Today’s meal included leftover roasted broccoli and cauliflower that I dusted with curry powder (I’m a curry convert!) and topped with a pulled-apart Morningstar Farms Asian veggie patty.
These veggie burgers are my all-time favorite! The Asian flavors really shine through and the texture is perfect. I love ’em!
Now for some fun blog talk!
Blogging: In My Mom’s Words
It’s hard to believe that about two years ago I didn’t even follow one person’s blog. Sure I had heard of blogging, but I honestly thought it was something only computery kids did to share coding and stuff. I live under a rock, I know.
Then, through, I found Tina’s blog and discovered a whole community of bloggers who documented their attempts at living a healthy life. It seemed like so much fun and I figured that creating a blog would give me an easy way to share recipes with friends and family and help motivate me to be creative in the kitchen and in the gym.
I started my blog and didn’t tell anyone I knew about it except for Ryan. Eventually I let my family in on my project and then told a few close friends before I garnered the courage to tell more people about Peanut Butter Fingers. I remember trying to explain blogging to people totally unfamiliar with the concept. Many had questions and I had a difficult time trying to explain in words what exactly blogging entails.
I, um, take pictures of food???
After several months of blogging, I was talking to my mom who said she was trying to explain my blog to my grandma.
“I told her that your blog is like a little TV show with new episodes updated several times a day. People tune in to see what’s happening next.”
Perfect. My mom’s words are the exact words I now use to explain blogging to those totally unfamiliar with the concept.
Blogging vs. TV
My mom’s comment also made me think about blogging vs. television.
I regularly watch two TV shows (The Bachelor and Jersey Shore because I’m classy like that), but I read a billion blogs. Sometimes I really do feel like blogs are their own “shows.” My favorite blogs are the ones where the author gives readers a peek into their life. I love getting to know them, following their relationships and oohing and ahhing over pictures of their pets.
When something exciting happens in their life, I’m excited for them. If an important relationship ends or a death in the family occurs, my heart hurts for them.
I’d love to know your thoughts on this!
Are you really into television or are you an avid blog reader… or both… or neither? Which do you find more entertaining?
I definitely am more apt to read blogs that document a person’s life as a whole as opposed to just one aspect of it – like a hobby, food, or working out
I’ve really only told my close friends about my blog, but finally put a link to it on my Facebook page. Eeee! 🙂
I only follow 3 health blogs really.. Yours, Jessica’s (HowSweet!) & Angela’s (OhSheGlows).
I think I came across yours through fitsugar?
I watch TV but follow 2 British shows regularly hehe
Your thoughts about other people’s blogs is SOOOO adorable, it melts my heart!!
I’m not a TV watcher, I’m kinda against “corporate” so I tend to dislike it! Like, I just hate knowing they’re planning shows to fit our taste, as “consumers.” ::shivers:: So that’s why I tend to dislike blogs that are basically like informericals..
I love blogs that lets people unleash their creative outlet and persona! Like yours! you blog is so genuine, and quaint. Your charm really invites people in. 😀
I totally agree. Im new to all of this but I tend to like more that 1, make me laugh 2, teach me something that I never thought of before or 3, give me a peek into their life. Im nosey like that. I just started mine a few months ago and I struggle with how much to share. 90% of my posts are about the mini-mes that live with me but Id like to be more personal. I guess it would kind of be free therapy.
BTW, love your moms quote.
oh! I forgot to mention that reading blog has improved my vocabulary because bloggers tend to be writers! And isn’t TV supposedly correlated with bringing down the literacy rate? ;P
I am not gonna lie…once I “found” the blogging world and became a blogger myself, it has become so addicting! I love how your mom describes it… it’s perfect! Honestly, I absolutely love the style of YOUR blog!
I am very new to the blog world! I was a lurker for about two years and finally decided to take the plunge. But similar to you, I haven’t really told anyone about it yet. I def. follow more blogs than I do TV shows (I am a sucker for Jersey Shore though)!
We don’t even have TV (we have a TV but only watch Netflix DVDs) – I use blogs as my main source of entertainment.
I can (and, um, do) read blogs for hours, but I cant watch more than 5 minutes of reality tv….
I love both! But if I had to pick one or the other for the rest of my life – I pick TV for sure.
I like your mom’s description. My aunt told me that my blog is “Like following a movie star, except I know the movie star so it’s more fun.”
