First things first, I apologize about the seriously slow speed of my blog lately. I know many of you have tried to leave comments only to have the site time out. Well, I have good news! I am in the process of changing servers which should speed things up dramatically and allow your comments to go through without a hitch. I hope to have this change completed within the next day or two, so cross your fingers for a smooth transition. I really appreciate your patience! I know a slow website is beyond annoying.
On to lunch!
Wheat Berry Salad
Lunch today was seriously fantastic and I owe all the credit to blog reader Chelsa. Her comment on my breakfast post over the weekend about my wheat berry yogurt bowl inspired this beauty:
Chelsa said, “ My mom makes this AWESOME wheat berry salad that includes: Wheat berries (of course), tomatoes (or red peppers if you want it to stay crisp), mozzarella cheese cubes, feta cheese, green olives, artichoke hearts, green onions, tofu, and balsamic dressing. You can add and subtract as you like, but I TOTALLY suggest making it sometime.”
And make it I did!
I changed around some of Chelsa’s recommendations to make a wheat berry salad that included:
- Wheat berries
- Plum tomatoes
- Roasted asparagus
- Artichoke hearts
- Feta cheese
- Green onions
- Green olives
- Balsamic dressing
This will definitely be featured on the blog again. I loved all of the different flavors and textures!
Now moving onto some blog talk!
Brainstorming Blogging Topics
One of the best things about blogging is that you can post about whatever you want. In the beginning, I almost felt like my blog had to touch only on the things within my specific blogging niche, like food and fitness. I didn’t want to seem juvenile if I posted about The Bachelorette or celebrity gossip and I didn’t want to appear too serious or mundane by posting about issues that seriously lit a fire inside me like the Comparison Trap.
And then it hit me: Those things are what make me me. I like talking about The Bachelorette. I could talk for hours about the Comparison Trap and the struggle we all face with our self esteem.
If I didn’t talk about these things, my blog would fade into darkness and become simply a hollow version of me. A generic healthy living blog without the passion of a person behind it. I can’t write for hours and hours about my chicken sausage. I ate it, it was good and I am done with it. Once I stopped worrying about what other people thought about my blog and made sure my blog stayed true to me and the things I love and enjoy talking about, my love for blogging grew tenfold. I didn’t feel restricted. I felt free and ebullient. I had a million things to say.
People often ask me how I come up with something to post three times a day. Honestly, most of the time I have too much to say and have to scale it back. My brain works at a mile a minute when I’m blogging and I’ll often find a blog post taking a new direction unexpectedly and will have to save the newly evolved topic for my next blog post.
But sometimes I do hit a blank and don’t know what to post about. What about those times?
A few months ago, I purchased a notebook that I call my “blog notebook.” Around the time that I started thinking about leaving my full-time job to pursue a career in freelance writing and blogging, I began to fill up my notebook with all of the ideas inside my head. The page in my notebook that is now the most full? My “Must Post” page.
Every time I am hit with a blog post idea and don’t have time to delve into the subject as elaborately or intricately as I’d like to, I write the idea down in my notebook. Every time I receive an email from a reader with a blog post request, I add it to the list.
I now have a list of about 30 post ideas that are burning a hole in my notebook dying to be addressed. The “Must Post” page of my blogging notebook is my most valuable resource on days when my blogging creativity hits a lull and I find myself thinking, “What in the world should I write about today?”
Other possible ways to get the creative juices flowing:
- Think about the last conversation you had with a friend or significant other where you couldn’t stop talking or laughing. Turn it in to a blog post!
- Browse the internet and write about a recent article you read that sparked your interest.
- Put a call out on Twitter for any post requests from your friends, family or readers.
- Don’t post until you feel inspired. Sometimes taking some time away from blogging is a fantastic thing. It can really rejuvenate your mind and motivation… kind of like a week away from the gym!
Questions of the Afternoon
- If you are a blogger, how to you think of blog post topics?
- Blog readers, what are your favorite things to read about on blogs?
P.S. The Fashion page was updated this afternoon!
Good tips! I often find that a blog topic hits me and then I end up forgetting it if it’s not written down…so I usually end up with random topics scrolled on top of school notes or somewhere on my computer. Having a little organization wouldn’t hurt!
Great tips! I just started a blog for fun and for now I’ll be focusing on whatever interests me that day. Since it’s the beginning, I have a ton of things I want to write. One step at a time right?
Anyhow, I hope I can enter the give-away! I would use my camelback on my hiking trips. I can never get enough fresh water from the lakes using my water filter!
Wow what a great idea! I’m definitely thinking up blog ideas all the time, but probably forget half of them. I started a Word document once, but I’m not always around my computer, so it’s not that effective.
Thanks for the post!
Being a brand new blogger in the health and fitness area I feel like I have to focus on that and I have been trying to bring more of myself into the blog. I always think of things I want to say throughout the day but because of my hectic schedule it tends to get lost! Love the idea of the notebook, I am sure I have a spare one kicking around! Excellent ideas, thanks for the great post!
