I’m going to have to try that tomorrow at the gym! 🙂
I always feel kinda bad bringing tuna for lunch because the woman I share an office with is vegan so I KNOW she doesn’t like tuna haha! 🙂
LOVE roasted veggies, especially cauliflower and sweet potatoes (um, I guess they end up more like sweet potato fries)! I’m excited to see your video on roasting veggies so I can improve on how I fix them now. For dinner tonight I plan on making roasted asparagus a la Pioneer Woman =)
Kudos to you for bringing tuna! I never bring tuna to work so I don’t scare the other workers, but whatever you want to eat, you should eat!
As far as the tuna goes, if you’re working hard, you should be able to eat whatever you want for lunch in the break room. 😉
Julie, I’m a relatively new follower so I’m really glad you put all of your videos in one post! I really enjoyed them, and I love how genuine you are. Also, from one dog mama to another, Sadie is BEAUTIFUL! 🙂
I know this may sound silly, but I’m really curious to see your Vitamix in action. I want to know if it would be worth the investment for myself!