Happy Easter!
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Happy Easter, Julie 🙂
I’m thinking of having the same thing for breakfast…so worth it after all those days of Lent 🙂
Love it! 🙂
Yay for lent being over!
Happy Easter to you and your family!!!
Good girl! 🙂
I may or may not have had chocolate pancakes with syrup+sprinkles with a side of chocolate Easter egg for my breakfast… 😉
Go you!!!
Ice cream!! Yum!! Way to go!
Breakfast of champions right there!
You make me laugh laugh laugh laugh! Im thinking lunch, dinner and dessert should look eerily similar..
Yay!! Have a wonderful Easter!!
hahahaha very nice!! Happy Easter!! Congrats on making it without sweets for 40 days! You’re a warrior.
This is a clever post 🙂 Have a lovely day!
love it! ENJOY!
Yayyy!!!! I bet ice cream has never tasted so good 🙂
Perfect breakfast post lent 🙂
This is awesome! Congrats on holding out on sweets! You deserve it….now I want ice cream…
I am super jealous. Enjoy your day!
A picture is worth a thousand words 🙂
Happy Easter! haha
HAH! Love it
happy Easter to you! 🙂
lol, exactly why I never deprive myself of food-related stuff. Otherwise I’d probably eat ice cream for breakfast every day 🙂 Happy Easter!
Chicka chicka yea!
Haha. I bet your dreamt about that all last night 🙂
Happy Easter!! 😀
& to you ~ enjoy 🙂
At least it looks like a fruity ice cream!! Enjoy it you deserve it! Happy Easter to you and your family!!
What! After 40 days, I think you deserve more than that little bowl… I hope you went back for 4ths 😉
ha! when my browser loaded i literally laughed out loud when i read “breakfast” and saw a bowl of ice cream. YOU DESERVE IT!! happy Easter! enjoy the day!! xo
Ha ha – good for you!!!! Happy Easter!
Solid and classic…you pry stayed up all night like a little kid on Christmas eve waiting for presents for that one…
Absolutely no words necessary, huh?
Haha, congrats on making through all of Lent!!! Now go on and enjoy all your sweets today 😀
Perfect! Way to go for making it!!
Yay for sweets! Totally not surprised that you had ice cream for breakfast… breakfast of champions!!!
Yeah! Perfect breakfast ^^
Happy Easter to you!
a picture’s worth a thousand words! so cute 🙂
How cute! Happy Easter Julie. 🙂
hahahahah that’s so funny! you waited so long to enjoy it!
HAHAHA oh my gosh, LOVE IT … what kind of ice cream is that? Enjoy every bit & do up the sweets 2day!
Hoppy Easter 🙂
Sweet cream with strawberries!
oohhh my gg! what brand! sweet cream with strawberries sounds amazing!!!
Congrats on making it to Easter sweets-free. Enjoy, girl!
I thought of you yesterday while I was having a serious chocolate craving attack and I was like “OMG! This is how Julie felt alllll month and tomorrow she gets to eat sweets!!!” lol I know random thought but there ya have it! Happy Easter Julie and to your whole family, hope you have a great one filled with lots of sugar 🙂
Happy Easter.
Hope that bowl of ice cream is everything you had hope it would be. Very very delicious!
Happy Easter! Enjoy your ice cream and sweets. You totally deserve them for making it through Lent without any!
Happy Easter! Yah for making it through Lent 🙂
I finished a chocolate bunny for dinner last night. It had to be done.
Hope you had a great Easter and enjoyed lots of sweets and treats after your Lent sacrifice!
Haha! You had me busting out laughing and now my cat is giving me a funny look. 😉 Enjoy it girl!
haaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Totally didn’t expect that, but I LOVE it!!!!!!!!! Good for you, Julie!
HAHAAHAHA!!! Best post EVER!!!!! This is amazing!!