She’s so cute. 🙂
I am sooo with you! When I started reading blogs, I basically gave up TV…blogs are more reality than reality TV anyway, and far more interesting 🙂
I just opened my blog up to the public, even though I’ve been blogging for two years…I feel like I’m still trying to find my voice, and hope to develop a group of readers that will share in this fun journey with me. I hope to have your success sometime in the future! 🙂
I’m becoming a blog junkie. I have my favorites that I just have to read every day. I’m afraid if I miss an “episode” I may miss out on a really great recipe or outfit or whatever. I love it!!!
I love me some TV–but there is something so personal about blogging and bloggers. There are about 5-10 bloggers out there that I feel so personally connected to and invested in. These ladies (you are one of them) are my friends, my confidantes, a source of laughter and a source of inspiration. Can’t get that out of TV characters too often!
i like blogs because I find them more relatable. i can have the tv on in the background and totally tune it out because i rarely actually care about what’s happening…but it’s hard for me to skim through blogs. even when i’m away from my computer all day and i come home to 80 unread items in my google reader, i take the time to read them all, because i care about the people who write them and what’s going on in their lives 🙂
There are only a few shows on TV that I really enjoy watching! If I had my choice between watching TV and reading blogs I would DEFINITELY choose blogs!! I learn so much from reading blogs – from new recipes to workout tips and even random facts about food and healthy living. I’m sure there are many great blogs out there that I haven’t even discovered yet!
Blogs…hands down. I would rather time suck and learn from real life and inspirational people than stay glued to the boob tube. I even gave up cable and haven’t missed it. (except the Bachelor. lol)
I think blogs are better than reality TV. TV is edited too much, blogs are more real.
that is a perfect way to describe blogging!! im def into both- and at the same time!! ahah.. i multi task quite often.. ive got my food, reading blogs and watching tv all at the same time– takes practice !
i like blogs better. but then again i’ve just never really been a tv watcher so maybe i’m just missing out…
Yes! I remember when you and other bloggers were getting married, I “tuned” in all of the time see what was happening with wedding plans and then the day of . . . . oh geez! It’s like May sweeps!
I love blogs! They definitely help me get through the day especially when I’m at work. But I love TV too or more specifically certain TV shows. I like blogs more because there are more of them so you’re always sure to be entertained. I can flip on the TV, search through hundreds of channels and never find anything interesting!
I think that’s the perfect way to describe it! A lot of blogs are like TV! I’m with you, the blogs I like best are the ones that show the writer’s personality and life instead of the ones that just showcase recipes or what have you.
I’m both! I love reality TV, but I also love my favorite few blogs. (Like yours). I think they are both kind of the same. You are still inviting people into your world and letting them in on what you want them to see. I agree that I like it when I know more about the whole life of a person, not just their brunch and workout.
I read blogs everyday! Tv on the other hand I only watch a few shows every now and then. Reading blogs is much more fun to me 🙂
I adore blogs! I have no attention span when it comes to TV, but I can read blogs for hours! Yours is definitely one of my favs! And I can totally relate to what you said about those blogs that give a peek into people’s lives. I was so thrilled for you & Ryan when you got married & I don’t even know you. But, I kinda feel like I do! Does that make sense? 😉
I’m both – sad to say! At least blogging is a little more productive 🙂
So true! I only watch two shows regularly (gossip girl, grey’s anatomy), but blogs are awesome. Short to read and daily updates!
blogs are better!
my favs that are more fashion/lifestyle-centered:
1. cupcakes and cashmere
2. cup of jo
3. oh joy
BWAHAHA, that’s so cute! I’m an avid follower of both TV shows and blogs to which I’m loyal (not just any ol’ show or blog). My boss couldn’t understand all the “brouhaha” around a lot of this social media/get-into-strangers-lives stuff and I explained it to him like it’s everyone’s chance to have their own reality show (similar to your Mom). They get to be on display, but under their terms and people who get hooked or share interests check back to see the latest. Then he got it! He still thinks it’s stupid, but at least it’s an educated decision. 🙂
I am a fan of both but as you are, only to two shows: The Bachelor and Grey’s Anatomy. The only reason I like these two is because if develops characters and is about real-life (well kinda) But I feel as if I know the characters personally.
It is the same for me with blogs! I LOVE getting to know people and hearing about their lives. I am a people person and I love to hear fun and new ideas from others I know!
P.S.- Your mothers analogy is totally fitting! LOVE it!
I love Jersey Shore too…haha guilty pleasure!
I love both my shows and blogs, but recently blogs have taken over!
