- Lace blue dress: Madison Marcus (on super sale via Hautelook, also available in black with a beige underlay and yellow)
- Nude pumps: Saks Fifth Avenue (via Off 5th)
- Watch: Michael Kors
- Gold bangles: Amrita Singh (via RueLaLa)
- Gold bracelet: Rivka Friedman (via RueLaLa)
Blue Lace Dress
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I'd love to connect with you! I am always so grateful when you let me know you tried one of my recipes or workouts and tag me in your photos or updates. Thank you so much!!!
I think Hautelook is one of the best “bargain” sites. They always have a really nice selection. And I love how your dress is almost ELECTRIC blue. It’s such a unique color!
Ahh I love anything lace! It’s so flattering on you too 🙂
I’ve never heard of Hautelook but I’m going to go check it out now as that dress is really pretty 🙂
LOVE this blue dress!
I’ve also decided I’m going to start shopping around at Hautelook – you always get the most gorgeous things from there!
you’re so brave ordering so much from those flash sale sites! I’m always paranoid that whatever I get won’t fit! Especially when it’s a brand I’m not that familiar with. How do you know what size to order? Or do you have a really good tailor?
I have wanted to try a wand for the longest time but I’ve become addicted to curling my hair with my flat iron. Whatever you do just don’t let this happen:
Happy Friday!
I think it is very suitable for parties. I will try this style next time at party.
Hello! This is my first time commenting. I was just wondering if you could share what you use in your hair? It is always so shiny! Thanks in advannce, and thank-you for the great fitness inspiration!
LOVE that blue lace dress.
nice collection of blue