By now you all know that I am in love with BodyPump. My fellow BodyPump fans out there know that BodyPump is a class that falls under the Les Mills umbrella of group fitness classes.
Up until this afternoon, the only Les Mills class I’ve taken is BodyPump because that’s the only class I had access to when we lived in Orlando. (Sadly there are no Les Mills classes in Ocala.) Today, when I arrived at the gym, I glanced at the group exercise schedule and saw BodyCombat on the agenda! My curiosity got the best of me and I headed into the class with high expectations.
According to Les Mills, BodyCombat is an empowering cardio workout inspired by mixed martial arts that draws from a wide array of disciplines such as karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi and muay thai. Like BodyPump, the class began with energizing music. We spent the duration of the class kicking and punching our way through the workout. I was a sweaty mess by the end!
The class reminded me a lot of kickboxing classes I’ve taken before, but with more energy and excitement. The instructor was definitely feelin’ it and her enthusiasm was contagious. The class wasn’t too hard to follow, even as a first-timer, because the instructor did a good job of previewing the combinations. The 45-minute class flew by and I had a blast. BodyCombat reminded me, yet again, just how much fun fitness really can be when you find the right exercise program. Shop around until you find something you love!
On my way home from the gym, I swung by The Fresh Market. We don’t have a Fresh Market in Ocala and I am in love with their flavored coffees and bulk bins, so I took a little detour and picked up some ingredients for a crock pot dinner at the fancy grocery store.
I also made sure to take advantage of their coffee samples.
And I couldn’t leave without buying a small bag of the white chocolate fudge trail mix to snack on during the car ride home.
This stuff is the jam.
Once I made it back to my parents’ condo, I fixed myself a plate of leftovers.
Rotisserie chicken + Rice + Fresh blackberries.
Someone wanted in…
Chicken makes her heart swoon.
Before signing off, I wanted to share a gorgeous picture with you guys that Ryan sent to me from his business trip this week.
I think it’s safe to say he’s not in Florida anymore! Ryan is returning tomorrow from Warwick, England and I can’t wait to see him!
Hope you have a wonderful Friday!
BodyCombat sounds like so much fun! I wish they had a class near me. I was lucky enough to find a nearby BodyPump!
i want to try all the les mills classes – especially bodyattack! they all sound like so much fun.
BodyAttack is the best one!! I do BodyPump as well but I find Attack so much more fun and the time flies!
I second that, although I like Body Pump and Body Combat, Body Attack is DEFINITELY my favorite! It’s an amazing workout!
I have to agree, BODY ATTACK is the best workout and so much fun. I just got home from the class. 🙂
Wow I can’t believe how popular body combat is. Ive never done it but this many people liking it def. Makes me curious
Body Attack is fantastic! I went throught he training and it will certaintly kick your rear!
I burn around 600 calories in a Body Attack class!
BodyCombat is my all time FAVORITE class, unfortunately I had to give it up when I moved from Maryland to Colorado. The only les mills class is 2 hours away from me. You have to try BodyAttack–also by Les Mills. It’s awesome
I wish my gym had BodyPump or Combat or anything Les Mills. I hear such amazing things and it has me itching to know what all the buzz is about!
Hi Brittany. Both Les Mills Pump and Combat have programs that can be purchased to do at home! I got mine through Beachbody. It came with the barbell, two sets of weights, 7 CDs, and guides, etc. It’s the same as the class but now can be conveniently done at home! They both have gotten nothing but rave reviews.
England?! What a lucky guy. I want to take a business trip to England! (or really anywhere but here). 😉
i know! i hope he comes back with an accent. 🙂
I love all the Les Mills classes I have attended!! My gym has Body Pump, Body Combat, Body Flow, Body Jam, and Body Step!! I have tried all but the step class and love em! Such a great workout with TONS of energy!! 🙂
I was in so much pain the day after doing Body Combat for the first time. Crazy good workout.
Love the side of blackberries, favourite fresh berry 🙂
Even though I’m in my 20s, I have joint issues especially with my hip so I’m pretty limited in what I can do (no running, no step classes, etc). However, I’ve found that kickboxing courses and spin are great cardio classes for me. BodyCombat sounds amazing, but sadly neither my regular gym nor my college’s gym offers Les Mils classes. Boo!
A combination of les mills Body pump and Body Balance was my all time favourite workout regime. I miss body balance big time!!
I’m totally jealous of Ryan!
Those blackberries look amazing!
The BodyCombat class sounds fun. I however have the new LM Combat dvds from beachbody and i am not impressed. too slow of a workout.
That sounds like such a fun class! Working out in a group environment like that can be so much more fun than going it alone. And that picture from Ryan’s trip is stunning! Cold snow is pretty to look at for sure, but right now I wouldn’t mind the Florida heat personally haha
I love when I find a new class that quickly becomes one of my favorites.
Oh myyyy that is such a pretty picture! Let the reunion countdown begin 😉
I hear such great things about body combat! I wish we had it here. Lame. I hear so many amazing things about Les Mills. I love that photo Ryan sent you! Beautiful.
Really wish my fitness center had Les Mills classes. They all sound great and I feel like I’m missing out! There are gyms in my city that have the classes but my gym membership is free and I don’t want to belong to two. Right!?
I can’t believe that Ryan has been in England! I’m so jealous! I’m a bit of an Anglophile, and I’ve always wanted to visit.
Sounds like a great class! I took 2 semesters of kickboxing in high school as an elective and lets just say my love has yet to fade. Sadly there are no kickboxing classes local to me. 🙁
That photo of England is gorgeous and so different from the weather we’re experiencing right now 🙂
Body Combat sounds fun! I love kick boxing so it definitely piqued my interest.