Great tips! I definitely go through periods where I have a thousand and one things to say and other times where I have not a thing. A notebook is a fabulous idea.
That salad looks amazing! I love anything with artichoke hearts and feta! Plus grains on a salad seem like a yummy idea!
And thank you for the post on brainstorming! As I’m new to the blogging world, I feel like I do have an internal fight about what to post sometimes but as I left my blog a little open ended, I am filling that end! (I think…) When I get ideas I usually just put them in the notes section of my phone, that way I can just email them to myself if I start writing and don’t have to re-type!
I keep a virtual sticky note on my desktop with things I think up from time to time, and pick and choose one or two to incorporate each post!
I get ideas for blog posts at the most random times.. most commonly.. in the shower.. but I also get ideas when I am running. For some reason, I seem to think about blogging A LOT when I run. To keep track of my ideas.. I usually draft a post with a title that is the idea of he post.. and then knock em down that way!
I love to write about everyday things. Or new things I found that day or inspired me. I also blog about the tough days- those are the blogs that help put a smile on my face.
I just love to read about day to day things, and new recipes! I am always adding to my “cookbook” from other blogs!
I totally agree with you! Its your blog, you should write about whatever you want 🙂
So for the bachelor talk.. I am friends with bentleys EX wife! bahaha.. She is a doll. He is well.. just how he was on tv. but she makes THE cutest headbands for babies, kids AND adults!! They are all amazing! She is actually going to LA to show them off on access hollywood! Her ex husband may be a tool but I have a feeling its going to be great for business.. hehe!
oh here is her etsy shop address
Thanks for the tips Julie! I have a notebook where I write my blog ideas in as well. But lately, I keep forgetting to write in it so I just start the posts in my draft folder on wordpress. I like the notebook idea better 🙂
I think a lot about what people want to read versus what I’m posting. For example, I genuinely enjoy reading about what people eat, but I can’t really get it together enough to post what i eat everyday. So then I feel bad! I’m trying to find a balance where I’m posting some of my eats but don’t feel pressured to photograph it that much.
Another thing I struggle with is TIME. I’m sooo curious as to how long a regular post takes you. Most of mine take me 2-3 hours. I feel like that might be too long. I wonder how I can streamline my process. And finally, one of these days, I’d love to hear how you balanced blogging with your job. I am definitely still trying to figure that out. I’ve had to cut down my posts per week, but I’d so much rather be posting than working. haha
i think the time it takes to write a post varies greatly! many times my posts take 35 – 45 minutes. others can take longer if they require research or more intense writing/photo finding.
Great ideas for inspiration!
I keep a 5 subject notebook. The 1st section is just labeled “posts” and they’re pretty much full! The other 3 are dedicated to anything useful I find out about blogging, twitter, social networking, etc…
I started a food blog but life got in the way for now…two kids…full time job…stuff. Ugh! I was really disappointed in myself about it. I had dreams of being the next Pioneer Woman, darnnit! I think it is really great that you are following your dreams! I love reading your blog! Your positive attitude really has an impact on people. Its awesome!
I wanted to ask, I know you purchased the beige Longchamp. Are you happy with the color or do you wish you would’ve picked a darker color? I just ordered the beige after returning the graphite (it looked too casual) and I am hoping I don’t wish it was darker. It’s a lovely color! Thanks!
Blogging topic ideas come at the most random times. I always have a notebook on me and my cellphone has a message record feature I love for driving. Hit one button and dictate a small idea. Then later I can email it to myself.
I have several notebooks filled and love using them for days I don’t know what to write about.
I also turn them into spreadsheets on Google Docs. I have a Must-post, recipes, future, funny and if all else fails pages. :=)
Hi! I’m a new reader and have fallen in love with your blog…probably because you write about what interests you! I love blogs like that! I’m starting to do the same thing with my blog 🙂
I also have a “blog” journal where I write down blog post ideas as they come to me…if I don’t, I’ll end up forgetting about it!
I love the Bachelorette! I recently discussed my theory about the Bachelorette with my boyfriend.
The Bachelorette is the equivalent of a guy watching sports. We have our favorite picks, who we are rooting for, who we hate, the matchups we want to see, and our predictions for who will make it to the end!!!
LOVE that. it IS like our sports!
I also have a notebook, and I keep it in my purse so that I can write down anything that strikes my fancy. Maybe a dream I had or a chat with a friend, even the occasional news story!
As a new blogger, this is so helpful to read. I definitely feel torn between staying in the “realm” of my blog title but also being true to myself. And I totally agree that when bloggers do expose more of themselves it hooks me into reading more consistently so I guess I just need to translate that to my own blog!
As for how I think of topics. So many come to me randomly throughout the day. You should see the “notepad” on my iphone. its become my holding pad for blog ideas.
