Today’s meal included leftover roasted broccoli and cauliflower that I dusted with curry powder (I’m a curry convert!) and topped with a pulled-apart Morningstar Farms Asian veggie patty.
These veggie burgers are my all-time favorite! The Asian flavors really shine through and the texture is perfect. I love ’em!
Now for some fun blog talk!
Blogging: In My Mom’s Words
It’s hard to believe that about two years ago I didn’t even follow one person’s blog. Sure I had heard of blogging, but I honestly thought it was something only computery kids did to share coding and stuff. I live under a rock, I know.
Then, through, I found Tina’s blog and discovered a whole community of bloggers who documented their attempts at living a healthy life. It seemed like so much fun and I figured that creating a blog would give me an easy way to share recipes with friends and family and help motivate me to be creative in the kitchen and in the gym.
I started my blog and didn’t tell anyone I knew about it except for Ryan. Eventually I let my family in on my project and then told a few close friends before I garnered the courage to tell more people about Peanut Butter Fingers. I remember trying to explain blogging to people totally unfamiliar with the concept. Many had questions and I had a difficult time trying to explain in words what exactly blogging entails.
I, um, take pictures of food???
After several months of blogging, I was talking to my mom who said she was trying to explain my blog to my grandma.
“I told her that your blog is like a little TV show with new episodes updated several times a day. People tune in to see what’s happening next.”
Perfect. My mom’s words are the exact words I now use to explain blogging to those totally unfamiliar with the concept.
Blogging vs. TV
My mom’s comment also made me think about blogging vs. television.
I regularly watch two TV shows (The Bachelor and Jersey Shore because I’m classy like that), but I read a billion blogs. Sometimes I really do feel like blogs are their own “shows.” My favorite blogs are the ones where the author gives readers a peek into their life. I love getting to know them, following their relationships and oohing and ahhing over pictures of their pets.
When something exciting happens in their life, I’m excited for them. If an important relationship ends or a death in the family occurs, my heart hurts for them.
I’d love to know your thoughts on this!
Are you really into television or are you an avid blog reader… or both… or neither? Which do you find more entertaining?
I’m into both…at the same time 😉 I have been blogging less than a year, but find it so entertaining that in some ways I get far more excited to see what’s up next with fellow bloggers than what crazy thing Snooki will do next 😉
I am definitely not much of a TV person, because I find blogs SO much more interesting now! Even more so than before when I didn’t have a blog (just under 1 year ago), I think blogs are so much more motivating and inspirational. They’re also a source of friends, socializing, and meeting awesome people like YOU! 🙂
I read tons of blogs AND watch tons of TV. I definitely think blogging makes you connect more with your readers, and with those who’s blogs you read, because there are real people behind the blogs, so it’s exciting to share in their life and follow up about what’s going on.
I also agree with what you look for in a blog – they have to share some aspects of their personal life, as well as generally be a good writer and have good photos.
Definitely more into reading blogs 🙂 I think it’s because not only do I enjoy reading about people’s lives, but there is also SO MUCH advice to read..and different workout ideas, lots of recipes & just SO much to read! I LOVE it!!
I agree that many healthy living blogs can be similar to tuning into a reality tv show because it’s not only about the food or fitness and many aspects of their life are included.
I’m not a big TV watcher, although I religiously watch Modern Family!! I do love to read blogs and often times I read blogs while “pretending” to watch TV. 😉
I don’t have a tv so blogging is it for me!!! 🙂 Love being a part of this wonderful community.
I have not even owned a TV for about 4-5 yrs; but I have tons of blogs bookmarked on my laptop.
I read a gazillion blogs, but hardly watch tv! I like that you can delve so much into a blog, find out so much about the person and follow them. I just love it 🙂 it’s more personal than a TV, and I can relate more.
