Happy Easter!
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Hahah. This made me laugh. So happy for you! 😛
Oh I’ve been craving ice cream for SO long now too! Enjoy it, haha 🙂
Ice cream for breakfast! Love it. Happy Easter and congrats on being able to eat sweets again!
Happy Easter to you too! Lol – I love your breakfast!
Happy Easter, and welcome back, ice cream! I’m jealous of your breakfast-of-choice. 🙂 What kind was it?
Haha…awesome! Is that strawberry cheesecake ice cream? I just had to guess. Yuuum. Happy Easter (and eating)!
That looks great! I just had a chocolate bunny… you deserve a little indulgence now that lent is over! 🙂
You made it!!!!!!!!
Hahaha!! That’s hilarious! This post officially makes you my new favorite blogger. 😉 Happy Easter!
Hahahahaha! This is fantastic! I don’t blame you =) Happy Easter!!
LOLS!!! You killed me with this one!! I hope you enjoyed your ice cream! Happy Easter to you and your loved ones!! xoxo 🙂
Same to you 🙂
didn’t see that one coming. Good for you.
…of champions.
Perfect post lent breakfast. Or post-anything breakfast for that matter. 🙂
Yay! You got your ice cream! Happy Easter!!! Aloha!
I love this!! lolol. i ATE a wholeee 40 ozz all by myself today and i totally thought of you! i have not done lent and i actually have a small bowl of ice cream almost everyday but idk if you can do that! ahaha i have done it a few times! i think my family was shocked but they know how much i love ice cream!! i just was full force today!!
I wish that this was FB, and I would *LIKE* it!
…..andddd Lent is officially over….
Lol this is awesome! Happy Easter Julie 😀
Julie that breakfast is FTW.
happy easter!
At first, I was like what? Ice cream? Then I knew about Lent. 😛
Hope you had a good, sweets filled Easter!
Truth be told, I ended up staying up last night to break into the ice cream! Enjoy 🙂
Hi! I remember reading you were going to Lugano soon, I am studying abroad in Switzerland and visited Lugano for Easter. It is beautiful! If you want to see pictures visit my bog!
good for you Julie!<3