Have a great weekend.
I LOVE Body Combat!! I actually gave up Body Pump ( waayyy to annoying and crowded at my gym to deal with gathering and putting away all the equipment!). The only time slot for Body Combat I’m able to make it to each week is Sunday morning right before my favorite Zumba class. So, back to back Body Combat and Zumba it is! 🙂
Wow – England?! Very beautiful picture 🙂 (Don’t I remember reading he hates flying??) Wishing for an uneventful and safe flight home for him. 🙂
i’ve taken all of them! my aunt is an instructor at gold’s gym and does an awesome body pump class. body attack is my favorite though!
check out my blog post about the LM workouts I have planned to help with my running:
I just switched gyms to one that has body pump (obsessed already!) and im planning to try my first body combat class today!
I can’t wait to get back to group fitness when we move! I have a two week work trip to England coming up on Monday but that picture just reminded me that I am leaving 60 degree weather in Colorado for snowy London.
A dusting of snow makes everything so pretty to look at, but it’s still something I’d gladly give up – spending 5 months buried in it is something I could live without!
I agree, the first day after it snows looks beautiful but then after that it just a cold salty mess!
Im so envious of everyone who takes classes at the gym! I really need to join a gym so I can get in on these great classes! Also, I love The Fresh Market, we just got one in NH and although price the have great things! I stop by at least one a week!
I love that you stay with your parents when Ryan is out of town, I do the same thing when my boyfriend has to travel for work. What can I say… I’m a people person (and maybe a little afraid to stay at home alone) 🙂
omg that trail mix… I need some of that in my life right meow! that ginormous clump is making me drool
I can’t wait to hear about Ryan’s trip! That white chocolate trail mix looks so good! My friend recently made a cake batter one and it was heavenly.
I absolutly love body combat I’m glad to hear you liked it too!! I like the class because it is a fun way to get some cardio in or if your having a bad day it’s a great way to get your frustration out! I also find if you got to the 1 hour long classes the ab tracks are intense! (more so then bp)
You should try RPM. It’s the Lesmilles cycling class and I absolutely love it! I got hooked over the summer and now that we don’t have it at school I can’t hardly go to another spin class..they just don’t compare!
I split my gym classes time between Combat, Pump and CXWorx – combat has definitely become my favorite because it always challenges my body and makes me swear like crazy no matter how many times a week I go! Try a pair of weighted gloves (I use everlast!) next time you go for an even more intense arm workout! Hope you enjoyed it 🙂
Just got back from visiting my in-laws in Surrey. They said they got a lot of snow last weekend! I wish I could have seen that while we were there.
There is no body pump near me and I am dying to try it!!! I now want the trail mix, I love yogurt covered pretzels!! That picture Ryan sent you is beautiful, I am so jealous of people who get to travel for business!
The Les Mills Pump and Combat programs can be purchased through Beachbody to do at home. Check it out. They are getting great reviews. I’m starting Pump in February and love working out at home.
I’m planning on going to a BodyCombat class for tomorrow’s workout so I’m glad to hear it’s fun. I really need fun workouts to keep me motivated, which is why I love Zumba, so I’m hoping BodyCombat will be a good option for the days when my favorite Zumba instructor doesn’t teach!
OMG ENGLAND!?!? How lucky is he!!! And Body Combat sounds awesome! I wish my gym had Les Mills classes!
LOVE Body Combat! I’m actually going to a class tomorrow morning, so glad you liked it!
Long time lurker….. I was blown away when I looked at your post and saw the view from my local park!! We take our babies there for ‘buggy fit’ every Monday morning. Hope he enjoyed his visit- he sure picked a cold week for it.
no way!? that’s awesome. ryan has loved his time in your neck of the woods!
I miss all the Les Mills classes! When I lived in Sweden, the majority of group classes at my gym were LesMills, so I got the chance to try most of them. BodyAttack was my absolute favorite! Closely followed by BodyPump and BodyBalance
It’s National peanut butter day! Thought you should know.. =)
Lucky Ryan! (For England, not the snow. I’m so over snow. Was super relieved when after below 15 degree weather we’ve been having, it’s 41 right now!). What kind of work does he do to be fortunate enough to get to go to England?
I LOVE BodyCombat!! It was by far my favorite workout at my old gym in NC – unfortunately my new gym here in Vero Beach does not have it, although I am lucky they at least have BodyPump, my second favorite 🙂
That’s SO cool that he got to go to England!!
YAY Les Mills! Best classes ever. I love being an LM instructor. I’ve tried RPM, Attack, Combat, and Flow, –all were great(!!) and teach PUMP, CXWORX, and GRIT. Best fitness classes around are Les Mills’ 🙂 So happy for you girl that you got to try it
That Fresh Market trail mix is a staple in my house! It’s addicting!
Hope Ryan has a safe trip home! 🙂
Les Mills classes are the best! I love starting out my Saturday mornings with BodyFlow and doing BodyPump several days after work during the week.
I am extremely jealous of Ryan right now. England!!!! That’s awesome, especially for a business trip. Pretty rockin’. Every time I go to Fresh Market, i am drawn to their delicious granola and yogurt covered pretzels and almonds. I love their coffee samples, especially in the winter!
So cool that Ryan’s in England! What field does he work in?
I LOVE COMBAT!!!!!!!!! It is fun….I am 100% you would like Body Attack as well! 🙂
I love white chocolate puppy chow!
I was at body combat this morning at the Brooks Y and I thought, that girl looks familiar. I bet it was you 😉 Anyhow, it was a great workout this morning in my combat class with Joye 🙂 Have a great weekend.
A good instructor totally makes a fitness class.
what does Ryan do for work? would love to have to travel to England for business! 🙂