Did you guys hear?
I seasoned my shrimp with deodorant last night!
While I said I seasoned it with Old Spice…
I clearly meant Old Bay…
Even though I think Old Spice is one of the most fantastic smells in the entire world, I’m not about to douse my shrimp in the antiperspirant. Whoops.
Sometimes typos lead to some pretty funny errors… but most of the time they make me die a little inside when I catch them after I publish a blog post. At least this one made me laugh!
Today began with a great workout.
I started with 20 minutes on the elliptical while reading Parenting magazine. Yep, slim pickings on the magazine rack again. Today I learned about how to handle your child’s sarcasm.
I then hopped off to conquer the following leg workout:
The other day I was looking up new workouts on a variety of websites and found a new-to-me move on the Men’s Health website.
The Bulgarian split squat!
I obviously had to decrease my normal squat weight since the move concentrates on working one leg at a time and I definitely felt myself struggling to properly balance without compromising my form. It was tough and a great new move for me to try. I’m sure it will pop up in my future workouts!
On the way home from the gym, Ryan and I stopped by Walmart to grab some fresh berries and other necessities. Whenever we brave Walmart, we try our best to do so right after the gym because it’s a much less intense experience before 7 a.m. when the crazies are still sleeping.
When we got home, I snacked on two mini mugs full of blueberries and blackberries and sipped on a hot Godiva pumpkin spice coffee while prepping my main meal.
The little mug holding my berries is from Pier 1 and I am kind of in love with it. My mom bought a set of four of the mugs on sale and my dad thought they were silly and frivolous and took up unnecessary space since they’re too small for a decent cup of coffee or tea. Naturally I swooped in and took them back to Ocala with me. Score!
Once my bagel was toasted, I also ate a bagelwich with muenster cheese, two fried eggs and jelly.
Great start to the day!
Happy Friday!
I did those this morning… But for some reason I thought they were called static lunges…I don’t know where I got that from!!
I love bulgarian split squats! I always feel challenged in a different kind of way and it’s awesome :D. And I dunno about you, but old spice shrimp sounds pretty tasty 😉 especially if the old spice commercial man is serving it! Oh and btw I just started a weekly fitness link-up feature. You workouts would be awesome if you wanted to do it!
Awesome work with the bulgarian squat! I hate those….I’m always shifting to position my front foot right!!!
I’m downing some blackberries now too! Yum-O!
That is too funny with the Old Spice and Old Bay! 🙂 That bagel sandwich sure does look tasty! I love the mug that the blueberries are in. So cute.
Happy Friday! Those mugs are gorgeous, I love cute stuff like that!
Hahaha, I didn’t even notice that slip up! That’s funny.
Old Spice and Old Bay– both great, but not really interchangeable!
Happy weekend, Julie!
exactly – on their own they’re fantastic… but one is not a substitute for the other. 🙂
Shows how closely I read..I didn’t even notice the slip up!
I was JUST about to ask where you got that adorable cup before I started reading the next paragraph about where you got it. I love it!
Those squats kill me. In fact, I loathe them.
I love your matching R and J mugs! Where did you find them? I think you’ve told us before but I can’t remember!
anthropologie 🙂
Those squats are intense! I definitely see how they can work the hamstrings and the glutes! Typos are so funny sometimes, my phone always uses auto correct and I can’t believe some of the things I tell people when my word gets
changed to something inappropriate! Lol
LOL about the Old Bay/Old Spice mix-up!! That’s hilarious! Bulgarian split squats were on the agenda for my lower bod workout earlier this week and I love to hate them. Glad you enjoyed them (in a hurts-so-good kind of way!)
Split squats are KILLER. I was doing them the other day, and I became that “grunter” that I hate!
haha i linked to that same men’s health article in my workout post today. bulgarian split squats are my FAV!
Laughing at silly mistakes that we make is the best way to handle it! We all have ‘bloopers’ in life, and if we just laugh at ourselves and carry on rather than dwelling on something minor that we cannot change… we would all be miserable! I always think to myself…’ do I/would I criticize silly mistakes that others make.. when I make my own silly mistakes too??’ That’s just not productive.
Love Muenster cheese! My boyfriend and I plow through tons of the stuff each week.
Happy Friday indeed 😀
Mmm, that sandwich and those berries look delicious! I’ll have to pick up some blackberries this weekend! The bulgarian split squat looks incredibly difficult, but I think i might try it – sans weight though! 🙂
at least your mistake was funny..it brought a smile to my face this morning 😉
p.s. your bagelwiches always look amazing, i need to hop on this jelly with egg train.
I feel that way towards wal-mart too. Have to prepare myself…
That typo was hilarious! Sometimes they’re worth a good giggle…like my phone autocorrecting “productive” to “prostitutive”…
I learned the bulgarian split squat out of NROLFW! It’s a tough one! I just do it holding a big 25lb weight though, I haven’t tried it with a bar on my shoulders! I’d probably topple over…
haha too funny about your old spice typo! i actually was reading that post just a few minutes ago and was wondering about that… my question was answered once i got to this post! 😉
mmm delicious breakfast! LOVE blackberries and blueberries – they’re so good right now too! and muenster cheese is definitely my favorite. happy friday julie!
