Pure joy.
I am trying to figure out a way to bottle up her enthusiasm for running and market it to the masses.
Sure, I love a good workout, but there’s no way I have that much enthusiasm before heading out on a run.
The excitement hits me after a hard workout, but before a sweat fest, I look much more like this…
Fortunately a super-psyched up dog does a lot for my workout motivation and Sadie’s spunky attitude is what got me out the door a little before 9 a.m. after I published my morning blog post.
Her sleepy attitude from this morning dissipated quickly and, since she didn’t get her usual morning walk, she was ready for some exercise. By the time I got up from my desk to wash the dishes from my breakfast, Sadie was at my feet giving me the eye.
I leashed her up and we headed out for a three mile run followed by a one mile walk. I planned to run five miles, but it was already so hot that I changed my game plan a mile into the run.
When we arrived back home, I took out Bethenny’s Skinnygirl Workout yoga DVD (added to my Amazon store) and selected the 20 minute session to use as my post-run cool down stretch. (You can see my review of the DVD here.)
Sadie was not ready to cool down and made the first five minutes of my yoga practice rather miserable. She licked my face, weaved in and out of my body when I was in downward dog and pestered me until she got bored and plopped down next to my mat with a frisbee looking at me like I was a disgrace.
After yoga and a quick shower, I worked through the morning until my stomach started growling.
Lunch today was a two-parter.
Part one will surely gross some of you out, but those of you who love cottage cheese may be intrigued!
That would be a surprisingly tasty bowl of chocolate cottage cheese!
To make the cottage cheese, I combined 1.5 cups of 1 percent cottage cheese with a tablespoon of cocoa powder and a squirt of honey before topping it off with frozen raspberries that I quickly thawed in the microwave.
I know it looks and sounds totally sketchy, but I loved it! Protein-packed, full of chocolate flavor and yummy. It’s not for everyone, but it worked for me.
Part two of my lunch included three-cheese scrambled eggs made with Alouette spreadable cheese, feta cheese and parmesan.
I made the eggs with two eggs, egg whites (from a carton), onion, a sliced red pepper, roasted Brussels sprouts and the three cheeses and really enjoyed the combination of flavors.
Not too shabby!
I now have a few freelance pieces that need attention. It’s hard to believe I’m working on winter assignments already!
my dogs do the same thing when I workout from home. Sometimes it gets reallyyyy annoyingggg haha
I love your nail polish!!!
Also, I really like your green wall with the tulip picture… very cute! My boyfriend and I are getting ready to move to his parents house (without them… they are building a house on the same land, but quite far enough away haha ;)) and I am having a hard time figuring out what color scheme I want to go with throughout the house. Their house is a LOT bigger than ours, so I’ll have a ton of rooms to cover. I hear your kitchen is supposed to be colors that make you hungry… but I’m as lost as an Easter egg!
thanks! it’s sally hansen instant dry nail polish and i LOVE it b/c it really does dry in 60 seconds! perfect for an impatient person like me. 🙂
Haha Sadie doesn’t look so sleepy any more!! I LOVE cottage cheese now, even though I loathed it as a kid. Your creation sounds great!
i think you and i may stand alone in thinking that chocolate cottage cheese sounds good, but i’m glad i have one friend in my corner! 🙂
Haha that’s ok… more deliciousness for us! PS. Playlist is up! bit.ly/Nf0InO
Cottage cheese is so versatile! I think it tastes good in most anything.
Haha! I love the picture of Sadie just sitting next to the yoga mat staring at you. I think the chocolate cottage cheese actually sounds and looks pretty good! I might try it myself. 🙂 The eggs look really yummy too.
I get so much crap for how much I love cottage cheese, but I even enjoy it plain, straight out of the container. I may have to make this and kick up my boyfriend’s disgust with me up a notch 😉
PS your house is cute and SO clean!!! I can never keep the clutter at bay.
Your living room is so neat and tidy!!! Ours is strewn with wedding crafting materials and boxes of gifts EVERYWHERE! So, while it is a happy mess I can’t wait to get back to clean and orderly!
pssssshhhh. you should see our kitchen. 😀 and congrats on your wedding!!!!
Those 2 parts of lunch both look AWESOME to me, actually. YUMM! I love cottage cheese with some sweetener and fruit <–but also way good with cheese and veggies.
Sadie is hilarious.
Hmmm…I bet playing with the frisbee right away might have garnered more votes for Mommy 2012!
i missed a golden opportunity!