I am a new blogger and I too find that I have too much to say! I’ve already got 4 posts that are in draft form & waiting to be published! I really appreciate the tips! Helpful as always! <3
I am still new to blogging so I have had a hard time coming up with blog posts. I love the idea of coming up with a notebook to post blogs. There has been many times that I have been out and have thought of something and came home and the idea was vanished.
My favorite things to read on blogs are recipes, fitness tips and just what everyone does on an everyday basis. I love people watching through blogs.
Your ideas are great! I’ve been blogging, incredibly infrequently, for the past few months, but I am recently trying to make it a daily (or at least more frequent) hobby. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile, and I love your quick and easy recipes! I’m also really inspired by how diligent you are with workouts and your routine.
I usually write posts that are either about dinners I’ve been too, races I’ve ran or fun things going on in my life. Sometimes a though provoking post will come up but it’s usually about the fun things I do in life. 🙂
” can’t write for hours and hours about my chicken sausage. I ate it, it was good and I am done with it.” LOL amen!
I hear you – great post! I love the idea of a blog notebook – I keep a word doc on my desktop but I like the idea of writing it/having it with me – easier if I’m not near the computer!
I know there’s no such thing as a stupid question…so here goes nothing. What the heck are wheat berries?
they’re a grain w/ a lot of fiber!
I do the same thing, except I put it into a “note” on my iphone. although, your notebook is a little cuter than my boring notes section.
As a blog reader I look that the blog post is what I’m looking for (healthy eating, fitness, etc) then I look for bloggers who are real. I don’t want to read an article I want to read about you. That to me has the most inspiration.
Love all your Vera Bradley, Julie!
As a new blogger I’ve been struggling with this… Sometimes I feel like I can’t post bc I should be posting about food, when in reality I make interesting “must blog about” desserts or savory items only a few times a week. I want to talk more about nutrition, fitness, and my life in general, but it’s hard to not say “but that’s not what my blog is about!” or compare myself to other blogs… which thn causes me to not post for 3 or 4 days. I guess I’m still finding my voice. I finally started branching out a bit and after I get home from my week in VA I want to revamp my blog a bit to make it more about me.
I have a blog post idea page too! Luckily I am still new to blogging so my idea well is still freshly flowing all the time!
Great post! I have a memo on my Blackberry that is devoted to my blog! Everytime I come up with a potential blog topic, i just note it down for future use! Like u said, if the juices aren’t flowing, I just leave it be for a while! I rather have no post than a sub par one!
Those are some great tips you’ve got there. I really need to start jotting down ideas for blog posts because I feel like I’m constantly thinking of new ideas during the day and by the time I sit down to type them out, I have completely forgotten the ideas. Ahh!
What I try to do as well is take photos of things that go on during the day, or things that I eat. When I sit down at my computer later on it makes writing a post so much easier.
Thank goodness I can listen to someone else vent about Bentley, I was getting tired of listening to myself scream at the TV over him 😉 Paul’s only comment on the whole situation was “he’s a douche.” … DUH PAUL! As much as I’m going to love Europe, I definitely need to make sure The Bachelorette is being TiVoed while I’m gone!! 🙂
Thank you so much for writing about your fears/self doubt about blogging about things that you felt weren’t worthy of going into your own blog. I am starting my own blog and I feel that way all the time. “This isn’t something anyone would want to read about” or “It doesn’t fit my blog personality.” Well duh! We ARE the blog personality. Thank you for that tip of reassurance.
P.S. – I love your hair curling how-to video!
I keep a “note” in my iPhone for blogging ideas. That way don’t suffer from the “man, I had a great idea… if only I could remember it…” 🙂
Love these tips – thank you!
This was a fun and personal post. I have a weekly dayplanner-type calendar in my purse that I still write all my activities in (I know, it’s the one thing I can’t go to digital for) and also like an editorial calendar! Each day and sometimes for weeks in advance, I map out a tentative topic schedule. Works for me and helps remind me to get out and make new topics (since my blog is about trying new things).
I loved this because I was thinking about this same topic today. I do struggle coming up with things to write about, so I like your suggestion of just being you! I want my blog to be genuine for sure, so thanks for the advice!
Love your idea of having a blog post idea notebook! I don’t find it hard to run out of things to write about (yet) because I haven’t been blogging for years, and as a PR pro, words come easy (you know!). I tend to just write about my day, life living with a boy, things I eat, etc. It’s fun to be true to yourself and not have to worry about staying away from certain topics! Keep doing what you’re doing because it’s wonderful. 🙂
Harro everyone! 🙂
I need to backup both Nintendo Wii games and Xbox 360 games. Now does this product actually do what it sais it does. If someone has purchased this product or knows about it then please let me know asap 🙂 🙂 It sucks when you spend money on stupid scams online lolz.
Thanks everyone!! =D
Anyone know about this
Hi there! This article couldn’t be written any better! Going through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I will forward this information to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. I appreciate you for sharing!