Hahahha, glad to hear that you watch Jersey Shore too! I like The Bachelor/ette, but I’m just not feelin’ it this season. Ali was definitely my favorite 🙂
I’m an avid blog reader, and really enjoy TV with certain shows, but I’ve been watching a lot less of it lately. Too many other things to do!
I prefer TV, I rarely look at blogs when at home. I have a handful I look at first thing at work, just to have something ‘fun’ to do before diving into work!
I’m actually really picky about blogs I read since I don’t spend much time reading them. I am really turned off by ones that seem fake, or like they do or type things JUST for blog followers or to get more. Or ones who scream ‘ME ME ME!’ I know that most blogs kinda have to do that, since they are assuming people want to follow their life, but it’s just a feeling I get with some that turns me off.
And I’ll be totally honest…I lurk on a couple blogs just for the train-wreckedness of them! (Don’t worry this isn’t one) 😆
Great post Julie. I definitely struggle between reading blogs, and blogging for my own and watching TV. I am a reality TV junkie (hey, at least I admit it), so I don’t know that I could live without my TV. 🙂 I love the comparison between the two though. I never really thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense.
Peanut Butter Fingers was the first healthy living blog I found! 🙂
I probably read more blogs than I watch TV. I like TV, but I don’t like to watch just to watch- just “my” shows.
Cute post!
I think of blogging as a type of people watching — and I LOOOOVE people watching.
I do like TV too, but for different reasons. None of my regular shows are “reality” shows though (unless I actually admit that I watch every episode of Teen Mom). I’d much rather relate to “real” people with the same interest as me, I think, than watch them on TV. They make such a bigger impact on my life!
HAHAHA what a GREAT way to explain it!! I’m so using that analogy!! 😀
Blog reading > TV any day! The bloggers are REAL and I’m the same way – I share their ups and downs! I remember actually being so excited all day on your wedding day for you! 🙂
I feel like I KNOW other bloggers personally and like they’re my friends even though I’ve never met them! Cos I’m cool like that! 😛
I’m really not a TV person (minus Glee and The Biggest Loser) so reading blogs wins by a landslide. I enjoy blogs over TV because I learn from bloggers, I can relate to blogger and I’m inspired by bloggers. I’m not even a month in as a new blogger, but writing and healthy living have been passions of mine for a long time, so it’s great to find a place to display those things as well.
I believe the analogy is definitely on track, but the best thing about blogging is that you can have true interaction with the “characters” and for the most part, they are real!
BOTH. this is why i feel like i never have any time! hahahaha.
It’s only been in this past year where I’ve come out from under my rock and realized blogging wasn’t some weird nerdy thing. Now, I am reading more and more blogs everyday.
I find myself watching my favorite shows (namely, The Bachelor) and reading blogs during the commercial breaks because I can hardly stand to sit still that long. But blog reading is definitely becoming a much bigger part of my day as well as all the time I spend working on my own blog.
There are only two blogs I follow regularly, yours and J’s Everyday Fashion. I have to say, they are truely better than any tv show I have found. I have never watched too much tv and now there are evenings when I don’t even turn it own. Ha! 🙂
thank you, nikki! i love j’s blog as well. and i totally agree on the tv thing. it’s never really been a big interest of mine either.
Orlando obviously has really good bloggers! I am totally going to try one of your running interval workouts.
I’m really into both, although watching TV happens more than reading blogs just because it takes less effort! If I had a way to read blogs while laying on the couch instead of sitting up right at the computer I’d probably read even more than the many I already do!
My husband & I watch Jersey Shore too!! I only read two blogs on a daily basis – yours & J’s Everyday Fashion. There are some that I check every once in awhile. I would love to read more of them but I have two kids and work part time, so I don’t really have the time. Your blog is my absolute favorite and I love getting new ideas on what to eat & new exercises!
i love j’s blog, too!