Hi there…This is my first time posting, even though I have been reading for awhile. I wanted to share that I have that exact breakfast every morning; even the portion size of everything! I usually use fresh berries in the summer, though. So, so good. But yes, my co-workers think I am gross. I don’t care 🙂
Aw Sadie is too cute! I wish I could run with my dog but he likes to stop and sniff too much!
I love sweet cottage cheese(; Chocolate and vanilla is good too!:) Or with pb stirred in!(; My favorite is with pure vanilla bean powder Splenda and chia mixed up like vanilla bean ice cream when frozen;)
oooh! i’ll add pb next time!
Chocolate cottage cheese sounds good, but I’ll probably have to add more sweetener. I like my cottage cheese sweet! Thanks for the idea. 🙂
Sadie is hilarious! My dog does the same thing when I exercise at home… she’s been known to put a tennis ball on my back while I hold a plank position and lick sweat off of me haha
I have never liked cottage cheese but that looks really good! It may be my love of chocolate and raspberries overpowering my dislike of the cottage cheese, but either way, I would try it.
I also have to say I love the color of your living room! I have been looking to buy a house and most places have ugly colors, so I have been brainstorming what colors I would like. This one is now in the top three!!
Your lunch today actually sounds reallly really good! Love cottage cheese and I was intrigued before I even got to the eggs! 🙂 Thanks for the ideas.
You should post some of the freelance articles you write someday…it sounds like you do so many of them, there’s plenty of content we could be reading!
i do on occasion when the topic seems to be more relevant to the blog and might interest readers (such as recipes for publix, etc.), but in general i like to keep that part of my professional life separate from the blog. plus, i cannot link to a lot of my work since i create content for businesses (brochure and magazine content) and some businesses and local publications don’t post my content online, especially if it’s for internal use. (a lot of it would probably seriously bore you anyway!) i never really blogged about my previous job before i quit to focus on freelance writing and blogging, and i still enjoy keeping that part of my life separate to an extent, but i’ll definitely share content i think may interest you guys. thanks for the suggestion!
Haha, I love those pictures of Sadie. You can just see how excited she is. I don’t even have to say anything, but as soon as I grab my dog’s harness she runs right over to me, sits, and waits for me to put it on. She knows if the harness is involved then we must be going somewhere good.
I love your coffee table! Where did you get it?
thanks! it’s from ikea.
Couple questions about your Garmin. Did it come with a heart rate monitor? Also, can you use it while lifting weights and other exercises if you just want to track your heart rate? Looking into buying my first one and there are so many it’s overwhelming!
mine came with a heart rate monitor, but i don’t use it. 🙂 i only use my garmin on runs to track my distance. if you’re looking for a simple heart rate monitor to track your heart rate or calories or something, i don’t think you need something as expensive as a garmin, but if you’re looking for a great running watch, i would definitely recommend it!
I want something to track my runs and heart rate for other activities as well, so I’m not sure what to buy! Thanks so much!
i had a polar heart rate monitor in the past that i LOVED!
that actually looks really good! I never thought of mixing cocoa with cottage cheese lol
I got the OK from the vet that I can start running with my pup, I can’t WAIT! I am going to go pick up one of those harnesses you suggested today and start gradually adding running into our morning walks 🙂
I love cottage cheese and I love chocolate (obviously) so I’m definitely intrigued by your concoction!
The chocolate cottage cheese actually looks really good! I didn’t like (well, thought I didn’t like) cottage cheese until about a month ago and now I can’t get enough of the stuff! I’ve got to try this!
I do the same thing with cottage cheese! In fact sometimes I swirl in a little bit of Nutella. Yum Yum 🙂
we should probably be friends. 😀
I think the same thing about my brother’s dog, I wish I had that kind of enthusiasm! She’s just always happy!
my dog would definitely think it was play time if I was doing yoga in the living room, he is still a puppy so as soon as you get down on his level he is ready to play! I can’t get into cottage cheese, I think its the texture!
I totally make a cottage cheese bowl like that ALL the time! I love cocoa powder in almost everything, and my favorite way to eat cottage cheese is sweetened!!!
Wait I love this cottage cheese idea! I recently tried cottage cheese overnight oats which were the BOMB! I am pro-cottage cheese.
My mouth literally started watering when I saw your eggs! lol! The cottage cheese doesn’t sound half bad either, especially with the raspberries.
You got a cottage cheese advocate here, so that’s a recipe Iʻm trying soon! It looks (and sounds) yummy! It’s one of my favorite hot-weather foods.