What a great description! I may have to borrow that because I get the “what, why, when” type questions too now. Before I started my blog, I followed a handful regularly, but after work, I would sit in front of the TV just catching up on whatever was on. Now that I have my blog, I have found so many new ones that I love and follow, so there is no time for leisurely TV viewing (although, I will always make time for Modern Family, the Middle, and the Office). 🙂
i have to admit since i started blogging, i don’t think i’ve turned my tv on. however, i need to catch up on glee and when mad men comes back on i won’t miss an episode. that show is the absolute best.
This is a REALLY good/interesting thing to think about. I only watch two shows: 90210 and The Jersey Shore. (Embarrassing guilty pleasures.) I have lived in my house for six months and don’t even know how to turn the TV on. (It’s really complicated. LOLL)
I read blogs ALL day though…I work online in internet marketing and read blogs on the side ;). I think I enjoy blogs because I can scroll through fast and everything is changing constantly. I have the attention span of an eight year old, really.
I LOVE the way your mom described your blog- it’s perfect. I started out reading Oh She Glows about one year ago then found your blog next and have been an avid reader since. I’ve even been inspired to finally start my own last month.
So THANKS Julie. You’re great!
I also wanted to add that since reading blogs such as yours I have been working out consistently 3-6 days a week for one year now.. I’ve run 3 5ks and one 14k, and I now focus on HEALTH not jean size. Seriously- the fitness blog world is inspiring. 🙂
I love a few blogs…like your’s and I read them everyday but I love love love TV.
NCIS, Criminal Minds, Law and Order, Blue Bloods, really any detectivey (<–totally a word lol) show Im game for 🙂
I rarely if ever watch TV. Husband and I are just starting to watch Lost on Netflix 🙂 But I follow what seems like a million blogs on a daily basis! I much prefer that over reality shows
Definitely would rather read blogs. Im not a blogger but I havee ALOT of respect for bloggers!
That’s a great comparison! I love both but now that I blog I find myself blogging lots more instead of watching tv! I still love my tv shows because let’s be honest no one wants to see an episode of Castle, one of my favs, play out on someones blog=(
I think that’s a great comparison. Once I started reading blogs and using Google Reader, I described it to a friend as getting to read a magazine filled with articles that I want to read. I love filling my reader up with healthy living, fashion, baking, home decor, and finance posts.
I discovered your blog several months ago and always look forward to your posts. I would love to know some of your favorite blogs…I could always use more “tv shows”! 🙂
I used to be a total tv addict! I watched an embarrassingly large amount of tv..some good some mindless…but either way the tv was always on. As I started reading more and more blogs my tv went from volume turned down…to mute….to off because it was distracting me from my blog reading. Now I have a dvr full of unwatched shows that I would much rather delete than miss having time to read my fav blogs everyday. Shocking for me!!
What a person comparison! I do not watch TV (minus 2 hrs for The Bachelor each wk), but I’m an avid blog reader. Your mom’s explanation makes so much sense!
I used to be a big TV viewer and now I am all about the blogs! There are so many fantastic people out there to learn from..I love it!
I used to watch TV….and then I discovered blogs! They’ve definitely taken over TV time. I make time to read dozens of blogs weekly but I haven’t watched any of my shows.
I just CAN’T even IMAGINE a time when only Ryan and your mom knew this blog. It’s so huge and popular! It must have always been that way!
There’s a reason it grew so big though. You are such a compelling personality. and Blogs are great for people like me with ADD (not literally), as my patience for TV is very small. Like you, I only watch 2 shows: the Bachelor, and Parks and Recreation.
But I read about 50 blogs — cause I can choose whether to skim or read closely, invest or just check it out once a month…
With the limited hours I have as a med student, I dont have too much time for tv anymore – I cant justify a study break for the Thursday night line up. But I do make time for Jersey Shore, and I catch a few favorites online.
BUT, I make time for blogs! I have a good subscription list going which is perfect breakfast reading or for the 10 minute study break. The majority of my blog reads are health/fittness/food related so they serve to not only entertain me but also inspire some culinary adventures.
Thanks for being one of my morning reads! 🙂
Blogging is definately like reality tv!
I love reading blogs and feel very much the way you explained; its like a tv show. My one friend always calls me “the blog lady” because i read so many 🙂
I am both a blog reader, and a TV watcher. I watch so many reality TV shows it’s embarassing 😛
Last year I only watched Bones & Grey’s Anatomy. This year, I don’t know what happened but I’m obsessed with all things Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, The Bachelor, Biggest Loser.. It’s insane. My husband thinks I’m crazy, and he’s partially right 🙂
I love reading blogs, and I sometimes feel like I actually know that person, which seems kind of weird, but it is what it is.
Blog on! I love your blog!