I can honestly say yours in the first blog I’ve ever read!!! I don’t watch a lot of tv… I usually just PVR what I think would be interesting and then watch it when I have time (with the exception of the Bachelor–which is a “must watch” in our house–even on Valentines Day!) I love the way you let readers learn about your ilfe and suggest recipes and new workouts. I’ve also started to read some other blogs (based on your recommendations of course LOL) and love them all! I feel like I’m just getting to know this really cool world of amazing people 😀
we watched the bachelor last night too… valentine’s day schmalentine’s day! 🙂
I’m totally using that TV metaphor next time I try to explain my blog to my Nana. It did not go so well last time…
Julie, your blog was seriously the first blog I started to “follow” (minus Hyperbole and a Half, The Oatmeal and 27bslash6, but those aren’t really the same). I stumbled upon yours randomly through twitter, and have since started following a lot of others through your comment section. It totally inspired me to start my own (although I had been toying with the idea for a while).
I’m not the hugest TV watcher (although of course Jersey Shore & the Bachelor), but I’d definitely say my interest in blog-following increasing!
aw, that’s awesome! and I LOVE hyperbole and a half. so flippin’ funny!
i definitely agree. question though, your blog is only a little over a year old (right?) how did you go from only ryan knowing about it to what it is now in such a short time?
yeah it’s about a year and a half old. i started blogging in sept. 2009. i feel totally awkward giving out advice about blogging, but i did publish one post about my number one tip for bloggers which you may see here:
So true!! I never even thought of it that way – how CUTE 🙂 I definitely follow more bloggies than tv shows!!!
I’m an avid blog reader! and just now started my own, I feel like I may be a little too late on the wagon. o well.
I read about 10-15 blogs daily and only a couple of favorite TV shows (The Bachelor and Jersey Shore as well)! I can relate to the blogs I read on a daily basis more so than TV so if I had to choose between the two I’m afraid I most def say adios to T-shirt timeeeeeeeee:)
i think that would make snooki say “waaaaaaaaaaah.”
OMG I started doing that and my husband was like, “NO”! LOL
I also found blogs through! Though I don’t have one of my own, I really do love reading numerous blogs daily, much more than TV!!
Definetly blogging! I always learn so many great things from reading other people blogs. Even when I try to watch TV I end up going on my computer and reading tons of blogs…can’t get enough! 🙂
Your mom put that really well! I certainly read more blogs than TV shows, but that’s because I feel like I gain more from them. I wouldn’t go as far as to say I live vicariously through other bloggers, but I do feel more kinship with them than with reality stars.
Honestly it kind of depends on my mood…but typically I read blogs all day, so when I get home I hit up the TV instead of the computer!
Your blog was the first blog that I found. Ever since then I have become hooked on them. I love reading them and looking in on other people’s lives and diffrerent recipes they’ve created. It inspired me to create my own. I’ve been blogging since the summer and I really like it. 🙂 I also really like reality tv too. I don’t watch too many reality shows but the ones that I do watch I am hooked on. 🙂
In the past few months I’ve become obsessed with anything that has curry in it. Every time I go to whole foods I get some indian dish w curry in it. What easy recipes have you made w curry?
I completely agree.
My favorite blogs are the ones that aren’t completely centered around food, not all about exercise, and not TOTALLY about pets, but the ones that really follow a person’s life.
I have a hard time separating what should and shouldn’t be blog material, so sometimes, it’s hard to include what’s really going on (like a lost relationship… ahem…), but I love reading what others are going through.
Maybe I should take this post as a nudge to me to include what’s really going on in my life.. behind the scenes.
🙂 Thanks, Julie.
Even my parents have noticed that since I started blogging, I watch WAY LESS TV. I suppose that they’re both kind of sedentary, but I love blogging because I feel like I connect with people way more through it…it is kind of like a TV show, I agree!! There are a few shows I love, but on the whole I think blogging is way more entertaining.