As for Sadie, she reminds me of my little guy. He gets so excited when he sees sneakers! But what a pain when I try to workout at home… sniffing the dumbbells, lying on the yoga mat, running with me when I kickbox… not fun, but definitely funny!
oh i feel ya. i tried a kickboxing workout w/ sadie at home once and it was a HUGE fail.
I love cottage cheese, but would never have thought to make them chocolatey. Love this idea!
I actually do that with cottage cheese too! but I usually blend mine so its more of a yogurt texture. It tastes just the same as chocolate yogurt or pudding to me, but it’s so much healthier!
I adore that black and white tulip picture in your living room! Would you mind sharing where you bought it from?
of course! it’s from ikea.
Bella gets sooooo excited about walks and runs. Except she isn’t so great on a leash yet. So it doesn’t make it that fun for me. 😉
have you tried a harness? it made a HUGE difference for me!
Oh your lunch looks super tasty!
And I love blending the cottage cheese with cocoa powder and a little pumpkin and stevia! Its so delicious! I don’t know why, but blended tastes better;)
My dog does the same exact thing when I get his leash and ask him if he wants to go on a run. How in the world can they get SO excited about it?! It’s too funny. I always end up putting the dogs outside or in another room when I’m doing a workout video. They love to get all up in my grill. And I’ve totally tried out chocolate cottage cheese – I LOVE it!
I LOVE cottage cheese, but I’m not sure about chocolate with it… I am very picky about my cottage cheese – don’t like too big of curds & I don’t like it runny at all. Actually, I kind of prefer it almost dry! My favorite is the Breakstone 2% in the 4oz cups. 🙂
have you tried friendship brand cottage cheese? it’s probably my favorite. small curds and not runny AT ALL. 🙂 i love it!
Oooh! I’ve seen that but never tried it – buying it next. Thanks for the recommendation 🙂
I recommend you add PB to your cottage cheese, and noticed a few other commenters did as well. I put PB in a bowl and microwave it for 30 seconds, then add cottage cheese, chia seeds, flax or wheat germ , and maybe a couple spoonfuls of cereal of sunflower seeds. Stir together and that is my breakfast most mornings!
Hahaha, I see people already recommended adding peanut butter. I literally have this as a snack every single day and never get sick of it! I’m sure you would love it:)
I LOVE PB2 with cottage cheese!! So glad to hear I’m not the only one! Now PB2 with cocoa, I’m so excited 🙂
sooo delicious!! i’m eating it at the very second…hahaha
Chocolate cottage cheese doesn’t sound so bad!! I also make chocolate PB or plain PB cottage cheese with the PB2 powders! 🙂 You’re definitely not alone, don’t worry. 😉
not at all gross! i’ll often rip open a packet of hot cocoa mix at work and swirl the tiniest bit of it into my Friendship whipped cottage cheese or plain greek yogurt.
Chocolate cottage cheese?! What a great idea! I love cottage cheese AND chocolate, but never thought about marrying the two! Grand I tell ya 😉
LOL, my dog is the same way if I try and workout at home. He gets all concerned and if he isn’t licking my face or trying to get on my back, then he sits way too close to me and STARES.
I’ve never been a fan of cottage cheese with any type of fruit. The combo just seems odd to me. I like my cottage cheese straight up with pepper!
I only recently started liking cottage cheese, even with just plain stevia I love it!
I have that same tulip picture! It is in my office.
I looove chocolate cottage cheese! I have it almost everynight before bed with some frozen mixed berries and almond butter. Deeeelicious.
Part 1 of lunch has been my favorite dessert lately! I also add some peanut flour too so its a little chocolate PB 🙂
Love that face!!! I agree … I’m definitely NEVER that happy about working out. If we could bottle dog energy + child energy, we would all be much more productive people! 😉
Sadie is too cute!! We are looking at getting a second dog so Maya has a friend and we are considering a viszla! You have sold me! I also like boxers so it’ll probably come between those 2!!
Aw, love how happy Sadie looks!
I just can’t get on board with cottage cheese. It’s something I really want to like; I just don’t. Maybe I’d like chocolate cottage cheese though!
I love Bethanny’s yoga DVD and I am all about that cottage cheese concoction. I am thinkin’ that might need to be tonight’s dessert.
Not gross at all!! I’ve been eating something similar every morning: cottage cheese, berries, peanut butter and vanilla protein powder! The berry/cheese combo reminds me of cheesecake filling!