On an unrelated note I was on pinterest and saw someone from my hometown way up in new England posted your behind the door wedding pic.
very cool!
bahahaha i didn’t even catch the old spice line…TOTALLY something i would do 🙂
and those squats are killer!
Your breakfast sandwich and berries look delicious!
I agree with your strategy for Walmart — get in and out while its less populated if possible!
Typos are the best when hilarious
Breakfast looks great this morning! I had a quick question for you…do you ever wake up in the morning and know that you are going to be hungry allllll day?! That happens to me once in a while so I was just wondering how you handle that? Thanks 🙂
oh my gosh, yes. those are my “snack all day” kind of days. i try to make the most of it and pick healthy snacks since i know that no matter what, i’ll want to keep eating. also, try drinking a LOT of water (i like sparkling!), chewing gum or just doing something to keep busy… though, if you’re like me, it’s almost a lost cause on “snacky” days which usually seem to happen around that time of the month for me…
Thanks so much, I definitely woke up today feeling like that! I try and do the same thing, but sometimes I just have to have that chocolate haha….
I just did this move at the gym the other day after seeing someone else perform it earlier in the week. I liked that it worked one leg at a time, but I didn’t know what it was called.
The Hubs and I also celebrated our Date-a-versary the other day (I saw that you guys still celebrate too!).
Then you went to NYC (that’s where I live).
If you make butternut squash pasta sauce tonight for dinner then I’m going to have to say that things are a little weird….lol.
HAHA I noticed the oopsy on the old spice but I thought it was some kind of a spice that I’d never heard of! Too funny!
Haha same here with me. I thought it might just be a mixture of various spices that I hadn’t heard of yet.
Love you blog BTW…
Agree about wal mart. I like to go after my early morning Saturday long runs when no one is there and I won’t get judged for being gross and sweaty!
That is some crazy squat action! There is nothing better than a cute mug. I know, I’m a super dork, but they just make me happy!
This has absolutely nothing to do with your blog and I don’t even know how I thought about it, but what did you ever do with the wedding sneakers your dad gave you? I was looking at the shoes you wore at your wedding and realized they weren’t your sneakers. Those were adorable – and I love that movie!! Inquiring minds want to know.
That is a good move! I love how it makes you work your core, legs, and butt. Score!
What a nice Friday so far for you 🙂
I totally saw the Old Spice mention yesterday and just thought, “hm, Julie must know of some random spices I’ve never head of.” haha I’m glad you didn’t douse your shrimpies in deodorant though 🙂
haha, I totally pictured old bay seasoning when I read old spice cause I love seasoning my shrimp with it, so didn’t even clock the spice!
Ha! I didn’t even notice it! That squat looks ridiculous, btw. Definitely something I would only try in the safety of my living room! lol
Yum, bagels are ALWAYS a great way to start the day.
I hate typos or grammatical errors in my posts (or anything I write).. makes the English major inside me soooo annoyed. 😉
D’oh, you just made me realize I am out of Old Bay. Arrrrrggggghhhhhh!
Just wanted to comment that ever since reading your blog I have now started eating Muenster cheese. I have also issued myself a challenge to try one new “healthy” food a week (really I’m not the picky eater, my husband is), so guess what caught my eye at the grocery store this morning?
Barley! Yup, gonna be cooking up some barley this week. Now to find some recipies.
that mug=adorable!!!
Prepare yourself for some sore buns tomorrow. Im always sooo sore from those when I havnt done them in awhile. Once you get the hang of them you should try doing them on the smith machine, you can do a lot more weight on the smith!
That looks like an awesome and challenging workout! Those berries look great too – I’ve been on berry overload lately!
Hahah! That’s funny! I didn’t even notice that typo, if it makes you feel better! I also HATE finding typo’s after I publish a post. Especially since I read it over soooo many times before I publish it! Happy Friday!!! 🙂
Haha love the typo 😉 That mug is so cute !
Wowza. Those Bulgarian split squats look like a challenge and a half. In my women’s body conditioning class, we did something similar, just without the added weight…and our foot on the ground was on some weird stability thing that resembled a mini Bosu ball…ish…and was basically awful. Haha.
I think it’s really important for your food to smell like a man.
have u ever tried split squats on a swiss ball? i basically cant do them..not coordinated enough hah its hard! those berries look awesome..i miss summer
You have the best mugs! Both are so cute!
Split squats rock!! They’re one of my favorite leg moves, the more you push through your heel and squeeze on the way up the better the burn.
Those mugs are super cute!! Glad you got to take them with you! And Walmart any time of day just sounds intimidating haha but glad you got there before it was too crazy!
LOL Gotta love the freebies from the parents! 🙂 Happy Friday!
Ahhh… one of my favorite leg moves. I usually use dumbbells for it because I find I balance better with dumbbells than the barbell. Does anyone else agree with that?
When that move popped up in NROLFW my legs pretty much rebelled the next day. Hope you’re not too sore tomorrow, it’s a tough one!