While I’ll always have a carved-out, special place in my heart for the bachelor/bachelorette, Modern Family, Grey’s Anatomy, Full House, & Saved by the Bell (shout-out to the “oldies!”), I have begun to fall in love with blogs. I could spend soooo much time just catching up on the ones I’ve ear-marked online, and there are thousands of others I’m sure I’d enjoy but I just haven’t discovered yet. I agree with you — I truly enjoy just getting a view inside other peoples’ lives and getting ideas about new recipes and workouts.
Recently I’ve become obsessed with curry too. Every time I go to whole foods I always get a dish w curry. What simple recipes have you made w curry?
I haven’t told anyone I know about my blog–funny that I’m both very public and very private about it! I’m glad you started writing.
I definitely started reading blogs after I got rid of my television. I don’t miss TV and I love blogs!
Thanks, Julie, for having a great one!
I like to think of blogs as a “healthy” Facebook stalking alternative. Instead of wasting time poking around at random strangers (I’ll own that I’ve done it hehe), instead I can actually interact with people who consciously put their lives out there and who are *interesting*.
I agree that I also look forward to a post about something exciting I know is coming (like your wedding!) and feel pangs of happiness or sadness for a blogger after something happens. The relateability factor is one of the huge reasons I love blogging, though I’ll always be a fan of a few TV shows too!
haha i love it…a healthy facebook stalking alternative. that’s what i’m going to tell my boyfriend : )
I agree that I like getting that glimpse into a blogger’s personal life. It is like reality TV! Your blog was the first one I ever found! I remember instantly connecting with your blog because you did share some of your personal life with us. The only negative thing I can say about blogs is that I think people sometimes forget that what is shown on the blog is still only what that blogger chooses to show you. Reality checks are often necessary (like your PSA) to show in fact that a blog is not 100% reality but more like 100% of what you choose to show.
Blogs are definitely better than TV! I have come to absolutely love and appreciate the community that surrounds healthy living/running blogs. Your TV is just not going to wish you luck on race day, commiserate with you when you’re injured, or give you the heads up that Puffins now makes Chocolate AND peanut butter cereal. But my blog friends will. Reading blogs motivates and inspires me, which, as much as I love my weekly dose of bachelor crazies, they definitely do not!
I love reading blogs. Maybe too much. I get really excited when I see people added new posts. Maybe I’m just odd though. I think blogs are so cool because they have some many different aspects in them. It’s not just the same things everyday, it’s always something new, exciting, and a lot of times helpful. If I watch tv it’s always later at night when I’m just hanging out. Gotta catch up on my modern family, desperate housewives, and the latest news on Ronnie and Sammie! Whoot Whoot!
I like both! I love reading blogs, but when it hits around 8:00 at night, I veg with my doggy & hubby on the couch to watch TV for an hour or 2 before bed. Right now I’m watching Californication, Shameless, Top Chef and Jersey Shore. I probably look forward to Jersey Shore the most…so bad but so good!
What a perfect analogy! I will use that from now on.
And I watch a little TV (bachelor and glee) but am definitely bigger on blog reading! It’s like episodes that are automatically on the DVR:)
Your mom is a genius! I will be using her words to explain what my blog is to my family and friends. I only watch 4 shows. Jersey Shore, Bachelor, Biggest Loser, and of course Oprah.
I find both equally entertaining, but my short attention span has been loving blogs lately! I can’t get myself to sit still and watch a show for an hour as easily.
I find blogging WAY more entertaining b/c some of the crap/stupid TV on nowadays…. and I enjoy reading/seeing REAL people’s lives come alive! 🙂
I was actually thinking about this earlier this week. I used to watch a LOT of tv. I actually had a show I watched every night. Since I started blogging , I rarely watch tv. I would rather read blogs because they are more real and I can relate to the author in one way or another.
I love your mom’s analogy!
I really prefer tv to blogs. I tend to just read blogs at work during down time.
I really love this blog tho! I’ve tried reading some others, but i dont find myself that interested. I guess i really need to click with the “character” 😉